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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Korean and Japanese kindergartners holding rising sun flags shouting 'Banzai!', schoolchildren worshiping at Shinto Shrine chanting 'defeat the U.S. and Britain', high school girls ice skating on Chundangji Pond in Changgyeonggung Palace grounds - photos of student life in Seoul, late January 1943

The third and final school semester (January to March) began in Seoul in late January 1943, and the Keijo Nippo news cameramen took photos of student life from many different angles as they started school. Some scenes look ordinary enough: students walking to school, boys practicing Kendo in the cold mornings, schoolgirls working on science projects, high school girls ice skating in the old palace grounds. But look more closely, and you can see some disturbing scenes and elements too - the wartime militaristic propaganda enforced by mandatory visits to Shinto Shrines and celebrations of the Flag of the Rising Sun.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) January 16, 1943

We won't be defeated by the cold!

Dashing young kendo athletes rampage during a cold morning practice session

Spiritedly shouting "Omen!" and "Okote," the youthful kendo athletes valiantly trained barefoot from 7:00 a.m. in an extremely cold morning. Here at Seoul Migeun-dong National School, 100 boys in the fifth and sixth grades were selected to participate in a martial arts cold practice session every morning from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. at the school's auditorium from January 15th to January 20th. On the first day of training, the principal, Mr. Terada, the male school staff, and the children arrived at the school on time.

After the national worship ritual, the students were divided into groups and began sparring, full of energy. After the first day of practice, the students said, "It felt so good! It was cold, but that was nothing when you consider what the soldiers protecting the northern borders have to go through. Studying martial arts like this will help a great deal when we become soldiers," they said, smiling with cheeks like apples. [Photo: Migeun-dong National School students practicing in the cold]

Everyone is in good spirits going to school (article published on January 17)

Today is the beginning of the last school semester

The sounds of strong footsteps of the third school semester are heard at the school gates, which open quickly to the left and right. After a long winter break for training, this group of young students is ready to valiantly fight decisive battles for the final semester of the school year, and they will start school today.

Seoul Teachers College-Affiliated National School, which was the first in all of Korea to end its winter break, will beat the opening drum and rush into the final semester of the school year on January 16th.

After that, the students will move on to the next grade level. The first day of their decisive battle has begun today. [Photo: Students of Seoul Teachers College-Affiliated National School arriving at school after the winter break]

Vigorous young maidens in fierce competition like flying swallows (article published on January 17)

The Ice Competition of Seoul No. 1 Girls' High School, rich with a wartime spirit

The brightness of the silvery ice surface was reflected in the bright blue winter sky. No matter how many degrees below zero it was, the skaters glided over the ice with the lightness of flying swallows.

The Seoul No. 1 Girls' High School Ice Competition were held at a special competition venue set up at Chundangji Pond in Changgyeongwon from 9:00 a.m. on January 16, and the competition began with classroom teams paired against each other in relay races, which was a befitting format for a wartime training event for maidens on the home front. The cheerleading squads were stomping on the ice and cheering enthusiastically as the girls engaged in powerful offensive and defensive battles, as if the relay races were establishing an air defense posture. The girls on the home front were cheerful and lively. The competition ended at around 2:00 p.m., the girls having shown off their vigorous spirit which blew away the winter and the cold. [Photo: The Ice Competition]

Well-behaved young children studying science (article published on January 19)

Wartime education at the Women's Teachers School-Affiliated National School

"Why does this propeller turn?" asked a cute first grader with a bowl haircut as she eagerly fiddled with a model airplane, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"The propeller spins because there is an elastic rubber band, and the propeller spins as the elastic band unravels. Real airplanes have engines," explained a bigger girl in the sixth grade. On the other side of the room, second grade girls were tinkering with paper tanks and cars, expressing their adorable admiration and gratitude for the Imperial Military Science Corps, which has performed brilliantly in the Greater East Asia War. This group of scientific youngsters consists of students of the National School affiliated with Seoul Women's Teachers School. These are the products of the homework projects that each of them worked on during the recent winter break, twisting their young minds with creativity. These homework projects of one hundred promising 'well-behaved children of science' were set up for display in the school work room.

Among the projects made by the older students were a wooden "charcoal box" and a wooden "book stand", as well as beautiful playing cards featuring '100 patriotic poems' made by sixth graders with all their hearts and souls. Surrounded by the happy children and their works, Mr. Watanabe said,

"These are all works that the students voluntarily created during the winter training period as a result of their scientific education, so to speak. I try to nurture the children's creativity as much as possible. I believe that this kind of scientific training will also help them to become highly qualified mothers of healthy soldiers." [Photo: Students at Seoul Women's Teachers School-Affiliated National School performing science]

We will not lose either (article published on January 20)

Hinode National School students pledge to bless the nation with their academic work

The four warm breezes crossed the pine trees on Mount Namsan. But the shrine head was covered with frozen snow that had fallen some time ago. A group of schoolchildren walked up the stone steps of the shrine head. The city of Seoul was spewing morning smoke as the day's activities got underway to fight decisive battles. The group of schoolchildren lined up in front of the Shinto shrine. The children were beginning their third semester of studies at Seoul Hinode National School on January 19th after their winter break. After the opening ceremony at 9:00 a.m. that day, Principal Etō and three other teachers led the children to Keijō Shrine to worship the shrine's guardian deities.

Bowing deeply before the shrine, they let their Imperial blood surge in their young hearts. They vowed with their adorable voices, "We will study even harder with our strong hearts to defeat the U.S. and Britain! We will not lose to British and American children!" They clapped their cute hands and prayed for the longevity and military success of the Imperial Japanese military. They earnestly vowed to serve on the home front as schoolchildren. [Hinode National School students worshiping at Keijō Shrine]

[Note: This Japanese-language academic paper from Kyushu University indicates that Hinode National School only enrolled ethnic Japanese students and few, if any, ethnic Korean students.]

Banzai to the Flag of the Rising Sun! (article published on January 28)

On this day, when you peek into the Patriotic Kindergarten in Seoul, you can see 285 Japanese and Korean children, some as young as six and some as old as seven, lined up in the bright winter yard, holding the "Rising Sun Flag" in their hands. Principal Asagara said to the children:

"Look everyone! This is the flag of Japan, the strongest country in the world. This flag is used by the soldiers who are fighting in the Great War to defeat the soldiers of the United States and Great Britain. Today is the anniversary day of this flag."

Then the "Hinomaru March" began, followed by the lyrics "the Rising Sun is dyed red on white …" which was performed with great energy and enthusiasm. Then, the children celebrated by shouting "Banzai to the Flag of the Rising Sun!" in a loud voice, led by Principal Asagara. [The Rising Sun Flag celebrations at the Patriotic Kindergarten]

[Note: According to this 1942 brochure from the actual kindergarten, there were a total of 287 students: 176 ethnic Japanese students (61%), 108 ethnic Korean students (38%), 2 Chinese students, and 1 Turkish student.]

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京城日報 1943年1月16日



『オメン!』 『オコテ!』裂帛の気合も若々しく少年剣士は、凛冽の寒朝、午前七時からその素足も健気に錬武する。ここ京城渼洞国民学校では同校五、六年生男子百名を選抜して十五日から二十日まで毎朝午前七時より同八時まで講堂を道場として武道寒稽古を行っている。その初日寺田校長初め男子職員、児童達は定刻に参集。


みんな元気に登校 (1月17日)





溌剌乙女ら”飛燕”の熱戦 (1月17日)




科学するヨイコドモ (1月19日)






僕らも負けずに (1月20日)




日の丸の旗バンザイ!! (1月28日)




Monday, January 23, 2023

Imperial Army general describes crowded movie theaters and cafes in Myeong-dong where Japanese and Korean 'young people in flashy overcoats would flow into coffee shops, chatting with their friends using exaggerated American gestures' in his January 1943 essays about daily life in Seoul

I found these four 'slice-of-life' personal essays written by an Imperial Army general in the Imperial Army press department describing his personal thoughts and observations about life in Seoul, which ultimately veer into propaganda exhortations for Korean youth to come to their senses.

Crowded streetcar scene in Seoul, November 28, 1939.

Lining up to ride the streetcar in Seoul, November 28, 1939

  • In the first essay (January 16), the author describes how he sweeps the streets every morning and criticizes the perceived bad manners of the passersby, as well as the uncleanliness of Seoul in general.
  • In the second essay (January 17), the author exhorts people to reduce food and energy waste by throwing away less, even if it means eating the leaves of daikon radish.
  • In the third essay (January 18), he complains about how crowded the streetcars are and how people should walk whenever possible, railing against drunk passengers and idle people who take the streetcar just to hang out at cafes.
  • In the fourth essay (January 19), the author describes the bustling scenes at coffee shops, cafes, and movie theaters where Japanese and Korean young people freely mix, which the author is not very happy about. He gets very judgmental, declaring that coffee shop fans must be exterminated somehow.

This is an ominous prelude to what would follow later on in 1943 and 1944, when jazz music would be banned in cafes, bars, and restaurants (February 1943), and cafes would be raided to catch 'idle people' (August 1943).


New Year Essays by Shūzō Kuramo, Chief of the Korean Army Press Department and Major General of the Imperial Army

Sweeping the Streets (January 16, 1943)

When I wake up, I routinely sweep the street in front of my house. This is for the sake of my health, and first of all, it is very hygienic.

There is an old saying that discipline begins at the front entrance at home. A neat and tidy front entrance gives a good impression to visitors. On the other hand, if the front entrance and the street in front of the house are cluttered, then it is as though the visitors can peer into the house and see the unpleasantness inside.

There is a Senryū poem that says, "They carelessly clean the reception room for visitors". I don't appreciate this.

If you are going to clean anyways, then you should clean the reception room thoroughly. Especially when I look at how Korean people clean, it seems that many of them adopt careless cleaning methods.

When it comes to cleaning, you should clean every nook and cranny, and the most important thing is the finishing touches. All that cleaning will be for nothing if the finishing touches are not tidy. Even if you wipe the top of the desk clean, it will be ruined if you carelessly put an ashtray on it.

It is obvious that there are two ways to arrange things: perpendicularly or in parallel. Otherwise, it is not tidy. The house staff and housewives should remember this.

Now, let's talk about street sweeping. I always sweep the streets every morning. Of course, people pass by while I am sweeping.

As I sweep with brooms and rakes, dust is generated. Some people, usually lazy young men or idle women, pass by with frowns on their faces. If the street is even half swept, they prefer to walk on the clean side of the street. It is obvious that these people have never cleaned the streets themselves.

There are also people like the following. When I am cleaning, they walk on the dirty side of the street that has not been cleaned yet, not on the clean side that has just been cleaned. When they walk by, they never forget to thank me for my hard work. I believe that such people have cleaned the streets before themselves, and they are very conscientious people who do not want to make the cleaned side of the street dirty.

It is human nature that no one would want to pollute something that is beautiful.

People coming from mainland Japan say that Seoul is "an incredibly dirty town". They are always pointing out the pitifully dirty condition of the streets, with phlegm spattered everywhere, paper scraps strewn about, and finally, the public restrooms that are so dirty that you have no choice but to urinate standing right next to them.

If people in each household would take responsibility and clean up even just the street in front of their own homes, then the city would be much cleaner. At least some of the filth would disappear, and there would certainly be fewer illnesses.

Let's clean up the streets together.

On conserving supplies (January 17, 1943)

Japan is not the only country that has supply shortages in wartime. Not only our German and Italian allies, but even the U.S. and Britain, which boasted of their material power, have recently been complaining of supply shortages, especially when it comes to food.

At first, there were some very unhappy complaints that there were not enough supplies, but these days, such complaints are not heard so often anymore. Is it because they know that it is useless to complain? I don't know exactly what is going on, but I think that Japanese people are patiently enduring the inconveniences of daily life with the mindset of 'never complain until we reach victory'.

As you can see, food is also in short supply these days. By the way, what kinds of measures are being taken in the kitchens to cope with food shortages? If we continue to cook the same way as we did in the past, when there was an abundance of food, then the food shortages will continue to grow.

A quick peek into the trash bin makes this point clear. The leaves of daikon radish are thrown away without a care in the world, and a lot of coal is thrown away mixed in with coal combustion scraps. It is a shame. It is wasteful both in terms of conserving supplies and in terms of the labor of the trash collectors.

If you don't have enough supplies, then you have to use 100% of what you don't have enough of. The leaves of daikon radish, trimmings from a sweet potato, or a piece of carrot as fine as a whisker are all fine foods. If we just concentrate on conserving rice, then we tend to forget about the other foods. If we do not make the most of what we have, then we are just not being wise enough.

Let's send a green signal to the kitchens, telling them to switch to a wartime stance as soon as possible!

Walk! Walk! (January 18, 1943)

Not that the Railway Bureau or Seoul Railways asked me to say this, but when the trains are crowded, as they are these days, walking is the only way to go. The trains have many long-distance passengers, so it is impossible to ask them to walk, but it would be better for them to walk if they were on a streetcar. If you are in Seoul, you are encouraged to walk on your way to work in the morning and especially in the evening when you leave work.

It is a great way to stay healthy and reduce congestion.

If you are a woman or a person with children, you will have a hard time getting on the streetcar. No one is kind enough to give you priority, and the conductor would ring the departure bell even though you are in the middle of boarding the streetcar. I am amazed that no one gets hurt. We all need to be a little kinder to each other. It is just very embarrassing.

Of course, there are people on the streetcar who have some urgent business, but there are also people who seem to have nothing better to do than to go out for a cup of tea in the Honmachi area (as you can imagine from the way they talk about it). You should try to avoid riding the streetcar, regardless of whether it is crowded or not. If you walk, you will no longer want to drink tea. Such people, in particular, don't worry about inconveniencing others at all. Let's look at the actual situation on the ground.

One of the things that concerns me is the scene on the last streetcar. Ruddy-faced young or middle-aged gentlemen (?) would get on the last streetcar of the night together with ruddy-faced women who look like they are waitresses from bars or cafés, shamelessly reeking of alcohol. Such completely embarrassing scenes, which bring shame upon subjects of Imperial Japan in a time of war, can still be seen in Seoul.

These are disgusting scenes that I hope will disappear soon!

Maybe if the train conductor had the right to refuse boarding to such people, then the cold nightly breeze would sober them up a little.

Coffee shops, bars, cafés, movie theaters, etc. (January 19, 1943)

I'm not sure how to say this, but let me try to explain. I have no intention of interfering with the business of the coffee shops, bars, cafés, and movie theaters, but I am amazed at how prosperous they are these days.

The coffee shops are packed as soon as they open at around 10:00 a.m., and they continue to be packed until they close. The majority of customers are young people of working age.

When the cafés open for business in the evenings, there are bustling scenes of activity showing 'Japanese-Korean unification'. However, I am not very happy to see 'Japanese-Korean unification' being practiced in such places.

It is no different at movie theaters, where people wait in long lines even before the doors are opened.

Why in the world are the entertainment businesses so prosperous? It makes me feel somewhat ashamed.

Especially on the busy streets of Honmachi and Myeong-dong, young people in flashy overcoats would flow into coffee shops, chatting with their friends using exaggerated American gestures.

They listen to music records, drink coffee and tea (the drinks at such coffee shops don't even taste good these days), and kill precious time. What a waste. It is true that not all of them are idle people, but most of them certainly are.

I hope that these young people, whose blood ought to be boiling with inspiration, will come to their senses in a big way about the current situation. It is not that there is anything wrong with going to such places. However, I believe that the so-called coffee shop fans (silverfish) must be exterminated somehow. Comfort and entertainment are not easily available at bars and cafés. That is indeed the reality of "Japan at war today". Even if we have to do without comforts for one or two years, or even for 50 or 100 years, that is something that we must endure.

We must close our eyes and strive for victory.

This is our present mission. We must only move forward. What can we do in the time that we usually spend at the coffee shop? If you have free time to drink alcohol with women and other such nonsense, then use that time to accomplish something else instead. The scale of my outrage at the apathy of some of the youth is proportionate to the scale of the mission that is entrusted to them.

I pray that the youth of the entire nation will rise up to the occasion.

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新春随想 倉茂周蔵 朝鮮軍報道部長、陸軍少将

道路掃除 (1943年1月16年)














物の節約に就いて (1943年1月17年)







歩け!歩け! (1943年1月18年)








喫茶店、バー、カフェー、映画館など  (1943年1月19年)












Friday, January 20, 2023

In January 1943, Hollywood films were banned in Korea, but 2 French films and 6 German films were showing in Seoul movie theaters: only ‘working women’ could watch Wunschkonzert (1940), a Nazi propaganda drama, and only ‘industrial warriors’ could watch Kora Terry (1940), a German spy thriller

In January 1943, exactly eighty years ago, Imperial Japan was at war, but some Seoul residents still had time to enjoy some of the simple things in life, like going to the movies. To explore what kinds of foreign movies Seoul residents might have watched during this time, I browsed through the January 1943 Keijo Nippo newspapers for any movie ads for foreign films that were showing at movie theaters in Seoul. I identified the movies based on clues left in the ads, like the plot lines and the names of the directors and actors. Unsurprisingly, there were no American or British films, but I did find an eclectic selection of two French movies and six German movies:

French movies:

German movies:

Some of these movies are available to watch online in clips or, in some cases, in their entirety on Youtube or Internet Archive, so I will share links below along with the movie ads. I linked to resources on Wikipedia and the Internet Movie Database wherever I could.

L'homme à l'Hispano (1933) was a French comedy starring Marie Bell (pictured in the ad) and Jean Murat, whose names are printed on the ad. This film was made into a double feature, where you had to sit in for the domestic Imperial Japanese film (闘ふ男) if you wanted to watch the foreign film. The film only showed from January 11th to the 13th. The full movie is available on the Internet Archive here.

 L'homme à l'Hispano (1933) - Keijo Nippo January 11, 1943

Ma soeur de lait (1938) was a French comedy starring Meg Lemonnier (pictured in this ad) and Henri Garat, and directed by Jean Boyer, whose names are printed on the ad. This was also shown as a double feature with a domestic Imperial Japanese film (心は偽らず), and for only three days: January 11th, 12th, and 13th.

 Ma soeur de lait (1938) - Keijo Nippo January 11, 1943

Ein Lied geht um die Welt (1933) was a German musical starring Charlotte Ander (pictured in the ad) and Joseph Schmidt, whose names are printed on this ad. Interestingly, although this film premiered during the Third Reich, it was subsequently banned in Nazi Germany in 1937. But apparently, it was still allowed to be shown in Imperial Japan. This was also shown as a double feature with a domestic Imperial Japanese film (海の見える家), and for only three days: January 22th, 23th, and 24th.

Ein Lied geht um die Welt (1933) - Keijo Nippo January 22, 1943

Rakoczy-Marsch (1933) starred Gustav Fröhlich, Leopold Kramer, Camilla Horn, and Paul Wagner whose names are all printed on this ad. This was also shown as a double feature with a domestic Imperial Japanese film (愛国の花), and for only five days from January 27th.

Rakoczy-Marsch (1933) - Keijo Nippo January 27, 1943

Ihr größter Erfolg (1934) was a film starring Marta Eggerth, pictured and named in this ad. This was also shown as a double feature with a domestic Imperial Japanese film (愛国の花), and only on January 27th. A clip is available on YouTube here

 Ihr größter Erfolg (1934) - Keijo Nippo January 27, 1943

Königswalzer (1935) was a German musical starring Carola Höhn, who is pictured and named in this ad. Although the original 1935 film cannot be found online, clips of the 1955 remake can be found on YouTube. This was also shown as a double feature with a domestic Imperial Japanese film (君を呼ぶ歌), and only on January 24th, 25th, and the 26th. 

 Königswalzer (1935) - Keijo Nippo January 24, 1943

Kora Terry (1940) was a spy thriller starring Marika Rökk (pictured in these ads) and directed by Georg Jacoby, whose names are printed on this ad. This movie required a special invitation to watch, with movie seats preferentially going to "industrial warriors". There was a preview screening of the movie at 9 pm January 30th, and then the movie premiered in Seoul on February 1st. Unlike most of the other foreign films, this one was not paired with a domestic Imperial Japanese film. Two German brochures for this movie are available on the Internet Archive here and here.

Kora Terry (1940), Keijo Nippo January 24, 1943
 Kora Terry (1940) - Keijo Nippo January 27, 1943

Wunschkonzert (1940) was a German drama propaganda film starring Ilse Werner, who is prominently featured on the ads. This movie was apparently heavily promoted in Keijo Nippo, since its ads come up the most frequently among the foreign films advertised on Keijo Nippo. This movie required a special invitation to watch, with movie seats preferentially going to "working women" with "no men allowed". There was a preview screening of the movie at 9:10 pm January 15th, and then the movie premiered in Seoul on January 18th, playing until January 24th. Unlike most of the other foreign films, this one was not paired with a domestic Imperial Japanese film. The German brochure for this movie is available on the Internet Archive here. The full movie (no subtitles) is available on the Internet Archive here. A clip of one of the songs is available on YouTube here

Wunschkonzert (1940) - Keijo Nippo January 10, 1943
Wunschkonzert (1940) - Keijo Nippo January 17, 1943

Wunschkonzert (1940) - Keijo Nippo January 20, 1943

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Sunday, January 15, 2023

Governor Koiso likened Korea to a disabled body whose brain (regime) could not talk to the limbs (Korean people), so an 'exclusive use of Japanese' policy was forced on Koreans, starting with Seoul city employees who were labeled 'inferior' and 'weak-willed' if they still spoke Korean at work (1943)

In 1943, Governor-General Koiso kicked off the new year by intensifying his campaign to further restrict the public spaces in which the Korean language can be used. Apparently, there were still employees in the Seoul prefectural government who spoke Korean at work, but this article from Janauary 1943 indicates that the regime started to crack down on them, so that government employees were no longer allowed to speak Korean at all, either at work or at home. The purported reason for this draconian measure was the "reform of general administration and the simplification of administrative work". To paraphrase it in the words of Governor-General Koiso, the brain and the limbs had to speak the same language for the body to move in an orderly fashion. This was all part of the "Japanese-Korean unification" policy that was ruthlessly pursued to suppress Korean language, culture, and ethnic identity in Korea, leaving lasting trauma that is still being felt even to this day.

Group training of Seoul prefectural government employees


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) January 20, 1943

The year of decisive battles, the rush to put things into practice (2) Seoul Edition

Seoul government employees shave their heads and begin to use the Japanese language regularly

Total efforts to simplify administrative work

"The establishment of a Righteous Korea can only be fully realized by training all 24 million people in the various occupational areas to truly adhere to the true meaning of the National Body as Imperial subjects …" were the words of Governor-General Koiso's instructions. Every word of his instructions at the opening ceremony of his administration was a fireball that shot into our ears and strained our hearts. Let's take a look into the "spirit of training" of the Seoul prefectural government employees who are leading the charge on behalf of the 1,000,000 Seoul residents, who have begun the new year full of vigor and determination.

Heroic battles are being fought in the name of the three encouraging principles of the Governor-General that are the key to dealing with the mountain of prefectural administrative work that is piled up before our eyes: "Thorough practice of character-building and training, decisive increase in production capacity, and epoch-making reform of general administration". These are the enlightened ways for government officials to speedily move forward administrative affairs and reform general administration in the midst of decisive battles. Let's look into how these three calls have inspired the top executives and staff of the Seoul government at the very beginning of the new year, and how they have begun to pledge their resolve.

From 3:00 p.m. on January 19th in the Prefectural Governor's room, there was a "Roundtable Discussion on the Rush to Put Things into Practice". In attendance were Prefectural Governor Furuichi, Mr. Chida, Director of General Affairs, Mr. Hoshimura, Director of Finance, Mr. Tanaka, Director of Internal Affairs, Mr. Matsuo, Director of General Affairs, Mr. Inagaki, Director of the Total National Movement, Mr. Egashira, Director of Industry, Mr. Kaneko, Director of Conscription, Mr. Fujioka, Director of Accounting, and Mr. Takera, Director of Auditing. They have forged strong relationships with Seoul residents by interacting with them at service windows. The participants expressed a level of determination that was appropriate for wartime.

Reporter: "How thorough are the character-building and training programs at the Seoul prefectural government?"

Prefectural Governor Furuichi: "We are doing a great deal. However, that is true of all government offices as well, and we are only doing what we should have been doing all along. For example, all employees visit and worship at Shinto shrines on the 20th of every month, and regular character-building lectures are held at Seoul Citizens Hall on the 10th."

Mr. Matsuo, Director of General Affairs: "The Seoul prefectural government was the first among the government offices to implement the visiting and worshiping at Shinto shrines, and we have been doing it for 12 years since 1932, when Mr. Inoue was Prefectural Governor. The Shūyōkai (Character-Building Association) began in 1938 to host lectures delivered by renowned speakers, and it has been very effective thanks to the cooperation of the Buddhist community, banks, universities, and the military."

Prefectural Governor Furuichi: "Last year, a Misogi Training Session was held at the Shūyōdan (character-building) Dōjō for the executives of the government, which was very effective. Most of the participants were from the Department of the Total National Movement. This year, we are planning to extend the training to all employees as soon as the Dōjō is available."

Mr. Hoshimura, Director of Finance: "It was my first time participating in Misogi, and I attended it only out of curiosity. But as I took the lessons, I discovered how great the Japanese spirit was, and now I am looking at it totally differently. I am currently promoting it to Korean youth."

Mr. Chida, Director of General Affairs: "Regarding physical exercise, each department has been conducting warm-up exercises, but this time we have decided to newly adopt some 'Naval-style exercises'. We are currently conducting a four-day training session for the instructors. We hope to spread the exercises to all 4,000 employees in the near future, so that they can acquire the military spirit and improve their health."

Reporter: "I heard that the prefectural government is conducting military training."

Prefectural Governor Furuichi: "We have already conducted military training several times at Kyōnaka Grounds in order to raise awareness of the need for discipline in the workplace, and the results have been very good each time. This year, we would like to make a special effort to conduct group drills in each department, and we will conduct inspections to ensure the thoroughness of the drills."

Reporter: "I heard that the prefectural government is going to focus exclusively on the regular use of the Japanese language this year. Do you have any ingenious ideas about this in your departments?

Mr. Tanaka, Director of Internal Affairs: "There is one language for 100 million people. The unification of the languages is the first priority for both the reform of general administration and the simplification of administrative work. The exclusive regular use of the Japanese language was agreed upon at the meeting of the heads of the departments on the Day of the Imperial Rescript on the 8th."

Mr. Fujioka, Director of Accounting: "In my department, we are so serious about it that we have even written a sworn pledge, and we hang slogan cards on the telephones encouraging the exclusive regular use of the Japanese language."

Mr. Kaneko, Director of Conscription: "I have always been a strict man, and my employees know it, but I have decided that those who do not use the Japanese language regularly are weak-willed and will not receive any promotions or bonuses." (laughter)

Mr. Matsuo, Director of General Affairs: "I held a regular meeting in the department, and everyone made a pledge to speak correct Japanese at home as well, since the home is an extension of the government office."

Reporter: "His Excellency the Governor-General compares the current situation in Korea to defects of the brain and nervous system, and he is apparently changing the situation where the policies and guidelines that he had planned have often been inadequately put into practice."

Prefectural Governor Furuichi: "In order for the four limbs to work in an orderly fashion and with immediate responsiveness under the command of the brain and nervous system, there is no other way but to forcibly put into practice the training of Imperial subjects for everyone, regardless of whether they are government officials or ordinary people. Reform of the general administration is an urgent task at this time."

Mr. Tanaka, Director of Internal Affairs: "I believe that the bad habit of government offices is that they maintain the status quo and lack progress, stretching out one day into ten years. They refuse to acknowledge any room for improvement, and it seems that there is a lot of waste hidden in the current wartime state of affairs."

Mr. Kaneko, Director of Conscription: "Some of the employees may be considered inferior, but I try to set my own inherent disposition as an example. I always admonish my subordinates by reminding them that I have not missed a day of work or taken a vacation day in the 31 years since I arrived in Korea."

Mr. Fujioka, Director of Accounting: "I sometimes hear complaints at the service window, so I try to be as prompt as possible in my work and avoid wasting time with regulations."

Mr. Takera, Director of Auditing: "Above all, we need to reform our personnel. It is no good if they are absent or tardy, or if they take their 20-day vacation as a matter of course."

Mr. Tanaka, Director of Internal Affairs: "We hold a special Jingu Taima exorcism ceremony in front of the department, and hold a morning meeting every morning at 9:00 a.m. Those who are late are not allowed to enter because of the shame that they bring." (laughter) "Thanks to this, we have increased our attendance rate at work."

Mr. Inagaki, Director of the Total National Movement: "This year, I would like to thoroughly enforce the 'shaved head' movement. Unless there are special circumstances, all workers should have their heads shaved."

Mr. Egashira, Director of Industry: "On my part, I have taken the initiative in cutting off most of my hair, and this attitude has been immediately reflected in my work and has had a positive effect. I believe that the increase in production capacity is also a result of a selfless and dedicated attitude toward work in the workplace."

The top leadership of the Seoul Prefectural Office, the capital of the Korean peninsula, is in high spirits. The cry to rush forward to put things into practice will be heard in the hearts of the 1,000,000 residents of Seoul. This year, we will see "Our Governor-General" put great things into practice in a big way. Let's go, Seoul!

[Photo: Group training of Seoul prefectural government employees]



京城日報 1943年1月20日

決戦の年・実践驀進(2) 京城府の巻






























Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Western firms including Shell, Mobil, HSBC, Otis Elevator, Singer were active in colonial Korea, a US firm had a corn starch factory in Pyongyang, until the regime confiscated their assets with the outbreak of war, accused of having a 'Jewish spirit' which 'exploits the entire wealth of mankind'

This is an article from December 1942, and it particularly stands out for its especially antisemitic, anti-American, and anti-British messaging. It is part of a series of articles written to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Pacific War against the United States, which began with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th local time (December 8th Japan time) in 1941. Setting aside the hateful content, this article provides a unique insight into the British and American corporations that were actively operating in Korea before they were confiscated by Imperial Japanese authorities about two months after the outbreak of war.

The article lists 15 British and American corporations actively operating in colonial Korea, including what were apparently joint ventures operating under the names of local companies, like Sakuma Industries, Pyonggang Industries, Unchang Industries, and a U.S. joint venture, Corn Product Refining Company, that apparently ran a corn starch factory in Pyongyang. Shell and Mobil had gas stations throughout Korea. Singer Corporation sold sewing machines to the Korean public under layaway plans. Other surprising appearances include HSBC, Otis Elevators, North British Mercantile Insurance Company, and Commercial Union Insurance Company.

Unlike colonies run by Western countries, Imperial Japan allowed Western companies to come and operate inside Korea from the very beginning, when Korea was annexed in 1910. Western missionaries set up hospitals and schools, and mining operations were started by Western companies. However, leading up to 1941, restrictions against Westerners were gradually escalated. In April 1940, Westerners were no longer allowed to buy land in major cities and within 4 kilometers of railroads. In July 28, 1941, regulations for the control of foreign nations, aimed at U.S. and Philippines residents, were passed, and even stricter regulations were passed after the outbreak of war.

I was able to figure out many of the company names and the above background information thanks to an excellent 2011 Japanese-language academic paper (PDF) entitled "The Management and Disposal of the Westerner's Property in Colonial Korea during the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Pacific War and the Korean Liberation Period, 1937-1948", written by Ahn Jong-cheol (안종철, 安鍾哲).

However, further offline research will be needed to clarify some issues about this list. What company was "Compronpial"? My speculation is, maybe they misread the faded text saying "Compton" as "Complon", and the actual name of the company started with "Compton". There is no online historical information about many of the listed companies, including "Compton", Uo-oto pharmaceuticals, and the local companies, so the historical trail will have to be picked up offline in libraries.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) December 5, 1942

Roots stretched throughout all of Korea

The epitomy of loan sharks,

Totally reborn into a new wing of the war effort

Shut out the United States and Britain!

One year since [the start of the Pacific War on December 8th]

Production Edition

Of our country's total production, the amount of production that the Korean peninsula assumes as a military base of operations is [redacted] billion yen, or about 10% of our country's total production. The clutches of the enemy's capital extended even into this great peninsula's output. Before the war, the amount of the enemy's capital reached a total of [redacted], turning the Korean peninsula into a bastion of American and British capitalism's aggression and exploitation of Greater East Asia by casting an insidious web of financial power.

As soon as the Greater East Asia War broke out, at 10:00 a.m. on December 9 of last year, the Ministry of Finance issued regulations (asset freezes) for the control of foreign nationals. The Ministry of Finance issued a notice to the American and British nationals that all general permission orders would be forfeited. Even in Korea, the Enemy Assets Control Law was immediately enforced on December 12 of that year to actively control assets belonging to the enemy and quasi-enemy nationals. On February 7, the Enemy Assets Control Law was implemented for trading companies, especially commercial corporations belonging to the production sector. Here, the Japanese government confiscated enemy assets, which now play a role in the war aims of the new Japan that prospers as it fights. Active efforts have begun to use the confiscated enemy assets to supply the war effort. The following are some of the major confiscated enemy assets:

Firstly, the U.S. and British oil companies including Standard Vacuum Oil Company (U.S.), Rising Sun Petroleum (U.K.), The Texas Company (China) Limited (U.S.), followed by Singer Corporation (U.S.), Compronpial (U.S.), and Nippon National (U.S.). Japanese grain companies and others include Uo-oto Pharmaceutical Company (U.S.), North British Mercantile Insurance Company (U.K.), Tōyō Otis Elevator (U.S.), Shinkō Cotton (U.K.), Hongkong and Shanghai Bank (U.K.), Commercial Union Insurance Company (U.K.), Sakuma Industries (U.S.), Pyonggang Industries (U.K.), and Unchang Industries (U.K.). The capitalization of these 15 companies amounted to over [redacted] million yen.

The three oil companies alone had invested 450,000,000 yen. They built an oil depot in Busan and expanded their sales channels to all corners of the Korean peninsula, making a strong inroad into Korea's economic world and focusing on invasion and exploitation. They attracted attention by using the symbol of a heavenly horse or a shell-shaped mark on street corners. Gasoline stations and signage were also outlandishly set up in the streets.

Those dens of U.S. and British aggression are still fresh in our memories, but in the first year of the Holy War, the people's determination to destroy the U.S. and Britain, their sworn enemies, successfully swept away the Americans and the British, and the stronghold of aggression that they had built over the past hundred years was replaced by the blade of justice that was aimed at their throats. The taxis, trucks, and buses that sped through the streets have now been replaced by fuel-efficient vehicles, and the triumphant songs of scientific Japan are now played in high spirits. Out of mischief, gas stations previously painted with bright red and yellow paint were reduced to signboards calling for the defeat of the U.S. and Britain.

Yoshikuni Nakatani was newly appointed to become president of the U.S.-affiliated Japan Grain Company, which boasts a vast site and modern facilities on the banks of the Taedong River in Pyongyang with a capital investment of 780 million yen. He has been making strenuous efforts to increase food production for Japan, which is now fighting a new battle every day. In April 1930, the U.S.-affiliated company began manufacturing starch from Korean corn, with an annual production of [redacted] hundred-thousand tons. In the meantime, he paid 200,000 a year to the U.S. government for the use of a U.S. patent, and also manufactured high-grade oil and chemicals as by-products. The company expanded its sales channels not only within Korea and mainland Japan, but also in the Chinese mainland. They were literally enjoying the beautiful juice of exploitation, and they had cast and unleashed their plutocratic financial web. They have always exploited under the guise of "equal opportunity" and the welfare of mankind. It is the Jewish spirit to spread surplus money all over the world and exploit the entire wealth of mankind in all corners of the world. The Greater East Asia War is also a war to drive this Jewish spirit out of the land and skies over Greater East Asia.

Their ingenious and extremely vicious dollar policies ate up nations and insatiably sucked the blood and fat of the world's humanity. The death struggles between Germany and the Soviet Union, the defeat of France, and the downfall of the Netherlands and other small countries were all the results of their schemes. We can all be taken in by their ingenious schemes before we even know it. A good example is the monthly installment sales of Singer sewing machines.

When we think about the fact that most of the people to whom they sold these machines were meager monthly wage earners, and that most of them were using their meager paychecks to support their greed, we still become infuriated at the insatiable inhumanity of it all. The monthly installment system is a vicious business scheme designed by the U.S. to squeeze every last penny out of the world's poor.

One year after the war began, the world's loan sharks, the U.S. and Britain, have been completely defeated, and even here on the Korean peninsula, the triumphal song of victory over the U.S. and Britain has been loudly proclaimed. All enemy facilities have now become activated as important parts of Japan's war efforts, rehabilitated as the driving force for the grand creation of Greater East Asia. The peoples of the Philippines, East Indies, Malaysia were previously deprived of their lands and had their nations destroyed, but they are now growing rapidly under the warm military rule of the Imperial Japanese forces.

The world's loan sharks have been using all kinds of tactics to continue inflicting suffering. They want beds, clothes, hats, and even shoes to be paid for by monthly installments. It is more difficult to provide healthy lives to the people under such a system than it is for a great person to be born from perfectly ordinary parents. Moreover, their usual modus operandi is to hone in on people who are in difficult situations, beat up each and every member of the human race, and then seize their land after first wreaking havoc on the national characters of their nations. [Photo: An abandoned gas station]



京城日報 1942年12月5日

















Forgotten Korean Suicide Attacker ‘Hero’ celebrated by Imperial Japan: Park Gwan-bin (박관빈, 朴官彬) charged into an Allied machine-gun nest clutching an anti-tank explosive during the Burma Campaign in Dec. 1944

In the annals of forgotten history, few figures exemplify the complex and tragic reality of Korean soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army qu...