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Showing posts with label Foreign Residents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foreign Residents. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Chinese children in 1944 Seoul featured singing to Imperial Army soldiers ‘in the beautiful bloom of Japanese-Chinese friendship’

This is a historical article published in 1944 in the Keijo Nippo newspaper, which served as the national newspaper of colonial Korea and a propaganda organ of the Imperial Japanese colonial regime that ruled Korea from 1905 to 1945.

Wounded Imperial Army Soldiers watching the performances of the Chinese children.

This article provides a glimpse into an event where Chinese children from the Seoul Overseas Chinese School, which still exists today in the Myeongdong district of Seoul, entertained wounded Imperial Army soldiers with song and dance in 1944 during World War II. Not surprisingly, their school endorsed the puppet Wang Jingwei regime known as the Reorganized National Government of the Republic of China. Interestingly, the Russian Tatar community in Seoul also had their children perform for injured soldiers in a similar manner. These activities were part of efforts to evoke a sense of Pan-Asian unity, aligning with the concept of the East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere promoted by Imperial Japan.

This historical account highlights that minority communities in Korea were not exempt from demonstrating support for Imperial Japan. Neutrality was not an option. The Chinese community in Korea numbered around 83,000 in 1942, though it remains unclear how many of them resided in Seoul at that time. Chinese residents contributed significantly to the economy of colonial Korea, as China was the colony's major trade partner, and Chinese residents facilitated this trade.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 7, 1944

They Applaud and Forget Their Painful Wounds

The Good Children of China

Comforting the Brave Soldiers in White

"Sakura, Sakura, Sakura blossoms of March!"

In the beautiful bloom of Japanese-Chinese friendship, the charming Chinese children, filled with the spirit of living and dying together, sang the military Sakura song to the brave soldiers in white. The good children, symbolizing the vigorous new spirit of the young Republic of China that has risen strongly for the peace of East Asia, sang with all their might. Their endearing voices deeply touched the hearts of the gently smiling brave soldiers, evoking a warm bond and a shared passion to walk forward hand in hand.

Chinese Sword Dance

To commemorate the Chinese Children's Day on April 4th, on the afternoon of the 6th at 1:30 PM, when the forsythia fruits were swelling, twenty-five children from the Seoul Hanseong Overseas Chinese School, led by Principal Xue, held a lively entertainment event to thank and comfort the injured Imperial soldiers at the Yongsan Seoul Army Hospital in the Patriotic Hall. After presenting a donation from the children's sincere hearts, Principal Xue and student representative Zhang Changfang gave heartfelt speeches in fluent Japanese to open the event, saying, "We are striving to become as admirable as the strong children of Japan. Although we cannot fully comfort the brave soldiers who fought for the liberation of the East Asian peoples with our humble performances, we hope our sincere hearts can bring them joy. We, Chinese children, are grateful to the Imperial soldiers whom we see as our fathers and brothers and pray for their health."

They performed a variety of songs and dances, including the "The March of Prosperous Asia," "Invincible Imperial Army," and "Military Sakura," as well as games, magic, drama, and Chinese sword dance, offering a bouquet of entertainment. The brave soldiers, whose white uniforms filled the venue, were so delighted by the adorable and passionate performances that they forgot their pain and gave thunderous applause. Finally, with a supporting performance by the Korean Music and Drama Troupe, the pure-hearted entertainment beautifully linking Japan and China concluded, delighting the soldiers to their hearts' content and alleviating their boredom. Everyone took commemorative photos with the soldiers and departed at 4 PM. [Photo: The Brave Soldiers in White Enjoying the Entertainment Performances]


京城日報 1944年4月7日









Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Annie Ellers Bunker, American missionary who went from personal physician to Empress Myeongseong to thriving philanthropist in Colonial Korea, was praised in this 1938 Keijo Nippo obituary for endorsing the Imperial Japanese Army

This obituary from October 1938, published in Keijo Nippo newspaper, an organ of the Imperial Japanese colonial regime which ruled Korea from 1905 to 1945, features Annie Ellers Bunker, an American Methodist missionary and physician who spent around 50 years in Korea. This article sheds light on her remarkable journey, from being Empress Myeongseong's personal physician to her involvement in colonial Korea's society.

Annie Ellers Bunker

Born on August 31, 1860, and passing away on October 8, 1938 (exactly 43 years after the assassination of the Empress), Annie's life spanned significant historical events. Her role as the personal physician to Empress Myeongseong, especially leading up to the Empress's assassination in October 1895, granted her intimate access to the royal court. After the annexation of Korea by Imperial Japan, she seemed to prosper, raising thousands of yen to support various institutions including the Korean Young Women's Christian Association, Gongju Orphanage, Gongju M&A School, and Dongdaemun Women's Hospital. This indicates her significant influence in colonial Korea.

Interestingly, her last words before her death in 1938 were "I wish the Japanese Army will win soon and bring peace to the East", raising questions about her possible pro-Japanese sentiments, even during her time as the Empress's physician. Given her intimate access to the royal court at the time of the Empress's assassination, her documented pro-Japanese sentiments, and her subsequent successful career as a philanthropist in Korea under Imperial Japanese rule, it naturally raises a delicate question: could she have had any involvement or knowledge regarding the Imperial Japanese conspirators who assassinated the Empress? This is a matter left to historians to ponder, and it is not my intention to accuse Annie Ellers of any wrongdoing but to highlight the complexities and controversies surrounding her life.

Annie's closeness with Empress Myeongseong is further highlighted by an incident where, upon her marriage to Dalzell Bunker, the Empress demanded to see her wedding dress, examining it meticulously.

Annie's impact extended to nursing in Korea, being the first female medical missionary in the country. A Boston University Medical College student, she arrived in Korea in 1886, founded the Chungshin Girl’s School, and became a trailblazer in women's healthcare and education.

Annie Ellers Bunker as a young adult. (from Boston University website)

In 1938, the colonial authorities took over the Chungshin Girl's High School, which she founded, and converted it into a state-controlled school promoting State Shintoism and imposing the Japanese language.

Her first encounter with the Empress is vividly documented in her personal essay published in the Korean Repository, a journal for foreign Christian missionaries published between 1892 and 1899. This account provides a fascinating glimpse into her life and the complexities of her role in Korea. For the sake of improving accessibility, I have transcribed and posted the entire essay below, originally found in a PDF from the Korean Repository which is not OCR enabled.

Annie Ellers Bunker is now buried at the Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery in Seoul, where her grave marker notes her 40 years of service as a missionary in Korea, until 1926.

This story is not just about the life of a missionary or a physician; it's about a woman whose life intersected crucial historical events, raising questions about her beliefs and the impact she had on Korean society.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) October 12, 1938

The Grave of the Blue-Eyed Couple Guarding the Red Earth

  • Fifty Years of Life on the Korean Peninsula
  • Her Last Testament Praises the Imperial Army
  • Pro-Japanese American Mrs. Bunker

The deceased Mrs. L. A. Bunker, who dedicated her life to social work on the Korean peninsula for fifty years, will have her funeral at the Chungdong Methodist Church at 10 am on the 12th at 13 Jeongdong-gil. Her last words, spoken to relatives and friends offering solemn prayers at her peaceful deathbed at 9 am on the 8th, were these: “I feel terribly sorry for the wounded Japanese soldiers on the battlefield. Why isn't the war over yet? I wish the Japanese Army will win soon and bring peace to the East.”

With a trembling hand, Mrs. Bunker took out the remaining hundred yen from her entire fortune, which she had dispersed for charitable causes, and requested it be used as a fund for the Japanese Red Cross. Then, she closed her eyes in peace. The words and actions of this foreign lady on her deathbed are being passed from mouth to mouth among friends, stirring deep emotion among the Japanese, Koreans, and foreigners in Seoul.

But who was Mrs. Bunker? Fifty years ago, she bravely came to Korea from her native America alone for missionary work. Fortunately, being a female doctor, she was warmly welcomed by the Korean government. At that time, there were hardly any Western medical facilities in Korea, so Mrs. Bunker, as a pioneer in Western medicine in Korea, dedicated herself and served for many years in the palace as the personal physician to the deceased Empress Myeongseong. After the annexation of Korea by Japan, she focused on missionary and charitable work for thirty years, contributing thousands of yen to various institutions such as the Korean Young Women's Christian Association, Gongju Orphanage, Gongju M&A School, and Dongdaemun Women's Hospital, dedicating her life to social work in Korea for fifty years. Five years ago, her husband Dr. Bunker died while she was on holiday in America. Her husband was so pro-Japanese that he requested in his will to have his remains moved to Korea. Mrs. Bunker, too, will be buried in the beloved Korean soil alongside her husband. [Photo: Mrs. Bunker]


京城日報 1938年10月12日


  • 半島生活五十年
  • 遺言に讃う皇軍
  • 親日の米人バンカー夫人





[The Korean Repository, October 1895, pp. 373-375.]

My First Visit to Her Majesty, The Queen

During the visit of Mrs. H. G. Underwood and myself to Her Majesty on the 14th of September we saw the Queen Dowager and she gave us each a handsome gold-embroidered chumoncy or purse-Our visit to Her Royal Highness was in the same place where some years ago I went to see the Queen. Many changes have come since then and the Queen now lives in a new building, beautifully lighted with electricity, in another part of the grounds.

It is just nine years ago this fall since I was first, in company with Dr. H. N. Allen the King's physician, called to visit, Her Majesty, the Queen. She had been ill for some time and they had sent to Dr. Allen for medicines. As there was no improvement in her condition the Doctor assured them, that, in order to treat Her Majesty properly, she must be examined, and so the writer was called.

It was a lovely autumn day, when in the early afternoon, we started for the Palace in our sedan chairs, with our keysos (soldiers) running ahead and clearing the way. My heart was thumping vigorously and I wondered how I would be received, half fearing the ordeal.

On our arrival at the outer side-gate of the palace wall, we had to get out of our chairs and walk quite a distance, about a quarter of a mile, I should judge, to the Reception Hall. As we neared the place we were met by Prince Min Young Ik whom I had met, and who, having travelled much, knew something of the customs of foreigners.

He showed us some of the beauties of the palace grounds and after our walk around the artificial lake, he escorted us to the waiting-room and there had us served with foreign food, Korean fruit and nuts.

Soon a messenger dressed in court costume came for me and, Prince Min accompanying me, we started for the Audience Hall. We first crossed a large open court, which I noticed had large potted plants around three sides of it but not a spear of grass growing in it anywhere. Ascending a flight of broad stone steps, crossing the narrow verandah and stepping over a high door sill, I found that we were at one end of a long, wide hall, the floors of which were covered with the soft, beautiful, figured Korean matting which is such a fine article and so hard to obtain. At the farther end of the hall, I saw a large number of Koreans, men, women, and young girls. I made my three bows as I advanced and then found myself in front of the company among whom I soon singled out Her Majesty and for the rest of that visit I had eyes for no one but her. In later visits I learned to distinguish the gentlemen from the eunuchs, and also the ladies-in-waiting by their peculiar head-gear and their fine skirts of silk gauze. The immense chignons worn by these ladies are objects of wonder not only as to size but also as to how the intricate windings and braidings of the glossy strands is accomplished. One evening while witnessing some of the delightful and peculiar posture-dancing done by the dancing girls at the palace, I asked one of them if her chignon was not heavy - "Oh, said she, it is very heavy and makes my head ache." These head dressings vary in shape; sometimes they are long and narrow and then again they have large lateral loops.

The Queen, beautifully dressed in silk gauze skirts, with strings of pearls in her raven locks, a lady, short of stature, with white skin black eyes and black hair, greeted me most pleasantly. She had on no enormous head dress but only her own glistening locks twisted in a most becoming know low down on her neck. She wears on the top of her forehead her Korean insignia of rank. All the ladies of the nobility wear a similar decoration but of inferior quality and workmanship. To me the face of the Queen especially when she smiles, is full of beauty. She is a superior woman and she impressed one as having a strong will and great force of character, with much kindliness of heart. I have always received the kindest words and treatment from her and I have much admiration and great respect for her. After first asking if I were well, how old I was, how my parents were, if I had brothers and sisters and how they were, she proceeded to tell me that they had been told by Dr. Allen of my arrival in Korea, that she was much pleased at my coming and hoped I would like the country. All of this conversation was carried on through an interpreter who stood, with his body bent double, back of a door where he could hear but not see.

Prince Min, who had been standing by, now had a chair brought for me and I noticed that back of Her Majesty there was a foreign couch. The Queen telling me to be seated sat down on this couch and then the medical part of the interview began.

I had noticed that two gentlemen had seated themselves when the Queen sat and when I got up to leave, they with Her Majesty rose and returned my bows.

Prince Min conducted me back to the waiting room and there I waited for Dr. Allen who was having an audience with His Majesty. When he returned I learned from him that both the King and Crown Prince had been present during my interview. I was very glad that I had not known who the two gentlemen were, for I fear my composure would not have been even such at it was. After being served with more food and fruit we were each given a certain number of soldiers to accompany us home and also, as it was dark, lantern bearers. The sight of the Korean lantern with its outer covering of red and green silk gauze is very picturesque and as we passed, many a dusky head peeped out through opened doors and windows to see what it all meant. The empty dark streets with the dark low houses on either side, the lantern bearers of the Doctor's chair and of mine with the attendant soldiers, carrying their rifles made a picture at once interesting and unique. In recent visits we are permitted to go through the large front gate into the grounds and right up to the waiting room door. Upon arriving here tea, coffee, and fruit are served and then we are called in to Her Majesty, who receives us in one of the smaller private appartments. The King and Crown Prince are always present. After the interview we are permitted to proceed home immediately.

Annie Ellers Bunker

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Ms. B.F. Starkey, blue-eyed American missionary featured in 1938 Keijo Nippo as a pro-Imperial model foreigner inspired by Japanese-Korean Unification policy to join the Patriotic Women’s Association in Seoul

This 1938 article is a historical account in a colonial propaganda newspaper about Ms. B.F. Starkey, an American missionary in Korea during the Japanese colonial period who devoted decades of her life in Imperial Japan in various charitable activities.

Her decision to cooperate with the colonial regime starkly contrasts with fellow American missionary George McCune's decision in 1935 to refuse to perform State Shinto worship rituals, for which he was forced by the colonial authorities to leave Korea. The fact that Ms. Starkey was able to continue to operate in Korea in 1938 probably means that she decided to go along with performing the State Shinto rituals, including the mandatory 7 am Kyujo Yohai prayers, even though it was against her Christian beliefs. In any case, she probably would not have been able to stay in Korea past 1942, when Americans who still remained in Imperial Japan were detained and deported.

This is the second Keijo Nippo newspaper article that I found featuring a blue-eyed woman. The other one featured a blue-eyed Russian Tatar woman, Shamseinoor Berikova, who was a member of the National Women's Defense Association (NWDA), which was similar but distinct from the Patriotic Women's Association (PWA) to which Ms. Starkey belonged. Historically, the elite wealthy and powerful women tended to join the PWA, while the NWDA had a much closer connection with the Imperial Japanese military and had a broader membership. The two organizations subsequently merged in 1942.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) July 2, 1938

A blue-eyed woman with a Patriotic Women's Association Sash

Courageous words of Ms. Starkey: "I also want to help out Japan on the home front!"

Moved by the spirited march of Koreans working for the war effort under the policy of Japanese-Korean Unification, a blue-eyed foreign woman was inspired and said, 'Please let me join in these duties on the home front.' Recently, she applied to join the Patriotic Women's Association at its third branch in Takezoe-chō (present-day Chungjeong-no), Seoul, delighting the leaders and members of the group who received her unusual membership application for the first time. The heroine of this story, Ms. B.F. Starkey, an American residing at 3-30 Takezoe-chō, Seoul, has now proudly become a member of the Patriotic Women's Association. At 56 years old, she joins Japanese and Korean members in comforting families of conscripts, collecting national defense funds, and impressing the community with her passionate efforts, dressed in the Association's uniform of a white apron and a purple sash.

Twenty-eight years ago, in 1910, Ms. Starkey landed in Nagasaki as a Methodist missionary in Japan, the land of poetry. Immediately struck by Japan's picturesque landscapes and warm people, she decided to dedicate her life to this country. Ever since then, for twenty-eight years, she has continued to live in this land, true to her initial resolve, dedicating her life to missionary work and cultural pursuits out of her love for Japan. She has nurtured young men and women who gathered around her, drawn to her pure character, as if they were her own children. She has earnestly lead English language clubs and student Bible classes every evening at her home without pay, and opened her garden as a playground for local children to give some relief to their families.

Dedicated to cultural advancement and community service, she also runs a female-only 'private convent,' Shion Dormitory, in the second floor of her house. With open arms, she welcomes young unmarried women who left their families as well as young girls in need of guidance who approach her for answers and salvation, continuing to selflessly devote herself in helping them awaken from misguided dreams through a pure lifestyle at the dormitory. Currently, 13 girls enjoy a pleasant life there, and she has already sent many well-cultured women into society as respectable wives.

Ms. Starkey's high regard as a saintly figure and her membership in the Patriotic Women's Association have sparked usual delight among foreigners living in Seoul, and that is expected to inspire a surge of membership among pro-Japanese foreigners. When visited at her home, she humbly commented, 'I am only doing what is natural,' and made only brief remarks without continuing further. [The photo is of blue-eyed Ms. Starkey]


京城日報 1938年7月2日










Monday, October 23, 2023

Shamseinoor Berikova, 19-year-old blue-eyed Russian Tatar refugee woman and Seoul resident in 1938, featured in Keijo Nippo as a pro-Imperial Japan patriotic model minority speaking fluent Japanese and supporting Imperial soldiers on their way to China

This article from 1938 features Shamseinoor Berikova, a 19-year-old blue-eyed Russian Tatar woman who was a daughter of a clothing merchant in Kōgane-machi, which today forms the northern area of the present-day Myeongdong district, in the area immediately to the east of present-day Euljiro 1(il)-ga station. She was part of the Russian Tatar refugee community from the Volga-Ural region which escaped persecution during the 1917 Russian Revolution. Her family was driven out from Hailar, Manchuria in 1926, when Manchuria was still ruled by various warlords, and they settled in Seoul by way of Kumamoto.

Original caption: Photo: Shamseinoor, the blue-eyed member of the National Women's Defense Association

This article may have also had a propaganda purpose to put this Tatar teenager on a pedestal as a 'model minority' to encourage the Korean people to follow her example by embracing Japanese language and culture and supporting the Imperial Japanese military.

Here is an excellent academic paper about the history of the Russian Tatar refugee community in Imperial Japan from their origins in the Volga-Ural region through the Russian Revolution in 1917, migration to Imperial Japan, and later emigration to the United States and Turkey after the war: [Link]

Imperial Japan's support of Islam and Muslim communities has a fascinating historical background. For those interested in delving deeper, here's a link to an academic paper on the topic: [Link

Here, you can also find links to other articles about the Tatar people in Seoul during the colonial period that I've found in the Keijo Nippo newspaper so far:

  • The Sulemans were a Russian Tatar refugee family in Seoul who gained acceptance as assimilated Imperial Japanese people while holding strong to their Muslim faith, and left for Turkey amid warm farewells in 1939 [Link]
  • Spotlight on 1943 Seoul: A Glimpse into the Russian Tatar Refugee Community, Marja Ibrahim's Poetry Tribute to Tatar National Poet Ğabdulla Tuqay on the 30-year anniversary of his death [Link]
  • Small community of ~100 Russian Tatars in Seoul featured in 1942-1944 propaganda articles: a young 19-year-old Tatar girl is praised for filling out immigration forms for her neighbors, a Tatar woman is commended for scolding her friends with red fingernails for wearing 'British-American' cosmetics [Link]
  • In 1942 Busan, Korean pastors and foreign residents (Russian Tatar family, English woman, Chinese consul) praise Imperial Japan as British POWs captured in Malaysia start arriving in the city [Link]

As is my norm, I've included links throughout the translation to cultural and historical references that might be unfamiliar.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) June 7, 1938

Strengthening the Korean Peninsula on the Home Front: The Blue-Eyed Girl with Sen'ninbari Amulets

Wearing a Lovely White Sash of the National Women's Defense Association

The blue-eyed young woman who has fled from demonic persecution offers her thanks and consolation to the valiant Imperial Army fighting on the front lines by sending gifts like Sen'ninbari amulets. As a foreigner finding refuge, she is deeply grateful for the boundless benevolence bestowed upon her. Though her arms may be weak, she has resolved to repay this kindness and has joined the National Women's Defense Association, bringing an inspiring story to life.

The girl in question is Shamseinoor Berikova (age 19), the only daughter of Mr. Shah Berikov, a clothing merchant in Seoul in the district of Kōgane-machi 2-70. As the Imperial Army set out for a punitive expedition against China, she was at the station waving the Japanese Hinomaru flag to send off the soldiers. She received astonished looks and words of thanks from the soldiers who said, "Oh, young foreign lady, thank you!" for the care packages that she gave. Alongside these farewells at the station, she has followed the tradition of Sen'ninbari, creating them with diligence and sending them along with care packages. She has already sent six to the warriors on the battlefield and has received several letters of gratitude in return.

Impressed by her actions, the caring people of the district encouraged her to join the National Women's Defense Association. "I would be so happy if someone like me could join the National Women's Defense Association and work alongside you," she happily responded, joining the Kōgane-machi-2 sub-chapter of the association on the 29th of last month, painting a beautiful picture of support from the home front. As Shamseinoor stood at the storefront in place of her parents, working diligently, she said the following:

"I am very happy that, even as a child, I am entrusted with work that can contribute even a little for Japan. I have sent Sen'ninbari and care packages. However, I'll feel uncomfortable if my acts are reported in the newspaper, since it may be perceived as bragging. Now that I have been accepted into the National Women's Defense Association, I wish to be of service," she spoke in fluent Japanese.

Shamseinoor fled from Hailar with her parents when she was seven years old, and sought asylum in Japan. She studied for about half a year at Kasuga Elementary School in Kumamoto. She has been in Seoul for eleven years now, and she mentioned that she would like to get married there.

Additionally, a few days ago, a letter of thanks for a care package arrived from Mr. Watanabe Kyōichi, a brave soldier of the Kimura Unit on the Northern China front. It read: "Flowers like dandelions bloom innocently among graves, only to be trampled in the dust of war. Why have the Chinese not opened their eyes? I never dreamed of receiving a care package from a person of a different nation like yourself. I am truly grateful. To put your mind at ease, I will strive to accomplish great deeds in this punitive expedition against China."


京城日報 1938年6月7日











Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Sulemans were a Russian Tatar refugee family in Seoul who gained acceptance as assimilated Imperial Japanese people while holding strong to their Muslim faith, and left for Turkey amid warm farewells in 1939

This article from 1939 features the remarkable story of a Tatar family in Imperial Japan. This particular article bids a heartfelt farewell to the family who decided to move to Turkey.

This Tatar family, despite being refugees from Russia, managed to not only learn fluent Japanese but also seamlessly assimilate into the local Japanese community, all while preserving their unique religious Muslim identity. They ran a successful clothing business, actively participated in local patriotic activities supporting the Imperial Japanese military, and fervently promoted the Muslim faith in Imperial Japan.

From what I can surmise from the dates and ages in the article, Karim Suleman was 5 years old when he arrived in Imperial Japan in 1916. He became 'Japanese' in 1920 when he was 9 years old, which could mean that he obtained Imperial Japanese residence or citizenship? When he was 18 years old in 1929, he owned a clothing store in Myeongdong in Seoul. Shortly thereafter, he married his wife Munira who was a year older than him, and had a daughter and a son.

They resided in what was then known as Meiji-chō in Seoul, which is now called Myeongdong. It's a popular tourist destination today. To make it more relatable, I've opted to use the contemporary Korean term, Myeongdong, in my translation rather than the old Japanese term.

This article may have also had a propaganda purpose to put this Tatar family on a pedestal as a 'model minority family' to encourage the Korean people to follow their example by embracing Japanese language and culture and supporting the Imperial Japanese military.

You might notice that the article refers to them as 'Turkish'. However, based on subtle hints in this article and other related articles, we know that this family was part of the Tatar ethnic group, refugees from Russia. It's understandable that the reporter may have been confused. The distinctions between 'Turkic', 'Tatar', and 'Turkish' can be intricate and are often misunderstood. While both Tatar and Turkish peoples belong to Turkic ethnic groups, they are distinct and different from each other. The confusion was likely compounded by the family's decision to move to Turkey.

Imperial Japan's support of Islam and Muslim communities has a fascinating historical background. For those interested in delving deeper, here's a link to an academic paper on the topic: [Link

Here, you can also find links to other articles about the Tatar people in Seoul during the colonial period that I've found in the Keijo Nippo newspaper so far:

  • Spotlight on 1943 Seoul: A Glimpse into the Russian Tatar Refugee Community, Marja Ibrahim's Poetry Tribute to Tatar National Poet Ğabdulla Tuqay on the 30-year anniversary of his death [Link]
  • Small community of ~100 Russian Tatars in Seoul featured in 1942-1944 propaganda articles: a young 19-year-old Tatar girl is praised for filling out immigration forms for her neighbors, a Tatar woman is commended for scolding her friends with red fingernails for wearing 'British-American' cosmetics [Link]
  • In 1942 Busan, Korean pastors and foreign residents (Russian Tatar family, English woman, Chinese consul) praise Imperial Japan as British POWs captured in Malaysia start arriving in the city [Link]

As is my norm, I've included links throughout the translation to cultural and historical references that might be unfamiliar.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) June 15, 1939

Nineteen Years as a Japanese Person

Exceptional: Letter of Thanks from the Community

Farewell, Mr. Suleman!

After being forced to leave tumultuous Russia, they have made Japan their home for the past nineteen years. Not only have they fully adapted to the Japanese language and lifestyle, but they have also exhibited a patriotic spirit rivaling the Japanese, evident from the onset of the current conflict. Turkish clothing merchant Karim Suleman (aged 28) and his wife, who have comfortably resided at 2-66 Myeongdong District of Seoul for a decade, have become prominent figures in their neighborhood. This October, they are bidding farewell to Seoul and setting sail from Yokohama, heading back to their homeland, Turkey.

After coming to Korea in 1916, Mr. Suleman traveled around Osaka and Kobe before opening a foreigner-owned clothing store at his current location in July 1929, which was unusual at the time. He remains a fervent believer of Islam to this day. He has a lovely daughter Muslaika (7 years old) and son Gumal (4 years old) with his wife Munira (29 years old), and the family of four have completely become Japanese people.

Not only have they fully integrated into the local community, but they have also adopted Japanese customs and habits, such as going to public baths and wearing summer yukatas. Mr. Suleman, a former leader of the Seoul Muslim Community and a current member of the Japan Muslim Council, was so passionate about the movement for the official recognition of the Muslim faith that he traveled all the way to Tokyo.

Ever since the start of the recent conflict, the beautiful Mrs. Munira has made a name for herself in Seoul, which now has a heavy military atmosphere. She can be seen regularly at the train station, donning the sash of the National Defense Women's Association diagonally across her shoulders, waving the Japanese flag to welcome and bid farewell to the Imperial soldiers. Not only that, she can be seen standing on city street corners at night, holding sen'ninbari cloths. Furthermore, she has donated to national defense funds and provided care packages several times, endearing her to the military as a "Patriotic Turkish Person". Last summer, they held an all-Turkish "Prayer Festival for the Longevity and Military Success of the Generals and Soldiers of the Imperial Army" at the Wakakusa-chō Mosque, which deeply moved us.

As tensions between Japan and Britain escalate, the Sulemans are leaving Japan for Turkey, a country which is considered pro-British. When reporters visited, they expressed their farewell sentiments in fluent Japanese with their beloved children on their laps.

"Nineteen years ago, my first step in Korea was when I got off at Seoul Station and stayed at the Hōrai Inn, which was in front of the train station at the time. It has been ten years since I settled in Myeongdong District. Living alongside a battling, strong, and righteous Japan, we have come to share the same sentiments as the Japanese people. My wife intends to take her National Defense Women's Association sash as a souvenir back to our homeland. One way we plan to repay Japan, where we've lived for so long, is to let people in our homeland know about Britain's transgressions and Righteous Japan's true position, as viewed correctly from Japan. While we think we won't have another chance to come back, we will probably never forget our life in Japan."

In recognition of Mr. Suleman's virtues, the Myeongdong District Association has decided to honor him with an unprecedented letter of thanks, celebrating him as a foreigner who has truly become part of the community.

Original caption: The Suleman family returning to Istanbul.


京城日報 1939年6月15日












Saturday, June 17, 2023

Spotlight on 1943 Seoul: A Glimpse into the Russian Tatar Refugee Community, Marja Ibrahim's Poetry Tribute to Tatar National Poet Ğabdulla Tuqay on the 30-year anniversary of his death

 Following on from a previous post about the small community of Russian Tatars residing in Seoul in 1943, I'm glad to bring you fresh insights from two additional articles I've discovered from that era—two articles published in March and April 1943, respectively. These pieces provide further details on the lives and experiences of the Russian Tatars who were exiled from their homeland.

In the previous post, we delved into the interesting story of a 19-year-old Tatar woman named Martiya Ibrahim, who was extolled by the colonial regime for her selfless leadership within her diasporic community. Intriguingly, this April 1943 article introduces us to another figure, a 20-year-old Tatar woman named Marja Ibrahim. She is depicted reciting an epic poem in a poignant tribute to Ğabdulla Tuqay, a celebrated Tatar national poet. This leaves us with an intriguing question—could Martiya and Marja be the same person?

An additional facet of interest emerges from the March 1943 article, shedding light on how even in colonial Korea, foreign communities were not exempt from the far-reaching grip of the war. It reveals that war donation efforts were an expectation levied not only upon the local population, but also on the foreign diaspora residing there. This compelling detail draws us deeper into the complexities of life in 1943 Seoul, from a unique perspective rarely explored.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) March 26, 1943
To the Wounded Warriors
Donations from Turkic Muslims

As the movements of Muslims within the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere through Burma and India, draw attention, playing an increasingly significant role behind the scenes of the battlefield, a Muslim group composed of Turkic Tatars residing in Seoul said, "We owe our peaceful day-to-day lives entirely to the greatness of Japan, and we must especially express our sincere gratitude for the efforts of the warriors wounded in the Greater East Asia War."

Under the advocacy of Mr. Yankuraj (70), the head imam of the Muslim group living at 106-3, Wakakusa-chō [present-day Cho-dong (초동)], Seoul, Mr. Muslin (50), a Turkic Tatar who runs a Western clothing store on Namdaemun Street in the Golden District, along with over ten others, brought 118 yen to the Honmachi police station on March 25th. Simultaneously, a children's group contributed 65 yen. They stated, "It's a small amount, but we are offering our savings as consolation money for Japan's brave wounded warriors," which deeply moved Police Chief Masaoka. [Photo = Turkic Tatar Muslim group donating consolation money to wounded warriors]

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 11, 1943
Tatars are commemorating a Patriot Poet
Welfare visits in the city

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the death of Mr. Ğabdulla Tuqay, revered as a national poet, the Turkic Tatar Cultural Association in Seoul plans to host a memorial service on his death anniversary. The service will take place at noon on the upcoming 15th at the Hasegawa Town Christian Youth Center. They will pay tribute to Mr. Tuqay, the patriot poet who passed away young, and remember his achievements.

On the day of the event, Miss Marja Ibrahim (20), who resides in Honmachi 3-chōme, will be performing a recitation of a long poem, along with charming children's poetry dramas, to commemorate the great deeds of the pioneers of Asian revival. [Photo = Miss Marja Ibrahim reciting poetry]


1943年3月26日 京城日報


1943年4月11日 京城日報


Source 1:

Source 2:

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Seoul police busted some British and American residents in early 1942 for trying to buy the book 'Korea of the Japanese' by H.B. Drake, and a deported American was discovered to have sold 'Banzai!' by Parabellum to a Jongno bookstore, allegedly uncovering an 'American conspiracy' to poison Korea

This is an article from December 1942, and it particularly stands out for its especially anti-American and anti-British messaging. It is part of a series of articles written to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Pacific War against the United States, which began with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th local time (December 8th Japan time) in 1941. Setting aside the hateful content, this article actually provides some interesting look into two English books which the colonial authorities considered so threatening, they explicitly warned the entire country about them through this article. Fortunately for us, these two books are available to download for free online, so I've provided the links to the relevant pages at Gutenberg Library and Internet Archive below.

Banzai by Parabellum and Korea of the Japanese by H.B. Drake

The first story is about an American who was deported from Korea in the wake of the outbreak of the Pacific War, but before leaving, they sold off a bunch of books to a bookseller in Jongno, Seoul, including 'Banzai!' by Parabellum.

The second story is about multiple British and American people who were caught by police committing the 'crime' of trying to buy 'Korea of the Japanese' by H. B. Drake at a bookstore in Jongno, Seoul.

I highly recommend reading 'Korea of the Japanese', which provides an interesting glimpse into 1930 Korea from the perspective of a British writer. Be warned, however, that the author comes across as a condescending, entitled English prick ("I became an ardent champion of imperialism, of strong and ruthless Government, of the white man's burden." - book p. 142, PDF p. 193). I struggled to understand why the colonial authorities hated this book, since the author makes many statements which are actually supportive of Imperial Japan's rule over Korea ("Left to themselves the Koreans would rot … No nation, however insignificant, however mean its contribution to mankind, can be allowed to fall into neglect and decay. And this is the essential justification of the Japanese rule in Korea." - book p. 148, PDF p. 199). I'm speculating that, perhaps, it's because the Japanese Emperor was not mentioned reverentially enough when describing the Emperor's portrait (book p. 25, PDF p. 52), perhaps because it has some mild criticisms of colonial Korea's educational system (book p. 136, PDF p. 187) or perhaps because it criticized Eastern thought as backward ("Principles which are commonplaces in the West, but not in the East ... that without order there can be no liberty; that liberty is not the birth of a moment, but of the labour of generations. Commonplaces, I repeat; yet to the Korean mind paradoxes and contradictions."  - book p. 145, PDF p. 196).


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) December 4, 1942

They extended the evil clutches of their conspiracy until the day they left the Korean peninsula

Japanophobic books were found in the city

Shut out the United States and Britain!

One year since [the start of the Pacific War on December 8th]

Culture Edition

The entirety of the so-called culture that the American and British residents of the Korean peninsula were consciously inflicting on Korea was a conspiracy and a trick. Even the everyday language that they used contained a liquid juice that poisoned their victims, as if they were sprinkling a numbing magical fluid from a 35 millimeter film reel. Without American films, there would have been no film industry on the Korean peninsula. British-American culture is a monster of mental aggression, as demonstrated by the fact that those who failed to thoroughly read American and British writings were excluded from the ranks of the intellectuals. War was declared on December 8th when the U.S. and Britain were 'BANG!', hit on the head with a fiery iron hammer, and from that moment on, a truly heroic, constructive song began to be played on the Korean peninsula.

But speaking of an earlier time, on the day the Americans and the British made their departure, they were not leaving their hands idle. All the way up until the day they left, they did not forget to keep planting the roots of their conspiracy into the young Koreans who had soaked in their culture for decades until it had seeped into the marrow of their bones. Here is an example…

On the [redacted] day of the [redacted] month, Mr. Masaki, head teacher of the National School attached to Seoul First Normal School, found a dangerous, explosive book among the many books sold off by the deported Americans at a bookstore in Jongno. It was an English book on which the word "Banzai" was literally printed in Japanese, but its content was a series of provocatively written fanciful stories about a war between Japan and the United States. The author's name was written on the front cover as "Parabellum", and below it was an explanatory note: "This book was written mainly based on German publications from 1909," which was a little eyebrow-raising.

Immediately after the Russo-Japanese War, an American military journalist, frightened by the real strength of the emerging Japanese power and motivated to overthrow Japan as soon as possible, plotted to provoke a war between Japan and the U.S. and isolate Japan by telling the whole world, including all the Asian peoples excluding the Japanese, that "Japan must be feared", which was a Yellow Peril idea. This shows the traces of a conspiracy. It also contains a careful plot to separate Japan from Germany. The book was published by Stanley Paul & Co. of London, England in an attempt to undermine the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of the time. Furthermore, the preface of the book states, "This preface is not intended to provoke the peoples of the two countries. It is nothing more than a preparation for the hope of peace." But from the first page of the main text, the author refers to Japan as a "cursed yellow monkey," a vile insult that could not have been expressed by an Englishman of the time, so the author reveals himself to be an American.

It is an undeniable fact that the entire text of the book was written by an American who regarded Japan as a virtual enemy. It is also clear that the author's name, "Parabellum," is a pseudonym for "parable". Furthermore, what cannot be overlooked is the fact that the publisher of the book was Stanley Paul, a well-known publisher of Christian Bibles, and the book was probably distributed around the world by missionaries along with the Bible, which is a shocking fact. The book starts with the Japanese military occupation of the Philippines, then the Japanese people living in the U.S. all take up arms to start an uprising. The description of what happens until the invasion of the West Coast is written in all-out vulgar and abusive language against Japan. The shape of the font on the last line is changed to incite, "The yellow danger grows ever greater." Interestingly, the author also warns that "Japan will surely take us off guard by attacking us during the holidays," so what does the author think of our Navy's successful surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in the early stages of the Greater East Asia War?

But how many billions of people around the world have misjudged Japan as a result of this book? What will be the result of this terrible poisonous book sold by the American to the bookshop in Jongno as he was leaving the Korean peninsula? They did these things with this goal in mind from the very beginning. Fortunately, the book was purchased by Head Teacher Masaki and was kept deep inside his library since that day, which was a fortunate thing for the Korean peninsula.

This was not the only conspiracy plotted by the deported Americans and British. There is a second story relating to a detestable cultural conspiracy. On the [redacted] day of the [redacted] month, a few days before deportation, the enemy Americans and the British abused the free lifestyle that was allowed even for them by Japan's generous arrangement, and they almost purchased a certain book in Jongno. Their goal was not achieved due to the fact that the scene of the crime was discovered through an astute inspection by the police. That book that they wanted was the Chrysanthemum Edition of "Korea of the Japanese," a 225-page book published by William Clowes and Sons in London in 1930 and written by an Englishman named H. B. Drake. At the time, while the author was on his way to China and Manchuria for a tour, he visited his fellow countryman who lived in Korea. During his stay, he visited all of Korea, observing the situation in various parts of the country. It seems that he wrote the book immediately after he returned home, and he describes the footsteps of his meticulous research into modern Korean culture, customs, topography, mountains, humanity, geography, and so forth.

In addition, the 24 photographs, including the cover photograph, were painstakingly taken to provide evidence of the author's travels around the country, and the author's spying activities were clearly evident even in the clear explanations on the back of this published book.

We do not know when this book infiltrated Seoul, but we cannot help but be horrified by the past infatuation with the U.S. and Britain that was quite prevalent among the people living on the Korean peninsula, when we imagine what was going on inside the minds of some of our enemies who wanted to purchase this book. It was not long before the Americans and British, who had poisoned the Korean peninsula with their voiceless conspiracies, subsequently disappeared from this corner of East Asia, and Righteous Japan passed judgment on a culture that only those conspirators could feel proud of. [Photo: English-language books "Korea of the Japanese," which the enemy Americans and British people tried to carry away in a last ditch effort, and "Banzai," which they left behind to promote their "invincible" conspiracy.]




京城日報 1942年12月4日















Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Small community of ~100 Russian Tatars in Seoul featured in 1942-1944 propaganda articles: a young 19-year-old Tatar girl is praised for filling out immigration forms for her neighbors, a Tatar woman is commended for scolding her friends with red fingernails for wearing 'British-American' cosmetics

This is my translation and transcription of four news articles from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. These have never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge.

The following articles, spanning the period from 1942 to 1944, are about a very tiny (~100 member) Russian Tatar community which existed in Seoul during World War II. The Russian Tatars were refugees from the Russian Revolution who fled persecution in Russia. Many of the Russian Tatar refugees who arrived in Imperial Japan settled in mainland Japan, most notably in Kobe where the first mosque in Japan was built in 1935 (Kobe Masjid), but a few also settled in places like Japan-colonized Manchuria and Korea. The community in Seoul apparently engaged in trading mostly in clothing and miscellaneous goods in the Honmachi area, which is now the area just south of Myeongdong Cathedral. In 1943, about a block away from present-day Seoul City Hall on Mugyo-ro, they built their own elementary school called the Nugman Academy, where their children could learn the Tatar language and culture, including Islamic doctrine. 

Imperial Japan had a very complicated policy towards Muslims, as shown in this excellent academic article, but to ordinary Koreans who knew nothing about this, it must have seemed very unfair that this small community was given special privileges not given to the Koreans, who made up 97% of the population of Korea but were largely not allowed to teach their children Korean language and culture in schools by the 1942-1944 period.

Sorry if I have butchered some of the transcriptions of the Russian Tatar names, since Japanese kana transcriptions of foreign names confuse l and r, b and v, s and sh, etc. To those readers who are more familiar with Russian Tatar names, please let me know if you can suggest any corrections.

Martiya, the 19-year-old Tatar girl who helped fill out immigration forms for her neighbors, belonged to a local cell of the Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), the single ruling party of Japan-colonized Korea. The local neighborhood cells were known as 愛国班 (aikoku-han or aeguk-ban), which roughly translates to 'patriotic organization'. Members of the cells would report each other for infractions, perhaps for breaking rules like speaking Korean in public. They would organize 'patriotic' activities like defacing effigies of Roosevelt and Churchill, and also distribute food rations and other assistance. Similar local cell organizations still exist in countries like Cuba and North Korea.

See also the Russian Tatar family in Busan featured in this 1942 article:


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 28, 1942 

Thanksgiving Dedication to Victorious Japan

Refined Turkic Tatar Daughter

The Central Cultural Association of the Turkic Tatar Nation in Seoul, whose members number more than one hundred and are definitely ethnic Asians despite differences in appearances, are united in their gratitude for living in Japan during the Greater East Asia War. The temporary travel control regulations for foreigners came into effect on December 10 of last year, and all foreigners residing in Seoul were required to submit a notification form in the new format all at once. More than one hundred Tatar city residents prepared to complete the form, but filling out a two-page application form for each person proved to be a difficult task for those who were not literate in Japanese.

The one who took on the task of filling out the forms on behalf of the Tatar residents was Martiya (19), the second daughter of Mr. Waliullah Ibrahim of the Noor Trading Company at 20 Honmachi 3-chōme, Seoul. Knowing the confusion of her compatriots, she said, "Please let me do it. It is the greatest joy to be allowed to live in Victorious Japan as a member of the Asian race, and it is my duty to protect the homefront as one of the Imperial people." Every night, she would diligently write on behalf of her compatriots, and she has completed nearly three hundred pages of forms without delay.

As a member of local patriotic organization living the 'neighborhood cell' spirit, Martiya's actions were highly praised by Mr. Shimada, chief of foreign affairs at the Honmachi Police Station, who accepted the documents. On February 27th, he recounted the following about Martiya's actions:

"Martiya is the second daughter of Mr. Waliullah Ibrahim, the vice president of the Tatar Cultural Association. She is a warm and kind girl who graduated from Naniwa High School in Fengtian (present-day Shenyang). She alone worked at home taking care of the paperwork of more than a hundred people from the same ethnic group as their representative when the regulations came into effect and foreigners had to file notifications. Her recognition of the current situation and her initiative in cooperating with the authorities is admirable." [Photo: Martiya, the subject of this beautiful story]


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 9, 1943 

Japanese Language School

Established by Turkic people in Seoul

The Holy War to establish the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere continues with extreme intensity to the south and the north, and all Asians in the Co-prosperity Sphere rose up in the autumn to "stand with Japan". The Turkic Tatar group living in Seoul was grateful for the Imperial Army's struggle and wished to establish an educational institution for their own people to become a fully Asian people. On the Day of the Imperial Rescript on September 8th, a new private school, "Nugman Academy," was established to provide Japanese-style education. There are currently 72 Turkic Tatars in 21 households in Seoul, mainly centered in the Honmachi precinct, who are engaged in the clothing and ready-made goods trade. All of them came to Japan after the Russian Revolution and are spending their days living comfortably in Japan, but they have not been blessed with educational institutions. With the donation of 50,000 yen from Ms. Shamshinoor Nugmanov (45), who lives at 366 Sindang-dong in Seoul, a two-story building was purchased for 39,000 yen at 31 Mugyo-ro in Seoul, and the "Nugman Academy" was established. The founder, Mr. Kabdullah Hakimov (52), who lives at 3-28 Namdaemun Avenue in Seoul, applied for approval from the Seoul Provincial General. The school is to open at the beginning of October, and the first class of 20 boys and girls is to be admitted. The school is to emphasize the Japanese character of the school by teaching the Tatar language, Islamic doctrine, and National Education mainly in Japanese. [Photo: Ms. Shamshinoor Nugmanov]


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 2, 1944

Consoling the Heroes in White with the Tatar Dance

The billion people of the Co-prosperity Sphere stood together in solidarity and vowed to unite as Asian peoples holding each other's hands. A group of Turkic Tatars living in Seoul could not contain their emotions: "Let us offer our sincere thanks to the heroes of the Imperial Army," said 12 lovely students of Nugman Elementary School in Mugyo-ro, Central District, whose school had recently opened. They will hold a performance to comfort the heroes in white at the Army Hospital on the occasion of the auspicious occasion of the Anniversary of the Founding of Japan. The 19th performance of the classical "Tatar Dance" by Saniya and three other children will be a flower bouquet of consolation filled with sincerity, and is expected to be applauded by the heroes. [Photo: Tatar Dance]


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 20, 1944 

"No Red Fingernails!", scolded the Turkic woman

On February 11th, during the festival of the Founding of Japan, Erestan Tarpishov and 12 other lovely Turkic Tatar children from Nugman Elementary School in Mugyo-ro, Seoul held a performance to comfort the heroes in white, and they had a thrilling day. One of the ladies who accompanied the children, Salima, saw that many of her friends had painted their fingernails red. The comfort visit ended as Salima asked the young women, "What is the matter with you inappropriately showing red fingernails to the Japanese soldiers? Let's put a stop to all these British-American cosmetics..." This extraordinary act by Ms. Salima Battersen was brought to the attention of Mr. Masaoka, Director of Gyeonggi Provincial High School, who recently visited the provincial government office and praised her for her Japanese spirit. [Photo: Ms. Salima Battersen]



1942年2月28日 京城日報







1943年9月9日 京城日報




1944年2月2日 京城日報




1944年2月20日 京城日報




Forgotten Korean Suicide Attacker ‘Hero’ celebrated by Imperial Japan: Park Gwan-bin (박관빈, 朴官彬) charged into an Allied machine-gun nest clutching an anti-tank explosive during the Burma Campaign in Dec. 1944

In the annals of forgotten history, few figures exemplify the complex and tragic reality of Korean soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army qu...