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Showing posts with label 1917. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1917. Show all posts

Sunday, November 21, 2021

In 1917, an 11-year-old Korean girl in Gyeongbuk made the news for managing to enroll in a school for Japanese settlers


August 11, 1917 Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo)

An Admirable Young Korean Girl

Eleven-year-old Sin Hoja is a daughter of Korean restaurant operators in Gumi, Seonsangun in Gyeongbuk, and she has enrolled in a school for Japanese settlers. She loves to regularly socialize and play with the children of Japanese settlers. She is an unusual young girl in that she does not differ in any way from the Japanese children. Up until recently, she constantly and incessantly expressed her wishes to enroll in the school for Japanese settlers, until her parents finally relented and applied for admission at the local school union. She was approved for provisional admission to the school. However, due to her very good grades and academic excellence every school quarter, even her initially very stubborn parents came to understand the kindness of the Japanese settlers. In recent days, Hoja could be seen wearing clothes just like the everyday clothes worn by the Japanese children.

(my transcription in modern Japanese orthography)

大正六年八月十一日 京城日報




Reddit Link: In 1917, an 11 year old Korean girl in Gyeongbuk made the news for managing to enroll in a school for Japanese settlers : korea (

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