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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Colonial regime made impassioned case for Japanese-Korean Unification in ranting mythological and historical narrative invoking the story of Yeonorang and Seonyeo, Shinto god Susanoo who settled in Silla, Prince Go Yak’gwang and Goguryeo refugees who settled in Musashi, Japan in 717 (April 1944)

A supporter sent me a copy of an extremely interesting wartime propaganda book published in April 1944 by the Imperial Japanese colonial regime which ruled Korea at the time. The 80-page book entitled '新しき朝鮮' (The New Korea) was in remarkably good condition and clearly legible for something that was published 80 years ago. It appears to have been published by the Information Department of the Office of Governor-General Koiso, who was arguably one of the most religiously fanatical of all the Governor-Generals who ever ruled Korea during the Imperial Japanese colonial period. As such, it is a very rare and important snapshot of the official propaganda that was imposed upon the Korean people as of April 1944, during a period of Imperial Japanese colonial rule when the intensity of Japanese-Korean Unification propaganda and State Shinto religious propaganda reached their peak.

 'The New Korea' reads like a desperate appeal to the Korean people to rally them to the colonial regime's side, touting the accomplishments of the colonial regime since Annexation in 1910, including agriculture, industrial development, infrastructure, transportation, communications, military development, education, literacy, natural preservation, etc. Many of the arguments presented in this book about these accomplishments sound remarkably similar to modern Japanese far-right historical revisionist arguments defending Imperial Japanese colonial rule over Korea, which suggests that, perhaps, the propaganda published by the colonial regime in Korea was also used to indoctrinate people in mainland Japan.

However, the part of the book that diverges significantly from the modern Japanese far-right narratives is the Japanese-Korean Unification propaganda, which modern Japanese far-right activists generally feel embarrassed about and prefer to avoid as much as possible. The promotional book starts off with the following preface which rants a Japanese-Korean Unificationist historical narrative touting the historical links between Japan and Korea from ancient mythological times through the medieval period, highlighting the various times throughout history when Japan absorbed Korean migrants who eventually became naturalized Japanese people. It essentially politicizes Japanese-Korean history to justify the colonization of Korea by Imperial Japan. Thus, this preface, which was otherwise meant to be a morale booster for the Korean people in the midst of a desperate war, might have actually been highly offensive and demoralizing to Korean readers at the time. For example, I would guess that the passage which celebrates the disappearance of the Arirang, a beloved Korean folk song, would not have been well received by the Korean readership.

In his February 1944 speech, Koiso actually argued that the Korean people were descended from the Shinto god Susanoo, but that line appears to have been quietly walked back in this April 1944 book. Nevertheless, Susanoo is still mentioned in this book to demonstrate the close connection between Korea and Japan. The historical narratives contained in the 1943 articles about Buyeo (April 19/20 articles, April 21 article) also appear to have made their way into this book in condensed form.


Chapter One: Introduction

The Robust Frontline

"Can a country so sad be made, with its continuous mountains of red clay and bald hills?"

As once lamented by a certain poet, the impression and sad reality of Korea, up to twenty years ago or even just a decade ago, was of reddish clay bald mountains and women in white clothes doing laundry. However, how has it changed? In the few decades that followed, not only did the bald mountains turn green, but the rapid transformation of world history and the leap forward in the construction of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere under the Imperial Japanese guidance, leading the billion people of Asia, has completely changed Korea. Korea has risen up as a part of this grand holy work, being nurtured as a logistic base for our continental operations, altering not only its robust appearance but even the very nature of the Korean Peninsula.

Instead of the women in white clothes who once made laundry their day's work, there are now sincere women of the "Village Labor Service Corps" under its flag, unwaveringly pulling weeds in the fields and cleaning Shinto shrines. In place of the sorrowful melody of "Arirang" flowing through the streets at dusk, brave military songs now march through the cities, accompanied by the firm footsteps of the youth corps. The once desolate hills on the outskirts have been cultivated into factories spewing black smoke from their chimneys. The remaining red clay mountains with their layers are now the battlegrounds for important underground resource development, tirelessly striving day and night for the annihilation of Britain and America. Students and youths, who once lost sight of their hopes in a blurred vision and recklessly sought the opium of misguided thoughts, have now had their souls cleansed by the fierce waves of the holy war. For the first time, they find infinite hope in offering their blood for loyalty only as Japanese people, enjoying the pride of being a leading core nation among the billion people of East Asia. Holding onto the excitement of the day when conscription was announced, they continue to diligently train day and night, preparing for the day they are called, to achieve the honorable position promised to them in the future through their efforts and the fulfillment of their noble duties.

What would the poet who once called Korea a "sad country" now write, facing the fierce spirit and robust reality of this fighting Korea?

Korea is advancing. Its sole goal is "Together with the endless development of Imperial Japan."

Korea is advancing. Let us momentarily lend our ears to the powerful, majestic, and tidal-like advancing footsteps of the 26 million compatriots.

The Relationship between Japan and Korea

Without even needing to spread out a map, it is evident that Korea is a continental peninsula extending from the Japanese mainland across the Genkai Sea to the Asian continent and Manchuria. However, when examining the histories of both sides, it becomes clear how inseparably connected Korea and the Japanese mainland have been since the divine era three thousand years ago. From the Korean perspective, the true history of Korea arguably begins with its relationship with the Japanese mainland, rather than the adjacent Asian continent. Korea has grown under Japan's constant protection and has finally returned to the bosom of its nurturing parent.

The legend is well-known… The tale of Susanoo-no-Mikoto in the "Nihon Shoki" is famous. Susanoo, banished from Takamagahara, descended to the land of Silla with his son, Isotakeru, and lived in Soshimori. Later, he crafted a boat from clay and crossed the Eastern Sea to reach the land of Izumo (Regarding the location of Soshimori, there are two theories based on the pronunciation in Korean: one places it at Mount Udu in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, and the other at Seorabeol, i.e., Gyeongju in North Gyeongsang Province, which was once the capital of Silla). Shinra Myōjin of Ōtsu, revered by Shinra Saburō who is known as the ancestor of the Kai Genji warrior class in our country, is said to have worshipped Manjushri, who is said to have been Susanoo himself.

Furthermore, the land dragging legend, as found in Japan's oldest geographical record, the "Izumo Fudoki," is well known. It is also widely known that in the era following Emperor Suinin, a prince of Silla named Amenohiboko, yearning for the holy land of Japan, abdicated his throne to his younger brother, came to Japan, and settled in the province of Tajima. Similarly, Korea has many legends like this. One interesting story deeply related to the Japanese land dragging legend goes as follows:

This event occurred in the fourth year of the reign of King Adalla, the eighth ruler of Silla. On the eastern coast lived a couple named Yeonorang and Seonyeo. One day, Yeonorang went to the sea to collect seaweed and happened to climb onto a rock. This rock, with him on it, drifted all the way to Japan. The people of Japan, upon seeing him, declared, "He is no ordinary man," and made him their king. Seonyeo, after waiting in vain for her husband's return, went to the shore and found his straw sandals left on the rock. The same rock then carried her to Japan, where she became the queen alongside Yeonorang.

However, after their departure, Silla lost the light of the sun and the moon and was plunged into darkness. It was said that the spirits of the sun and the moon, which had resided in the country, had departed for Japan. Consequently, the king of Silla urgently sent envoys to Japan to bring them back. But the couple refused to return, saying, "Our coming here is a decree of the heavens." Instead, they sent back a piece of silk fabric woven by Seonyeo, instructing that it be used to worship the heavens. When the envoys returned to Silla and conducted the celestial worship as instructed, the lost sunlight and moonlight returned as before. The place where this worship was performed was named Yeongilhyeon (영일현, 迎日縣).

Original caption: "Majestic View of the East Coast (Near Haegumgang in Gangwon Province)"

History Speaks…

Beyond legends, the deep interactions between Japan and Korea, as clearly narrated by historical facts, have always been evident. Throughout the Three Kingdoms period, the Unified Silla period, the Goryeo era, and up to modern times in Korea, it is apparent that the two have always had an inseparable relationship, akin to lips and teeth. This was not merely a diplomatic relationship bound by friendship or goodwill. Korea, constantly threatened by invasions from northern tribes on the continent, grew under the protection of Japanese power. Moreover, Japan's ideal of founding a nation encompassing all under heaven, with Korea solidly established as a forward base for continental operations, can be described as a relationship of shared destiny and blood ties.

For Japan, the Korean Peninsula has always been a bridge to the Asian continent. This is a geographical absolute, unchanged in the past and present. Now, as the grand project of building the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere steadily progresses, the Korean Peninsula's critical role as a logistic base is more apparent. It was natural for it to have played a role as the sole route of influx during the era of absorbing continental culture. Moreover, the direct and significant influence of Korea on Japanese customs, thoughts, industries, arts, and other aspects of life is an undeniable fact, evident without needing extensive evidence. Japan assimilated and digested these cultures on the basis of its consistent traditions, creating a unique and magnificent culture of its own.

Meanwhile, this led to a continuous influx of cultural figures from the Asian continent and people yearning for the beautiful peace and divine nation of Japan, resulting in their naturalization. Among them, the largest number of naturalized citizens were Koreans, which seems only natural given the geographical relationship. Especially after the collapse of Baekje and Goguryeo, which had integral ties with Japan, many of their people who refused to submit to Tang China or Silla sought asylum in Japan. According to our records, initially, the naturalized people from Silla, Goguryeo, and Baekje were settled in the eastern regions. In the third year of the reign of Empress Genshō (717 c.e.), 1,799 people from Goguryeo scattered across the Kanto and Chubu regions were relocated to Musashino (in Iruma District, Saitama Prefecture), and the Koma District was established. The leader of these people from Goguryeo, Go Yak'gwang, was granted the surname "Ō (王)" by Emperor Monmu and was subsequently enshrined as the Fifth Shirahige Myōshin. The Koma Shrine still exists in that area, and its current chief priest is the fifty-seventh descendant of Go Yak'gwang.

Original Caption: "During the fall of Baekje, it is said that two thousand court ladies, sharing the fate of the dynasty, threw themselves into the water like falling flowers at the Buyeo self-warming platform and Naghwaam Rock by the Baekmagang River."
 Original Caption: "Buddhist Statue from the Baekje Era (Identical to the Baekje Kannon statue in Nara's Horyuji Temple)

Original Caption: "Koma Shrine (Located in Iruma District, Saitama Prefecture)"

Furthermore, there are over 300 place names in mainland Japan named after these naturalized residents, and a considerable number of shrines are believed to enshrine Koreans. In the early Heian period, in the sixth year of Emperor Saga's reign (815 c.e.), the newly compiled "Shinsen Shojiroku" was created by Imperial command. It compiled the genealogies of 1,177 distinguished families in both capitals and the five provinces of Kinai. At that time, genealogies were broadly classified into three categories: Imperial descent (descendants of emperors), divine descent (descendants of deities from the age of the gods, excluding Imperial family members), and foreign descent (naturalized people). Among these 1,177 families, the fact that 326 were of foreign descent illustrates how naturalized citizens were favored in our country. This shows that there have been many descendants of naturalized Koreans among the well-known figures of our country, from ancient times to the present.


第一章 序説























Source: 朝鮮総督府情報課編纂 [Chōsen Sōtokufu Jōhōka Hensan (Compilation by the Information Department of the Governor-General's Office of Korea)]. 新しき朝鮮 [Atarashiki Chōsen (The New Korea)]. 京城府中区太平通二ノ四三: 日本出版配給株式会社, 昭和十九年四月二十五日 [Keijōfu Nakaku Taiheidori 2-43: Nihon Shuppan Haikyū Kabushiki Kaisha, April 25, 1944].


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Imperial Japanese news staff departing Korea wrote last words celebrating the ‘Young Korea’ as a ‘joyous uprising’, praising Kimchi, saying goodbyes to Korean collaborator writers, baring ‘a heart full of desolation’, mourning a daughter’s death, criticizing war leaders… (Nov. 1, 1945)

This is the second part of a two-part series. The first part is posted here.

The following is content from a Seoul newspaper published on November 1, 1945, two and a half months after Japan's surrender in World War II and the liberation of Korea. Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), the colonial era newspaper that had served as the main propaganda newspaper for the whole of colonial Korea from 1909 to 1945, was still publishing in Japanese as the national newspaper of Korea. The ethnic Japanese staff managed against all odds to retain control over the newspaper during those two and a half months, until they were finally forced to relinquish control to the Korean employees. These Koreans independence activists took over and subsequently continued the publication of this newspaper in Japanese with an avowed Korean nationalist editorial stance from November 2nd until December 11th, 1945.

The very last page of Japanese-controlled Keijo Nippo, Nov. 1, 1945 issue

However, before the ethnic Japanese staff was forced to leave, they were allowed to publish one last issue, dated November 1st, 1945, with the very last page dedicated to farewell messages that they wrote to the Korean people as a memento, in which they eloquently express their sad and conflicted thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, I found this last page in poor condition with big ink blots, gashes, and faded text, so it was very difficult to read them. Nonetheless, due to the compelling content of these long forgotten messages, I decided it was worth spending some time deciphering them as much as I could. There were seven different essays on this page with six different authors. Due to their sheer length, I shared two of the essays in the first part of this series, and I am sharing the five remaining essays in this post as I unlock this long forgotten time capsule.

There is a lot to unpack in these five essays, but since an in-depth analysis of this cross-section of the post-war Japanese psyche would probably require a dissertation, I will mostly let the words of the authors speak for themselves with some Wikipedia links added for convenience. But I think it will be fair to say that the thoughts and feelings of these Imperial Japanese news editors are extremely complex and defy any simple characterization. So, I'll just comment on a few notable things about these essays.

One of the essays bids farewell to the Korean writers of the Korean Literary Association, a puppet of the colonial regime. The Korean Literary Association was founded in 1939 to nurture Korean writers to serve the colonial regime. The association encompassed both ethnic Korean writers who wrote in Korean and Japanese and ethnic Japanese writers who were residents of Korea and wrote in Japanese, and the works of both groups were considered to be ‘Korean literature’, regardless of how different their cultures and perspectives may have been. In this way, Korean literature of this era became heavily politicized to serve the political interests of Imperial Japan. The association published a literary periodical that was published in both Japanese and Korean, but by May 1942, the Korean language edition was discontinued in the name of ‘Imperialization’ and ‘Japanese-Korean unification’. In an earlier post, I covered the propaganda writings of three of these Korean writers: Yu Jin-oh (유진오/兪鎮午, 1906~1987)Choi Jae-seo (최재서/崔載瑞, 1908~1964), and Lee Seok-hoon (이석훈/李石薫, 1907~?)

In the postwar era, the three members’ lives took very different courses. Yu Jin-oh became one the early drafters of the South Korean Constitution, worked as a legal scholar and as a prominent conservative politician in South Korea for many years until his death in 1987. Choi Jae-seo continued his academic activities teaching English literature at South Korean universities until his death in 1964. Lee Seok-hoon was arrested by the North Korean People’s Army at the outbreak of the Korean War in July 1950, and his whereabouts are unknown to this day.

Another thing I noticed was the author of one of the essays: Katō Manji, who was born in 1890 and died in 1980. He describes himself as being the chief of the organization department of Keijo Nippo from 1942 to 1945. Doing a quick online search, I learned that, according to a 2008 Asahi Shimbun article, in at least 1941 and 1942, he was also working at the organization department of Asahi Shimbun newspaper in mainland Japan. His surviving family members provided some personal artefacts to Asahi Shimbun, which apparently included reams of directives from the military censors telling him what he was not allowed to publish. For example, one of the rules was "Don't use the word 'white people' (白人)". This suggests that the chief of the organization department was in charge of making sure that the military censor's directives were being followed by the newspaper staff.

This post is a continuation of my ongoing exploration of the old newspaper archives from 1945 Korea that I checked out and photographed at the National Library of Korea in September 2023.


Ten Years of Living in Seoul: Recalling Some of My Memories

By Terada Ei

When I look back at my ten years of life in Korea, various memories naturally come flooding back. Especially for me, it is inevitable that I will feel deeply moved, since I spent one-third of my newspaper career here.

At Keijo Nippo, I spent the longest time in the Arts and Culture Department. Because of this, I became quite close to many Korean cultural figures, which I consider an unexpected but valuable gain. Although I was known as a bit of a sharp-tongued person, I do not recall making any enemies, which is my most significant impression from my life in Korea. It is regrettable that I cannot bid farewell in person to each of these individuals, but even if I don't address each of them by name, I believe that in their hearts, there lies a friendship that will recall me from time to time.

My memories of the time when the so-called Korean Literary Association was formed are particularly profound. In the words that we used back then, Japanese and Korean literati came together as one to move forward. However, among my comrades of that time, some foresaw the inevitability of air raids in Korea and promptly evacuated to mainland Japan, while others quickly disappeared to Tokyo as soon as the situation worsened. When you consider that those were our leaders at that time, and that they were Japanese people, it goes to show that a person's true worth is revealed in times of crisis. I vividly remember traveling to 24 cities throughout Korea to give lectures as part of the so-called New System Movement during the Literary Association days. After the Literary Association became the Literary Patriotic Society, I became somewhat estranged from the scene due to the situation within the newspaper office at the time and the aftermath of an illness.

It is with reluctance that I speak of personal matters, but I lost my only daughter in Seoul. She had always been frail since birth, but she had never gotten sick even once since coming to Korea. After graduating from girls' school, she had become healthy enough to volunteer to assist with the Imperial Navy's work. However, she fell ill with a mild case of bronchitis, but after four days in bed, she passed away unexpectedly in the early hours of December 29. The doctor who saw her then was both the first and last doctor that she saw since coming to Seoul. She was twenty-three when she passed away.

What I gained from my time in Korea are the cherished memories of the many friends that I made, and the only thing that I lost was my hope in life, which I lost with the passing of my daughter.

My wife and I will soon leave Seoul, carrying two backpacks and an urn of ashes. It is difficult to deny that our hearts are filled with a mix of joy and sorrow, a tumult of various emotions.

Farewell, Korea. Farewell, Seoul, and farewell, my friends. Please accept this as my last goodbye in print. (October 31, 1945)

The Creation of a New Culture

By Nakaho Sei

I recall the day I first met General Arnold of the military government. The scene at the military government office, with its Western-style white chalk building, the Oriental-style building in the backyard with its predominantly red colors reminiscent of Beijing's Forbidden City, the American soldiers in khaki uniforms, and the crowd of Koreans in white traditional attire at the gate, formed a unique and unforgettable image in my eyes. From behind this scene, I could see the faint white smoke of burned documents rising into the sky. It felt like a symbol of the culture of tomorrow's Korea.

Looking back, it occurs to me that, whether it be Confucianism, religion, or Oriental music, many elements that added brilliance to Japanese culture from ancient to medieval times came from the Asian continent. However, it was Korea that played the crucial role of being a "bridge" connecting the Asian continent and Japan. Indeed, it may be said that, rather than being a bridge, Korea cultivated many of the ideas born in China and India before passing them on to Japan.

Buddhism is an excellent example of this. Confucianism, especially Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism, was greatly developed in Korea by great philosophers like Yi Hwang. The remarkable flourishing of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism in Japan during the Tokugawa era owed much to Korean Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism. If it is permissible to say that Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism was an ideological driving force of the Meiji Restoration, then the distant roots of the Meiji Restoration would have to be sought in Korea.

The world, especially in its entirety, has been ravaged by war and will be preoccupied with reconstruction efforts without much time for reflection. In East Asia, Korea suffered the least damage from bombings. From this perspective, Korea is now in a position to be a major nursery and source for the rebuilding of Greater East Asian culture… Korea is blessed with the opportunity to leave a significant mark on the cultural history of East Asia as a creator of culture.

From a geopolitical standpoint, there are various views about the Korean peninsula. However, looking at the map, Korea lies between China and Russia on the Asian continent, facing Japan and the United States across the sea. Korea should combine and refine the cultures of these neighboring countries to construct a new culture, an endeavor that must achieve significant results. Moreover, by nurturing Korea's inherent culture, such as that of the Baekje and Silla kingdoms, we can look forward to the growth of an even better new culture. (October 31)

Through the Newspaper Pages

By Katō Manji

The desperate struggles of the defeated nations, beginning with the establishment of the Badoglio government in Italy and the subsequent occupation by British and American forces, and then spreading to France and the smaller Balkan countries, were tragic to the extreme. These stories, transmitted via foreign telegram, were reported in Japanese newspapers, though only in a limited fashion. Japanese wartime leaders also used these real-life examples to teach the lesson that we must "win at all costs."

However, since August 15, Japan, as a "defeated nation," a label it has borne for the first time since its founding, has faced an increasingly severe and cold reality day by day.

As the chief of the organization department (editor) of Keijo Nippo, I have been in Korea for about three years, starting around the time when the reports of the Guadalcanal campaign began. Since then, amidst the continuously deteriorating circumstances up to this day, I have devoted my modest efforts to newspaper production and publishing. Looking back on this, there are countless things I want to write and say, but my pen is heavy, and progress is slow.

Now, Korea is moving away from Japanese rule and gathering collective wisdom for the construction of a new nation. It is truly a moment of joyous uprising. I can't help but celebrate for the young Korea. In contrast, we are gasping under the bitter dregs of defeat, returning to a chaotic and tumultuous Japan, sinking into the depths of agony. But let us not forget about "rebuilding Japan" and the task of rising from the depths, overcoming a thousand difficulties.

Due to my job, I never stepped out of the editorial office, let alone had the chance to do any inspections within Korea or make many influential Korean acquaintances. However, I am satisfied and take joy in saying goodbye, having known about 400,000 readers through the newspaper pages for about three years.

Light Sprouts

By Ōta Kōichi

The coldness of the desk, resonating with the warmth of the Indian summer outside the window, strikes my heart, reminding me that this is my last page as a reporter for Keijo Nippo.

Looking back, these days have been tumultuous, like being tossed in fierce waves. Even while attending press conferences at the military government office and witnessing the fresh stirrings of a new Korea being born, I was aware of the thinness of my own shadow. It was a lonely realization, but this was my last remaining duty and my greatest joy. Yet, today marks the end of my qualification to sit in that seat.

This April, I experienced two disastrous firestorms in Tokyo. Seeing sprouts emerging from the desolate burnt earth, I found myself shedding tears. Now, I must return to that scorched land, with a heart full of desolation and wandering thoughts, where the autumn wind now blows.

My current state of mind is like that desolate scorched earth. I am seeking sprouting light. I am certain that new sprouts of light are vigorously emerging in a new Japan. I must seek them out and nurture them to pave the way that we should follow.

Let's go home. Farewell, beautiful city of Seoul. May there be light sprouts in your soil too.

My Words

By Ōnuma Chiyo

If my friend waiting in a thatched hut in Shinano asks me what I learned from Korea, I would spontaneously reply, "I learned the taste of kimchi."

My time in Korea was spent in a short period suffering from catarrh, waiting to return to work and being overwhelmed by daily life. I had no leisure to explore the local historical sites, since I spent that time convalescing while reading the meager literature available.

Therefore, my life in this land felt empty, but one unforgettable thing that remained with me was the taste of kimchi. As I gradually became accustomed to its complex and varied flavors, it paralleled how I slowly assimilated into life in Korea. During that time, I became indifferent to the copious yellow dust and the pungent smell of garlic. The scent of the clay soil conveyed a sense of romance. The intense taste of kimchi served as a pleasant sedative to the intense emotions within me, leaving a lasting imprint on me due to its strength.

Though my time here was just over a year, I encountered an unfathomable rush of history. In my heart, which seeks to step into the world of contemplation, this significant event also provided a lesson that could be considered great in some sense.

In the remainder of my life, my heart will probably cherish the taste of kimchi with nostalgia, and hold an unbearable longing for the life I lived in this land for just over a year.


京城日報 1945年11月1日



寺田 瑛









中保 生




























Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Japanese news staff wrote sad and internally conflicted farewell essays to the Korean people in the very last page of Keijo Nippo (colonial propaganda newspaper) published under Japanese control before takeover by Korean activists on Nov. 2, 1945

The following is content from a Seoul newspaper published on November 1, 1945, two and a half months after Japan's surrender in World War II and the liberation of Korea. Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), the colonial era newspaper that had served as the main propaganda newspaper for the whole of colonial Korea from 1909 to 1945, was still publishing in Japanese as the national newspaper of Korea. The ethnic Japanese staff managed against all odds to retain control over the newspaper during those two and a half months, until they were finally forced to relinquish control to the Korean employees. These Koreans independence activists took over and subsequently continued the publication of this newspaper in Japanese with an avowed Korean nationalist editorial stance from November 2nd until December 11th, 1945.

However, before the ethnic Japanese staff was forced to leave, they were allowed to publish one last issue, dated November 1st, 1945, with the very last page dedicated to farewell messages that they wrote to the Korean people as a memento, in which they eloquently express their sad and conflicted thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, I found this last page in poor condition with big ink blots, gashes, and faded text, so it was very difficult to read them. Nonetheless, due to the compelling content of these long forgotten messages, I decided it was worth spending some time deciphering them as much as I could. There were seven different essays on this page with six different authors. Due to their sheer length, I will share two of the essays in this post, and share the rest in later posts as I unlock this long forgotten time capsule.

From what I can gather from reading these essays, these Japanese news editors were no longer writing as regime spokesmen, but rather as private individuals and as proud news professionals. They felt besieged in their stubborn determination to keep the national newspaper of Korea as a newspaper representing ethnic Japanese interests, for the sake of the Japanese people still remaining in Korea. Understandably, this created conflict with the Korean news community and ultimately led to the November 2nd Korean takeover.

Their essays reveal a profound sense of sadness and internal conflict as the authors grapple with the reality of defeat. Yet, remarkably, there is an absence of bitterness or resentment towards the Korean people or others. The tone of the essays is, in fact, quite gracious. One essay notably extends well-wishes to the Korean people in their endeavors to build their new nation. The essays also include interesting personal anecdotes, some of them about their own families.

This post is a continuation of my ongoing exploration of the old newspaper archives from 1945 Korea that I checked out at the National Library of Korea in September 2023.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 1, 1945

To Our Readers

Words of Farewell to Korea

From the Staff at Keijo Nippo Newspaper

We have found it difficult to put away our pens, which we had dedicated solely for the Japanese people who are in Korea. Ah, but as of today, the time has now come for us to part with this beloved part of our bodies, our pens. Is there anything more sorrowful for a journalist? Overwhelmed with countless emotions, we find ourselves at a loss for words. The members of our editorial team are embracing each other, crying tears of men. The scene resembles the tragic end of the Byakkotai Samurai warriors on the top of Iimori Hill. But what has robbed us of our pens? Now is not the time to speak of it. Perhaps we too must bear some responsibility. It goes without saying that this is due to our "defeat in war".

Since August 15th, the reality in Korea has been excessively harsh for us. It was an immense pressure that we could do nothing about. Yet, we endured, never abandoning our pens for the sake of the Japanese people, for the sake of their peace and tranquility. However, the end has finally arrived. It was a catastrophe we had braced ourselves for, but two months after the end of the war, in a Korea now entering the month of November, hundreds of thousands of Japanese are still awaiting their return to Japan, battling mental unrest, material hardship, and physical suffering.

From tomorrow onward, we can no longer convey our thoughts or write with our own hands to those people... Losing our light in the dark night, our canes broken, our thoughts turn to the sky... and our hearts are torn with pain.

Today's end is an inevitable outcome, but we regret not being able to maintain "a newspaper for the Japanese by the Japanese" in Korea until the very last Japanese person remains. However, we console ourselves thinking that we have done well over these last two and a half months. The immediate policies of the U.S. Military Government regarding the Japanese were somewhat clarified by the Property Disposition Measure No. 4, published in our paper on the 31st of last month. The issue for the remaining civilians is to return to Japan in a calm and orderly manner, following the U.S. military's plan for repatriating Japanese citizens. We believe we have somewhat fulfilled our duty to report the news during this process.

Regardless, today we must lay down our pens. And now, being forced to put down our pens, as journalists for whom the pen is our lifeblood, we suddenly feel a profound desolation. There are so many things we want to ask, say, explain, write, and simply scribble without reason. Each and every social phenomenon in Korea stimulates the senses of a journalist, resonating with all six senses. There may be presumptions. There may be bravado and posturing. As human beings, we may even make excuses. Finally, we would like to offer the following sentiments of the remaining staff as a memento to our readers in Korea. (Written by Shinichirō Takada)

Defeated in War

By Shinichirō Takada

The fact of the war's end, which I had half-believed and half-doubted, became an immovable and solemn reality... When I glimpsed it through Dōmei News Agency reports, the first dilemma thrown upon my intellect, albeit feeble, was how to cook up a newspaper article based on this earth-shattering fact. Until this moment, driven by patriotic passion and nationalist ideology, and considering various conditions, including the fact that this newspaper is in a unique place called Korea...

The essence was, if we were to faithfully report the truth in accordance with our essential duty as a newspaper, the only task that was left for us was to report this fact as a fact, and somehow imprint it calmly and in detail on the readers, while minimizing the shock that they received as much as possible. During the war, handling such anti-nationalistic facts in this manner was just the common sense of the newspaper. Even when faced with the fact of defeat, we hardly understood the common sense of defeat at that time (or perhaps it is more appropriate to say that we did not have that luxury in our minds). It was not surprising for us to follow such newspaper common sense.

But the next moment, something nagging like a small lump suddenly formed in my mind. What was this culprit? It took a few moments to find it, but it was undoubtedly a small "unconscious sense of defeat." This stark reality had such a terrifying and immense pressure. However, in my actual editorial work, I particularly ignored this "lump." To put it plainly and simply, at that time, my optimism dominated my intellect more than my pessimism did. No, actually, that might be the wrong way to say it. My so-called "unconscious sense of defeat" should not be interpreted as mere pessimism, but rather, I want to defend myself by saying it was a calm and fair judgment of intellect. But in reality, the surface of my current self was still dominated by my own optimism as well as other conditions, such as various inertias and face-saving tendencies, and this sense of defeat did not deepen. And until then, I did not feel such a strong contradiction between these two consciousnesses.

However, since that day, the fact of defeat began to materialize as an unpleasant reality in my personal life and work. I began to be involuntarily pressed by the fact of defeat as a consciousness. And this fact is still expanding even now. I do not want to use the word bluff, but the situation has progressed to the point where such stubborn optimism alone cannot handle it, and it's clear to me that my mental preparation seems nothing but a bluff. As a result, I had no choice but to develop an unconscious sense of defeat and ultimately had to shift from subjectivity to objectivity in my work on newspaper production. As an editorial writer, I had no choice but to temporarily give up my honorable job at that time.

American-style journalism focuses on faithful and rapid reporting, but over these two months, regardless of our preference, our newspaper has ironically become akin to that American style of journalism. Of course, we have not forgotten our position as a newspaper representing the interests of the Japanese people. We have received various criticisms from the Korean newspaper community for this, but it is not due to any ideological confrontation or sheer obstinacy or anti-defeatist consciousness. Rather, it is merely a difference in positions and interests.

Thus, I must honestly confess that there is a considerable difference between my consciousness two and a half months ago and now. It is not just that optimism has turned to pessimism, but I have come to boldly understand or honestly accept the fact of defeat. It is agonizing, but not as painful as before, and the feeling of dying from the pain has decreased. The feeling that the defeated Japanese nationals are so miserable is endless, but I have come to accept it to a certain extent as a natural course of events. It could be said that I have attained the intellect and composure to calmly understand the facts as they are. Or perhaps I have come to possess a small enlightenment, akin to consolation. Anyway, I am in such a state of mind now, whether it is progress or regression.

This consciousness of defeat will not end as it is. That is, the consciousness of defeat will inevitably affect my ideological tendencies to a greater or lesser extent. This is a serious matter. To be honest, I have already started to have doubts and concerns in this regard. Sooner or later, a true ideological turning point due to the end of the war will come to me. I grew up in the era of liberalism, learned in the winds of socialist thought, and was dyed in nationalist thought upon entering real society, further intensified by the long war. Now facing a significant ideological transition, my feelings are immensely complex. If I can isolate myself from everything after returning home to Japan and gain the confidence to overcome this period of ideological transition, I think there is no greater happiness.


京城日報 1945年11月1日









戦い敗れて (高田信一郎)








Tuesday, January 9, 2024

‘Malicious brokers’ and impoverished Koreans fought each other in cutthroat battles to lay claim to empty houses vacated by the Japanese in Seoul in immediate post-war period

Continuing with my ongoing exploration of the old newspaper archives from 1945 Korea that I checked out at the National Library of Korea in September 2023, I found this disturbing November 1945 article about hordes of desperate people who fought it out amongst themselves in cutthroat battles over houses that were vacated by Japanese residents who moved back to Japan in the immediate post-liberation period. In Korean cities under colonial rule, Japanese people tended to settle on prime real estate, especially along main thoroughfares, so the housing battles would have presumably unfolded in those areas. People described as "malicious brokers and money-grubbers" allegedly scooped up these houses as soon as they were vacated. The word "家屋爭奪" (housing battle) is in the middle of the illustration. A smiling man smoking a cigarette is in a house with a sign saying "부러카本部" (broker headquarters), watching with bemusement as people scramble to lay claim to the vacated houses in a desperate scene somewhat reminiscent of Squid Games.

Why is this article from a Korean independence newspaper written in Japanese? Around November 1st, 1945, Korean employees overthrew their Japanese bosses at Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), the colonial era newspaper that had served as the main propaganda newspaper for the whole of colonial Korea from 1909 to 1945. The Korean independence activists subsequently continued the publication of this newspaper in Japanese with an avowed Korean nationalist editorial stance until December 11th, 1945. As the Korean employees of Keijo Nippo explained in their message to the readers, this was a temporary measure, undertaken while Korean typefaces were being prepared for eventual use.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 30, 1945

The "Housing Battles" Are No Laughing Matter

Reflect and Restrain Yourselves! It is a National Disgrace!

Disorder and Violence

On reflection, it is truly heart-wrenching to consider the plight of war victims and conscripted soldiers who, coming from abroad and within the country, heard the news of liberation and returned home, only to find not even a warm futon waiting for them. One would have thought that the houses vacated by the Japanese should naturally be prioritized for these impoverished individuals. However, this is not the case. The houses are being overwhelmingly seized through the tactics of malicious brokers and money-grubbers who have descended upon them like a flood, leaving the struggling nation-builders homeless and wandering the streets in a pitiful state.

While the circumstances of those targeting the empty houses vacated by the Japanese people are not individually examined, most of them are likely suffering from housing difficulties. However, in reality, priority appears to have been given to those who should not have been prioritized.

Look at this hellish scene! The chaotic crowd surrounds the vacant houses left by the Japanese people. Isn't such illegal, disorderly, and disgraceful behavior a shame on our people? Do they think they can lay claim to the houses vacated by the Japanese through illegal and disorderly use of power and violence, when these houses should have become state property?

In various places throughout the city, such disgraceful battles for housing are unfolding to an unsightly extent. Reflect and restrain yourselves! Why don't you understand how shameful this is for our people? (The illustration shows the disgraceful scene of a housing battle.)


京城日報 1945年11月30日








Saturday, January 6, 2024

Nov. 1945 news articles called out Korean ‘national traitors’ who helped Japanese residents liquidate their assets in Korea into cash to take back to Japan, even public shaming one man by name

Continuing with my ongoing exploration of the old newspaper archives from 1945 Korea that I checked out at the National Library of Korea in September 2023, I decided to take a closer look at some more anti-Japanese articles in a Japanese language newspaper that was published after being taken over by a group of Korean independence activists. Around November 1st, 1945, Korean employees overthrew their Japanese bosses at Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), the colonial era newspaper that had served as the main propaganda newspaper for the whole of colonial Korea from 1909 to 1945. The Korean independence activists subsequently continued the publication of this newspaper in Japanese with an avowed Korean nationalist editorial stance until December 11th, 1945. As the Korean employees of Keijo Nippo explained in their message to the readers, this was a temporary measure, undertaken while Korean typefaces were being prepared for eventual use.

These are a few short articles from November 1945 that give you a rough feel of what the attitudes of Koreans towards the Japanese were like back then. There was apparently a feeling that the wealth that the Japanese people amassed during the colonial period was ill-gotten, so the editors looked on with disapproval at any attempt by the Japanese to sell their things for cash to take back to Japan. They even viewed any Korean who helped the Japanese liquify their assets as traitors, naming one individual in particular to publicly shame (Lee Bok-dong), whose name is also written on the signage above the door in the news illustration of Tanaka store. There is also a report about Japanese people who were attempting to illegally travel from Japan into Korea. Next to that story is a short announcement about the release of Park Yeol, a Korean independence activist who was jailed in Japan for attempting to assassinate the Emperor. He is a controversial figure, as his political affiliation changed many times from anarchism, pro-Japanese Imperialist, anti-communism after the war, and then to pro-communism.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 5, 1945

The intellectual class should unite with the populace

Do not buy Japanese property!

Lieutenant General Hodge meets with Song Jin-Woo

Lieutenant General Hodge invited Mr. Song Jin-Woo, leader of the Korean Democratic Party, for a discussion that lasted about an hour. Lieutenant General Hodge addressed the Korean intellectuals as follows:

"Currently, the Korean populace is being misled by ruffians, nihilists, and pro-Japanese factions. You should all strive to enter among the masses and make them understand what nationalism and democracy really mean.

I am convinced that all the people support nationalism and democracy. Nevertheless, it is regrettable that workers are not working due to the interference of ruffians, nihilists, destructionists, and pro-Japanese factions.

From a democratic standpoint, we cannot but allow the sale and purchase of Japanese property. However, if Koreans do not unite to buy it, the Japanese will likely leave the property as it is when they leave. Yet, the pro-Japanese factions are colluding with the Japanese, enriching themselves.

The military government does not permit Japanese people to take more than one thousand yen in cash when returning to their country.

If the Korean intellectual class joins the masses to thoroughly disseminate nationalism and democracy and unites to demonstrate the true power of the Korean people, the issue of the 38th parallel, which is a personal opinion of the Director of the Far Eastern Department of the State Department, will naturally be resolved."

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 10, 1945

"Profile of the Japanese District (3)

'Mr. Lee, please take care of it,' 'Don't worry!'

'What is the relationship between Tanaka Store and Lee Bok-Dong (이복동, 李福童)?' Walking through the Japanese Shopping District, one can hear such conversations in each house. Look at the expression of the greedy old Japanese man guarding the safe in the back room! His heart, insisting on turning every single plate into money before leaving, is the last evil vestige of forty years of exploitation. However, the detestable pests infesting this country are not just these greedy Japanese moneykeepers.

There are also plenty of traitors to the nation who ride along with them, saying, 'I'll take care of your household goods.' And who are those buying up Japanese property? They, too, must be completely driven out. (Illustration: Furniture to be sold off quickly)

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 16, 1945

Illegal Crossings of Japanese to Korea

Travel Ban to be Implemented if Illegal Crossings Increase

While the repatriation transport of Japanese has become significant, conversely, many Japanese are attempting to travel from Japan to Korea. These ordinary Japanese people are being denied landing and detained by the Allied Forces authorities at Busan and other Korean ports.

It goes without saying that Japanese cannot travel freely to Korea. Recalling the times when even we, who were once called Imperial subjects, needed certificates to travel, it is unreasonable for the Japanese to think of Korea as their own territory and attempt to illegally travel for an easier life there because of inconvenient circumstances in their own country. Enduring inconvenience and hardship should be the way for the Japanese to live. On this matter, Colonel Stilwell states that under the current situation, Japanese are fundamentally not permitted to travel to Korea.

Those with unavoidable circumstances must obtain permission from the Allied authorities and possess a permit to travel. If the number of Japanese attempting to travel to Korea increases in the future, a ban on illegal travel in other regions will likely be issued. Once this ban is issued, regardless of the reason, travel for Japanese will become more difficult. Therefore, the Japanese side is urged to fully cooperate with the intentions of the United Nations.

Mr. Park Yeol to be Welcomed

Comrades from Daegu are headed to Tokyo

Twenty-three years ago, during the Great Tokyo Earthquake, Mr. Park Yeol (real name = Park Jun-sik) (47), who was arrested for attempting to assassinate the Emperor of Japan, and since then sentenced to life imprisonment from a death sentence, had been transferred between various prisons. Recently, he was serving his sentence in Akita Prison in Japan. He was released around October 10, following the so-called political prisoner release order by General MacArthur.


京城日報 1945年11月5日










京城日報 1945年11月10日





京城日報 1945年11月16日









Forgotten Korean Suicide Attacker ‘Hero’ celebrated by Imperial Japan: Park Gwan-bin (박관빈, 朴官彬) charged into an Allied machine-gun nest clutching an anti-tank explosive during the Burma Campaign in Dec. 1944

In the annals of forgotten history, few figures exemplify the complex and tragic reality of Korean soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army qu...