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Showing posts with label Agriculture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agriculture. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2024

Korean rice farmers barely survived eating grass roots as they worked tirelessly to meet the rice quotas imposed by the Imperial Army in 1944, even sacrificing their own personal rice supplies to face starvation under pressure from the police inspector and the township chief

This disturbing propaganda news story from 1944 is about a rice farming township (Seonso-myeon) in Suncheon County, South Pyeongan Province in what is now North Korea, which was supposedly so grateful to their police inspector for being compassionate and not scolding or beating them, that they were inspired to not only offer up all the rice they had kept to feed themselves for the year, but also sacrifice their own lives for the police inspector. The rice farmers had just worked through incredible hardship, even eating roots to barely survive, but they still came short of the rice quota that the Imperial Army had imposed on them, which is why they had to give up their own personal supplies of rice so that they could meet the quota, even if it meant that they could starve to death in the process. 

Patriotic Korean military grandma Tanzan Kōzō

This article provides a glimpse into the cruel colonial power structure that led to the oppressive exploitation and even possible starvation and genocide of Korean farmers under Imperial Japanese rule. Apparently, the county police chiefs were responsible for delivering the rice quotas that were imposed by the Imperial Army. The county police chief would direct the police inspector to pressure the local township leader, or myeon chief, to make sure that the rice farmers worked hard enough to meet the Imperial Army's rice quotas. The myeon chief was typically a Korean collaborator from the township who was installed into this position by the colonial government. Similar food procuring operations were conducted by the Imperial Japanese military all across occupied areas during World War II to deadly effect. For example, Vietnam experienced a famine in 1944-1945.

The Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), which sent the news dispatch team which wrote this news story, was the single ruling party of Japan-colonized Korea. The propaganda purpose of their article was probably to inspire readers with the hard work ethic displayed by the Korean rice farmers, and to encourage other Korean farmers to work just as hard as the rice farmers of Seonso-myeon to provide food supplies to the Imperial Army, even if it meant putting themselves at the brink of starvation. The article was also a way of rewarding the police chief and police inspector for squeezing the demanded rice quota out of the rice farmers. They added some personal anecdotes about missing a mother's funeral and dealing with a sick baby to humanize the police chief.  

See also the similar 1943 story of rice farmer Kim Chi-gu and his sons, who vowed to donate about 150,000 kg of rice to the Imperial Army over ten years.

Another propaganda story features a Korean 'military grandma' whose son died serving in the Imperial Army. She allegedly transcribed the Japanese national anthem, 'Kimigayo', and the Imperial Subjects' Oath into Korean and recited them day and night in an effort to be a better Imperial subject. 

The Imperial Subjects' Oath (皇国臣民ノ誓詞), which the 'military grandma' transcribed into Hangul and recited day and night, was promulgated throughout Korea on October 2, 1937. It was actually drafted by a Korean collaborator named Lee Gag-jong (李覺鐘), and then finalized by then Governor of occupied Korea, Minami Jirō. The oath is as follows. 

  • 私共は、大日本帝国の臣民であります。
  • 私共は、心を合わせて天皇陛下に忠義を尽します。
  • 私共は、忍苦鍛錬して立派な強い国民となります。
  • 我等は皇国臣民なり、忠誠以て君国に報ぜん。
  • 我等皇国臣民は互に信愛協力し、以て団結を固くせん。
  • 我等皇国臣民は忍苦鍛錬力を養い以て皇道を宣揚せん。
  • We are subjects of the Great Empire of Japan.
  • We are united in our hearts in our loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor.
  • We will persevere and train ourselves to become a fine and strong people.
  • We are subjects of the Imperial State, and we will repay the sovereign nation with loyalty.
  • We, the subjects of the Imperial State, shall love and cooperate with each other, and thus solidify our unity.
  • We, the subjects of the Imperial State, shall cultivate the power of endurance and discipline, and thereby proclaim the Imperial Way.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) March 16, 1944

Righteousness and Tears Behind the Rice Contribution

A Military Grandma, a Devoted Imperial Subject, Offers Up Her Beloved Child

A Beautiful Story Found in a Farming Village

By Special Correspondent Kiyohara

As a member of the special news dispatch team sent by the Korean Federation of National Power, I participated in the "Total National Mobilization Rally to Destroy the U.S. and Britain" from February 22, starting in Gando Township (myeon) (간동면, 看東面), Junghwa County, South Pyeongan Province, and continued for about two weeks in one town (eup) and six townships. During this time, I sought to understand the genuine spirit of how the farming villages were living and fighting. In my spare moments, I visited the farmers, rich with the fragrance of the earth, and heard stories of righteousness and tears from a police chief, and moving stories such as that of a military mother who offered her beloved child to the Imperial Nation. Here, I will recount my report.

One day in Seonso Township (선소면, 仙沼面), Suncheon County, South Pyeongan Province: Through the deep snow, or along the cold windswept mountain roads and fields, they continued to carry the heavy rice sacks loaded on carts, chanting “Essah, Essah!” From spring to summer, and from summer to fall, they overcame the shortage of fertilizer and battled against nature. The sweat they shed was crystallized into rice, nurtured by the land that they were entrusted with by the Emperor. It was this rice that became food for the soldiers and sustenance for the warriors of increased production. This is why they joyfully and proudly contributed it.

On the day of contribution, not even half the scheduled amount of rice had been delivered. Surprised, the township chief went to consult with Inspector Izumi at the local police station. The inspector, with a strong sense of responsibility, said, "The brave soldiers of the Imperial Army on the front lines are enduring battles for three or four days on just pickled plums. It is truly regrettable that the assigned quantity of rice cannot be delivered. This is shameful to our nation."

However, he added, "But we cannot force the farmers to provide more rice. The farmers are working with all their might, demonstrating their utmost sincerity. I have heard that during last spring's period of hardship, some people even ate roots to survive. They too must be suffering greatly."

The township chief, determined to request the farmers' cooperation once again, went to the meeting hall where they had gathered. Stirred by a fiery and burning fighting spirit surging through his entire body, he reported Inspector Izumi's heartfelt concern for the people of the township. He pleaded, "I am not asking you to force yourselves to contribute. But is this truly enough? Can we disregard the inspector’s tears?"

Moved by these words, a bearded farmer, with both cheeks flushed with emotion, cried out, "Everyone, until now, we have only thought of policemen as those who scold and beat us. Never in our wildest dreams did we think there was someone who would think so deeply and seriously about the plight of the farmers. For this inspector, we should not only offer rice, but also be willing to give our very lives!"

All of the township residents in attendance agreed, entrusting the responsibility of the contribution to the righteous and compassionate inspector and township chief. Fueled by a spirit of die-hard loyalty to the nation, they loaded their carts with the rice they had kept to feed themselves for the year. Fathers pulled, sons pushed, and some came from four ri (about 16 km) away, while others braved the frigid wind on slopes with a 45-degree incline. They heard the cries of pheasants in the distance as they continued to carry the rice late into the night, each one shouting, "Me too! Me too!"

By the time the night was over, rice sacks had been piled high in front of the township office. Nearly the entire scheduled amount had been delivered in a single day, and they had proudly fulfilled their responsibility to contribute.

Behind the leadership of the admirable Inspector Izumi stands another figure of selfless devotion: Police Chief Tatsuichi Hiramatsu of the Suncheon Police Station.

Last winter, a telegram arrived at Chief Hiramatsu's desk with the message, "Mother critically ill, return at once." The chief, known for his particularly strong filial piety, was ready to rush to his ailing mother's side. However, he thought to himself, "We are in a decisive battle. Public duties cannot be neglected, not for a single day, not even for an hour. The greater duty overrides one's personal obligations." With this thought, he bit his lip and threw his body and soul into his official duties, standing firm in the face of the enemy. A week later, another telegram arrived, bearing the message, "Mother has passed away."

The chief sat in silent meditation for a while, then clasped his hands together in prayer toward his hometown. After wiring money to cover his mother’s funeral expenses, he returned to his work with the same dedication as before, moving his fellow officers deeply.

When the reporter visited as part of the special news dispatch team, Chief Hiramatsu's beloved infant was suffering from a high fever of 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Yet, he refused to neglect the crucial duties of the "Total National Mobilization Rally" for personal matters. Entrusting the care of his child to his loving wife, he left his home. Despite suffering from frostbite, which made walking difficult, he accompanied the reporter on foot for a round trip of five ri (about 20 km) along the mountainous path within the town (eup) to Bukchang Township (북창면, 北倉面), fulfilling his duties. This fervent devotion to his work, even at the cost of personal sacrifice, has become a silent yet powerful lesson for all the station's officers.

In Gando Township, Junghwa County, South Pyeongan Province, there is a remarkable woman who offered up her beloved son as a shield for the nation, and she studies the national anthem "Kimigayo" and the Imperial Subjects' Oath by writing them in the Korean alphabet (Hangul).

Tanzan Kōzō (aged 57), from 87-Jiseok-ri (지석리, 支石里), Gando Township, Junghwa County, South Pyeongan Province, is the mother of four sons. One of them, Shōgorō (aged 26), bravely set off last September as an army civilian employee headed for the South Pacific. Two months later, he returned home in silence, having made the ultimate sacrifice. However, despite her son's tragic return, she never showed the slightest hint of sorrow or a dark expression to those who visited her. Instead, she would say, "He perished soon after setting off, without the chance to plant the Hinomaru Japanese flag in enemy territory. I worry that he may have died from illness on the ship. That is my only concern, and I feel terribly sorry toward His Majesty for that."

Believing that the first and foremost duty of the 25 million Korean compatriots, as Imperial subjects, is to cultivate their spirits, she has transcribed "Kimigayo" and the Imperial Subjects' Oath into Hangul and recites them day and night. Although she only knows Hangul and is unfamiliar with the Japanese language or its characters, her passionate patriotism has moved many. Her example inspired a surge in volunteer applications for military service, overwhelming those from other townships.

Photo: Mrs. Tanzan Kōzō


京城日報 1944年3月16日













Saturday, July 1, 2023

Imperial Japan had postwar plans to quadruple Japanese settlers in Korea to dominate the most technologically intensive industries, and suppress Korean access to higher education to quell 'dissatisfaction' (June 1943)

I recently came across two intriguing news articles from the Japanese colonial period of Korean history that shed light on the intricacies of the colonial government's decision-making process. The goal was clear: they aimed to increase the number of ethnic Japanese people in Korea from 700,000 to a whopping 4 million to solidify Imperial Japan's colonial control over Korea. However, their approach to achieving this was not without its contradictions.

While the officials wished to increase the number of college-educated Koreans to boost industrial production, they were wary of producing too many. An oversaturated job market could lead to a surge of unemployed college graduates, sparking potential discontent.

Simultaneously, the resettlement of educated Japanese into Korea was to provide staffing for the newly developed industries. Yet, they had to strike a balance as overpopulation of these industries could have led to staffing shortages back in Japan.

Furthermore, they faced a dichotomy in their approach to supporting businesses. On one side, there was a desire to extend aid to existing small and medium-sized businesses to ensure their survival (maintenance and nurturing), and on the other side, resources were to be expended to usher in new businesses (expansion).

The postwar immigration policy of the colonial regime, as discussed in these articles, would have seen the settlement of over 3 million additional Japanese people into Korea. Most would have been employed in the most technologically intensive industries, and a significant number of Japanese farmers would have settled in the Korean countryside. Consequently, educational opportunities and job prospects would have been far more limited for Koreans than for the Japanese settlers, exacerbating existing ethnic inequality and discrimination.

What is both revealing and disturbing is that the phrase 'treated as Koreans' from the text was indicative of mistreatment. This phrase underlines the generalized notion that Koreans were not treated well, and surprisingly, colonial officials openly admitted to this discrimination happening in Japan.

Interestingly, there are also depictions of Korean cultural practices, such as upper-class Koreans not smoking unless elders permit them to, not using the term 'goodbye,' and subordinates speaking to superiors while standing over them. As someone not intimately familiar with these traditions, I would love to hear from our Korean members about the accuracy of these descriptions.

I'm sharing these articles to provide some context to the complex dynamics of the colonial period and invite thoughtful conversation. As always, let's keep exploring these issues.

Panelists from the colonial government in the roundtable discussion


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) June 19, 1943

A real look into the Korean Peninsula at war

Roundtable discussion with executives at the Interior Ministry of the Governor-General's Office (Part 5)

Take care to understand the differences in the customs of the upper-class households

Kōtaki Motoi, Director of the Production Bureau: In Korea, too, there are polite individuals in irritating households that have been brought up in Confucianism for generations. In such households, family members refrain from smoke in front of their elders. Unless explicitly given permission by their parents, children wouldn't even dare smoke if offered cigarettes as guests. It seems such strict manners are prevalent in the upper-class households of Korea. But such customs do not permeate the entire society. Furthermore, these customs can be strikingly different from those practiced in mainland Japan. For instance, in my household, I employ a maidservant who, according to Korean etiquette, stands and speaks even when the master is sitting. In other words, the maidservant stands up to speak while looming over her master. After speaking, she kneels down, places her hands on the floor, and then leaves without uttering a goodbye, because it is deemed inappropriate to sit together with the master. It is strange, but a simple phrase like "goodbye" do not exist. When the conversation ends, Koreans just bow silently and leave.

Nakai Kazuo, a member of the Interior Ministry and the Parliament: Evidently, the cultural differences are immense.

Shiota Seikō, Director of Department of Rural Villages: As Nakai-san previously pointed out, there is a prevalent belief that uneducated Koreans tend to migrate to mainland Japan, creating negative sentiments among the Japanese. However, this is not entirely true. Many educated Koreans also move to mainland Japan. However, when Koreans go to mainland Japan, they are generally treated as Koreans. Then, when those Koreans return to Korea, they tell others that mainland Japanese are extremely outrageous and have a sense of superiority. That is why we need to distinguish between the good ones and the bad ones.

Mr. Nakai: Speaking candidly about the student problem, I think it may be necessary to dissuade Korean youth from attending specialized schools or higher, such as law schools. Especially now, competition is fierce since many people want to enter specialized schools or higher in mainland Japan. One must be very competent to be able to enter such schools, but the problem is what happens after graduation. For example, it's quite difficult to be hired as a public servant regardless of whether you are Korean or Japanese. Dissatisfaction arises. Receiving a higher education may cause mental distress, and I think it may lead to very negative outcomes.

Director Shiota: Even if those with aspirations in technical fields go to schools in mainland Japan and acquire skills, when they return to Korea, there is a delicate issue in that the factories and mines in Korea are unable to accommodate them all.

Mr. Nakai: In fact, even in mainland Japan, we are now saying, "Close down the specialized schools or higher that are not directly useful for this war". The trend is moving in that direction. Ideologically, I think it would be good to strongly recommend a vocational education to our Korean compatriots as much as possible. Before, I thought that it would be good to have the Koreans work in the fields of science and engineering and have Korea be developed mainly by the hands of Koreans. But hearing your story, Director Shiota, it appears that the situation isn't that simple.

Yamana Mikio, Chief of the Documentation Division: We are focusing on giving the Koreans a practical education in junior high schools and below.

Morita Masayoshi, member of the Interior Ministry: There are 700,000 mainland Japanese and 24 million Korean people. Therefore, the 700,000 will have to lead the 24 million, but I think this number is small. Some people say that there must be at least 4 million mainland Japanese people on the Korean peninsula. Then, what are the strategies for increasing this number, and how should we proceed?

Mr. Nakai: I would like to approach this issue from the following perspective. The main theme of this provisional conference is enterprise reinforcement and production increase, with a particular focus on resolving the food shortage problem. I would like to further explore the relationship between enterprise reinforcement, the Governor-General's Office, and its impact on the Korean peninsula, before proceeding to tackle the current problem...

Director Kōtaki: In Korea, there are no enterprises similar to those in mainland Japan, either currently or under planning. That is what I meant when I said earlier that Korea is still a child. Therefore, we are not considering tackling the issues that mainland Japan is thinking about in a big way. Labor issues are being seriously considered, but the primary labor sources in Korea have traditionally been the rural areas. Small and medium-sized businesses in Korea are not primary labor sources, and they are something that we need to advance from now on. But even if we try to reinforce the small and medium-sized businesses in Korea now, I don't think that it will have much effect. Instead, we must expand the businesses, depending on what they are. Accordingly, the maintenance and nurturing of small and medium-sized businesses in Korea is what we have been doing so far.

Mainland Japan has alternated between the maintenance and nurturing phase and the reorganization phase, and as it enters the decisive stage of this great war, it is about to actively enter a reinforcement phase. In contrast, Korea has consistently been in the maintenance and nurturing phase from beginning to end, as the Governor-General's Office says, but actual problems cannot be solved this way. A growing sentiment of discontent is emerging. (to be continued...)

Welcoming the Desired Excellence in Technology, Immigration of Mainland Japanese Farmers also Welcome (June 20)

Director Kōtaki: One of the compelling reasons for maintaining and nurturing small and medium-sized businesses in Korea is that the relatively large population of mainland Japanese people who come to Korea is engaged in such industries. We can't easily rationalize and consolidate these, so we have been focusing on maintaining and nurturing them as before. However, this cannot continue indefinitely. For example, if the textile industry in mainland Japan is developed, then the flow of people from mainland Japan to Korea will drastically decrease. There is also a large proportion of mainland Japanese people involved in wholesaling. As the products handled by the wholesalers gradually decrease, there are concerns about wholesaling businesses imploding in various areas.

The production of daily necessities sold in Korea is still very scarce in Korea. We are heavily reliant on production in Osaka and other places in mainland Japan. If production in mainland Japan can't keep up, then products will become even scarcer in Korea. At this stage, we are backed into a corner, so we need to do something and take some measures to support small and medium-sized businesses. That's why we are preparing this budget. I can't say that it's the same for the whole industry, but as you know, the production of daily necessities is not enough today. We have aimed to make Korea an Asian continental military base. We consider this our mission, and in some respects, we are proud of it. In that sense, even small businesses in Korea will be run by mainland Japanese people. In the future, the lives of Koreans will become more Japanized, and the consumer goods consumed by mainland Japanese people and Korean people will become the same. Naturally, since there are transportation difficulties in sending daily necessities to the Asian continent, such as Northern China, Manchuria, or small places like Kwantung Leased Territory, we want each place to be self-sufficient. That's why we want Korea to supply itself with everything on a comprehensive basis. From that point of view, the time for reorganization has not yet come, and a considerable number of industries have already relocated here from mainland Japan due to the urgent need in Korea. I think there are more than 200 firms that have already relocated here, but I think we still have to grow more. However, even if we manage to find the funds and labor necessary for growth, the raw materials cannot be readily procured from mainland Japan. That's why we have to produce such raw materials in Korea.

Creating new factories will inevitably lead to idle facilities. However, it is also necessary use this opportunity to bring excellent technology from mainland Japan to Korea to make it a supply base for the Asian continent. Integration with excellent technology will be good for the businesses themselves. So it's not that we don't have to reorganize the industry at all. It's just that I think that we still need to keep encouraging small and medium-sized businesses.

Mr. Morita: So, in conclusion, it's going to be difficult to increase the number mainland Japanese people in Korea, who currently number 700,000?

Director Kōtaki: It's difficult, but if possible, I want to bring excellent technology to Korea. Electrochemical industries and light metal industries are going to expand rapidly. By having everyone from middle-level technicians, public servants, high-level technicians to lower-level leaders come in from mainland Japan, I think the overall technology level of Korea will improve, so I think we need to continue to bring in more people.

Also in rural areas, it would be very good if we could settle more mainland Japanese people, but since the situation now is such that Korean youths are helping out with farming in mainland Japan, I think it may be difficult.

Director Shiota: Having farmers from mainland Japan come here for the expansion and improvement of agricultural productivity would be very good. Such models exist here and there. For instance, it has been over ten years since about one hundred graduates from Katō Kanji's higher elementary school settled in the area along the route from Seoul to Wonsan. Furthermore, about one hundred and fifty children are currently attending the higher elementary school. These people truly embody the spirit of hard work. They built their own fancy homes, apparently made of brick, by employing Chinese laborers while they themselves also worked and earned wages. Even the Chinese laborers were astounded and claimed that they were more skilled than themselves. [laughter] They are farmers who have a very developed hard working spirit.

There's another instance of two brothers who received the same education and settled in a deserted mountain near Mount Kongō. Initially, when they started planting deciduous pine trees and corn on the mountain, the Korean people mocked them, questioning what could be achieved in such a place. However, nowadays, everyone is following their example and planting corn. Models like these exist in various places. The worst are the so-called 'haori peasants' who act like landlords and employ laborers for farming. They even buy their vegetables from the Chinese, so some of them are gradually becoming unsuccessful.

In Korea, there are quite a few immigrants who came through the Oriental Development Company, some of whom have been successful, while others have not. To name some recent outstanding cases, people from mainland Japan are coming to Korea and growing sweet potatoes. We thought the best yield in Korea would be about 200 kan [750 kg] per tan [~0.25 acre, ~0.1 hectare], but there are places in Gongju where the yield is 960 kan [3,600 kg]. Surrounding areas have all turned to sweet potato farming, and Chungcheongnam-do's sweet potato seedlings are in high demand. I believe that it's better to bring in one mainland Japanese farmer to Korea than to bring in ten mainland Japanese technicians. That's why I'm trying to bring in about 50 families of mainland Japanese farmers who have received an education like Katō Kanji's, but with the current situation, many farmers find it increasingly difficult to live in Korea and are leaving. There are various reasons, but young men are increasingly being drafted and dying in the war. If they stay in mainland Japan, relatives can somehow lend a hand, but here in Korea, there's nothing they can do, so some of them return to mainland Japan. Regardless of whether bringing in young, vigorous individuals from mainland Japan would work or not, there is a considerable demand for mainland Japanese farmers to settle in Korean rural areas.

I recently visited a place where there were eight households of mainland Japanese farmers, nine of whom had soldiers who were conscripted for war. In one household, a 16-year-old child was all alone, making a seedbed. In one irrigation association district, it seems everyone is trying to help in various ways, but it still seems daunting. Even though good farmers have come, there's no way to retain them. There is nothing better than to bring in mainland Japanese farmers, because it's certain that things will improve this way. (to be continued...)


京城日報 1943年6月19日


























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Source 2:

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Ordinary rural Koreans including men, women, elderly, little girls were forcibly worked to collect organic debris, animal manure, human feces/urine and make organic fertilizer to increase agricultural production for Imperial Japan's war effort (April 1944)

The following three articles are from April 1944, when Imperial Japan was into its third year of fighting an all-out war against the United States in World War II. Food shortages were rampant, and the pressure was on to increase food production at any cost. Chemical fertilizers were scarce due to war production needs, so the Imperial Japanese colonial government of Korea mobilized the whole country to increase organic fertilizer production using human feces and urine. I selected these three articles to help piece together what was going on.

The first article describes a Volunteer Corps of young Korean men in one Seoul neighborhood hauling essentially human fecal sludge from bathrooms. The second article is a set of instructions on how to make organic fertilizer using organic debris and human feces and urine, digging pits, alternating layers of human feces and soil, and letting them sit to decompose. The third article is a very lengthy statement from the Governor-General’s Office, addressed to all of Korea, giving orders on how to increase organic fertilizer production. Note that organic fertilizers are called ‘self-supplied fertilizers’ throughout this article. Despite their best efforts, chemical fertilizers apparently could not be avoided for growing seeds.

Since this third article is such a tedious read, I’ve underlined some key passages to pay attention to. The government order expected everyone in Korea, including men, women, the elderly, little girls, to participate in this production. Labor was forcibly mobilized through the Patriotic Groups (JP: aikoku-han, KR: aeguk-ban, 愛國班) the neighborhood cells which were the local arm of the Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹) , the single ruling party of colonial Korea. If previous patterns hold, then the government would ask the Patriotic Group leader (the Korean collaborator intermediary) for laborers (example: ‘Who can you spare?’), and the leader would ‘volunteer’ these laborers from among the residents he knows in his own Patriotic Group (example: ‘I think woman A and little girl B have some free time on their hands, and they can collect fallen leaves. I can volunteer them to you.’)


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 21, 1944

Garbage Trucks in the City in the Dawn Dusk

The cleaning service performed by the Palpan-dong Youth Volunteer Corps members

Practice is better than theory. The Seoul Palpan-dong Youth Volunteer Corps, which had set out to take the initiative before ordering others to do so, began a cleanup campaign on April 11 in an effort to initially start work in a familiar location.

This was to sweep the area of garbage and provide sanitation in the spring, and also to raise the health awareness of the residents at the same time. The corp members on duty gathered at 5 a.m. every morning at the Palpan-dong town council office. Under the command of Corps representative Hatani and under the orders of Captain Shigeyama, the Corps members silently worked breaking a sweat for two hours at a time to pump out the latrines and carry away the garbage before the townspeople even got up, and by 7:00 a.m. they were lined up in front of the town council office.

They sang the Oath of the Youth Volunteer Corps. They strive to improve their minds and bodies as they each go about their work. [Photo: The early morning cleanup of the Youth Volunteer Corps members]

Home Gardening: How to Make Fertilizer

The shortcut to increase crop production is to double the amount of fertilizer, rather than to double the amount of land. Fertilizer is very important as a foodstuff for the crops, so let’s treat our crops with homemade fertilizer. Fertilizers are the most important thing for growing vegetables, and they should be applied as a starter fertilizer at a rate of about 1 kan (3.75 kg) for every tsubo (3.3 square meters) of land.

Dig a hole at least two shaku (about 61 cm or 2 feet) in depth, and throw in some dust, hay, straw, fallen leaves, horse manure, and anything else that will decompose. When you reach a thickness of 5 or 6 sun (15.1 cm or 18.2 cm), step on the mixture to make it more compact, and then sprinkle human feces, urine, and latrine juice over it. Then cover the human feces, urine, and latrine juice with about 2 sun (6 cm) of soil. Repeat this process every three weeks, alternating the top-bottom order of the layers each time [debris on the bottom and human feces on top the first time, debris on top and human feces on the bottom the second time, etc.]. Cover the hole with a lid to prevent rainwater from entering. When the hole is full, leave the lid on for two to three months to complete the process.

It is essential to let it fully decompose, otherwise it can cause more harm than good. Before applying it to the field, expose it to direct sunlight for three or four days, and crush it well before use.

Human feces and urine also have rapid efficacy as an additional fertilizer to use after seeding. Place a bucket or tub in the soil, avoiding direct sunlight and rain. Stir the human feces and urine into the bucket or tub, let it stand for three or four weeks, and when it has sufficiently decomposed, apply a dilution of three to six times the original amount of the human feces and urine. When using this method, dig a shallow pit to one side of the crop, apply the fertilizer, and always cover it with soil.

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 26, 1944

Measures to secure fertilizers and animal feed; Details regarding the Agricultural Promotion Association’s stated policy (part 2)

Start by converting waste materials into animal feed

Unfolding a campaign to increase self-supplied fertilizer production

III. Measures to secure self-supplied fertilizer production

In order to complete the agricultural production responsibility system imposed on Korean farming villages, it is necessary to increase the amount of fertilizers. However, since the situation is such that it is not possible to depend solely on chemical fertilizers, we must of course make every effort to increase the amount of self-supplied fertilizers.

However, since the increase of self-supplied fertilizers requires a great deal of effort, we shall put the following into practice on the premise that the increase of self-supplied fertilizers requires the determination of the government based on the major policy of rural reorganization.

(1) Movement to increase the production of self-supplied fertilizers

In order to liquidate the ‘chemical fertilizers are all-powerful’ mentality and to push forward with the improvement and increase of self-supplied fertilizers, first of all, to encourage the activities of guidance and encouragement organizations and agricultural groups to develop a spiritual movement among farmers, and, of course, to start a movement to increase self-supplied fertilizer production as a national movement by rallying the Korean Federation of National Power.

(2) Rural Labor Mobilization

Not only men, but also women and school children, shall be mobilized to work a certain number of hours every day for a certain period of time to increase the production of self-supplied fertilizers, and a work week shall be established. In this mobilization, not only farmers, but also non-farmers in general, shall share in the labor.

(3) Implementation of a system of responsibility for increased production of self-supplied fertilizers

(A) A system of responsibility for increasing the production of self-supplied fertilizers by village

The target for increasing self-supplied fertilizer production by each farmer shall be set according to the amount of fertilizer required per unit of each major crop and per unit of production in accordance with local conditions, and each village shall be responsible for increasing its own respective self-supplied fertilizer production in the spring, summer, fall and winter, without missing the timings of production in each season.

(B) Reward system for increased production of self-supplied fertilizers

Farmers who reach the target of increased production of self-supplied fertilizer shall be rewarded by means of a certificate of passed inspection and special distribution of essential supplies. Landowners shall also be rewarded in an appropriate manner.

(4) Strengthening of guidance and encouragement from government agencies

(A) The Governor-General’s Office is to expound the major policy of increasing the production of self-supplied fertilizers and mobilize all relevant authorities to strengthen guidance and encouragement for farmers.

(B) The following guidance shall be given with emphasis.

(1) Increase the production of field compost, quick compost, and wheat straw compost.

(2) Increasing the use of wild green grass.

(3) Construction or improvement of compost sheds, barns, ash houses, manure pits, and simple silos.

(4) Conversion of rice bran, fallen debris, rice culm, stems and leaves of second crops, and sweet tea vines into animal feed.

(5) Intercropping of fodder crops and utilization of vacant land.

(6) Encourage and subsidize the adoption of green manure cultivation.

(7) Utilization of muddy soil in irrigation and drainage canals and ponds, etc.

(8) Collection of ashes from burnt waste grasses and trees in the urban areas and towns.

(5) Thorough promotion of green manure cultivation

(A) Strengthening the encouragement of increased production of self-supplied fertilizers through workshops on self-supplied fertilizers, product fairs, and awards for distinguished service.

(B) Strengthen subsidies for facilities to increase the production of self-supplied fertilizers.

(C) The Governor-General’s Office shall increase the expenses required for the implementation of the above two items.

(6) Parallel facilities

(A) For the purpose of eliminating the adverse effects of the cost of burning rice culms as fuel in order to secure compost resources, the conversion to unhulled grain briquettes, etc., and the improvement of fuel holes of ondol heaters shall be promoted and encouraged.

(B) Convert thatched rice straw into wheat straw to increase the use of rice straw as fertilizer and fodder.

(C) In order to return the by-products of grain processing to the farming communities, the Foodstuff Brigade, which is the controlling body for grain processing, shall increase the production of feed by crushing the rice, wheat, bran, straw, and other materials produced at the factories to make rough animal feed.

(D) To develop a cooperative movement among the people of the urban areas and towns to ensure that the waste of the urban areas and towns is converted into feed and fertilizer through rational processing of the waste of the urban areas and towns.

(7) Specific measures to increase manure production in stables

(A) Each farmer shall be required to install a composting shed, a storage area, or a manure pile, and to make use of the old facilities.

(B) Have each farmer learn that “without livestock, there is no fertilizer” and raise livestock appropriate to the local conditions.

(C) The farmers are required to do the “one chige” exercise before breakfast and to clean up their yards and villages every morning to obtain resources for compost or fodder, such as wild grass and dust.

(D) Extend the mowing emphasis period, and constantly cut wild grass for fodder, bedding straw, and compost materials.

(E) Open common wells in the vicinity of the village to facilitate composting, especially wells for field composting.

(F) Agricultural wastes, straw culms, and leaves and stems of other crops shall be made into feed for livestock and returned to arable land. In particular, straw culms shall be saved as fuel or roofing, and about one-third of the production shall be used as raw material for stable manure.

(G) To increase the amount of fodder by promoting the use of simple silos.

(8) Utilization of human feces and urine

(A) Farmers’ latrines and barns shall be improved, and manure pits shall be installed so that there will be no regrets in the use of human feces and urine and livestock manure and urine.

(B) To promote transportation, relay facilities, and equipment maintenance to facilitate the use of human feces and urine from urban areas and towns.

(C) In particular, vegetable growers in the outlying areas of the urban areas and towns shall be encouraged to organize associations and cooperate with the authorities to make use of human feces and urine from the urban areas and towns.

(D) Conventional ash production shall be discontinued.

(9) Thoroughly promote the cultivation of green manure.

(A) In order to secure seeds, special distribution of chemical fertilizer shall be made to seed growers, and an increase in the price of green manure seeds shall be made.

(B) Mobilize women and school children to supplement labor for seed collection.

(C) Establish cultivation plans for each region according to the following goals for green manure types, and ensure that they are thoroughly disseminated.

  • Southern Korea: Mainly the ‘Renge’ and ‘Becchi’ brands of green manure
  • Central Korea: Mainly the ‘Becchi’ brand of green manure
  • Northwest Korea: Mainly the ‘Becchi’ brand of green manure

(D) In areas where green manure can be grown as a second crop, it shall be cultivated to the extent of up to 30% of the rice paddy area.

(E) In mountainous areas, wild grasses and sprouts shall be collected and used as natural green manure.

IV. Subsidies for fertilizers

1. To grant the Korean Agricultural Promotion Association Prize to three places per province among the counties and townships for their excellent performance in increasing fertilizer production.

2. To receive subsidies from the Korean Agricultural Promotion Association for provinces that plan to engage in the green manure seed production business.

I. Measures to Ensure Increased Fodder Production

(1) Measures to be taken by farmers to increase feed production

Thoroughly ensure self-sufficiency in animal feed

The basic policy of farmers shall be to be self-sufficient in feedstuffs, and farmers shall be encouraged year-round to be self-aware and self-reliant in their work ethic and ingenuity.

(2) Estimate the production amount of feed to encourage for each animal feed farmer, (a) secure cereals for feed (b) increase the production of quality hay (c) secure agricultural products such as culms and crop residues (d) collect agricultural crop stems and leaves (e) timely harvesting of tree canopy species (f) utilization of silkworm sand and mulberry leaves (g) preparation of buried grass and coal straw (h) cultivation of fodder crops on unused and fallow lands (i) dual use of organic fertilizers and other methods of increasing self-sufficiency in fodder production, to be implemented in accordance with local conditions, and to be secured as necessary.

II. Feed measures for livestock requiring controlled distribution of feed

(1) Securing the supply of rough animal feed: Measures shall be taken to ensure an adequate supply of rough animal feed such as hay and rice straw as basic feed.

(2) Production and utilization of powdered feed: Positively encourage the production of powdered feed such as apples, manure, coal straw, fish waste, etc., and make efforts to utilize them as a substitute for concentrate feed.

(3) Securing supplies of concentrate feed: Increase the supply of grains, soybean meal and bran, and prioritize the use of brewing sediment, starch sediment and other residues left over from production as animal feed to ensure a minimum annual supply of 250,000 tons.

(4) Increase production and supply of formula feed: Increase the production capacity of Korean Livestock Products Co., Ltd. to supply the most necessary concentrated feed as a rational and economical formula feed for each type of livestock.

III. Measures to be adopted in particular in terms of feed

(1) Develop a campaign to increase self-sufficient feed production

In order to increase the production of self-sufficient fodder such as hay, wheat stalks, tree leaves, coal straw, buried grass, and other powdered feeds, a national campaign shall be launched throughout Korea to encourage farmers and strengthen the work of school children, elderly women, adult women, and little girls in particular, so that this can be accomplished.

(2) Holding of a competition to increase feed production

To hold a competition under the auspices of the Korean Agricultural Promotion Association to promote the development of new feed resources in line with the development of the above movement, and to contribute to its wide dissemination to the general public.

(3) Securing the supply of minor grains for feed

From the next rice production year onward, when establishing the food grain demand plan, the necessary amount of minor grains for feed shall be recorded and secured in a systematic manner.

Allow ranchers, dairy farmers, stallion breeders, military-qualified horse breeders, etc. to cultivate the necessary animal feed.

(4) Crack down on unauthorized movement of feed and unauthorized products shall be strengthened.

(5) Actively subsidize feed facilities.

(6) Expand and strengthen the feed administration system and improve the distribution system.

(7) To expand and strengthen research and study facilities related to animal feed at agricultural experiment stations.


(My Notes)

This article mentions a ‘one chige‘ exercise that farmers were required to do before breakfast. Chige means ‘bowl in Korean, but it’s not clear to me whether this refers to their breakfast, or the container that they use to collect grass and dust for compost.

In the following transcription, I encountered about six characters which I could not read despite my best efforts, so I placed a question mark as a place holder, until I could access a more legible copy of this article in the future, perhaps from the National Library of Korea. 


京城日報 1944年4月21日











京城日報 1944年4月26日

肥料・飼料の確保策 興農会献策の内容 (下)




















































  • 南鮮:主として紫雲英、ベッチ
  • 中鮮:主としてベッチ
  • 西北鮮:主としてベッチ






























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