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Showing posts with label 1939. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1939. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Niece of Korean collaborator nobleman Yoon Deok-yeong (윤덕영, 尹徳栄) was featured in 1939 article declaring ‘I really want to marry a Japanese man’ and adopting the Japanese surname ‘Izu’ to improve her marriage prospects

The following article from 1939 features a young 21-year-old Korean woman celebrating her newly given ability to change her surname to a Japanese one so that she can find a Japanese husband more easily. 

Miss Yoon Hee-yeong smiling as she reads about the November 1939 decree in the Keijo Nippo Newspaper.

This story was presumably published to encourage Koreans to adopt Japanese last names in the wake of a November 1939 ordinance that was issued to require the creation of Japanese family names for all Koreans.

This young Korean woman was not just any woman, but the niece of a prominent Korean nobleman, Yoon Deok-yeong (윤덕영, 尹徳栄), who is widely reviled in Korea today as a pro-Japanese collaborator. Even being a distant relative of the prominent nobleman appeared to confer advantages for her, since she was able to find employment at Sanseido, a renowned publishing company known for its dictionaries.

Published in Keijo Nippo, the colonial newspaper and official mouthpiece of the Imperial Japanese government that ruled Korea from 1905 to 1945, one propaganda purpose of this article was probably to encourage Korean women to adopt Japanese surnames by enticing them with the prospect of attracting Japanese men more easily. Another propaganda purpose was probably to encourage Japanese men to consider marrying Korean women, as a part of the overall Japanese-Korean Unification (naisen ittai, 内鮮一体) policy of Imperial Japan.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 14, 1939

A hopeful start toward the unification of the "family system" [4]

"I really want to marry a Japanese man," says Miss Yoon, relieved from her worries

"It is quite absurd to have two surnames within the same country. Having two surnames naturally divides people, doesn't it? The Japanese language is used as the standard language, while the Korean language is only for home use. Furthermore, Korean is just a local language understood only by people like my parents who don't know the standard language."

Miss Yoon Hee-yeong (윤희영, 尹嬉栄) lives in 2-47 Gye-dong, Seoul, and she is a 21-year-old employee of Sanseido Seoul branch. She continues with glistening eyes:

"If any man comes and spends time in Korea for a year or two, he would understand the merits of Korean women. However, Japanese men judge women merely for having surnames like 'Yoon' or 'Lee', failing to see the goodness within those names."

"It's wrong to dislike someone just based on labels," Miss Yoon argued, her eyes widening slightly. Miss Yoon was born in Gye-dong, Seoul, as the eldest daughter of Yoon Byeong-gu (윤병구, 尹丙求), who is the brother of the great nobleman Yoon Deok-yeong (윤덕영, 尹徳栄). After graduating with honors from Gyeonggi Girls' High School in March 1937, she helped with household chores, sewing, and flower arrangement for about a year.

But she realized that it was hard to get a real-world education unless she went out into the streets. Bravely deciding to join the women's professional front, she started working as a clerk at a branch of Sanseido in Hasegawa-chō (present-day Sogong-ro) in Seoul last December.

On the 31st of last month, even when her colleague Kenjirō Yamamuro (27 years old) was honored with military deployment, Miss Yoon stayed up late at the entrance of Honmachi District, sewing a Sen'ninbari amulet, which deeply moved Mr. Yamamuro.

"Instead of saying that Miss Yoon sent the Sen'ninbari amulet, doesn't it sound more pleasing to the ear with better rhythm if you say that Miss Izu sent the amulet?" Miss Yoon explained. She had never thought about marriage during her school days, but now she feels that it is not a bad time to start considering it at her age. Lately, she occasionally dreams of the future. However, her beautiful dreams had always been marred by the impossibility of changing her surname to a Japanese one.

"If I am really permitted to do so, I'd like to marry a Japanese man … but with my current surname, it's tough," Miss Yoon repeatedly contemplates and agonizes. However, a groundbreaking decree that instantly alleviated the worries of a generation of young women across the Korean peninsula was finally issued. Holding the evening edition of the Keijo Nippo Newspaper from the 9th, Miss Yoon began to worry again while, at the same time, she suppressed the excitement in her chest. Her two cheerful worries were about how to persuade her father and what Japanese surname to choose, leading to her delightful worries about marriage.

[Photo caption: Miss Yoon pondering her cheerful worries]


京城日報 1939年11月14日














Friday, October 27, 2023

Japanese Keijo Nippo reporters interviewed Korean abductee held captive in May 1939 by Kim Il-sung’s Korean communist guerrillas in Taehongdan (대홍단, 大紅湍)-the fighters mostly conversed in Chinese, abducted young men for recruiting, beheaded comrades for breaking strict male-female conduct rules

I found these remarkable 1939 Japanese articles about Kim Il-sung and his comrades in Keijo Nippo (Gyeongseong Ilbo), the official propaganda newspaper of the Imperial Japanese colonial regime that governed Korea from 1905 to 1945. The article from June 23, 1939 takes us on an interesting journey into the aftermath of the Battle of Taehongdan of May 1939, offering a unique perspective that has long been overshadowed by the North Korean account of this historical event.

Colonial security forces standing in front of Mr. Horimoto's home, which was raided by Kim Il-sung's men in May 1939.

What sets the June 23rd article apart is its exclusive interview with a Korean abductee who spent five harrowing days in captivity with none other than Kim Il-sung's band of guerrilla fighters. While the North Korean narrative has dominated online discussions, we now have a rare opportunity to compare it with the Imperial Japanese account of what transpired during that fateful battle.

One intriguing parallel that emerges is the number of casualties. Kim Il-sung's "Reminiscences" state that there were two injuries and one fatality on his side, as documented in Volume 7, page 187. In contrast, the Korean abductee's account reveals that 2 or 3 guerrillas were injured, with one of them severely. However, the Korean abductee goes a step further by providing fascinating insights, such as the revelation that the working language of the guerrillas was predominantly Chinese. Surprisingly, they only switched to Korean when communicating with the Korean abductee, who couldn't converse in Chinese.

This revelation seems to challenge Kim Il-sung's apparent need for a member fluent in Chinese to act as a liaison with ethnic Chinese in southern Manchuria, as implied in pages 82-83 of Volume 7 of his "Reminiscences." Indeed, according to Soviet archives, when Kim arrived in Korea in August 1945, his Korean was not very good, though he was fluent in Chinese and conversant in Russian, and he had to be fed a speech to learn and practice reading aloud in Korean (Source: The Impossible State: North Korea, Past and Future by Victor Cha). The question arises: why did Kim Il-sung conceal the fact that his group primarily communicated in Chinese during this period?

Another eye-opening aspect of the Korean abductee's testimony is the use of abduction as a recruitment tool to bolster their ranks with young individuals. Furthermore, we have an account from a Japanese abductee featured in another newspaper article published a few days earlier than the one describing Taehongdan, though it provides fewer details and focuses mainly on Kim Il-sung's appearance.

These extraordinary articles opens up a treasure trove of historical insights and raises thought-provoking questions about the Battle of Taehongdan and Kim Il-sung's guerrilla forces. Here is a link to the English copy of the Reminiscences of Kim Il Sung on the Marxists website. Select the Volume 7 and search the PDF for 'Taehongdan' for the relevant passages.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) June 23, 1939

Anti-Bandit Frontline Reconnaissance (6)

The Bandits are Mostly Young Men

We hear from the abductees about the daily lives of the bandits

The Final Course

Since the tenth was the anniversary of that incident, everyone unusually gathered at eight in the morning. Now we headed to our final destination: Taehongdan (대홍단, 大紅湍) in the innermost part of the foot of Mount Jangsan (장산령, 長山嶺). We got on a truck, and the journey began in Samjang (삼장, 三長). Diverging from the riverbank road at Samsang-dong (삼상동, 三上洞), we followed the small streams, enduring the truck's violent rolling for several hours on treacherous mountain roads. Just before noon, we arrived at Kaetak-dong (개탁동, 開拓洞). During the journey, we were guarded by several security personnel, including Deputy Police Chief Shiramizu, who had joined us from Samsang-dong, and they also pushed the truck when it stalled.

Kaetak-dong is a rafting area for Northern Korean Paper Manufacturing, where about 50 raftsmen live. On the 24th of last month, it suffered the most significant damage in the recent incident when bandits attacked and abducted head raftsman Sakamoto Tetsuji (age 35) and around twenty others, plundering 900 yen in cash. Today, Mr. Horimoto's house, one of the places attacked by the bandits, stands forlornly deserted on a corner of the riverbank.

We were welcomed here by Deputy Police Chief Shimatsu (Elite Provincial Division), and after trekking for another two Ri (7.9 km) on terrible roads, we arrived at Taehongdan. We paid a consolation visit to the Shimatsu squad, immediately turned around our vehicle, and returned to Kaetak-dong. While dwelling on the past in the vacant house of Mr. Horimoto, a victim of the vividly distressing bandit attack, we ate our "Hinomaru" bento boxes. Here, we gathered around Kim Jae-ho (김재호, 金在濠) (age 42), who was abducted by bandits for five days, underwent hardships deep in the dense forest, and recently managed to escape. We listened to his testimony, an honest eyewitness account of the bandits' daily life. Here is a summary:

Abductee's Account

Q: What were the circumstances when you were abducted?

A: The bandits stormed into my house and immediately told me to carry some things and follow them. They forced me to carry rice and chestnuts, and took me away.

Q: What kind of weapons did they have?

A: They had unusually long guns, regular rifles, short pistols, and long swords.

Q: What were they talking about?

A: Initially they spoke in Chinese, so I could not understand them.

Q: What did they look like?

A: They were mostly young men under 30. There were six women among them who wore a top that resembled a military uniform and a bottom like a Korean Chima (skirt).

Q: What happened when they encountered the security forces and engaged in combat?

A: While they were fleeing, they encountered the security forces and fought four or five times. They just kept telling us to run and pulled us along aimlessly.

Q: How many casualties did the bandits have?

A: Two or three were wounded near the Cheonwang-dang (천왕당, 天王堂) area in Taehongdan. One was severely injured, and one of the abductees had to carry him.

Q: How many bandits were there?

A: They were divided into several groups of about ten people each. When the sun set, many more gathered from all around the foot of Mount Jangsan. I did not count, but there might have been about 300. They set up 13 tents and slept there. The tents were larger than this house and had a large furnace set up in the center, and they guarded the perimeter. About thirty people were staying in each tent.

Q: What did they feed you?

A: They gave us porridge made of chestnuts and steamed barley, which tasted terrible. But I had no choice but to eat because I was starving.

Q: Did they abuse you? And did they speak any Korean?

A: They did not beat me. When they realized I did not understand Chinese, they started speaking in Korean with an accent that seemed like it was from around Pyeonganbuk-do.

Q: What were the bandits mostly talking about?

A: There were around 30 abductees, and they were strongly encouraged to join their ranks. They did not say anything to the older ones like us, but they seemed to be brainwashing the young with communism. Every morning, everyone gathered around the tent, and someone who appeared to be the leader (or Kim Il-sung) gave some instructions in Chinese.

Strict Male-Female Relations

Q: What about the bandits' male-female relations?

A: I am not sure, but they were very strict. I heard that anyone who broke the prohibition was routinely beheaded.

Although these may be superficial observations, this fragmented Q&A does seem to provide some sense of their daily lives.

[Photo = The house in Kaetak-dong of Mr. Horimoto, who was attacked by the bandits]

Gyeongseong Ilbo June 3, 1939

Astonished by Female Bandits

Kim Il-sung was a Gentleman

A Kidnap Victim Shares His Experience

[Telephone Report from Ranam] On the 22nd of last month, a person who had been kidnapped by bandits in the jurisdiction of the Samjang Police Station returned and spoke about the interesting inner workings of the bandits, based on his experiences of living with them deep in the mountains for over ten days.

One surprising thing was the presence of many female bandits among them, not just men as he had initially thought. These people are primarily ethnic Koreans from the Gando region and usually handle cooking and sewing for the bandits.

It was unique that they cook rice in a washbasin, but it was also surprising that they skillfully made Western clothes and combat hats using a proper hand-operated sewing machine. All of them uniformly expressed nostalgia for their homeland and said they wanted to return to Korea as soon as possible.

He met the leader who introduced himself as Kim Il-sung. Kim was a fair-skinned, good-looking man in his thirties, about 5 shaku and 5 or 6 sun tall (167 to 170 cm tall). He was bald, wore a combat hat, dressed in brown woolen clothes, and wore jika-tabi footwear.


京城日報 1939年6月23日


































京城日報 1939年6月3日









Friday, October 13, 2023

Japanese abductee escaped Korean Communist guerrillas in 1939 and told police about meeting Kim Il-sung and his comrades, many of whom were women

This is a short article from 1939 where a Japanese abductee escaped captivity from Korean Communist Guerrillas to tell the Japanese police in Ranam, Korea about meeting Kim Il-sung and his comrades, many of whom were women.


Gyeongseong Ilbo June 3, 1939

Astonished by Female Bandits

Kim Il-sung was a Gentleman

A Kidnap Victim Shares His Experience

[Telephone Report from Ranam] On the 22nd of last month, a person who had been kidnapped by bandits in the jurisdiction of the Samjang Police Station returned and spoke about the interesting inner workings of the bandits, based on his experiences of living with them deep in the mountains for over ten days.

One surprising thing was the presence of many female bandits among them, not just men as he had initially thought. These people are primarily ethnic Koreans from the Gando region and usually handle cooking and sewing for the bandits.

It was unique that they cook rice in a washbasin, but it was also surprising that they skillfully made Western clothes and combat hats using a proper hand-operated sewing machine. All of them uniformly expressed nostalgia for their homeland and said they wanted to return to Korea as soon as possible.

He met the leader who introduced himself as Kim Il-sung. Kim was a fair-skinned, good-looking man in his thirties, about 5 shaku and 5 or 6 sun tall (167 to 170 cm tall). He was bald, wore a combat hat, dressed in brown woolen clothes, and wore jika-tabi footwear.


京城日報 1939年6月3日









Copy of news article at the Internet Archive.

Note: I also photographed a copy of the article in the National Library of Korea. Since the newspaper copies from the Internet Archive and the National Library of Korea were different, comparing and contrasting the smudged and blurred newsprint in both copies helped me decipher the text.

Copy of news article photographed at the National Library of Korea.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Imperial Japan’s manhunt for the “Communist Bandit Kim Il-Sung” in the late 1930’s was sensationalized in news headlines all over Korea, capturing the imagination of the Korean public under colonial rule

Continuing my exploration of Korean colonial-era newspapers from the 1930s and 1940s, available on the Internet Archive since 2021, I stumbled upon a series of fascinating articles about Kim Il-sung, the future founder of North Korea. Given that many of these details differ significantly from publicly available biographies of Kim Il-sung, I thought this would be of interest to the community here.

It is crucial to understand that these articles were sourced from Gyeongseong Ilbo (also known as Keijo Nippo), the official newspaper of the Imperial Japanese colonial administration, which governed Korea from 1905 to 1945. Though the paper was a propaganda tool, it was also the most widely read newspaper in Korea at the time. Only around 15% of Koreans had the literacy to read the newspaper, but the information would likely have spread through word of mouth.

Here are the noteworthy differences:

  1. Kim Il-sung allegedly went to the Soviet Union at age 19 (~1930) for university studies. In contrast, most sources claim he didn't go to the Soviet Union until 1940.
  2. The place of Kim Il-sung's birth is listed as either South Hamgyong or North Pyongan, differing from most sources which point to South Pyongan.
  3. There are varying accounts of his birth year: ~1901 according to a 1937 article, ~1911 according to the May 1939 article, and ~1909 according to the June 1939 article. Most sources agree he was born in 1912.
  4. Kim Il-sung imposter theory: Kim Il-sung was allegedly killed in November 1937. The May 1939 article suggests that Kim Il-sung was killed in 1936, and someone named Kim Young-san may have assumed Kim Il-sung's identity then. However, the June 1939 article appears to downplay this theory. Most modern historians today do not entertain this theory.

I also noted some similarities in the news articles with prevailing North Korean narratives:

  1. Both the articles and North Korean narratives agree that Mount Baekdu served as Kim Il-sung's base for anti-Japanese activities during the 1930s.
  2. The articles corroborate North Korean claims that Kim Il-sung's father, Kim Hyong-jik, was involved in the independence movement and was executed for it.

The copy of the June 1939 article from the Internet Archive was largely illegible, but I was able to decipher sections discussing Kim Il-sung and O Paek-ryong, a future high-ranking general of North Korea. O Paek-ryong (오백룡, 呉白龍) is depicted as defiant towards colonial authorities, even demanding they pay taxes to him instead of the other way around.

Here is what I could understand from the faded text: A colonial official was said to have sent a letter to O Paek-ryong asking him to pay his taxes (いい加減にもう年貢を収めたらどうか?). In response, O Paek-ryong sent back a letter asking them to pay taxes to him instead, and that they were a pathetic bunch of people whose days were numbered (お前達こそいい加減にもう年貢を収めたらどうか?余命幾許も無いお前達は実に哀れなものだ). Between May 20, 1939 and June 16, 1939, the bandits made incursions into Korea at four locations and had 11 skirmishes with colonial security forces. 2-3 days prior to June 16, 1939, they also assaulted a bus and killed 3 ethnic Japanese people, stole some gold items, and set fire to the bus with gasoline.

I am planning a visit to the National Library of Korea later this month to examine physical copies of Keijo Nippo and satiate my curiosity about the late 1944 to 1945 issues. However, if there is community interest in the 1939 mentions of Kim Il-sung and his comrades, I will certainly prioritize that during my upcoming trip.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 18, 1937

The suffering of the residents along the Korean-Manchurian border is now resolved: Communist Bandit Kim Il-Sung's Death

Statement by the Korean Army Office on November 17th - Kim Il-sung has long been residing on the opposite bank of the Yalu River in Changbai and Fusong Counties. Under the incitement of the Comintern, he has been advocating communism to the local residents and making efforts to cultivate anti-Manchukuo and anti-Japanese sentiments. At times, he has carried out slaughter and pillage, causing suffering to innocent people. Sometimes, he hatches treacherous plans against the Japanese-Manchurian forces, thereby significantly threatening the public order in Manchukuo. According to sources, on November 13th, a Manchurian anti-bandit squad confirmed Kim Il-sung's location, attacked him, and after five hours of fierce fighting, finally beheaded him, singing a song of triumph.

If this is indeed true, not only the residents who have long suffered under his oppression will rejoice, but the Korean Army authorities, who have a great concern for public order along the Korean-Manchurian border, will be filled with indescribable joy. Respect is expressed for the hard work and effort of the Manchurian anti-bandit squad.

Father and Son Across Two Generations of Treachery: The Mastermind of the Attack on Pochonbo

Is he a hero of the verdant woods? Who was Kim Il-sung, who traversed the eastern borderlands? He was said to be born in South Hamgyong or, according to some theories, in South Pyeongan. According to the investigation of the border police, the South Hamgyong theory is more credible, and beyond that, his origins are unclear — a fitting background for a bandit. From a young age, Kim Il-sung crossed the border with his father, based himself in the eastern borderlands, started a revolutionary movement, and became its leader. As the revolutionary movement expanded across the river, red devils appeared behind the scenes, inciting them with communist thought.

Tainted red, at around the age of 19, Kim Il-sung snuck into Moscow, the Mecca of the People's Front. He spent ten months in Russia, where he studied at a communist university, and furthermore joined the Red Army, becoming a practitioner of anti-Japanese activities. As soon as the Manchurian Incident broke out, he returned immediately to the eastern border, joined forces with bandit groups led by leaders such as Wang Fengge (王鳳閣) and Cao Guo'an (曹国安), and started an anti-Manchurian and anti-Japanese army, disrupting the border. Kim Il-sung, the only intellectual among the bandits, rapidly rose to become the leader of his comrades, and he stubbornly continued anti-Manchurian activities for about six years. The name "Communist Bandit Kim Il-sung" echoed throughout Manchukuo, often troubling the anti-bandit squads. Notably this spring, he attacked Pochonbo on the second line of the South Hamgyong border, resulting in several casualties among the brave Hyesan Police who were staunchly defending the border.

Kim Il-sung, who continued anti-Japanese and anti-Manchurian activities for two generations with his father, was finally cornered by the brave anti-bandit squad, and at the age of 36, his life of turbulence came to a close, putting an end to his evil dreams.

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) May 28, 1939

Bandit Tales: Child of Destiny, Kim Il-Sung

A Focus on Recent Guerrilla Tactics


When we hear that bandits have appeared in North Hamgyong, those unfamiliar with the situation immediately seem to think that these bandits are operating in the hills behind Chongjin, but it is by no means a laughing matter. There was a time when a large bandit raid occurred deep in Musan and was reported in bold headlines in the newspapers. As a result, we received letters of sympathy all the way from mainland Japan. Several years have passed since then, but bandits have once again invaded the border of North Hamgyong by circling around Baekdu Mountain from the South Hamgyong border area. They have clashed with the security forces for several days. Chief of Police Tsui recently stated, "Since people unfamiliar with local conditions may think that the bandits have invaded areas like Chongjin or Rason, I want things to be clearly reported to avoid misunderstandings. I do not think it is good to give the general impression that North Hamgyong is an unsafe place in terms of public order, as this would not be conducive to the progress of North Hamgyong." Apparently, the general public perception about the "bandits of North Hamgyong" is inadequate.

Generally speaking, it is regrettable that there is even temporary bandit activity around the Korea-Manchuria border, which is lauded as the "royal road to paradise." At a time when the whole country is working to construct a New Asia, and the glorious song of the advance army of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere is playing loudly, when viewed from the grand scheme of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, the issues in that region, which is but a small corner, may seem trivial like so many insignificant orchids, but they are not without problems. However, we must say that the repeated occurrence of these ill-fated incidents disrupting public order in this small corner of our continental forward base is a serious matter. But when all is said and done, this represents the last gasp of breath for these bandits whose days are numbered on the land of Chongjin.

Now then, what is the current situation of these bandits who are disruptors of the peace in the Korean-Manchurian region, and who are detestable enemies of culture? What is their lineage? Organization? Strongholds? Recent activities? Let us attempt to explain these various issues a little. (North Hamgyong News Bureau)

**Structure and Organization**

While we do not have detailed information about the structure and organization of these bandits, they are generally part of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army. Below that are the First to Fourth Route Armies, which have First to Sixth Armies under them. Each army further divides into divisions and regiments. Today's bandits are by no means a rabble. They have a proper military organization and display considerable discipline, training, equipment, and coordination. The bandits that are active in the dense forests across from North and South Hamgyong are primarily under Yang Jingyu (楊靖宇) and include a faction led by Kim Il-sung. Yang Jingyu, a Manchu, is a formidable character who holds a military commander's position. Yang Jingyu has made Tonghua, Jilin, Huanan, Ning'an, and Dunhua among others his strongholds, and has single-handedly controlled northeastern Manchuria. He himself has become the commander of his First Army, appointed An Guangxun (安光薫) as the political leader and Kim Se-Hyung (김세형, 金世衡) as the chief of staff. Leading from the First Division to the Sixth Division, he reigns supreme, acting like a king of the verdant woods with great aplomb.

Kim Il-sung, who attacked Pochonbo in South Hamgyong last year and committed murder using every possible means, is currently waging combat against our suppression squad after invading North Hamgyong from the South Hamgyong border area again today. Kim Il-sung is Yang's trusted subordinate and heads the Sixth Division. He is just 28 years old. Kim Il-sung has an extremely violent nature, and he is very familiar with the conditions within Korea due to his numerous raids. He is disrupting public order by appearing and disappearing as if he were at home in the dense forests of Baekdu Mountain. Born on the Korean Peninsula in Gapsan, South Hamgyong, his father was a leader of the Manse Demonstration and was executed. He is thus a child of destiny. His nationalist ideology was inherited from his parents. He was raised by his uncle after moving to the eastern borderlands at a young age. His inherently violent nature eventually led him to join the group of bandits, and he is now on the path to his own destruction, chasing an unending illusory dream. Such has been the strange course of his life thus far.

There are some reports suggesting that Kim Il-sung was shot and killed by Manchurian troops in Huadian County in November 1936, and so a Korean named Kim Young-san (김영산, 金永山) succeeded him as the second Kim Il-sung, but the details are not clear. Yang Jingyu has also organized a so-called Second Front Army to disrupt the Korea-Manchuria border. Its command structure includes Yang Jingyu as commander, Kim Il-sung as the direct army chief, and Lin Shuishan (林水山) as chief of staff. They have under them the 7th to 10th regiments, as well as other guerrilla units, amounting to about 700 men in total.

These organized groups maintain consistent organic contact, and it goes without saying that the Comintern is manipulating them behind the scenes. A recent trend worth noting is their astonishing shift towards communism. They now refrain from unnecessary killings and brutality, and have shifted towards a trend of ideologically appealing to good citizens in order to win them over. (To be continued)

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) June 16, 1939

Patrolling the Anti-Bandit Frontlines

Report from North Hamgyong News Bureau (2)

The Legendary Kim Il-Sung: Certainly an Aura of Tension Among the Three Leaders

[...] That night, under the kerosene lamp of the Eiya Inn, the conversation became lively when discussing the topic of bandits. Because we were actually on the ground where it all happened, the stories that we heard were accompanied by a sobering sense of reality (the speakers were Police Chief Tsutsui, Senior Section Chief Miwa, and the journalists).

"Who exactly is this man called Kim Il-sung? According to one theory, he has not actually existed as a real person ever since he was killed by the security forces in the eastern borderlands last year..."

"No, he is indeed a real person. Just a few years ago, a newspaper reporter visited his base and met him. Although he did not appear in any photos, the article 'Meeting Kim Il-sung' was published in a newspaper and caused quite a sensation."

"That might have been a bit hard to believe. However, he undoubtedly exists as a real person. It was said that he is from Gapsan in South Hamgyong, but actually, he is apparently from North Pyeongan. In his childhood, his father was executed due to his participation in the Manse Demonstration. After that, he took up his father's mantle, ran into nationalist movements, and became a bandit. He is a somewhat pitiful child of destiny. However, he is only about thirty years old and holds a position equivalent to a division commander among the bandits, so he is certainly an extraordinary person."

"The next guest coming here is said to be the boss of this Kim Il-sung, a man named O Paek-ryong (오백룡, 呉白龍). O Paek-ryong is said to be located around [illegible] now. How about it, would anyone have the courage to go and write an article like 'Meeting O Paek-ryong'? It would certainly be a big scoop these days."



京城日報 1937年11月18日








京城日報 1939年5月28日












京城日報 1939年6月16日


咸北支局生 (2)


[...] この夜、旅舎、栄屋の洋灯の下で又しても匪賊の話がはずんだ。ここは矢張り現地であるだけに聞く話も非常に実感が伴って来る(語る人は、筒井警察部長、三輪高等課長と記者団)。







普天堡の戦い - Wikipedia


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Sulemans were a Russian Tatar refugee family in Seoul who gained acceptance as assimilated Imperial Japanese people while holding strong to their Muslim faith, and left for Turkey amid warm farewells in 1939

This article from 1939 features the remarkable story of a Tatar family in Imperial Japan. This particular article bids a heartfelt farewell to the family who decided to move to Turkey.

This Tatar family, despite being refugees from Russia, managed to not only learn fluent Japanese but also seamlessly assimilate into the local Japanese community, all while preserving their unique religious Muslim identity. They ran a successful clothing business, actively participated in local patriotic activities supporting the Imperial Japanese military, and fervently promoted the Muslim faith in Imperial Japan.

From what I can surmise from the dates and ages in the article, Karim Suleman was 5 years old when he arrived in Imperial Japan in 1916. He became 'Japanese' in 1920 when he was 9 years old, which could mean that he obtained Imperial Japanese residence or citizenship? When he was 18 years old in 1929, he owned a clothing store in Myeongdong in Seoul. Shortly thereafter, he married his wife Munira who was a year older than him, and had a daughter and a son.

They resided in what was then known as Meiji-chō in Seoul, which is now called Myeongdong. It's a popular tourist destination today. To make it more relatable, I've opted to use the contemporary Korean term, Myeongdong, in my translation rather than the old Japanese term.

This article may have also had a propaganda purpose to put this Tatar family on a pedestal as a 'model minority family' to encourage the Korean people to follow their example by embracing Japanese language and culture and supporting the Imperial Japanese military.

You might notice that the article refers to them as 'Turkish'. However, based on subtle hints in this article and other related articles, we know that this family was part of the Tatar ethnic group, refugees from Russia. It's understandable that the reporter may have been confused. The distinctions between 'Turkic', 'Tatar', and 'Turkish' can be intricate and are often misunderstood. While both Tatar and Turkish peoples belong to Turkic ethnic groups, they are distinct and different from each other. The confusion was likely compounded by the family's decision to move to Turkey.

Imperial Japan's support of Islam and Muslim communities has a fascinating historical background. For those interested in delving deeper, here's a link to an academic paper on the topic: [Link

Here, you can also find links to other articles about the Tatar people in Seoul during the colonial period that I've found in the Keijo Nippo newspaper so far:

  • Spotlight on 1943 Seoul: A Glimpse into the Russian Tatar Refugee Community, Marja Ibrahim's Poetry Tribute to Tatar National Poet Ğabdulla Tuqay on the 30-year anniversary of his death [Link]
  • Small community of ~100 Russian Tatars in Seoul featured in 1942-1944 propaganda articles: a young 19-year-old Tatar girl is praised for filling out immigration forms for her neighbors, a Tatar woman is commended for scolding her friends with red fingernails for wearing 'British-American' cosmetics [Link]
  • In 1942 Busan, Korean pastors and foreign residents (Russian Tatar family, English woman, Chinese consul) praise Imperial Japan as British POWs captured in Malaysia start arriving in the city [Link]

As is my norm, I've included links throughout the translation to cultural and historical references that might be unfamiliar.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) June 15, 1939

Nineteen Years as a Japanese Person

Exceptional: Letter of Thanks from the Community

Farewell, Mr. Suleman!

After being forced to leave tumultuous Russia, they have made Japan their home for the past nineteen years. Not only have they fully adapted to the Japanese language and lifestyle, but they have also exhibited a patriotic spirit rivaling the Japanese, evident from the onset of the current conflict. Turkish clothing merchant Karim Suleman (aged 28) and his wife, who have comfortably resided at 2-66 Myeongdong District of Seoul for a decade, have become prominent figures in their neighborhood. This October, they are bidding farewell to Seoul and setting sail from Yokohama, heading back to their homeland, Turkey.

After coming to Korea in 1916, Mr. Suleman traveled around Osaka and Kobe before opening a foreigner-owned clothing store at his current location in July 1929, which was unusual at the time. He remains a fervent believer of Islam to this day. He has a lovely daughter Muslaika (7 years old) and son Gumal (4 years old) with his wife Munira (29 years old), and the family of four have completely become Japanese people.

Not only have they fully integrated into the local community, but they have also adopted Japanese customs and habits, such as going to public baths and wearing summer yukatas. Mr. Suleman, a former leader of the Seoul Muslim Community and a current member of the Japan Muslim Council, was so passionate about the movement for the official recognition of the Muslim faith that he traveled all the way to Tokyo.

Ever since the start of the recent conflict, the beautiful Mrs. Munira has made a name for herself in Seoul, which now has a heavy military atmosphere. She can be seen regularly at the train station, donning the sash of the National Defense Women's Association diagonally across her shoulders, waving the Japanese flag to welcome and bid farewell to the Imperial soldiers. Not only that, she can be seen standing on city street corners at night, holding sen'ninbari cloths. Furthermore, she has donated to national defense funds and provided care packages several times, endearing her to the military as a "Patriotic Turkish Person". Last summer, they held an all-Turkish "Prayer Festival for the Longevity and Military Success of the Generals and Soldiers of the Imperial Army" at the Wakakusa-chō Mosque, which deeply moved us.

As tensions between Japan and Britain escalate, the Sulemans are leaving Japan for Turkey, a country which is considered pro-British. When reporters visited, they expressed their farewell sentiments in fluent Japanese with their beloved children on their laps.

"Nineteen years ago, my first step in Korea was when I got off at Seoul Station and stayed at the Hōrai Inn, which was in front of the train station at the time. It has been ten years since I settled in Myeongdong District. Living alongside a battling, strong, and righteous Japan, we have come to share the same sentiments as the Japanese people. My wife intends to take her National Defense Women's Association sash as a souvenir back to our homeland. One way we plan to repay Japan, where we've lived for so long, is to let people in our homeland know about Britain's transgressions and Righteous Japan's true position, as viewed correctly from Japan. While we think we won't have another chance to come back, we will probably never forget our life in Japan."

In recognition of Mr. Suleman's virtues, the Myeongdong District Association has decided to honor him with an unprecedented letter of thanks, celebrating him as a foreigner who has truly become part of the community.

Original caption: The Suleman family returning to Istanbul.


京城日報 1939年6月15日












Thursday, March 9, 2023

Park Deuk-hyeon (박득현/朴得鉉) became a communist activist in 1928 as a student in Tokyo and struggled against colonial rule for a decade until he 'repented' and became an avowed Imperialist upon seeing his Japanese sister-in-law's 'exalted spiritual love' toward his ailing mother and brother

This article is about Park Deuk-hyeon (박득현, 朴得鉉), a Korean communist activist who was involved in resistance activities against Imperial Japan for a decade in the late 1920's and early 1930's until he was captured and ideologically converted to the Imperialist cause while in prison. After his release from prison, his probation officer rehabilitated him in a work program and then arranged for him to marry a Japanese woman. He eventually became a leading collaborator preaching the Imperial Way to the Korean people.

However, there are some factual discrepancies between online Korean sources and this article. Born in 1907, he graduated from high school in Seoul. In 1926, he went to college in Tokyo to study political science and economics. But while a Korean source says that he studied at Nihon University, this article states that he studied at Waseda University. As a student, he joined the communist party and was later involved in various labor movements and resistance efforts against colonial rule. The article suggests that he was arrested in 1928 during the Marxist-Leninist (ML) Party Incident, which was when the Communist Party of Korea was destroyed by Imperial Japanese authorities, and stayed in prison until he was released in 1937. On the other hand, another Korean source says he was arrested in 1928, released in 1931, and then rearrested in 1933.

Such ideological conversions (Tenkō process) of socialists and communists were common throughout Imperial Japan between 1925 and 1945, ever since the Peace Preservation Law was enacted to allow the Special Higher Police to more effectively suppress socialists and communists. It may be that the authorities noticed his charismatic personality as a student leader in the communist movement with prominent contacts in the Japan Communist Party, such as Sano Manabu (1892-1953) and Nabeyama Sadachika (1901-1979), as well as in the Communist Party of Korea, and so they decided to flip him and cultivate him as an influencer to reach out to his former comrades in the Korean community.

There seems to be a lot of articles about Park Deuk-hyeon online in Korean, but the information that I gleaned is very limited, as I relied on machine translations to skim through them. Unfortunately, my Korean skills are only at a very basic level, about halfway done through a Duolingo course.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 6, 1939

A former red insurgent is reborn through the familial love of his Japanese wife, who is the embodiment of the ideals of Yamato Nadeshiko

He Set Aside a Decade of Rebellion

His Newlywed Life of Hope

The Quartet of Japanese-Korean Unification for a Prosperous Asia

At one time, this man was a red insurgent, taking a misguided path in life under the banner of materialism, until this rebellious child of East Asia was touched by a strong and intense love for humanity that was expressed by a kind and gentle woman who lived up to and beyond the ideals of Yamato Nadeshiko. Her touch revived him by restoring his soul, releasing it from captivity under the Red Devil's control. Currently, this man is continuing his activities providing ideological guidance as he preaches the exalted Japanese spirit to patriotic Koreans on the home front. The following is a heart-warming string quartet of stories in the spirit of Prosperous Asia. [Photo: Park Deuk-hyeon (박득현, 朴得鉉) and his wife Mrs. Saitō Fukuko (above), and Mr. Kodera Tadayuki (below)]

Park Deuk-hyeon

The protagonist of this story is Park Deuk-hyeon, 34 years old, an employee of Miki General Partnership Company who lives at 222-2 Hyoje-dong, Seoul. Park graduated from Seoul First High School in 1923 and entered the Department of Political Science and Economics at Waseda University, where he soon fell completely in love with the Red Ideology. He became active as one of the red leaders under the command of Sano Manabu, Nabeyama Sadachika, and others. In 1928, he was imprisoned for the Marxist-Leninist (ML) Party Incident. After ten years in prison, he returned to freedom in 1937, but he still remained a "red pole".

However, when he returned to his home in Korea, he found that his younger brother, Park Deuk-ryong (박득룡, 朴得龍), had married an ethnic Japanese woman named Tanaka Kimiyo through fortuitous fate. Initially, he looked down at his sister-in-law with feelings of disgust. However, he eventually came to see the lovely truth: Kimiyo not only devoted herself wholeheartedly at her husband's bedside as he battled a lung disease diagnosed by his doctor, but she also devoted herself with filial piety to her mother-in-law, who did not understand Japanese, in a way that she could not do even for her own child. When her mother-in-law was sick, she nursed her without sleeping at night, and she tried to comfort her mother-in-law and her husband by wearing unfamiliar Korean clothes.

The elder brother, Park Deuk-hyeon, was a red insurgent who had felt hatred towards his sister-in-law, but even he was so moved by her precious love for humanity that his steel-like cold heart filled with emotion for the first time, and he could not help but feel his East Asian heart beating again. For the first time in his life, he found in Kimiyo a true and admirable image of human love. He had just seen an admirable Japanese person in real life.

At this moment, he started feeling ashamed of the coldness of his own ideology, for which he had sacrificed himself working so hard for ten years. He bowed his head in deference before Tanaka Kimiyo, the embodiment of humanity, sincerely repenting for the treasonous path that he had taken in the past. He vowed that now was the time to make a fresh start as a respectable Imperial subject. This was not only an ideological conversion, but also a total reassessment of his ethnic Korean consciousness that had been deeply rooted in the back of his mind.

His new life had just begun. Kimiyo was more pleased than anyone else at this time, but there were still two others who were also pleased, one of whom was Kodera Tadayuki, 64 years old, the head of the Miki General Partnership Company in Takezoe-chō, Seoul [in present-day Jung-gu, Chungjeong-ro], and a commissioned officer at the Seoul Probation Office. Kodera got to know Park through the probation office at the time of his return to Korea, telling him, "You have admirable qualities. I will take you into my company and help you experience a rebirth with a sincere heart". Kodera provided Park with 100 yen each month and took care of him as if he were his parent. When his younger brother, Deuk-ryong, passed away in Tokyo from his chronic disease, Kodera took care of all the funeral expenses and showed his love to Park, praying for his rehabilitation from the bottom of his heart.

Mr. Kodera Tadayuki, Mr. Park's probation officer and employer

The other person who was pleased was Judge Fujii, who tried and sentenced Park in the past. Judge Fujii served as a matchmaker, introducing Park to Saitō Fukuko, a beautiful 27-year-old Japanese girl who was the very embodiment of the ideals of Yamato Nadeshiko. The newly reborn former insurgent was now excited by the prospect of living a new life in Prosperous Asia as a patriotic fighter. He is now taking charge as the secretary of the Korean Federation of Ideological Patriotism and is touring all of Korea preaching with the same passion as before, but this time to help Imperial subjects apply the Imperial Japanese vow in their daily lives.

Mrs. Saitō Fukuko, Park Deuk-hyeon's new wife

"I will serve my nation admirably!"

Mr. Park tells his story about his new family:

On the morning of November 5th, when reporters visited Park Deuk-hyeon at his home in Hyoje-dong, he gave his statements with his beautiful new wife at his side.

"Right now, my heart is just filled with hope and faith yearning to serve my nation as a respectable Imperial subject. I believe that we Japanese people of Korean descent should not get too caught up in the theoretical aspects of nationhood. We should just single-mindedly serve with all our hearts and minds under the reality that is expressed by the spirit of the Imperial subjects. The reason why I was able to rediscover my righteous self as I am today is, first of all, due to the great power of the love of my mother, who devoted her life to us three siblings when she became a single mother at the age of 24, and also due to the great inspiration of my sister-in-law, Tanaka Kimiyo's exalted Japanese spiritual love for humanity. I am also indebted to President Kodera for his fatherly understanding, guidance, and generous financial support. I hope and pray that I will never fail to live up to the love of my sister-in-law, Tanaka Kimiyo, and President Kodera."

"What a Fine Young Man!"

Mr. Kodera tells his story:

Mr. Tadayuki Kodera told visiting reporters,

"No, in regards to my feelings toward Mr. Park, I was just fulfilling part of my duties that would have come naturally to any Japanese person. Mr. Park is a fine young man! I think it is more appropriate to call him an Imperial leader of the Korean people rather than an ideological convert. I will do all I can to help him accomplish his great mission."



京城日報 1939年11月6日




















Forgotten Korean Suicide Attacker ‘Hero’ celebrated by Imperial Japan: Park Gwan-bin (박관빈, 朴官彬) charged into an Allied machine-gun nest clutching an anti-tank explosive during the Burma Campaign in Dec. 1944

In the annals of forgotten history, few figures exemplify the complex and tragic reality of Korean soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army qu...