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Thursday, June 22, 2023

Dehumanization in Colonial Korea, 1943: Branding Koreans as 'just objects' for 'not understanding the blessings of Imperial Japan' and labeling them as 'hypocrites who are outwardly obedient, but inwardly rebellious in their hearts'

I'm posting here today to share a rather unsettling article from colonial Korea in 1943. It is timely, as this article was published almost exactly 80 years ago on June 19th, 1943. This piece details the activities of a Korean collaborator teacher named Mr. Ōhara. His actions during this dark period of history serve as a chilling reminder of the extent of Imperial Japanese indoctrination and control.

The article depicts Mr. Ōhara endeavoring to brainwash a group of young Korean girls at a textile factory, imposing upon them Imperial Japanese propaganda. The girls, some as young as 12 and 13 years old, were forced to speak only Japanese, identify as Japanese people, and pledge their loyalty to Imperial Japan.

Something peculiar and unsettling about this article is the warning it includes about "面従腹背" (menjū fukuhai), or hypocrisy. It's a term that portrays people as being outwardly obedient, but inwardly rebellious. The usage of this phrase betrays an intrinsic distrust towards the Korean people and their loyalties, a skepticism that ultimately proved justified with the jubilation expressed by most Koreans upon Imperial Japan's defeat in August 1945.

Furthermore, the article cruelly dehumanizes Koreans who resisted the Imperial Japanese identity, terming them "just objects". This chilling rhetoric reflects the cold colonial attitude - those Koreans who resisted were no longer viewed as humans but as objects.

This article also has curious allegations that the Koreans were actually Japanese in ancient times. 'Japanese-Korean Unification' propaganda often contained such attempts to paint ancient Koreans as Japanese. In later propaganda in 1944, this 'ancient Koreans = Japanese' propaganda would develop into calling Koreans the descendants of Susanoo, the younger brother of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, the ancestor of the Japanese nation (see Governor-General Koiso's speech).

Mr. Ōhara, as portrayed in the article, is likely an ethnic Korean collaborator for Imperial Japan, with a narrative painting him as deeply influenced by his experiences at a teaching college in mainland Japan.

I must add a note about the ethics of posting such propaganda content. The intention behind sharing this distressing piece is not to sensationalize, but to bring to light a crucial part of history that is often buried or forgotten. It may be a controversial thing, but I believe that making such historical material accessible can help us grasp the scale of colonial injustices more clearly.

Regrettably, there is a dearth of English-language scholarship about the colonial period of Korean history, relative to the enormous wealth of primary source material that remains so poorly documented. As someone passionate about this topic, I aim to contribute to filling this knowledge gap, even if only a little, by posting these materials whenever I can. I believe this is crucial in providing a more nuanced understanding of Korea's past, as painful as it may be.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) June 19, 1943

"Shame on hypocrites who are outwardly obedient, but inwardly rebellious in their hearts!"

Young workers were moved by Mr. Takeo Katō's speech and bursting with patriotism

"We are Imperial Citizens!"

[Busan telephone report] Now that there are 25 million people in the Korean peninsula needing to integrate and become distinguished Japanese people among a nation of 100 million, there is a passionate young man who, along with many workers, fuels the fiery spirit of loyalty and dedication to work. This man is Mr. Keiichi Ōhara (32), who works as a labor affairs officer at the Busan Forestry Industry Company, Busan Factory in Jeonpo-ri, Busan. Invited to come to Korea by the Korean Federation of National Power, the visiting speakers, including the writer Mr. Takeo Katō, have sparked Mr. Ōhara's patriotism into a raging torrent. Specifically, during the Busan speech, Mr. Katō advocated the unification of Japan and Korea as follows.

"Just 25 million Koreans cannot survive on their own. They must absolutely be with Japan. If Koreans show loyalty with such calculating feelings, that is not to be appreciated. Although the word Imperialization is being shouted these days, I don't think Imperialization is the right word. The Koreans were Imperial people from the very beginning, but they subsequently became separated from Japan. Through annexation, they returned to the old ways. The sincerity of our Korean brethren must be pure loyalty that springs forth naturally. There is no other way to prove this feeling than through our mutual blood."

Although his voice was low, Mr. Ōhara was strongly struck by how patiently and clearly Mr. Katō delivered his arguments with sincerity. Then, Mr. Ōhara jotted down his pent-up, boiling feelings in a letter and sent it to Mr. Katō, who was staying in Seoul. In his letter, Mr. Ōhara pledged his earnest oath to patriotism, lamented that a minority of the Korean people still have not become awake, expressed his joy for being born in Imperial Japan, and described the mental preparation that each person on the home front should bear in the decisive battle. Reading this, Mr. Katō said, "I am very happy to have found such a friend of passionate sympathies here. This is a great harvest from my coming to Korea," he said with satisfaction. Thus, a passionate bond was formed between Mr. Katō and Mr. Ōhara, which was superior to any teacher-student relationship. Now, let's take a look at Ōhara's life, which is "always on the battlefield":

When visiting the Busan factory of the forestry industry, you see that 140 to 150 working women (even though they are called working women, many are 12 or 13 years old) are working happily in front of their thread winding machines. These little female warriors are all daughters from poor families, and of course, they have not received schooling, but they speak excellent Japanese and live as Imperial people, attending one hour of lecture during lunch break everyday.

Original caption: Actual educational scene of Mr. Ōhara instructing the fighting girls at their workplace 

Leader Ōhara's warm thoughtfulness as a company executive has borne fruit today. After touring the factory, he said, "I used to be an elementary school teacher, but due to family circumstances and connections, I have been involved in this factory for two years". He continued to speak of his firm belief in the spirit of service at work as follows.

"These children (referring to the workers) are also among the 100 million of Imperial Japan. Those who cannot live life centered on the Japanese language will not possibly be able to understand the concept of the National Body. If you are a National Person and do not understand the blessings of Imperial Japan, then you are just an object. I was deeply moved by Mr. Katō's speech the other day. Although my power is weak, I want to improve the qualities of those children as Japanese people as much as possible. They are sincerely united in their one-hour lesson each day. The method of education starts with Volume 1 of the reader and generally progresses to Volume 4 in a year. Through activities such as various ceremonies, military songs, sending and receiving brave soldiers who are dispatched, I let them learn what kind of situation our nation is facing now. While I was studying at Seoul Teachers School, I learned the true, beautiful virtues of the people of mainland Japan from the communal life in the dormitory, but I cannot help but feel uncomfortable when I think that there are still many Korean compatriots who dare to have dark feelings of hypocrites who are outwardly obedient, but inwardly rebellious in their hearts, without coming into contact with these beautiful virtues. My words may be a little exaggerated, but if I can serve the Imperial Movement somewhat through my current field of work, I am happy to become a cornerstone and devote my life to this cause."

His speech becomes even hotter, and the enthusiastic spirit of the one who puts things into practice resonated strongly in his words. Eventually, the noon siren rang. The factory girls who came out from the work place offered silent prayers all at once. After a while, their lunch break ritual began. After Mr. Ōhara left for the education room, Mr. Yūhachi Katō, the factory manager, also said, "He is a very enthusiastic man. You can entrust him with everything. The workers' desire to learn the Japanese language is beyond our imagination, and there has been no turnover of female workers since this system was established. Their performance has increased so much that the company executives are telling us to follow the example of the Busan factory in Korea."

At that time, the factory's three teachings, "It is also a battlefield here!", "Follow Admiral Yamamoto's Example!", and "If this hand relaxes, then its fighting power will also relax!" could be heard overflowing from the windows full of spirit by the girls chanting and repeating them every day at the end of their lessons. Behold the brave appearance of these lovely, fighting girls! They are also becoming a force which will cooperate in the construction of Greater East Asia. [Photo = Actual educational scene of Mr. Ōhara instructing the fighting girls at their workplace (censored by Busan Fortress Command)]


京城日報 1943年6月19日













Saturday, June 17, 2023

Spotlight on 1943 Seoul: A Glimpse into the Russian Tatar Refugee Community, Marja Ibrahim's Poetry Tribute to Tatar National Poet Ğabdulla Tuqay on the 30-year anniversary of his death

 Following on from a previous post about the small community of Russian Tatars residing in Seoul in 1943, I'm glad to bring you fresh insights from two additional articles I've discovered from that era—two articles published in March and April 1943, respectively. These pieces provide further details on the lives and experiences of the Russian Tatars who were exiled from their homeland.

In the previous post, we delved into the interesting story of a 19-year-old Tatar woman named Martiya Ibrahim, who was extolled by the colonial regime for her selfless leadership within her diasporic community. Intriguingly, this April 1943 article introduces us to another figure, a 20-year-old Tatar woman named Marja Ibrahim. She is depicted reciting an epic poem in a poignant tribute to Ğabdulla Tuqay, a celebrated Tatar national poet. This leaves us with an intriguing question—could Martiya and Marja be the same person?

An additional facet of interest emerges from the March 1943 article, shedding light on how even in colonial Korea, foreign communities were not exempt from the far-reaching grip of the war. It reveals that war donation efforts were an expectation levied not only upon the local population, but also on the foreign diaspora residing there. This compelling detail draws us deeper into the complexities of life in 1943 Seoul, from a unique perspective rarely explored.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) March 26, 1943
To the Wounded Warriors
Donations from Turkic Muslims

As the movements of Muslims within the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere through Burma and India, draw attention, playing an increasingly significant role behind the scenes of the battlefield, a Muslim group composed of Turkic Tatars residing in Seoul said, "We owe our peaceful day-to-day lives entirely to the greatness of Japan, and we must especially express our sincere gratitude for the efforts of the warriors wounded in the Greater East Asia War."

Under the advocacy of Mr. Yankuraj (70), the head imam of the Muslim group living at 106-3, Wakakusa-chō [present-day Cho-dong (초동)], Seoul, Mr. Muslin (50), a Turkic Tatar who runs a Western clothing store on Namdaemun Street in the Golden District, along with over ten others, brought 118 yen to the Honmachi police station on March 25th. Simultaneously, a children's group contributed 65 yen. They stated, "It's a small amount, but we are offering our savings as consolation money for Japan's brave wounded warriors," which deeply moved Police Chief Masaoka. [Photo = Turkic Tatar Muslim group donating consolation money to wounded warriors]

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 11, 1943
Tatars are commemorating a Patriot Poet
Welfare visits in the city

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the death of Mr. Ğabdulla Tuqay, revered as a national poet, the Turkic Tatar Cultural Association in Seoul plans to host a memorial service on his death anniversary. The service will take place at noon on the upcoming 15th at the Hasegawa Town Christian Youth Center. They will pay tribute to Mr. Tuqay, the patriot poet who passed away young, and remember his achievements.

On the day of the event, Miss Marja Ibrahim (20), who resides in Honmachi 3-chōme, will be performing a recitation of a long poem, along with charming children's poetry dramas, to commemorate the great deeds of the pioneers of Asian revival. [Photo = Miss Marja Ibrahim reciting poetry]


1943年3月26日 京城日報


1943年4月11日 京城日報


Source 1:

Source 2:

Forgotten Korean Suicide Attacker ‘Hero’ celebrated by Imperial Japan: Park Gwan-bin (박관빈, 朴官彬) charged into an Allied machine-gun nest clutching an anti-tank explosive during the Burma Campaign in Dec. 1944

In the annals of forgotten history, few figures exemplify the complex and tragic reality of Korean soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army qu...