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Showing posts with label Prisoners of War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prisoners of War. Show all posts

Friday, February 4, 2022

British and Australian prisoners of war arrive in Seoul and Incheon on September 25, 1942


Notes: For the best experience, I recommend also reading the first-hand accounts of the Allied prisoners of war to get the perspectives of both sides.

Some links that I found showing the first-hand stories of the Allied prisoners of war in Korea:

Keijo Camp | RFHG (

familyhistory-markkirk - AlfKirk1916 (

Microsoft Word - PAC-JINSEN CAMP (

In his blog, Professor Akizuki Nozomi of Meiji Gakuin University identifies the former location of the former Seoul (Keijō) Prisoner of War Camp at present-day Singwang Girls High School (신광여자고등학교) at 서울시 용산구 청파동 3가100: (Google Maps Link:

His blog entry in Japanese: Part 1: Part 2:

Below is the route that the Allied prisoners of war took during their march from Yongsan station to Keijō Camp (credit to Professor Akizuki):

Why am I posting this kind of content? Read my reasons here:


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 26, 1942

British prisoners of war in disgrace
Alas, their walking pace tends to be unsteady

Having dreams on the first night in the prison camp

British prisoners of war with faces as if they had swallowed lead marched in four lines from Yongsan Station to the Seoul (Keijō) Prisoner-of-War Camp in Aobachō at midnight on the afternoon of September 25. The streets were packed and lined with spectators who had come to see the living spoils of war, the British prisoners of war, walking from the train station along Hangang-daero, turning at Samgakji and then toward Kyōmachi, and then walking from Motomachi 1-chōme to Aobachō 3-chōme.

Protected by military guards and honorable POW monitors of Korean descent, the prisoners of war walked with the same disheveled gait as on the day they were defeated on the Malaysian front. For a while, the crowd gasped upon seeing the varied appearances of the prisoners of war, whose eyes were unashamed and unabashed: neatly trimmed faces, shaved heads, curled up mustaches in the shape of the Chinese character for eight (八), carrying rolled up blankets and military packs resembling rucksacks on their backs, messy clothes and demeanor, stylishly dressed Australian soldiers. "Oh my! You see, we must not lose the war," the crowd whispered to each other here and there.

The prisoners of war arrived at the prison camp at 1:30 p.m., and a military-style internal affairs team was immediately organized in the camp yard. British officers and enlisted men, and Australian officers and enlisted men were selected in separate groups, and the enlisted men joined their respective groups. Their movements were extremely slow, and in contrast to the disciplined demeanor of our Imperial troops, there was no sense of bravery to be found in the soldiers.

At 2:00 p.m., after the division of the prisoners had been completed with an interpreter, all the prisoners lined up for the solemn announcement and swearing-in ceremony by Colonel Nagano of the Seoul Camp. Lt. Col. Cardell (the highest ranking officer among the prisoners of war) received the title of commander and gave the order "Kiwotsuke! (Attention!)" which he had already learned. Then he saluted Colonel Noguchi with a "Kashiranaka" salute.

Colonel Noguchi, the Director, stood on the center stage and gave the following instructions in a solemn tone through the microphone. Simultaneous interpretation was provided.

"The following is an admonition to you on the occasion of your internment in this Korean prison camp. In the first place, the United States and Great Britain have oppressed East Asia and attempted to invade and overrun a billion people. At this time, the people of our nation of 100 million rose up springing into action. In less than a few months, the Imperial Army, the sons of the gods, defeated the United States and Great Britain with valor and fury, achieving unprecedented results in the world.

This is a testament to the fact that the heavens favor the righteous. You have been defeated by the divine army. It is a natural consequence of your actions. You have lost the power to fight now, but you did face us once. You must well understand that your defeat was by the divine army.

Some of you may still be troubled by your defeat. But since you surrendered to us, you must clear your mind of hostility and follow our rules. You must endure being placed in a different environment and experiencing inconvenience due to different customs. If you do not wipe away your hostilities today and obey us, we will give you the warm treatment prescribed by our excellent, world-renowned Bushido (the Japanese way of the warrior)."

Upon listening to these words, they realized that tides of the Greater East Asia War were turning decisively, since their own British military was defeated on all fronts in the fighting to the south, and their moods thickened with resignation. Dark shades appeared on their faces for a moment, as if they were more troubled by homesickness than by thoughts of their country's military strength.

After the admonition, they signed an oath that they would not flee and would obey all orders. It was three o'clock in the afternoon when everyone had completed the forms. Then they went to the internal affairs team. Each person was provided with four warm blankets. The prisoners of war assigned to the cooking team worked diligently to prepare dinner. Brown-haired hands began to chop the vegetables that filled the aluminum dishes. There was also a liquor store. The signs here and there were written in both Japanese characters and English letters. Nervous Korean monitors were working actively.

A rare sight: "soldiers in women's clothing"

Headed to Incheon Camp in silence

Incheon Telephone Report: Defeated prisoners of war numbering (redacted) people, who had no courage in the face of our righteousness, arrived at Sangincheon Station by special train at 2:15 p.m. on the 25th. This marked the first step in their march to enter the camp. From the square in front of the station and from the second-floor windows, they were gazed at by the proud Japanese people. Prisoners of war numbering (redacted) people lined up in four rows and columns under the command of our Imperial Army, remaining silent under the "white flag of silence".

Some of them were carrying bags with the numbers "B42" or "B52" written on them, and some were carrying backpacks with water bottles and lunch boxes hanging from them. Some wore navy blue and red women's clothing, perhaps given to them as mementos of their wives, and some even wore red flowers in their hats.

There was also an old prisoner of war who looked like a tourist in khaki shorts and hat, carrying a large trunk with labels stuck all over it. There were some wounded soldiers who were carried away in trucks. This was the pitiful state of the British prisoners of war, who had always been proud of the British Empire with their immorality and cruelty. They marched from the train station for 40 minutes, and then entered the camp in front of the Port train station (Photo: Prisoner of war unit on its way to Incheon Camp)

Three photos of the British prisoners of war: [Top] Director Noguchi's speech, [Middle] Entering the camp headquarters, [Bottom] Signing an oath with tattoos exposed

Surrender is the only known gesture

A glossy note to be preserved for posterity

The British prisoners of war, who we can only assume had been educated to believe the motto, "If our enemy is strong enough, we should surrender, then our lives will surely be spared," were sent here with facial expressions that almost looked as though they had never been involved in war. The words and deeds of these captives, who were uneducated and had a false worldview imbued in them, were full of bittersweet smiles from ignorance. Here are a few glimpses that we caught at the landing scene.

The prisoners of war afflicted by ringworms were dangling canvas bags resembling first aid kits on their backs and in front of themselves, clinking aluminum lunch boxes and thermos cups made out of coffee cans clink, and carrying flour bags under their arms. A young military doctor disinfected them with a sprayer at the bottom of the ramp as the prisoners of war with the ringworms walked about. The young military doctor then made a hand gesture instructing them to show him the palms of their hands, but instead they let go of their luggage under their arms and raised both hands. It seems they were only taught to surrender.

Then came material inspection. Every playing card they showed us was soiled and worn. These were the tools of gambling. There were many letters sent from the delinquent young women at the ports. Their blue eyes were darting desperately throughout all this.

The whole city of Busan was filled with hundreds of thousands of spectators. When they saw the wartime Japanese national uniforms, the perms, the Korean chima skirts, and the Korean durumagi overcoats, their blue eyes lit up and they innocently asked their captors if they were charging admission fees.

Chasing the dream of history

Surprised by their conceit

Private First Class Funakoshi, who graduated from the University of Washington and returned to Japan in 1939 with dual nationality, is working as an interpreter for the British prisoners of war. He recounted the following regarding his first time interacting with the British.

This was the first time I had come in contact with the British people, and I was surprised at their strong self-esteem. They must be having dreams of history. The reason why the British and Americans are so confident of their final victory is that they say that the military power of the United States is increasing day by day, while the military power of Germany is getting weaker day by day, which is inconceivable. Among the British officers who said such things, many are of noble extraction. The Australian soldiers were generally pure-hearted.

To the farming villages at harvest time
Sending soldiers home

Reinforcement personnel for bereaved family farmers

(Tokyo Telephone Report) The Army and Navy are very concerned about securing food supplies during wartime, and have decided to give some of the enlisted troops in Japan proper some leave time to return to their villages during the harvest season this year, when a good crop is expected. They are taking some really precious time off to return home while the Army is extremely busy defending the homeland during the Greater East Asia War as well as taking care of affairs for the departed troops. We request that ordinary farmers take this point into consideration and work with an awareness of themselves as a collective of warriors, while not falling into useless dependency.

In addition, the Army and Navy will provide active support and cooperation to the farmers of the families of fallen soldiers.

The authorities of the Army and the Navy will soon issue a memorandum to each corps under their control regarding this matter.

Young Pioneer Corps

Visited Seoul on the 29th

One hundred and forty-eight members of the Manchurian Pioneer Youth Volunteer Corps, who had undergone intense training at the Naepo Pioneer Training Center in Gangwon-do for one month and at the Naewon Training Center for three months, respectively, gathered in Seoul at 10:00 p.m. on the 29th. At 9:00 a.m. on the 30th, a send-off party was held in front of the main entrance of the Governor-General's Office with Commissioner Tanaka in attendance. They will take the 8:10 p.m. train to Manchuria.

The Youth Volunteer Corps will enter the Ning'an Training Center in Mudanjiang Province, where they will undergo a refresher training for three months before constructing a model pioneer village in Manchuria.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 24, 1942

Defeated British prisoners of war
British POWs land in Busan
Arriving in Seoul tomorrow

The living spoils of the Imperial Army

The living spoils of the Greater East Asia War... British prisoners of war from the Malaysian front numbering (redacted) people have finally landed at Busan on the morning of the 24th. This will mark their dramatic first step in the Korean peninsula, the military logistics base of the Asian continent, showcasing our transport team's globally top-ranked iron wall. In the past, British troops were running rampant in the world, treating it as if they owned it, but once the Imperial Military arose, they raised their white flags and surrendered for their lives. Now, with their defeated bodies, they are clearly showing their defeat to the eyes of the 24 million people on the Korean peninsula. On December 8 of last year, upon receiving the Imperial Rescript, the Imperial Military conquered the Pacific Ocean in just nine months. The gratitude and excitement of the Korean peninsula in receiving the souvenir of victory grew even more intense, and the resolve to complete the Greater East Asia War was inflamed to the utmost.

On this day of excitement, the port of Busan was completely ready to receive the prisoners of war, and everywhere you went in the city there were stories about them. It was the first time that they were seen on the silver screen of the news programs. And although they had heard about the prisoners of war and wondered what they would look like, they were filled with the joy of being able to see them with their own eyes one night later, their imaginings now turned into reality.

At the Arai Ryokan (guesthouse) in front of the station, where Colonel Atsuchi of the Korean military press office was stationed, groups of newspaper reporters, photo crews, and news cameramen came and went, busy communicating with each other so that the excitement of the announcement of the landing of the prisoners of war on the 23rd would be known behind the front lines. The port of Busan was filled with the excitement of the century that night. (Censored by the Korean Army)


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) March 1, 1943

Prisoners of war who arrived in Korea

Demons! Behold the raw remains of the U.S. and Britain's insidious defeat!

Published on March 8

Greatly Moving!

The day of rejoicing is coming for our 24 million compatriots!
Two great cultural films by Korean Films!

(Censored by Imperial General Headquarters, edited by Ahn Seok-yeong)


Recommended by the Governor-General of Korea

Directed by Kenjiro Morinaga, supervised by the Korean Military Command and the Governor-General of Korea
Kenjiro Morinaga, Director
Akira Seto, Cinematography

Korean Film Distribution

March 1, all Korean red and white films are released simultaneously



京城日報 1942年9月26日






































京城日報 1942年9月24日






京城日報 1943年3月1日








朝鮮軍司令部・朝鮮総督府 指導
森永健二郎 演出
瀬戸明 撮影




Monday, January 24, 2022

Part 1 - Thousands of young Korean men were recruited to guard Allied POWs, and guards were told to teach the POWs to "recognize the superiority of the Japanese people and to make them respect the Japanese Empire from the bottom of their hearts"


Notes: Some 3000 young Korean men were recruited by Imperial Japan as civilians to work as civilians to guard Allied POWs in Southeast Asia. The prisoners were mostly forced to build airstrips and railways for the Imperial Japanese military. These included the 415-km Thai-Burma railway, which was made famous with the movie "The Bridges on the River Kwai". One of the more notable Korean guards working on the Thai-Burma railway was Lee Hak-rae, the last surviving Korean Class-B/Class-C war criminal from World War II who died in Japan last year in March 2021

One term that was hard to translate into English in this article was gunzoku (軍属), which I translated as "civilian members of the military", but this classification refers to the lowest ranking civilian employees in the service of the Imperial Japanese military. So, the status of the ethnic Korean prison guards was quite low in the Imperial Japanese military hierarchy. A lot of former prison guards argued this fact before the war crimes tribunals with varying degrees of success.

This Asia-Pacific Journal article is a good overview of Lee Hak-rae's story.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) May 23, 1942

Direct cooperation in the Greater East Asia War
Thousands of young Korean men are recruited to monitor American and British prisoners of war
The pride of the Imperial People is getting higher and higher

The government has decided to enact a soldier conscription system for our Korean compatriots and allow them to be recruited as soldiers starting in 1944, giving them an epoch-making honor in the governance of the peninsula. This time, it has been decided to send even more talented young Korean men to serve as civilian members of the military. Due to the brilliant results of the Imperial military in the Greater East Asia War, they have been assigned to monitor the American and British prisoners of war being held in various locations. At the same time, it has been decided to bestow upon them the great mission of making these arrogant and insolent people realize the superiority of the Japanese people. On the 22nd, the Intelligence Division of the Governor-General's Office announced the following:

Announcement by the Intelligence Division

At the request of the Army, several thousand young Korean men of merit will be recruited as civilian members of the military in order to monitor the American and British prisoners of war who are being held in various location as a result of our brilliant war accomplishments in the Greater East Asia War. In the meantime, large numbers of young Korean men have been recruited to work on urgent government projects in accordance with the National Conscription Order. It is not only a great honor for the young Korean men to have been assigned such honorable duties, but it is also a great honor for Korea to have had their qualities as Imperial subjects be recognized as sufficient to assume such honorable duties.

The duties of those recruited are not only to watch over the American and British prisoners of war, but also to teach them to recognize the superiority of the Japanese people and to make them respect the Japanese Empire from the bottom of their hearts. Since this mission is a serious one, the young Korean men who are selected to serve in such an important mission assume a great responsibility, which has an extremely deep significance in light of the current decision to adopt the policy of enforcing the soldier conscription system in Korea. 

The applicants will be carefully selected by the provincial governments and related county governments south of Hwanghae Province and Gangwon Province, and those who are selected will be trained for about two months in the military and then mostly transferred to the field (partly in Korea), where they will be treated with great care and preferential treatment.

Those of you who have been recruited are requested to bear in mind the spirit of the above, and to make every effort to do your best, so that you may truly become subjects of the Imperial State, and thereby perform a splendid job of manifesting the majesty of our Empire as the leader of East Asia.

We hope that the general public will be as sincere to those who have done this honor as they would be to a soldier, and that they will cooperate in the completion of their duties without fear of regret.


Reddit Link:


京城日報 1942年5月23日








Part 2 - Thousands of young Korean men were recruited to guard Allied POWs, who were called "masses of materialism with little spiritual cultivation" and "mentally retarded people" whom the guards had to "splendidly guide and subdue"


Notes: Some 3000 young Korean men were recruited by Imperial Japan as civilians to work as civilians to guard Allied POWs in Southeast Asia. The prisoners were mostly forced to build airstrips and railways for the Imperial Japanese military. These included the 415-km Thai-Burma railway, which was made famous with the movie "The Bridges on the River Kwai". One of the more notable Korean guards working on the Thai-Burma railway was Lee Hak-rae, the last surviving Korean Class-B/Class-C war criminal from World War II who died in Japan last year in March 2021

One term that was hard to translate into English in this article was gunzoku (軍属), which I translated as "civilian members of the military", but this classification refers to the lowest ranking civilian employees in the service of the Imperial Japanese military. So, the status of the ethnic Korean prison guards was quite low in the Imperial Japanese military hierarchy. A lot of former prison guards argued this fact before the war crimes tribunals with varying degrees of success.

This Asia-Pacific Journal article is a good overview of Lee Hak-rae's story.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) May 24, 1942

Recruitment of guards for American and British prisoners of war
Mentally guide and subdue
Expectations for the applicants' mental readiness

Comments by Mr. Kuramo, Chief of the Military Press Department

As announced on the 22nd, the government has decided to recruit several thousand capable young Korean men to serve in the military to monitor American and British prisoners of war being held in various places. Mr. Kuramo, Chief of the Korean Military Press Department, issued the following statement on the 23rd:

Content of the Statement by the Chief of the Military Press Department

The number of American, British and Dutch troops taken prisoner by the Imperial Military in the Greater East Asia War was enormous. In the middle of all this, the colonial military forces, made up of indigenous people who were oppressed by the Americans, British, and Dutch under absolute discrimination, were sent back to their hometowns with a pledge to cooperate with the Imperial Military and its Divine Soldiers of Peace, and contribute to the establishment of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. The remaining prisoners of war of the American, British and Dutch forces were placed in prisoner-of-war camps in various places, where they were forced to work under the warm supervision of the Imperial Military.

It has already been announced by the Governor's Office that young Korean men were recruited as civilian members of the military to assist the Imperial Military in the camps for American, British and Dutch prisoners of war.

In view of the seriousness of their duties, these men were to be recruited as civilian members of the military and given about two months of preparatory training, most of whom were to serve in the south. Despite defeat, the Americans, British, and Dutch were still the ones who had ruled the world as if it had belonged to them. We must thoroughly train our mental readiness to deal with them. Winning the battles at long last, we must not let deficiencies arise in our management after the battles.

Although they may seem to be materially superior in some respects, they are actually masses of materialism with little spiritual cultivation, and it is no surprise that they were defeated in this war. In order for us to build a new order, we must absolutely denounce their European-American ideas.

Therefore, we should have the aspiration to splendidly guide these mentally retarded people and subdue them. For this reason, when selecting the personnel to monitor them, the emphasis should be placed on whether or not they have been trained in this mental readiness to deal with them. Other conditions should also be taken into consideration when asking them to proceed with seriousness.

We would like to focus on young people who are between the ages of 20 and around 35, and who have graduated from elementary school (National School). This is because they have at least learned Japanese etiquette and can speak their language well, which is the first factor to avoid being insulted by the British and the Americans. They will be treated as civilian members of the military, and when they go abroad, they will be given departure allowances and all the other benefits that come with being civilian members of the military.

Starting salaries are generally uniform across the board, but they are raised successively according to one's ability. They can rest easy about food, clothing, and shelter for an expected period of two years. Of course, enough considerations will be made so that they will not have to worry about family members.

We hope that you will consider these conditions carefully and apply for these positions, especially if you are a young man who has applied to become a special volunteer soldier but was not accepted, or if you are a young man who is eager to study Europeans and Americans with hopes of making great strides in the future. Don't miss out on this excellent opportunity.

The Chronicles of the Way of Japanese Wives

This is an inspirational read that depicts the noble way in which Japanese wives have protected and nurtured their families while hiding in the shadows of their husbands and children. The serialization of this story in the June issue of Women's Club magazine has already been well received.

(The large slogan running vertically on the bottom left corner:) 

The Unification of Japan and Korea starts with the Japanese Language!


Reddit Link:


京城日報 1942年5月24日









Saturday, December 11, 2021

In 1942 Busan, Korean pastors and foreign residents (Russian Tatar family, English woman, Chinese consul) praise Imperial Japan as British POWs captured in Malaysia start arriving in the city


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 24, 1942

People on the ground asked about the captured prisoners of war landing on the peninsula

By Oyama (Korean surname: 'In') and Suyama, correspondents at Busan

Prisoners of war are coming, prisoners of war are coming! Prisoners of war who were captured in Malaysia have come to Korea in big ships. The British soldiers were once seen together in the midst of war, but on the 24th, [redacted] prisoners of war are to land in Busan, vividly showing the war achievements of the Imperial Military. Hearing the announcement of the Korean army, the 24 million people on the peninsula were filled with gratitude and excitement that they had been born in the Imperial Kingdom on this day and at this time. We would like to ask each of the 280,000 residents of Busan Prefecture, who are now looking at the crumbling remains of the British Empire with their own eyes, striving to complete the Greater East Asia War and learn wisdom from the follies of others, to give thanks for the announcement made today.

"Don't be arrogant after victory"

Shin'ichi Yamashita, Prefectural Governor of Busan

We have to win the war. The British prisoners of war who were defeated in the war also took up their swords for the sake of their country, but in the end they spared their own lives and exposed their own shame. The final decision and attitude of a person, not just a warrior, is important. I felt deeply that the saying in Hagakure's Analects, "A warrior must find it in himself to die," was true in all cases. It is only natural that they should be punished for their selfishness and injustice in East Asia before the war. No matter what kind of nation you are, you should never get carried away. Winning and not being arrogant about it is the essence of the Japanese spirit. Japan, as a victorious nation, must not make the same mistake that Britain, the home country of these prisoners of war, made. Photo: Yamashita, Prefectural Governor of Busan

The Joy of Living in Japan

A pro-Japanese White Russian family

By correspondent Takahashi

Mr. Baigudin Gusman (45), who has lived in Japan for 21 years and now runs a clothing business in Okura-machi 3-chome, Busan, has a very pro-Japanese family. He is a Turkish Tatar with the same red blood of the Orient running through his veins as ours. Mr. Gusman praised the greatness of Japan as follows.

"I think it is a natural judgment of God that the U.S. and Britain, which did not realize Japan's fundamental strength and underestimated its economic power, were defeated without a moment's hesitation and came ashore as pitiful prisoners of war. We are observing the one month Muslim fast since the eleventh day of this month in order to express our gratitude for the happiness of living peacefully and without inconvenience as residents under the grateful patronage of Japan. During this period, we will pray to God for the completion of the Greater East Asia War. On the day the fast ends, we will donate the living expenses we have saved during this period to the National Defense Fund and offer a small token of our gratitude". Photo: Mr. Gusman and his family

Mr. Bunkichi Sakata, a member of the Gyeongnam Provincial Council

The destruction of the Anglo-Saxon race is a self-inflicted wound. In contrast to their misjudgment of Japan's capabilities before the war, our country is well aware of the other side and is steadily making giant strides in building a new world order. We the gun-toting people must strengthen our determination to work together and be ready for tomorrow.

Comments by Reverend Minister Elder Yang 

"In all my dealings with the British and the Americans over the past few decades, they have never expressed their own faults or regretted them. I think it is because of their greed and contempt for East Asians. That is why they pretend to be sheep on the surface, but when you look deeper, you see that they are always two sides of the same coin. Although they are people who believe in Jehovah God, they have been using the natural resources and man-made treasures given to them by God for the purpose of exploiting East Asia, hiding behind the name of religion. In the Bible, it is said that 'God opposes the proud'. The fact that they were defeated by the righteous advance of the Imperial Army and are now prisoners of war who have arrived in Korea, I believe that God has taken away their blessings".

Heaven's Punishment

Comments by Elder Seo

"It is a great joy to be able to use the British and American prisoners of war from the Greater East Asia War for the construction of East Asia in Korea. Of course, they should be defeated if they extend the evil hand of aggression in the name of religion. That is the punishment that Heaven has sent down. I can remember when I was in church and they were preaching the way of God with their mouths, but their attitude was always one of contempt. I have no doubt that we, the people of East Asia, should strive for the construction of Greater East Asia with a Japanized Christianity". (Photo: Elder Seo)

Now I know the sins of my ancestral country

Englishwoman Maria's Story of Repentance

By correspondents Suyama and Aoki

Maria Yarmouth Debritt (21), also known as Keiko Suzuki, whose parents are both British, has been living in Japan for over 20 years and is now making her own living running a coffee shop in Busan, in order to live strongly in accordance with her strange fate. When it was announced that the prisoners of war would arrive in Korea on the 24th, she told her defeated ancestral country about her joy of living in Japan.

"I was born in Kobe and grew up in Japan, and I imagined my ancestral country as though it was an illusion to me. But now, with this reality in front of my own eyes, I know East Asia more clearly, and I have come to know Japan as a country with a strong sense of justice. The sins of my ancestral country over the past several hundred years have been thrown off the face of the earth, along with their mask hiding their aggression in East Asia. I am determined to live my whole life in Japan, offering my gratitude for this great unfolding history, in which a brighter world will be built together with Japan". (Photo: Keiko speaking)

Very moved to contribute to this country

Consul Zhou of the Republic of China

"By welcoming the British prisoners of war, we can clearly understand how bravely our friends of the Japanese military fought for the construction of Greater East Asia. Witnessing the capture of the British prisoners of war has become a splendid teaching tool for those who have little awareness of war, teaching them that 'the war is something that should be won'. All the peoples of East Asia must cooperate with each other as much as the heroes on the front lines, and push forward to complete the objectives of the war with all the strength of our alliance. I am pleased to have the honor of expressing my feelings today in the same spirit as the Japanese people, who are my friends". (Photo: Mr. Zhou Jiren)

Industrialization of Logistics in the South Pacific

The peninsula is the best place

Remarks by Mr. Hoshihiyoshi Konishi on his visit to Seoul

Naval Captain Hoshihiyoshi Konishi (51), a former researcher at the Planning Institute and managing director of the South Pacific Economic Research Institute, a foundation famous for its research on the South Pacific, came to Seoul on the 21st as a member of the Colonial Management Committee.

He visited Governor Koiso, and held various discussions on the issue of corporatization of South Pacific resources on the peninsula. On the 23rd, he visited his nephew Ukita at his lodgings in 46 Kitayonekura-cho, and we asked him about his visit to Korea. (Photo: Mr. Konishi speaking)

"I have a deep connection with Korea. Around the time of the Sino-Japanese War in 1894, my father came to Korea to advocate for the spread of the Imperial Way, and his relatives have lived here since then. That's why this place is very nostalgic for me. I had visited here when I was in the naval academy and last June, but this time I wanted to do a field survey on the economic partnership between the peninsula and the South Pacific.

First of all, I think that the goods that Korea needs from the South Pacific are wood, rubber and iron. In particular, Korea has made great progress in the rubber industry, which is ideal. We should bring both wood and iron and industrialize them on a large scale. Also, I think it is urgent to send more and more settlers from Korea to the South Pacific, especially to Mindanao and New Guinea".

Reporting about the situation on the ground

Association President Hada

To the Imperial Cooperation Conference

How is the total power movement in Japan proper becoming more active? How should the general movement in Korea make great strides in the future? With such aspirations for the management of the Association in mind, Lieutenant General Hada left Seoul at 14:40 on the 23rd on the Akatsuki train accompanied by Mr. Akita, Chief of the General Affairs Division, to attend the Central Cooperation Conference of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association and the Third Liaison Conference for the Imperial Supporters' Movement for Japan and the Colonies to be held in Tokyo from the 26th to the 29th as a representative of Korea. Before his departure, the President said that he would bring back many gifts and that he had the following aspirations for his trip.

"The Central Cooperation Conference, which includes the principals of national schools and even the principals of girls' schools, is truly a general meeting of the people. For this reason, Japan proper is a step ahead of Korea in terms of the total power movement reporting the situation on the ground to the higher-ups, and there is much to be heard.

Fortunately, I will be there as a representative of Korea, but I would like to listen to this conference from a Korea-centered standpoint, asking myself 'How should I apply this?' I am sure I will bring back many gifts. Representatives from Taiwan, the South Seas, Sakhalin Island, Kwantung Leased Territory, and other areas will gather at the liaison conference on October 1, and three representatives from Korea are scheduled to attend. The liaison conference has not yet reached the point where the various regions can come up with a comprehensive agenda and make it a movement at once".

The president is scheduled to return to his post on October 5.

All the above photos have been censored and the articles have been approved by the Korean Army.


Reddit Link: In 1942 Busan, Korean pastors and foreign residents (Russian Tatar family, English woman, Chinese consul) praise Imperial Japan as British POWs captured in Malaysia start arriving in the city : korea (


京城日報 昭和十七年九月二十四日





釜山府尹 山下真一







慶南道会議員 坂田文吉氏談


長老 粱聖奉氏談



























Forgotten Korean Suicide Attacker ‘Hero’ celebrated by Imperial Japan: Park Gwan-bin (박관빈, 朴官彬) charged into an Allied machine-gun nest clutching an anti-tank explosive during the Burma Campaign in Dec. 1944

In the annals of forgotten history, few figures exemplify the complex and tragic reality of Korean soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army qu...