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Showing posts with label Imperial Way. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imperial Way. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2025

How Imperial Japan used the Shinto holy book ‘Nihon Shoki’ to justify colonizing Korea: a look at Koiso’s 1944 anti-Chinese, anti-American, anti-Communist youth rally

In the following January 1944 speech to Korean conscripts, Governor-General Kuniaki Koiso advanced his theory that Koreans and Japanese shared the same ancestry and roots, drawing on passages from the Nihon Shoki to assert that Koreans’ ancestors were Japanese. Koiso framed his mission as one of awakening Koreans to their "true identity" as part of the Japanese nation, which he believed had been obscured by centuries of Confucian influence during the Joseon dynasty and by foreign ideologies like Anglo-American Christianity and Communism. He emphasized the need for Koreans to embrace Shinto practices and study Japan’s divine history to reconnect with their supposed origins and align themselves with Japan’s imperial vision. Koiso presented conscription and training not only as a means of contributing to Japan’s war effort but as a path for Koreans to fulfill their "destiny" by becoming spiritually and culturally integrated with the Japanese people.

Original caption: Governor-General giving a speech to the drafted students

During his reign as Governor-General of Korea from 1942 to 1944, Koiso, a man marked by vanity and a messianic belief in his own vision, sought to do what he believed no other Governor-General before him could achieve: persuade Koreans to abandon their identity and fully embrace being "Japanese." But Koiso’s approach was unlike his predecessors’. While others sought to forcibly assimilate Koreans by turning them into Japanese, Koiso’s so-called insight was far more insidious—he declared that Koreans were already Japanese and simply didn’t realize it yet. His self-appointed mission? To awaken the "Japanese person" within every Korean.

Koiso’s strategy centered on a mix of religious revival, forced education, and the enforcement of Shinto religious practices. He believed that Koreans would rediscover their "true selves" by observing Shinto rituals and studying Japanese scriptures, particularly the Nihon Shoki. According to Koiso, Koreans’ ancient ancestors were Japanese, and reconnecting with these roots would allow them to transcend their current identity and unify with the Japanese nation. This twisted vision was what he referred to as "being penetrated in the essence of the National Body (国体本義の透徹)," an idea propagated by Koiso's favorite Kokugaku scholar and Shinto spiritual leader Master Imaizumi (see related 1942 articles about Imaizumi).

To achieve this, with the help of Director Takeuchi (see related Feb. 1943 article about Takeuchi), Koiso established a vast network of training centers aimed at indoctrinating Koreans with Japanese ideology and customs. He also oversaw the construction of Shinto shrines across Korea, often built using forced labor (see related April 1944 article). These shrines were intended to enforce the worship of Japanese deities as a way of spiritually binding Koreans to Japan. After Korea’s independence, these shrines—symbols of cultural oppression—were burned to the ground.

About a month after delivering this January 1944 speech, Koiso would deliver a speech in February 1944 (see related Feb. 1944 article) pointing to a passage in the Nihon Shoki that he claimed proved Koreans’ ancestral ties to Japan. He fixated on the story of Susanoo, the younger brother of Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess, who was said to have descended upon a place called Soshimori. Koiso declared this as evidence that Koreans were part of the divine lineage of Japan. The Keijo Nippo newspaper, acting as a propaganda tool, amplified his speech, highlighting key phrases for emphasis. These bolded sections were drilled into Koreans by teachers, patriotic groups, and employers, forcing them to internalize Koiso’s distorted narrative.

Koiso’s vision was not just a form of cultural erasure—it was a deeply arrogant and delusional project to rewrite history itself. His attempt to impose Shinto worship and a fabricated Japanese identity on Koreans was not just oppressive; it was a direct attack on the dignity and spirit of the Korean people.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) January 16, 1944

Japanese and Koreans Share the Same Ancestry and Roots

The Origins of Korean History are Found in the Nihon Shoki

Governor-General Speaks to Drafted Students for the Third Time

On January 13th, Governor-General Koiso delivered a lecture to the principals of private middle schools who were attending the Leadership Training Institute of the Yongsan Governor-General’s Office. On January 14th, he addressed the elementary school principals who were attending the Educational Research Institute in Samcheong-dong. Accompanied by Secretary Kobayashi and Training Section Chief Takeuchi, Koiso traveled a considerable distance to arrive at the First Volunteer Soldier Training Center in Nohae-myeon (노해면, 蘆海面), Yangju County, at 3:30 PM on January 15th.

There, he once again addressed the second group of drafted students, who had enthusiastically responded to the conscription summons. With a familiar and gentle demeanor, he elaborated on the theory of 'Japanese and Koreans sharing the same ancestry and roots,' drawing upon classical texts, and emphasized that they needed to be penetrated by the essence of the National Body. As the third year of the decisive war began, the Governor-General’s continuous efforts over these three days to convey a grand vision and underscore the need to be penetrated by the essence of the national body demonstrated nothing less than his profound determination to stand at the forefront of enlightening the 25 million people of the Korean Peninsula. [Photo = The Governor-General giving a speech to the drafted students]

"The volunteer students have now taken their first step through the gates of this facility. However, reflecting on the fact that some of you did not initially choose to volunteer, I must admit that there were shortcomings on my part. Volunteering, by its nature, allows for freedom of choice in theory. Yet, in the context of this Holy War, which seeks to liberate Asia from Anglo-American exploitation and enable each nation to find its rightful place, there is no room for theoretical reasoning or abstract arguments. We must drive the Anglo-American forces out of Asia entirely! It is with this conviction that I used strong words to inspire you to rise to the occasion," Koiso stated.

Koiso went on, ‘While various circumstances may have contributed to the presence of those who did not volunteer, I feel that, as someone entrusted with the governance of Korea, my leadership and example have been insufficient. For young men, especially, strong and vigorous training is necessary, as is an environment filled with warmth and camaraderie. It was with this in mind that I brought you here to this training facility. Once your training is complete, your peers will be striving to navigate these difficult times, and I believe it is an act of kindness on my part, from my position, to guide you toward fulfilling the vital responsibilities of war. This conscription is not just for your benefit but also to take the lead in Korea's industrial development. By stepping forward as industrial warriors, I hope you will proudly and confidently pave the way for the nation’s progress. Here I will share with you some of my sentiments that I believe you will need."

With these words, he framed the discussion of Korea's governance policies, explaining the trajectory of the administration of Korea up to the present day. Each sentence of the Governor-General’s remarks calmed and steadied the spirits of the students, who had just concluded their entrance ceremony. He first highlighted the emergence of a fervent spirit of patriotism that had begun to rise across the peninsula around the end of last year.

It was stated that the governance of the Korean Peninsula up to the present day had been hindered by Chinese thought, Anglo-American thought, and finally, Communism. "Chinese thought replaced the corrupt Buddhism of the Goryeo era when the Joseon dynasty adopted Confucianism as its primary ideology. In their excessive admiration for all Chinese ideas, they obstructed Japanese governance. Next came Anglo-American thought in the form of Christianity, which was nothing more than an attempt to impose Anglo-American concepts of logic and morality. Behind it lay ambitions for exploitation, which found Japan's principle of universal equality distasteful. Following this was Communism," he explained.

He asserted that, while people in areas such as mainland Japan, Manchuria, and Northern China criticize the Korean people, their criticism does not do justice to the true essence of the Korean people. Rather, such criticisms stem from the lifestyle shaped over the 500 years of the Joseon dynasty. The true essence of the Korean people must be sought far back, tracing the origins of the Korean ethnic group, and this origin, it was clearly pointed out, is found in the Nihon Shoki. Before the students who listened intently, the theory of 'Japan and Korea sharing the same ancestry and roots' was presented with a powerful argument.

"If anyone were to oppose this view, they would be opposing what is clearly and explicitly written in the Nihon Shoki. Upon examining the true essence of the Korean people, it is evident that Japanese and Koreans share the same ancestry and roots. Although we have had to use the term 'Japanese-Korean Unification' lately, this was due to a lack of thorough investigation. We must strive to understand the culture brought forth by this shared heritage and grasp the essence of the National Body.

In doing so, we must consider what kind of spiritual and cultural framework our shared ancestors possessed. To truly understand the essence of the National Body, we must remember and reflect upon the principles laid out in the Three Divine Instructions: the Clarification of the National Body (Kokutai Meichō), the Sacred Mirror and Sacred Rice Ear (Saikyō Saiho), and the Divine Mirror and Eternal Boundary (Shinkyō Bankyō)."

The Governor-General proceeded to explain the profound philosophy of the Three Divine Instructions in a way that was easy to understand. The listening students, now in a state of serene attentiveness, etched each word deeply into their minds. He then continued, expounding on the spiritual principles contained within the philosophy of the Eight Deities' Shrine and encouraging the students to thoroughly study the Three Divine Instructions. He gently advised them, saying, "By fully mastering these teachings, you will be able to purge the harmful influences of the five centuries of Confucianism propagated during the Joseon dynasty, which have taken root in your spirits."

The Governor-General remarked, "If I had been able to convey these thoughts more earnestly and clearly a little earlier, I believe I could have guided you to an even happier state today." For this reason, on the previous night, and the night before that, he worked late into the night, passionately addressing those involved in education. He called for a thorough penetration by the essence of the National Body, which is rooted in the grand spiritual and cultural framework woven since the age of the gods, and fervently advocated for the establishment of a Righteous Korea.

Finally, he stated, "Let us set aside all past matters and face the present. Born as men, we must clearly grasp the ideals of the spirit. To live a life of indulgence without purpose is to render one’s existence meaningless. The meaning of life lies in fully being penetrated in the essence of the National Body and uniting with the ancestors who bequeathed this magnificent philosophy."

He added, "If the opportunity arises, I hope to visit you once again during your training and engage with you further. I believe you understand the aspirations I have for you—do you?" With a warm smile, he asked this of the students, to which they responded with a powerful "Yes!" Their enthusiastic reply resounded, marking the end of the Governor-General's two-hour-long address, after which he shared a meal with the trainees and departed the training facility at 6 PM.


京城日報 1944年1月16日













Source: 키워드 검색 - 신문 검색 - 대한민국 신문 아카이브

Friday, November 22, 2024

Japanese colonial masters were told to ‘love’ their Korean subjects by punching them ‘Bam!’ with an ‘iron fist’ if they became ‘unsteady and unfocused’ during their rigorous training to cultivate the ‘Japanese Spirit’ (Sasakawa remarks, Seoul 1943)

During World War II, in colonial Korea, guest speakers from mainland Japan frequently visited to give speeches aimed at boosting morale and reinforcing loyalty to Imperial Japan. These speakers were often staunch Imperialist ideologues whose words were crafted to inspire support for the war effort. Among them was Ryōichi Sasakawa, the founder and leader of the National Essence League (国粋同盟), one of the most extreme right-wing political organizations in wartime Japan. Sasakawa admired Benito Mussolini and modeled his organization on Italian Fascist principles.

Portrait of Sasakawa in August 1943 article.

At the end of World War II, Sasakawa, along with Kishi Nobusuke (Shinzo Abe's grandfather) and Kodama Yoshio, were classified as Class A war criminals and imprisoned at Sugamo Prison after Japan's defeat. However, they were later released by the Allies due to his staunch anti-communism. Sasakawa, Kishi, and Kodama became key players in the political landscape of post-war Japan, continuing their careers as unreformed Imperialists to try to reconstitute as much of the old Imperial Japan as possible in the post-war environment. Among other things, Sasakawa also played a key role in establishing a relationship between the Unification Church of Reverend Moon and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of post-war Japan (this is probably a topic that deserves its own post).

The article shared here offers a glimpse into Sasakawa's 1943 visit to China and Korea. While he held a position as a Diet parliament member, Sasakawa spent much of the war giving motivational speeches to the Imperial Army and the general public across the Empire to boost war morale. In his remarks during this visit, he encouraged leaders to "punch Koreans with an iron fist" if they seemed unsteady and unfocused (ふらふら), claiming that such actions were acts of love (可愛ければこその鉄拳である) necessary to bring them back in line. This philosophy aligned with the broader Imperial Japanese military culture, which heavily relied on corporal punishment. In this way, the physical abuse of Koreans was normalized in Imperial Japanese culture and rationalized as an act of tough love to mold the Koreans into 'true Japanese people'. 

Interestingly, this physically abusive training style found favor with figures like Park Chung-hee, the late South Korean dictator, who was trained as an Imperial Army officer during the war. Park even approvingly referred to such harsh methods as ビンタ教育. In this context, it would seem that, as the dictator, Park played a key role in nurturing the culture of physical abuse that was pervasive in the South Korean military at the time.

In addition to Sasakawa's visit, I have included other articles from the same newspaper page that shed light on the broader context. One details the "training" of Koreans in various dojos across Japan, such as Tokyo and Fujisawa, where they were subjected to similar physical discipline to mold them into 'true Japanese people.' The fact that the colonial regime went through the trouble and expense of relocating them to mainland Japan for training strongly suggests that these dojos were meant to 'train the trainers', so that the graduates would go back to Korea as senior teachers to mold generations of Koreans into 'true Japanese people'.  Another describes a propaganda lecture by a less prominent Imperial Army officer who visited Manchuria and Seoul. These lectures were often free to ensure mass attendance.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 10, 1943

Relentless Drive Without Reasoning: Diet Member Sasakawa Speaks Cheerfully

"One must become a fanatic for patriotism and love for others, otherwise it is useless. Once you achieve this state, you become impervious to the heat, the cold, and neither praise nor criticism will matter. Farmers can till their fields, and merchants can conduct their trade without distractions." With these words, Diet member and head of the National Essence League, Ryōichi Sasakawa, passionately struck the table with his fan, his eyes flashing brightly. Returning from an inspection tour of Central and Northern China to promote the "Yamamoto Spirit," Sasakawa entered the city on the 6th and spoke on the 9th at the Hantō Hotel, under the blazing afternoon sun.

"I am delighted that Korea has finally introduced a conscription system and that the Navy's special volunteer system will be implemented. This is good news. Once it is fully operational, the theory of Japanese-Korean Unification will no longer be reversible. Government and civilians alike must act as one, with words and actions in perfect alignment. I met with both the Governor-General and the Director-General, and they were already out working by 7 a.m. That is how it must be. Their enthusiasm was evident. Words and actions must be consistent. The people must be inspired to take action. Bureaucrats must not worry about saving face. There is no room for reasoning. Only with this mindset can we achieve increased production, training, and ultimately serve the nation. Overcomplicating things is unnecessary. To win, we must set reasoning aside. If we get bogged down by logic, we will fail to act," Sasakawa said, striking his knee with his fan.

His fan bore the words, "Thunder is the music of the heavens, earthquakes are the dance of the earth, everything is to be enjoyed," written by himself. He continued, "The guidance of our Korean compatriots requires great effort and strength. Even in daily training, forging the spirit is essential. Without a firm and unyielding stance of the spirit, one quickly becomes unsteady and unfocused. In such moments, a leader must 'Bam!' deliver a punch with an iron fist to restore their composure. This is an iron fist born out of love. By casting aside selfishness through this great love and strength, and by leading by example, the people can advance with unwavering resolve, dedicating themselves fully to increased production and rigorous training, moving forward with all their strength toward victory."

Like a Zen monk devoted to self-sacrifice and patriotic sincerity, Sasakawa slightly smiled, his eyes sparkling with determination.

Instilling the "Japanese Spirit"

Misogi Training for Korean Students in Japan

Tokyo Report – In order to fully instill the true "Japanese Spirit" into Korean students preparing to enter the job market in September, the Korean Scholarship Association has been organizing intensive training sessions in Mitaka Town, Tokyo; Ichinomiya Town, Gunma Prefecture; Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture; Ōta Town and Kashima Town, Ibaraki Prefecture. One such session at the Mitaka Town Prosperous Asia Training Dojo ran from the 7th to the 10th of last month, with thirty-five students participating in a rigorous training retreat. Under the guidance of Takayama Shaji, a priest of the Kugenuma Inari Shrine, and Takeo Amagawa, a kendo instructor from the Central Training Center for overseas compatriots who are originally from Jeollabuk-do, students engaged in four days of Misogi purification rituals, worship for twelve hours, six hours of lectures, three hours of martial arts practice, and nine hours of agricultural work each day.

A typical day's schedule began at 4:30 a.m. with the sound of clappers signaling wake-up, followed by a refreshing Misogi morning purification at Senkawa, surrounded by the greenery of Musashino. The distinct feature of this dojo's program is its emphasis on "purification through labor," or soil purification, promoted by Takayama Shaji, based on the spirit of Japan's ancient farming traditions. This method seeks to instill the true Japanese spirit through hands-on practice while strengthening war power under wartime conditions. It is evident that the training is closely tied to practical life. When asked about their experiences, a participating student remarked,

"Recently, sitting for long periods was quite painful, but as I became accustomed to it, I gradually came to understand the Japanese spirit through discipline. I also realized that Japan and Korea share a deep-rooted family-centered ethos since ancient times. This realization brought me great joy. I now understand that it is our duty to develop Korea’s family-oriented principles into a larger, family-centered framework."

Lecture by Major General Kaneko Teiichi

To Be Held at Seoul Citizens Hall on the 12th

While the Imperial Army continues relentless battles on land and sea against the demonic Anglo-American forces, our publication and the Maeil Sinbo newspaper have arranged for Major General Teiichi Kaneko, a former army officer and current member of the House of Representatives with deep ties to Korea, to participate in the Second Prosperous Asia Group Meeting in Shinkyō, Manchuria, on the 16th. On his return, he will deliver a lecture on the "Current and Final Stages of the World War" on the 22nd at 2 p.m. at Seoul Citizens Hall. Admission to this lecture will be free of charge.

500-Yen Donation Commemorating the Implementation of Conscription

On the 9th, Kawakami Hiroasa, the representative of the Cheondogyo Temple, visited the office of the Korean Federation of National Power to express gratitude for the implementation of conscription and presented a donation of 500 yen collected by members.


京城日報 1943年8月10日


















Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Korean staff at the newly liberated Keijo Nippo Newspaper published this editorial and illustration in December 1945 denouncing the atrocities of Japanese Imperialism and repudiating the myth of ‘Japanese-Korean Unification’

For my third post that I am making during my stay in Korea, I thought it would only be fitting to give voice to some long-forgotten Korean writers who have something crucial to say about their experiences under Imperial Japanese rule. I found their editorial and illustration in the old Japanese-language newspaper archives at the National Library of Korea.

The article I'm sharing today was published on December 8th, 1945 and written by the Korean employees of the Keijo Nippo newspaper. For those unfamiliar, Keijo Nippo had been the official propaganda newspaper under the Imperial Japanese colonial regime, which had dominated Korea from 1905 to 1945. In early November 1945, the Korean employees took over the newspaper from their Japanese bosses, transforming a tool of oppression into a platform for liberation.

Though short, this editorial serves as a strong indictment against the crimes, injustices, and inhumanities perpetrated by Imperial Japan. Accompanying the editorial is a drawing that vividly illustrates the suppression of free speech (言論弾圧), forced conscription (強制徴兵), forced student soldiers (強制学兵), forced labor (強制勤労), forced requisition (強制徴用), and contributions (供出) under Japanese Imperialism (日本帝国主義).


Keijo Nippo (Gyeongseong Ilbo) December 8, 1945

Commemorating the End of Japan's Imperial Rule on December 8th

The Korean Nation's 'Day of Bloodshed'

When we recall December 8th, we realize that, from that day on, our Korean compatriots were bound by the iron net of Japanese imperialism, and they shed their precious blood in the sky, sea, and fields, along with their countless pure souls. The more we think about it, the more painful the bloodshed becomes, making our teeth chatter and filling us with intense emotions.

The harsh reality that drove thirty million of our compatriots to the brink of death, while falsely promoting the idea of "Japanese-Korean Unification," has clearly unfolded before our eyes. Conscription, mobilization, labor, contributions, and requisitions — all were forced upon us.

Countless many compatriots who left their fathers and were separated from their siblings and spouses have buried their angry wave of deep resentment in the lands of the Asian continent. They must now be quietly celebrating this great liberation and nation-building.

Four years have passed since the beginning of Japan's imperial invasion of the East and the Pacific War! Today, we observe December 8th at the very location where liberation occurred precisely on that day [on August 15th]! This day is one of historical significance, a day of cheers from thirty million people. Four years of hardship and endurance! How did we manage to live through all of this? We had mouths but were restrained from practicing freedom of speech, and we endured unbearable exploitation and oppression. Look at this record of blood, endured with hardships and bitterness, inflicted upon us by Japanese imperialism since that day on December 8th.



京城日報 1945年12月8日







Edit: The very last line of the transcription was corrected to あの十二月八日からの日本帝政に加えられた臥薪嘗胆の血の記録を見よ。This is to be translated as, "Look at the record of blood, endured with hardships and bitterness, inflicted upon us by the Imperial Japanese regime since December 8th."

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Dehumanization in Colonial Korea, 1943: Branding Koreans as 'just objects' for 'not understanding the blessings of Imperial Japan' and labeling them as 'hypocrites who are outwardly obedient, but inwardly rebellious in their hearts'

I'm posting here today to share a rather unsettling article from colonial Korea in 1943. It is timely, as this article was published almost exactly 80 years ago on June 19th, 1943. This piece details the activities of a Korean collaborator teacher named Mr. Ōhara. His actions during this dark period of history serve as a chilling reminder of the extent of Imperial Japanese indoctrination and control.

The article depicts Mr. Ōhara endeavoring to brainwash a group of young Korean girls at a textile factory, imposing upon them Imperial Japanese propaganda. The girls, some as young as 12 and 13 years old, were forced to speak only Japanese, identify as Japanese people, and pledge their loyalty to Imperial Japan.

Something peculiar and unsettling about this article is the warning it includes about "面従腹背" (menjū fukuhai), or hypocrisy. It's a term that portrays people as being outwardly obedient, but inwardly rebellious. The usage of this phrase betrays an intrinsic distrust towards the Korean people and their loyalties, a skepticism that ultimately proved justified with the jubilation expressed by most Koreans upon Imperial Japan's defeat in August 1945.

Furthermore, the article cruelly dehumanizes Koreans who resisted the Imperial Japanese identity, terming them "just objects". This chilling rhetoric reflects the cold colonial attitude - those Koreans who resisted were no longer viewed as humans but as objects.

This article also has curious allegations that the Koreans were actually Japanese in ancient times. 'Japanese-Korean Unification' propaganda often contained such attempts to paint ancient Koreans as Japanese. In later propaganda in 1944, this 'ancient Koreans = Japanese' propaganda would develop into calling Koreans the descendants of Susanoo, the younger brother of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, the ancestor of the Japanese nation (see Governor-General Koiso's speech).

Mr. Ōhara, as portrayed in the article, is likely an ethnic Korean collaborator for Imperial Japan, with a narrative painting him as deeply influenced by his experiences at a teaching college in mainland Japan.

I must add a note about the ethics of posting such propaganda content. The intention behind sharing this distressing piece is not to sensationalize, but to bring to light a crucial part of history that is often buried or forgotten. It may be a controversial thing, but I believe that making such historical material accessible can help us grasp the scale of colonial injustices more clearly.

Regrettably, there is a dearth of English-language scholarship about the colonial period of Korean history, relative to the enormous wealth of primary source material that remains so poorly documented. As someone passionate about this topic, I aim to contribute to filling this knowledge gap, even if only a little, by posting these materials whenever I can. I believe this is crucial in providing a more nuanced understanding of Korea's past, as painful as it may be.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) June 19, 1943

"Shame on hypocrites who are outwardly obedient, but inwardly rebellious in their hearts!"

Young workers were moved by Mr. Takeo Katō's speech and bursting with patriotism

"We are Imperial Citizens!"

[Busan telephone report] Now that there are 25 million people in the Korean peninsula needing to integrate and become distinguished Japanese people among a nation of 100 million, there is a passionate young man who, along with many workers, fuels the fiery spirit of loyalty and dedication to work. This man is Mr. Keiichi Ōhara (32), who works as a labor affairs officer at the Busan Forestry Industry Company, Busan Factory in Jeonpo-ri, Busan. Invited to come to Korea by the Korean Federation of National Power, the visiting speakers, including the writer Mr. Takeo Katō, have sparked Mr. Ōhara's patriotism into a raging torrent. Specifically, during the Busan speech, Mr. Katō advocated the unification of Japan and Korea as follows.

"Just 25 million Koreans cannot survive on their own. They must absolutely be with Japan. If Koreans show loyalty with such calculating feelings, that is not to be appreciated. Although the word Imperialization is being shouted these days, I don't think Imperialization is the right word. The Koreans were Imperial people from the very beginning, but they subsequently became separated from Japan. Through annexation, they returned to the old ways. The sincerity of our Korean brethren must be pure loyalty that springs forth naturally. There is no other way to prove this feeling than through our mutual blood."

Although his voice was low, Mr. Ōhara was strongly struck by how patiently and clearly Mr. Katō delivered his arguments with sincerity. Then, Mr. Ōhara jotted down his pent-up, boiling feelings in a letter and sent it to Mr. Katō, who was staying in Seoul. In his letter, Mr. Ōhara pledged his earnest oath to patriotism, lamented that a minority of the Korean people still have not become awake, expressed his joy for being born in Imperial Japan, and described the mental preparation that each person on the home front should bear in the decisive battle. Reading this, Mr. Katō said, "I am very happy to have found such a friend of passionate sympathies here. This is a great harvest from my coming to Korea," he said with satisfaction. Thus, a passionate bond was formed between Mr. Katō and Mr. Ōhara, which was superior to any teacher-student relationship. Now, let's take a look at Ōhara's life, which is "always on the battlefield":

When visiting the Busan factory of the forestry industry, you see that 140 to 150 working women (even though they are called working women, many are 12 or 13 years old) are working happily in front of their thread winding machines. These little female warriors are all daughters from poor families, and of course, they have not received schooling, but they speak excellent Japanese and live as Imperial people, attending one hour of lecture during lunch break everyday.

Original caption: Actual educational scene of Mr. Ōhara instructing the fighting girls at their workplace 

Leader Ōhara's warm thoughtfulness as a company executive has borne fruit today. After touring the factory, he said, "I used to be an elementary school teacher, but due to family circumstances and connections, I have been involved in this factory for two years". He continued to speak of his firm belief in the spirit of service at work as follows.

"These children (referring to the workers) are also among the 100 million of Imperial Japan. Those who cannot live life centered on the Japanese language will not possibly be able to understand the concept of the National Body. If you are a National Person and do not understand the blessings of Imperial Japan, then you are just an object. I was deeply moved by Mr. Katō's speech the other day. Although my power is weak, I want to improve the qualities of those children as Japanese people as much as possible. They are sincerely united in their one-hour lesson each day. The method of education starts with Volume 1 of the reader and generally progresses to Volume 4 in a year. Through activities such as various ceremonies, military songs, sending and receiving brave soldiers who are dispatched, I let them learn what kind of situation our nation is facing now. While I was studying at Seoul Teachers School, I learned the true, beautiful virtues of the people of mainland Japan from the communal life in the dormitory, but I cannot help but feel uncomfortable when I think that there are still many Korean compatriots who dare to have dark feelings of hypocrites who are outwardly obedient, but inwardly rebellious in their hearts, without coming into contact with these beautiful virtues. My words may be a little exaggerated, but if I can serve the Imperial Movement somewhat through my current field of work, I am happy to become a cornerstone and devote my life to this cause."

His speech becomes even hotter, and the enthusiastic spirit of the one who puts things into practice resonated strongly in his words. Eventually, the noon siren rang. The factory girls who came out from the work place offered silent prayers all at once. After a while, their lunch break ritual began. After Mr. Ōhara left for the education room, Mr. Yūhachi Katō, the factory manager, also said, "He is a very enthusiastic man. You can entrust him with everything. The workers' desire to learn the Japanese language is beyond our imagination, and there has been no turnover of female workers since this system was established. Their performance has increased so much that the company executives are telling us to follow the example of the Busan factory in Korea."

At that time, the factory's three teachings, "It is also a battlefield here!", "Follow Admiral Yamamoto's Example!", and "If this hand relaxes, then its fighting power will also relax!" could be heard overflowing from the windows full of spirit by the girls chanting and repeating them every day at the end of their lessons. Behold the brave appearance of these lovely, fighting girls! They are also becoming a force which will cooperate in the construction of Greater East Asia. [Photo = Actual educational scene of Mr. Ōhara instructing the fighting girls at their workplace (censored by Busan Fortress Command)]


京城日報 1943年6月19日













Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Korean people were allegedly liars, slackers, quitters, and thieves, but Governor-General Koiso offered them a chance to redeem themselves and become honorable by submitting to Amaterasu and the Emperor, and awaken as true Japanese people to fulfill divine destiny in final part of 1944 speech

This is the third and final part of Governor-General Koiso's February 1944 intensely religious address to the entire Korean nation, which was prominently displayed on the front page of Keijo Nippo, the most widely distributed and read newspaper in all of Korea at the time. In the first part of the address, he described all Koreans as descendants of the Shinto god Susanoo-no-mikoto, the younger brother of Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, but as he wrapped up his address in this final part, Koiso insulted the Korean people by calling them liars, slackers, quitters, and thieves, placing blame on the legacy of the corrupt Yi Dynasty. He then offered the Korean people a chance to redeem themselves and become honorable people by submitting themselves to the goddess Amaterasu and her descendant, the Japanese Emperor. In other words, he appealed to the Korean people to awaken as true Japanese people to fulfill divinely ordained destiny, so that they could "recognize their own true essence". It was a rather strange and dubious way to appeal to all Koreans to rally behind Imperial Japan in the middle of a desperate war against the U.S. and Britain.

You may notice how Koiso singled out Marxist philosophy for criticism, then claimed that Shinto philosophy also discusses the dichotomy between the material and the spiritual through the divine edict of the mirror (spiritual things) and the ears of rice (material things). This way of drawing parallels between foreign philosophies and Shinto philosophy is nothing new. It is very much in line with the rhetorical devices of Kokugaku, which was a Japanese nativist academic movement which sought to rid Japan of foreign ideas and influences and return Japan to the supposed purity of its ancient roots, of which Master Imaizumi's ideas arguably had the strongest influence on Koiso. Such parallels would be noted to then emphasize the differences and argue for the superiority of Shinto thought over foreign thought. Koiso's explicit mention of Marxism in this address may have been an implicit acknowledgement of the appeal that Marxism had for large sections of Korean society.

What is also strange about this address are the phrases in Mandarin Chinese and Russian that Koiso used to stereotype them as apathetic peoples. February 1944 was only about a year and a half away from the end of the war in August 1945, with Imperial Japanese forces suffering defeat after defeat, so perhaps Koiso's worries about Soviet Russia, China, United States, and Britain were reflected in the countries and peoples that he mentioned. 

Koiso displayed a photo of himself along with a rough draft of his speech in the February 16, 1944 issue of Keijo Nippo, but the photographed rough draft actually comes from this part of the speech, in which he mentions Marxism and its alleged shortcomings compared to Shintoism.

This article is full of references to lots of religious terminology from the Shinto religion, so I've added plenty of links to Wikipedia pages and other resources for further reading.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 19, 1944

Thorough adherence to the true meaning of the National Body brings inevitable victory!

(Transcript of Governor-General Koiso's Speech) [3]

Correct the self that appears in your mirror!

An Imperial Edict of Profound Significance

Earlier, I mentioned that, in addition to the divine edict concerning himorogi (divine trees) and iwasaka (rock cairns), there are two divine edicts concerning the mirror and the ears of rice. One divine edict says, "Amaterasu, holding a treasured mirror in her hand, gave it to Ame-no-oshihomimi and looked at him saying, 'My child, look into this treasured mirror as if you were looking at me. We shall share the same bed and the same room, so that it may serve as a mirror of worship'". The other divine edict says, "I shall take the ears of rice that I grew in the heavens in the fields of Yuniwa, and bestow them upon my children".

Those were the divine decrees about the mirror and the ears of rice. The first decree basically says, "I will give you this mirror. Think of this mirror as me, Amaterasu, and keep it with you in the same bed and in the same room". In other words, the divine edict tells you to always be with Amaterasu and worship her whether you are asleep or awake.

Since we are with the Goddess, everything we say, do, and think must be done in the presence of the Goddess. This is the expression of the godlike spirit which is embodied as a clear mirror, which is in contrast to the ears of rice, which represent material things.

In particular, the fact that the mirror was given to him to represent the Goddess is of profound significance. Please excuse me for explaining this to you as if I were speaking to elementary school children, but please stand in front of the mirror. Everything from your mind to your complexion will be reflected in the mirror. If you are worried about yourself, you will see your worries reflected in the mirror. If your button is undone, it will be reflected in the mirror as it should be.

However, the mirror will not say, "Hey you, Koiso! What's with your clothes? Isn't your button undone?" Rather, the reflection of Koiso in the mirror does some self-reflection on his own, and realizes that the button is something that needs to be fastened, so he fastens his button. The mirror does not say anything.

However, when we face the mirror, we reflect upon ourselves and correct what needs to be corrected. How truly profound it is that the mirror was given to us in the place of the Goddess in such a way! As I have just said, the mirror does not say anything. In other words, the mirror never makes excuses.

Recently, the wartime atmosphere of the world has become heavier, and the old system must not be allowed to prevail. Individualism, liberalism, and the capitalist economy are not acceptable. We are told that we must embrace totalitarianism, thought control, and a planned economy, but the gods do not take sides with any of these.

Everything is encompassed by the mirror, whether it be the free economy, controlled economy, individualism, or totalitarianism. Good or bad, right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, straight or curved, everything is encompassed. As I mentioned earlier with the example of Koiso reflected in the mirror, the mirror makes you reflect upon yourselves and discard the bad parts of yourselves in accordance with the times and the current environment. Eventually, only the good parts of yourselves will remain. It is the mirror and the Goddess who will guide you in this way. This is precisely what Susanoo-no-Mikoto and Amaterasu intended.

We do not spend our days only with trivial criticisms. When we see society from the viewpoint of encompassing everything, cutting off the bad parts, and keeping the good parts, it can be said that the structure of society today has many good parts, but there are also many parts in our ways of thinking that must be corrected. The other day, I talked about this with a student who came to see me regarding the issue of volunteer enlistment, and I must say that young students are very innocent.

I didn't consider myself the ideal vessel to embody the mirror, but as I accepted the mirror into myself and spoke with sincerity, as if I myself had turned into a god or the mirror, the students listened attentively and were convinced. I believe that this lesson from the mirror is truly a great lesson.

The next divine edict, which follows this great lesson of spiritual culture, reads "I shall take the ears of rice that I grew in the heavens in the fields of Yuniwa, and bestow them upon my children". It is a divine edict that reveals the importance of the material substance, that the spiritual side alone is not enough. This is a divine edict which mandates that we must give eternal life to the magnificent divine spirit with the help of this material substance, the ears of rice from the fields of Yuniwa. That is, with the help of the substance of purity and innocence.

Marxism is based on a materialistic historical view of all things material, and while it is not absolute spiritual speculation, it is merely a derivative spiritual theory that starts from a materialistic view. And even though Marxism is a product of modern times, the principle of the mirror and the ears of rice was already established tens of thousands of years ago in the reigns of Amaterasu and Susanoo-no-Mikoto, and has been teaching and guiding our ancestors in every generation.

The last of the divine edicts is the divine edict of the immortality of the heavens and the earth. This is the conclusion that the destiny of the emperor and the heavens and the earth will be unlimited only when we stand on the ground of the oneness of the sovereign, the people, and the nation in accordance with the aforementioned divine edict concerning himorogi (divine trees) and iwasaka (rock cairns), pushing forward based on this spirit in accordance with the divine edict of the mirror and the ears of rice and adding thereon a splendid material substance. This divine edict is written at the beginning of the reading textbooks of the elementary schools. Therefore, there is no need to elaborate much further about this divine edict. Indeed, we Japanese and Koreans have been nurtured in such a spiritual atmosphere since ancient times.

However, history and tradition also have great power. There are many people here who are from the Korean peninsula, but Koreans, whether they are in mainland Japan, Manchuria, or Northern China, are not good people. They are quick to tell lies, lack a sense of responsibility, lack endurance, and are not ashamed of taking things that belong to others.

However, as to what has brought about such a situation, I believe that it is mainly due to the political system of the Yi Dynasty over the past 500 years. From the end of the Goryeo Dynasty, the 500 years of politics of the Yi Dynasty probably contributed to the deterioration of the pure and honorable state of the people.

The reason why a nation known for its noble Hwarang Corps of Silla, who were not inferior to the chivalrous people of Europe or the Bushidō warrior class of mainland Japan, began to tell lies and steal is because the general public was oppressed and exploited by the special class during the 500-year rule of the Yi Dynasty. Consequently, the public was forced to struggle to live one day at a time, finding any way to make ends meet, and even lies became a means to an end.

In China, there is a similar philosophy, which is eloquently illustrated by the phrase, "Méi fǎzi (没法子) [cannot help it]". The Slavic Russians use the term "nichevo (ничего) [nothing]" which also expresses the same tendency. If there are any defects in the Korean people that should be criticized, I am convinced that they are the result of the politics of the Yi Dynasty over the past 500 years, and that the true essence of the Korean people is honorable, rather than what I just described.

Since the beginning of the Meiji era, people in mainland Japan have been worshiping the West, forgetting the true essence of the fine Japanese people, thinking that anything Western is good, that good products are imported, and that Japanese products are synonymous with inferior goods. University professors were also oblivious to the true essence of Japan and lectured solely based on the thoughts of Westerners written in horizontal text. When students saw that their professors were well versed in Western studies, they would gladly attend their lectures in adoration and admiration. Over the past 60 to 70 years, there have been quite a number of Westerners even in mainland Japan who have disguised themselves as Japanese people.

In their colonial policies, the United States and Britain have exploited the colonized masses for their own enjoyment. Some Western-minded Japanese have thought of our governance of Korea as a similar to those colonial policies of the United States and Britain.

However, as I have said before, Japanese-Korean unification is the reductive coalescence of the same ethnic peoples who must necessarily and inevitably become one body, different in kind from the colonies of the United States and Britain.

Viewing things in this way, the Japanese people who have licked the dregs of Western thought will also be enlightened, and both the Japanese and the Koreans must surely recognize their own true essence, so that Japan as a whole can truly become pure and uncluttered, a nation of one hundred million people united with one mind. [The insert photo shows a small mirror excavated in Nangnang-gun].



京城日報 1944年2月19日


小磯総督 講話速記 【三】
























Sunday, April 2, 2023

Buyeo, former capital of Baekje, was used by the colonial regime to showcase a Korean nation which 'remained completely faithful to Japan' and sent its sons to Japan for training in the 'Japanese spirit', and taught that the 2nd king of Silla was the reincarnation of the Shinto god Susanoo (1943)

These articles are the first two in a series of three educational articles published by the colonial regime to promote a heavily biased narrative of Japanese and Korean history from mythological times to the fall of the Kingdom of Baekje in 660 A.D., which the regime uses to justify its colonization of Korea. Beginning with a visit to the historical remains of Buyeo, the former capital of Baekje, they narrate the long history of intimate cultural, economic, and military exchanges between Ancient Japan and Baekje, and how Japanese military forces kept propping up Baekje for centuries until they were finally defeated by Silla and Tang Dynasty China in 660 A.D. Then the second article shifts into bizzare speculation about the alleged mythological ties between Ancient Japan and Silla: how the second king of Silla was allegedly the reincarnation of the Shinto god Susanoo, how the son of Susanoo allegedly landed at Soshimori in Silla and then settled in Woongjin, and how the great-great-grandson of Susanoo allegedly used three ropes to drag Silla into the realm of Izumo. Actually, the more mainstream interpretation of the story is that the three ropes were used to drag Shimane prefecture into the realm of Izumo. In 1944, Governor-General Koiso addressed the entire Korean nation alleging that the Korean mythological figure Dangun was Susanoo.

It goes without saying that you should take the historical narrative in these articles with a skeptical eye. However, it does provide an important insight into the version of Korean history that was imposed on the Korean people during the colonial era. The third article of the series, which I have yet to translate, shows how Korean school girls were immersed in this historical narrative during their field trip to Buyeo.

There are many references to both famous and obscure Japanese and Korean historical places and people, so I added plenty of links to Wikipedia articles and other resources for further reading. I tried to link to English language resources whenever possible, but often the only online resources were in Japanese or Korean, so some of the linked resources are only in those two languages.

The second article gave a correction to a typographical error in the first article, so I made the correction in the transcription and the translation accordingly. I also made other minor corrections to typographical errors in the articles where I spotted them, especially minor spelling errors in peoples' names and numbers.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 19, 1943

Describing the Holy Land of Buyeo (Part 1)

Cherry Blossoms abound where Baekje rose and fell

Know yourselves! This the historic site of Japanese-Korean Unification

Although the gods have not yet quieted down in Buyeo, worshipers who come to Buyeo these days feel an affinity to this holy place, because it is a solemn historic testament to Japanese-Korean Unification. From the reign of the 11th Emperor Suinin to the reign of the 38th Emperor Tenji, during a long period of 689 years from 29 B.C.E to 661 A.D., friendly relations between Japan and Baekje were consistently maintained without a single day of conflict between the two nations. At times, the two nations were bound by economic agreements and military alliances. They conducted mutual assistance through culture exchanges, which brought mutual prosperity to both nations. Baekje, as the younger brother, served Japan, the elder brother, and Baekje remained completely faithful to Japan, refusing until the very end of its existence to surrender to Tang Dynasty China. Baekje was supported by Japanese marine troops, and although the famous decisive Battle of Baekgang did not end in Japan's favor, Baekje refused to surrender to Tang Dynasty China even upon death. Thus, Buyeo, the site of the Baekje Royal Castle, was trampled upon by Tang Chinese forces, and the Royal Castle and many other buildings were reduced to ashes in the fires of the war.

Today, only the Baekje Pagoda standing in the southern suburbs of Buyeo and a monument left by Tang Chinese General Liu Renyuan (劉仁願) remain as testament to what happened nearly 1,400 years ago. The many historical artifacts buried in the ground remind us of the good governance of the Baekje kings, and remind travelers of a great city that once thrived with a population of 700,000 people. Standing on Naghwaam Rock (낙화암, 落花巖), where 3,000 beautiful women of the royal court threw themselves off the cliff in defense of their purity on the last day of the existence of Baekje, one can feel a sense of melancholy.

Original caption: Baekje Pagoda, inscribed with a calligraphic inscription left by a Tang Chinese general who was proud of his victory over Baekje.
Original caption: The monument has an inscription from the invasion of Baekje, written by the Tang Chinese General Liu Renyuan.

There is a story of a fierce battle fought by Gyebaek (계백, 階伯), a general of Baekje who killed his wife and children before deployment to steel himself with a determination to die in battle, fought against 30,000 Tang Chinese troops with only 3,000 men, and died while personally protecting his sovereign. This story is quite similar to those told about the generals of Iki Island and Tsushima who defended Japan during the Mongol Invasions of 1274 and 1281. What is even more impressive are the ruins of the military storehouse. The large amount of rice, barley, and soybeans that Emperor Tenji had sent to Baekje as aid in the relief efforts were burnt in a tragic military fire, and the charred grains are still being gathered today in their original shapes by village children picking wild grass. As a reporter, as I went to this place, gazed at the mountains, and stared at the flowing waters of Baekmagang river (백마강, 白馬江), I saw powerful traces of Japanese-Korean unification, which speak of a history that lasted for more than a millenium.

Original caption: Female students are collecting rice and beans from the ruins of the military storehouse at the fortress on Mount Buso (부소산, 扶蘇山).

During the reign of the 32nd Emperor Sushun, three Japanese maidens went to Baekje to study. When we see the ruins of Goransa Temple (고란사, 皐蘭寺), where the Japanese maidens trained under the Buddhist monks of Baekje, we can also imagine the richness of the exchanges between Japan and Korea.

In 1939, a dedication ceremony was performed for the newly constructed Buyeo Jingu Shrine, in which the four deities were used as pillars to deepen the bonds of Japanese-Korean Unification into this place for the first time. The 25 million people of the Korean peninsula were overjoyed, and the musical score of their precious labor was played under the sun in the clouds of the sacred mountain of Buso (부소산, 扶蘇山). Construction in the holy city is now underway in Chungnam with a total area of 13,380,000 pyeong (4423 hectares), centering on the inner park of 220,000 pyeong (73 hectares) and the outer park of 80,000 pyeong (65 hectares).

In place of the Baekmagang River, which used to be the only trade route in the past, four railway lines, including the local railway line, crisscross the holy city, and a new waterworks project has been completed to direct the water from the Baekmagang River. The remains of a statue of Buddha, which had forlornly lain underground for more than 1,000 years, have been excavated by the honoring committee. These remains have given new meaning to the restoration project for the old capital, and they will be used to ensure the life of the people for tens of thousands of years to come as they exchange smiles with the divine realm of Mount Buso (부소산, 扶蘇山) day and night. Thus, the construction of Buyeo Jingu Shrine proceeded, revealing the achievements of the more than 1,000 years of the joining together of the two peoples.

There used to be a stone monument that Baekje had erected for the Korean people to defend against Tang Dynasty China, to prepare for the invasion of Goguryeo by the Manchu peoples, and to resist the tyranny of Silla. Although that monument has now been reduced to an empty pile of rubble, the people who have consistently carried on the legacy of Baekje have continued to see Japan as their ally, and many migrated to Japan after the collapse of their nation. Their descendants, who include those of Dr. Wani (왕인, 王仁), settled in Naniwa and various other places in Japan and mixed with the blood of the 80 million people of the Japanese nation, living by the ideals of the founding of the Japanese nation since the descent of Amaterasu's grandson Ninigi-no-Mikoto from Heaven to Ashihara-no-Nakatsukuni (Tenson kōrin), and serving the Emperor in righteousness. Who would doubt the fact that, among the 80 million people of mainland Japan, many descendants of the Baekje people have been nurtured? It may be more beneficial for the 25 million people who were born on the Korean peninsula to carefully examine this history of more than 1,000 years, rather than to call out for the Imperial Way again and again.

Even if we explore the historical changes over the past thousand plus years in the two peoples who once crisscrossed the narrow Genkai Sea in small boats, sending assistance to one another, there is no room for revisions in the solemn historical record of the two peoples' interactions. The conscious union of the two peoples, who attacked their enemies together, shared each other's food, and shared their cultures with each other, has been further strengthened by the construction of the Buyeo Jingu Shrine. The path forward for the Korean people to return to the Imperial Way after a thousand years, to come together under the Imperial family to share the joy of being under One Realm, and to stand as leaders of the East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere has finally been found here. Now, let us go a little further back in history and look at the history of the exchanges between Japan and Baekje. The main focus of this article will be on the reigns of Emperor Ōjin, Empress Saimei, Emperor Tenji, and Empress Jingū, who became deities of Buyeo Jingu Shrine. We will leave discussions about the relationship between the 16th Emperor Nintoku and the 36th Emperor Kōtoku for another day.

Before we go any further, we must first confirm the location of the founding of the Baekje Kingdom. Although there is general agreement in written records that Baekje was founded in the year 18 B.C.E. in the reign of the 11th Emperor Suinin, there are many different theories about where Baekje was founded in Korean historical records and in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), which is the original source of Japanese history. Nevertheless, it is certain that King Onjo (온조왕, 溫祚王), who ruled over the waters of the Han River in present-day Seoul, established his government in Gyeonggi-do, and built his residence on Namhan Mountain (남한산, 南漢山). Dating back to that time, Silla rose in 57 B.C.E., and in 37 B.C.E., Gogoryeo rose by relying on the forces of China. At that time, Silla was powerful and secretly supported the Kumaso tribe in Japan to oppose the Imperial Court, while at the same time, Silla allied with Goguryeo to bear down on the newly emerging Baekje kingdom to check Japan's continental political ambitions.

In response, Baekje firmly established ties with Japan and strictly defended itself, but the power of their two enemies was not to be underestimated. In the meantime, the mythical Yamato Takeru defeated the Kumaso tribe in Kyūshū at the order of the 12th Emperor Keikō, and when the 14th Emperor Chūai passed away, Empress Jingū took his place and led an expedition against Silla, which was just one of many actions that the Imperial Court undertook to save Baekje. In the reign of the 21st Emperor Yūryaku, however, the war became more serious as Silla and Goguryeo once again increased their pressure on Baekje, and King Gaero (개로왕, 蓋鹵王) of Baekje was killed in battle. The royal court was moved to Gongju for safety, and the prince who was studying abroad in Japan at the time became King. Thus, the Gongju period of Baekje history began. In the reign of the 28th Emperor Senka, King Seong (성명왕, 聖明王) of Baekje moved the capital to Buyeo under the patronage of Japan, where it remained for six generations until the reign of the 37th Empress Saimei. For 123 years, Baekje enjoyed a golden age. King Uija (의자왕, 義慈王) of Baekje served Japan well and was ruled righteously.

However, Silla and Tang Dynasty China formed a renewed alliance and threatened Baekje again. When news of the danger reached the Empress's ears, she ordered her main headquarters to be moved to Asakura Palace on Kyūshū Island to support Baekje, but she passed away in the year 661 A.D at 67 years old. (written by Correspondent Mr. Arai)

History is still blooming and fragrant. Upper Photo: Myeongwoldae (명월대, 明月臺), where the King of Baekje is said to have observed the full moon. Lower Photo: Baekje Pagoda, inscribed with a calligraphic inscription left by a Tang Chinese general who was proud of his victory over Baekje.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 20, 1943

Describing the Holy Land of Buyeo (Part 2)

Benevolent deference to the historic dynasties

Historic sites showing the support given to Baekje by Japan

After the death of Empress Saimei, Prince Nakano Ōe succeeded to the throne and became Emperor Tenji. Emperor Tenji also inherited the legacy of his predecessor and sent soldiers to rescue Baekje. When he heard that King Uija (의자왕, 義慈王) had finally been defeated by Tang Chinese forces, and that the Royal Castle had been captured, he immediately appointed Prince Pungjang (풍장왕, 豊璋), who was studying in Japan at the time, as the King of Baekje. Emperor Tenji also had his loyal retainer Gwisil Boksin (귀실복신, 鬼室福信) reassemble a righteous army. Thus, the territory of Baekje was once again restored, but after two years, the dark lord Pungjang executed the loyal retainer Boksin, and the country was once again in disarray, creating an opportunity for Tang Dynasty China to intervene. Five Japanese rescue attempts were unsuccessful and Baekje was lost, and the rescue forces returned to Japan with the exiled Baekje political refugees, thus ending the long relationship between the Japan and Baekje. Later, in the year 668 A.D., during the reign of Emperor Tenji, Goguryeo was also defeated by Tang Dynasty China, and Silla gained more and more momentum until finally, in the year 681 A.D., during the reign of Emperor Tenmu, Silla possessed most of the Korean peninsula.

The above is a general description of the relationship between Japan and Baekje, but now I would like to deepen our discussions into the Divine period and describe the process leading up to the reign of Emperor Ōjin, to clarify the proof of Japanese-Korean unification, and to investigate the precious significance of the divine restoration of Buyeo. The Nihon Shoki tells a myth about Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the younger brother of Amaterasu, who willed a divine mandate to manage the continent, and so he sent his son, Isotakeru, down to the land of Silla in Soshimori. From Soshimori, Isotakeru moved to Kumanasumine/Woongjin (웅진, 熊津), which is now in Gongju city in Chungnam province. In the Chronicles of the Founding of Izumo, which is a collection of stories about the Izumo Dynasty since the reign of Ōkuninushi-no-Mikoto, it unquestionably says that the Izumo Dynasty extended its rule stretching from the Korean peninsula to the coastal areas of Japan.

Susanoo-no-Mikoto's great-great-grandson, Omizununo-kami, desired the land of Silla and proclaimed, "I will cast three ropes on the land and pull on them". Thus, it is said that he brought Silla into the culture of Izumo. Although it is beyond the scope of this article to go into detail about the myth of the "three ropes", there are numerous theories saying that Silla's second King, Namhae of Silla (남해 차차웅, 南解次次雄), who is mentioned in the Records of the Three Kingdoms, was the reincarnation of Susanoo-no-Mikoto. The fact that and the peoples of Silla and Japan have mixed their blood for 2,600 years proves the deep connection of the Korean peninsula to the Imperial nation.

Therefore, when we consider that Silla, which destroyed Baekje, also had the blood of Japan flowing through their veins, and that the fearlessness of the soldiers of Silla was a legacy of Susanoo-no-Mikoto's wisdom, then Silla cannot be viewed only as a hated enemy.

Thus, the Izumo dynasty returned to divine rule and the coastal regions were unified, with Emperor Jimmu completing his conquests and establishing his capital in Yamato-kunihara. During the 860 years leading up to the reign of the 14th Emperor Chūai, the legacy of the Izumo Dynasty in subjugating Korean territory was passed down through the generations of the Imperial Court. However, when Silla once again attempted to invade Baekje, Empress Jingū assembled an army to send into distant Korea to rescue Baekje. In the reign of the fifteenth Emperor Ōjin, when Empress Jingū was regent, Dr. Wani (왕인, 王仁) came to Japan from Baekje in 285 A.D. and presented Japan with the Analects of Confucius and a thousand Chinese characters. Maketsu (真毛津女) brought her sewing skills to Japan. Takuso (卓素) came to Japan as a blacksmith. Suzukori (須須許理) brought the art of sake brewing to Japan to serve the whims of Emperor Ōjin, who praised him with the words, "The sake brewed by Suzukori has made me drunk again! The mellowness of this sake makes me drunk".

In this way, during the reign of Emperor Ōjin, Baekje recovered, friendship with Japan deepened, and cultural exchanges benefited Japan to a great extent. In response to this, Japan supported the defense of Baekje, and the foundation of unity between Japan and Baekje was completed. Thus, generations of Emperors maintained friendly relations with Baekje. Along with the spread of Buddhism, in order to further solidify the spiritual bond between the two countries, many Baekje generals received an Imperial decree to move to Japan, and the Kings of Baekje also sent their sons to Japan for training in the Japanese spirit.

In the 455 years from 200 A.D. when Empress Jingū defeated Silla to 655 A.D. when Empress Saimei ascended the throne, the Asuka culture arose in Japan, and Buyeo, the royal city of Baekje, entered its golden age. Baekmagang River was busy with trading ships from the two countries, and there were mass exchanges of people between the two countries. There were growing numbers of Koreans who became Japanese people, as well as growing numbers of Japanese people who became long-term residents of Baekje.

In the midst of such peace, Silla, in cooperation with Tang Dynasty China, vigilantly watched over Baekje. When Goguryeo invaded Baekje's frontiers, Baekje became a tumultuous place, with elites already weakened by dreams of academia. The two platforms to greet the full moons on the sacred top of Mount Buso (부소산, 扶蘇山), are testament to the king of Baekje at that time who wept at seeing the shadow of the moon floating down and disappearing as he was accompanied by one hundred beautiful women. Before the Japanese forces arrived to help the weakly equipped Baekje troops, a combined force of 180,000 soldiers from Silla and Tang Dynasty China finally invaded Baekje Castle and captured King Uija (의자왕, 義慈王). At the time, 3,000 beautiful women of the royal palace, including Japanese women, were too ashamed to fall into the hands of the enemy, so they dared to take their own lives by leaping like flower petals from a rocky head overlooking the abyss of Baekmagang River. This rock, later named Naghwaam Rock (낙화암, 落花巖) (Fallen Flower Rock), still reminds visitors of the tragedy of the destruction of Baekje.

Original caption: Myeongwoldae (명월대, 明月臺), where the King of Baekje is said to have observed the full moon.

The tragic news of Baekje's imminent peril also caused a stir among the Japanese people and the Imperial Court. Empress Saimei had weapons and warships ready at a moment's notice, and she moved the main headquarters to Tsukushi to control the military situation. However, she passed away at 68 years old in Asakura Palace.

Emperor Tenji, as mentioned in the first part of this article series, sent his commander, Abenohirafu, to rescue Baekje in a hurry, and he also sent Prince Pungjang (풍장왕, 豊璋) to Baekje with more than 5,000 soldiers with assistance from the younger sister of Ōnokomoshiki. Hearing that Gwisil Boksin (귀실복신, 鬼室福信), his loyal retainer in Baekje, was fighting to recapture the Royal Castle with his righteous army, he gave Boksin 100,000 arrows, 500 kin (~300 kg) of thread, 1,000 kin (~600 kg) of cotton, 1,000 sheets of cloth, 1,000 strips of leather, and 3,000 saka (~540,000 liters) of rice. Now, if you visit the site of the military storehouse at the top of the castle and remove the weeds, you will find in the soil a great deal of the original rice and soybeans that were sent here by the Emperor, which have subsequently been carbonized in their original shapes and have not been damaged by the weather over the past thousand plus years.

With the support of the Japanese forces, the Baekje capital was once again restored after driving out the Tang Chinese general Liu Renyuan, but within two years of the restoration, internal chaos broke out in Baekje, and the foolish dark Prince Pungjang (풍장왕, 豊璋) was once again scorned by the coalition forces of Silla and Tang Dynasty China after he killed many of his distinguished ministers, including Boksin, and the Royal Castle was again surrounded by the enemy. The Emperor's troops, led by Abenohirafu with 170 warships and 27,000 soldiers led by Kamitsuke-no-Wakako, were isolated in the lower reaches of Baekmagang River by the superior force of the enemy interceptors. Although the Emperor's troops fought well, they ran out of arrows, so they evacuated the defeated Baekje government officials and people and retreated to Japan.

On September 25th in the 2nd year of the reign of Emperor Tenji, the 600-year history of Baekje, which had flourished here in Buyeo, was reduced to a mere tale of autumn grass along with the passing of the moon on Myeongwoldae (명월대, 明月臺).

Erratum: "Silla" on the 33rd line from the end of the article in the morning edition of April 19th is a misprint of "Baekje".

Photo: Female students are collecting rice and beans from the ruins of the military storehouse at the fortress on Mount Buso (부소산, 扶蘇山), and the monument has an inscription from the invasion of Baekje, written by the Tang Chinese General Liu Renyuan.



京城日報 1943年4月19日
















京城日報 1943年4月20日


















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