Sunday, November 20, 2022

This Japanese teacher devoted a decade of his life going door to door preaching "You Koreans and we Japanese are brothers, so dedicating yourselves to the Imperial nation is the only way!" the Koreans initially hated him, but eventually came to welcome him with respect, allegedly (Shimonoseki, 1943)

The following propaganda article profiles one Japanese teacher in Shimonoseki who took it upon himself to organize Korean residents into neighborhood associations (Tonarigumi) to continue the indoctrination and brainwashing into the Imperial Way that they were undergoing under the Patriotic Groups (JP: aikoku-han, KR: aeguk-ban, 愛國班) in Korea.

Teacher Yoshioka with his Korean students

The neighborhood associations (Tonarigumi) in mainland Japan and the Patriotic Groups in Korea were similar, in that both were responsible for allocating rationed goods, fire fighting, public health, snitching on 'ideological criminals', and civil defense, but the latter was more focused on Imperializing the Koreans into true Japanese people. As we see in this article, the Tonarigumi for Koreans were modeled after Patriotic Groups to focus on enforcing State Shinto worship, improving Japanese language skills, and instilling Imperial Japanese patriotism.

Shimonoseki, a port city in Kyushu, Japan which served as a gateway to Korea, had segregated Korean neighborhoods during the colonial period. Major companies, such as construction, mining, and logistics firms, hired Korean workers to do the most undesirable work, back-breaking work lifting heavy loads. There was forced recruitment of Korean workers directly from Korea, especially for sensitive military projects, like the Kanmon Tunnel, fortresses, and airports, since the long-term Korean residents of Shimonoseki were considered to be unreliable. Korean workers lived in substandard company housing without running water in undesirable areas, such as in areas close to pig manure lagoons. The Korean neighborhoods were organized into Kyōwa-kai, which were neighborhood associations under police control. The Japanese police put the bosses of the housing complexes and brothels in charge of the Kyōwa-kai, and these collaborator bosses reported directly to the Special Higher Police, which established a heavy presence in these Korean neighborhoods through police booths and brutal detention centers. The collaborator bosses acted like the mafia and treated the residents like slaves, especially if they were escapees from forced labor camps elsewhere in mainland Japan.

[The above information comes from the first-hand accounts of a first-generation Zainichi Korean resident of Shimonoseki, Gang Hae-su (강해수/姜海洙) whose testimony given in 2002 is published in Japanese in Chosyu-Journal, an anti-militarist, pro-worker newspaper in Japan.]


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 27, 1943

Ten Years of Efforts Dedicated to the Imperialization of the Koreans

A beautiful story from Shimonoseki about a teacher

[Shimonoseki telephone report] A moving, beautiful story is told about an elementary school teacher and a group of Koreans living in mainland Japan who are looking forward to the day of honor that is about to come, just before the joyous implementation of wartime conscription.

The main subject of the story is Mr. Ken'ichi Yoshioka (35), a teacher at Enoura National School in Deshimatsu town, Hikoshima district, Shimonoseki city, and the Koreans living in the same town who have always admired him. The population of Hikoshima district has increased rapidly over the past decade with the establishment of factories and the frequent arrival and departure of ships. In particular, the dramatic increase in the number of Korean residents has led to the sudden formation of a settlement, and more than half of the children at Enoura National School are Koreans.

Here, differences in customs and inadequate language skills have caused some misunderstandings. Every time this happened, the young teacher Yoshioka pondered deeply, "Are things really alright this way?" It was November 1933 when he decided to take action, not content with just standing by and doing nothing. From then on, Yoshioka visited the Korean settlement day and night. Going door to door, he told them, "You Koreans and we Japanese are brothers, so dedicating yourselves to the Imperial nation is the only way!"

But there were initially many difficulties, and the Koreans hated him and refused to engage with him. However, by the end of the first year, the Koreans began to welcome him with respect. In this way, the Kōjō-kai was established in the settlement to provide neighborhood support, ahead of the establishment of the Kyōwa-kai. The Kōjō-kai holds regular meetings several times a month, similar to today's neighborhood association (Tonarigumi) meetings, to emphasize respect for the gods and the ancestors, to improve Japanese language skills, to encourage frugality and work ethic, and to produce good citizens.

In the meantime, when the digging work for the Kanmon Tunnel began, industrial warriors arrived one after another from the Korean peninsula. The small settlement became a larger town, and ten neighborhood associations were formed. Twice a month, there was vocational training in resource conservation and waste collection. They performed heartfelt activities including war donations and contributions, comfort visits to frontline soldiers, and mutual savings bonds. They have also formed neighborhood associations for the children, and they are striving to become worthy Imperial subjects. All of this is the result of 10 years of efforts under Yoshioka's guidance. Now he and all the members of the neighborhood associations are determined to send out splendid young men from the neighborhood associations as "humble shields protecting His Majesty the Emperor". [Photo: Yoshioka instructing Korean children at a regular meeting = censored by Shimonoseki Fortress Command Center]



京城日報 1943年2月27日








Thursday, November 17, 2022

80 years ago today, Korean women were making gloves for the Imperial Japanese Army at a factory run by Wakōkyōen, a nonprofit of the Japanese Jōdo Buddhist sect operating in Korea since 1893 and contracting with the colonial regime to rehouse, educate, and employ evicted Seoul slum residents

This is a photo of Korean girls and women manufacturing gloves at a factory in Gwansu-dong, Seoul exactly 80 years ago today.

They were former slum residents employed by Wakōkyōen (和光教園), a social welfare organization of the Jōdo Buddhist sect, which started its activities in Korea in 1893. It was one of two Japanese Buddhist social welfare organizations which were operating in Seoul during the colonial period, the other one being the Kōjōkaikan (向上会館) run by the Ōtani-ha Buddhist sect, which started its activities in Korea in 1878. When the Seoul government was clearing the slum areas of the city, these social welfare organizations were charged with rehousing them and giving them jobs and education. However, the main goal of these efforts was actually to push the slum residents out of sight in the name of 'beautifying' the city, rather than to improve their living standards. Therefore, the living standards of the former slum residents remained relatively poor. The public housing projects of the former slum residents were substandard and unsanitary with poor sewage systems.

Professor Nozomi Akizuki at the Institute for International Studies at Meiji Gakuin University wrote a well-researched Japanese-language blog page about this topic, in which he presents Japanese-language and Korean-language source materials from the colonial period to fill in the details.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 17, 1942

Military gloves which grip the five continents

◇… Five fingers grip the five continents. Gloves that protect the fingertips from the threat of cold weather are the spearhead of production expansion this winter. At the Wakōkyōen Knitting Factory in Gwansu-dong, Seoul, 50 female workers devote themselves all day long to the task of working on the knitting machines to produce military gloves.

◇… Clang, clang. Each time the machine shakes, the fingertips of black gloves and white gloves sprout out, and each worker produces 45 pairs of gloves a day, or 28,000 pairs a year, making a pile of snow-white gloves. A poster in the corner of the factory encourages workers to "be aware that this is work that was entrusted to you by the state". These gloves produce a revenue of 30,000 yen a year. These gloves are the warm friends of the winter production warriors. [Photo: Wakōkyōen's glove factory]



京城日報 1942年11月17日




Monday, November 14, 2022

Korean schoolgirls standing in front of Seoul Whashin Department Store in 1943 as Korean women make some stitches in Shinto cloth amulets to be gifted to Imperial Japanese soldiers

In Imperial Japan, schoolgirls would stand around public places like department stores and hold white strips of cloth, and then female passersby would take turns making stitches with red thread on the cloth. Once one thousand different women have made knots or stitches on the cloth, then it becomes a Senninbari shinto amulet, a strip of cloth stitched a thousand times and given as Shinto amulets by the women to Imperial Japanese soldiers going away to war. The stitches may form patterns or images of flags, patriotic slogans, etc. 

This photo was taken in front of the Whashin Department Store, an old landmark of Jongno-dong which was eventually demolished in 1987. You can see a passerby in a Korean-style chima dress making a stitch or knot on a white strip of cloth that is held by a schoolgirl in Monpe work pants. 


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 13, 1943

Sending Senninbari Shinto amulets as parting gifts to clear the way for students marching off to battle

Students of women's colleges and girls' high schools in Seoul took to the streets to receive Senninnbari Shinto amulets as gifts of encouragement to the students marching off to battle. In the streets of Jongno-dong at Whashin Department Store, Mitsukoshi Department Store, Chojiya Department Store, and Honmachi-suji, beautiful whirlpools of people soon surrounded the maidens in school uniforms.

◇...Cotton cloth and threads were provided with the efforts of the Korean Federation of National Power. There was a woman in a Japanese kimono who poured her heart into stitching the amulets. She approached the students in a modest manner and asked them, "Are your brothers going off to war?" "Yes, the Korean students are all going off to war!" one student responded, looking at the knots on the amulet and bowing with gratitude, as if the woman had really sewn it for her brother.

◇...There were three working women who had apparently dropped by during their lunch break. As they took turns sewing and finished their stitches, all three of them stood upright and immobile, and then bowed politely to the Senninbari Shinto amulet that they had just stitched. They bowed silently, as if to say, "We wish you the best going off to war. We hope that you will perform many heroic deeds". The recipient of the stitches returned the bow with a gleam in her eyes. It was a very moving scene. [Photo: In front of Whashin Department Store]



京城日報 1943年11月13日





Thursday, November 10, 2022

Onerous regulations prescribing long lists of permissible and forbidden types of clothing were imposed on Koreans in 1943 to promote a 'minimalist lifestyle' of 'Japanese beauty and simplicity' in the name of wartime resource conservation

In September 1943, almost two years into waging war against the United States and Britain, facing extreme shortages in everything from food to clothing, Imperial Japan imposed some draconian clothing restrictions regulating what Koreans can and cannot wear, framing these regulations in the name of promoting a 'minimalist lifestyle' that would conserve resources and eventually win the war. Enforcement of the regulations was performed by the Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), which functioned as the one and only political party of Korea, and the patriotic groups (JP: aikoku-han, KR: aeguk-ban, 愛國班), which were the local level neighborhood cells of the political party. 

It was very difficult to translate all the clothing-specific terminology, so I did my best to add outside images and links to Wikipedia and other online resources to make sense of what was being referred to in these articles.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 22, 1943

The War Lifestyle Reader Series: Clothing

Men are to wear National Uniform Type B

Short sleeves and maru-obi for women are abolished

Modern warfare is a total war in which all domestic resources are concentrated on achieving the objectives of the war. Therefore, the national people on the home front are no different from the front-line combatants, and their daily lifestyle is literally a war lifestyle. This transformed form of war lifestyle, which cannot be governed by the peacetime assumptions of what a war lifestyle is supposed to be like, is not to be lived under the meager goal of 'stabilizing the lifestyles of the people'. Rather, it is to be lived under the goal of enduring the 'minimalist lifestyle', which is truly ruthless and merciless. The 'minimalist lifestyle' is a way of life in which food, clothing, and shelter, the three essential conditions for human existence, are reduced to the minimum. The last victors of modern warfare will be the people who can endure this simple lifestyle and succeed in waging this war, which is the great objective of the nation. This column is an attempt to describe this minimalist lifestyle from an economic perspective, and is entitled the 'War Lifestyle Reader'.

In order to win the Greater East Asia War, everything in the nation is being rapidly shifted to a decisive war-fighting posture, and the most urgent issue at hand is the complete simplification of food, clothing, and shelter, the largest elements of national life. Among these, the simplification of clothing was decided upon at a regular cabinet meeting held on June 4 this year with the "Outline for the Simplification of Wartime Clothing", and this was implemented in mainland Japan on August 10. Therefore, in order for Korea to follow suit, the Governor-General's Office issued a statement on August 22, clearly stating the policy to secure essential clothing and thoroughly conserve clothing materials. The main points were the following:

(1) Essential items necessary for the people's clothing are to be selected.

(2) Simplification is to be done without regard to mere hobbies, tastes, fashions, or business customs, as had been done in the past.

(3) Goals have been set to rationalize yarn consumption, improve quality, and rationalize production.

(4) In consideration of the difficulties in supplying materials and reconfiguring facilities, the best use shall be made of existing facilities as much as possible.

Before, there were 135 types of wide fabrics and several thousand types of narrow fabrics, but the standards were reorganized into 6 types of rayon fabrics, 13 types of mixed rayon fabrics, 64 types of silk fabrics, and 30 types of mixed silk fabrics, for a total of 113 types.

The Korean Textile Association, the Korean Federation of National Power, the Patriotic Women's Association of Korea, and other related organizations will soon play a central role in the "wartime clothing simplification campaign" to simplify the clothing of the people in all of Korea. The policies, guidelines, and outlines are the following:

▲Policy: Simplify the general clothing of the people, abolish luxury goods, raise morale, and improve the physical condition of the people while considering the special circumstances of Korea. Mental tension must be maintained to strengthen and renew the wartime lifestyle while not losing the sense of simplicity and beauty of the Japanese people, and clothing materials must be actively conserved in light of the current supply and demand situation for textile materials.


  1. In addition to greatly simplifying the types and standards of textiles, a designated production system will be implemented across the board to greatly minimize the production of high-end and non-urgent products.
  2. In dyeing, the use of flamboyant colors shall be avoided, and color schemes shall be limited to plain colors of the highest quality.
  3. In the tailoring of clothing, the amount of fiber shall be reduced as much as possible, while at the same time making it more active and hygienic.
  4. Organizations shall avoid the establishment of new uniforms from now on, and take measures to utilize national uniforms or plain clothes (even in cases where uniforms have already been established, measures shall be taken to permit the wearing of non-regulation clothing, unless there are particular obstacles to this).
  5. With regard to personal effects and other household articles, their types and standards shall be simplified as much as possible, and the manufacture of luxury and non-urgent items shall be prohibited.
  6. The manufacturing of new clothing shall be suppressed, and the rehabilitation of whatever clothing is on hand shall be thoroughly promoted as much as possible, and the ceremonial dress for weddings, funerals, and other general ceremonies shall be simplified.

Guidelines for the Simplification of Clothing

I. The following points shall be taken into consideration with regard to fabrics

  1. For the Kijaku type of silk fabrics, production shall be concentrated on products in demand by the masses as much as possible.
  2. For narrow fabrics and fabrics for obi, widths and lengths shall be shortened to conform to those of mainland Japan, and the production of luxury and non-urgent products shall be prohibited.

II. Regarding dyeing, the use of ornate colors and patterns shall be abolished in favor of plain colors of high quality, and the number of colors shall be limited to three or less.

Right: National Uniform Type B, Left: National Uniform Type A

III. The following guidelines shall be applied to the tailoring of clothing for both men and women.

  1. Men's clothes: (a) The ceremonial clothes and activewear of adults (21 years of age and over) shall be based on the National Uniform Type B, and newly tailored suits shall be prohibited (b) New home clothes shall not be made at all, and they shall be limited to the tanzen kimono in the winter and military clothes (yukata) in the summer (c) For Korean-style clothes, sleeveless vests shall be abolished, and the string fasteners of upper and lower garments shall be replaced with buttons (d) The activewear for young men (including secondary, vocational, and college students from 14 to 20 years of age) shall be made in the same way as that of adult men 21 years of age and older (e) The home clothes of young men shall be replaced with activewear, and all new tailoring shall be of the National Uniform Type B (f) The home clothes of school children (from 7 to 13 years of age) shall be replaced with school children's uniforms, and the uniforms shall not be particularly limited to a certain type (g) Infants (6 years old and under) shall be dressed in infants' clothes. (h) Newly tailored cloaks shall be single-breasted and have a stand-up collar.
  2. Women's clothes: (a) Ceremonial clothes shall not be newly manufactured. For celebratory and somber occasions, an insignia shall be applied to turn the clothes into ceremonial clothes (b) Japanese-style clothing shall be tailored with short sleeves, and standard women's clothing (Western-style type 1, Western-style type 2, and activewear)   shall be worn as much as possible (c) For Korean-style clothes, all string fasteners shall be replaced with buttons, and chima dresses shall be tubular (d) For young women's activewear, blouses, skirts, and one-piece dresses shall be worn in the summer, and jumpsuits and skirts in the winter (e) For adults and young women, standard women's clothing (Japanese-style type 2) and Monpe work pants shall be the main type of home clothes (f) Nagajuban kimono underwear and other ready-made kimono items should be abolished as much as possible (g) Maru-obi and fukuro-obi shall be abolished, and the use of Nagoya-obi, katagawa-obi, and hitoe-obi shall be with shorter widths and lengths (h) Embroidery and shibori dyeing on lapels shall be discontinued (i) Schoolgirl uniforms shall not be particularly limited to a certain type, and the removal of decorative parts shall be in accordance with the standard women's clothing as far as possible (j) The clothing of school children and infants shall be in accordance with those for male school children and male infants.
Left to right: woman in jumpsuit, woman in tubular-style chima dress, woman in Monpe workpants, man in National Uniform Type B
Women's activewear
 Japanese-style Type 2
Western-style type 1
Western-style type 2

IV. Others

  1. Dress shirts shall be with single cuffs.
  2. The manufacture of new neckties shall be prohibited.
  3. Underwear shall be mainly made of woven fabrics for summer wear, and mainly made of knit yarn for winter wear.
  4. Socks shall be plain in color and short in length.
  5. New hats shall be military hats.
  6. Summer gloves shall be discontinued for both men and women.
  7. Women's hats shall be abolished.
  8. Socks for female students shall be short socks in the summer.
  9. Underwear shall be simplified in their varieties and standards, and the chemise shall be abolished.

As described above, both men and women are required by the national government to thoroughly simplify their clothing. Originally, humanity was born naked, and they used to wear grass and leaves over parts of their bodies, but as human culture improved, they began to wear clothes covering all parts of their bodies. Subsequently, people have come to compete over flamboyant fashion trends. However, in a time of war, it is unacceptable to wear clothing that merely satisfies one's vanity. This is why there are calls for the simplification of wartime clothing, but in practicing such simplification, it is necessary to change to wartime clothing suitable for Japan the fighting nation without losing the Japanese sense of simplicity and beauty.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 31, 1943

Farewell to the old chima dress! Go with the new tubular style of the chima dress!

"Chima dress which is inappropriate for fighting decisive battles"

Let's cut off the long sleeves of Japanese-style clothes. Of course, the chima dress of Korean-style clothes will also be changed to a tubular style. The meeting of the Patriotic Women's Association held at the Seoul Citizens Hall on August 30 had a serious tone. It is no longer the time to walk around wearing a long chima dress, holding it in one hand and waving it around. We Korean women are strongly determined to stand firm. We will save the long string fasteners that hang down from our chests and replace them with buttons, and we will donate the string towards the war effort, gathering all our strength to stop the United States and Britain from attacking us. Such is the powerful initiative of the Patriotic Women's Association. [The inserted image is that of a chima dress which is not appropriate for fighting decisive battles]


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) October 17, 1943

Which is more appropriate as activewear? Let's get dressed for battle!

The "change of clothes for battle" started with the national uniform for men, followed by widespread calls for improved clothing for women, with 'Genroku sleeves' for men and 'tubular-style chima dresses' for Korean women being seen at home and on the streets. It is encouraging to see the 'Genroku sleeves' for men and 'tubular-style chima dresses' for Korean women in homes and on the streets, but there are still people wearing old 'fashionable clothes' or uniforms which are inappropriate for fighting decisive battles. Is this the right thing to do? On the front lines, bloody battles are being fought over and over again. In order to march forward on the road to victory, everyone must be deployed into a battle posture in "fighting clothes".

The Gyeonggi-do Branch of the Patriotic Women's Association included the question, "Are you wearing battle clothes?" in its October circular, and circulated it to all patriotic groups to encourage women to reflect and get inspired. However, some households began to mistakenly believe that Monpe work pants are to be worn only for special occasions, and others began to buy new, fashionable clothes spending more than 100 yen per piece. These battle clothes are the only daily activewear that should be worn.

Monpe work pants
Non-active type Kimono

Which of these two pictures show old clothes which must be remade as much as possible into true activewear? Let us all march forward, wearing our Monpe work pants as battle clothes, to destroy the United States and Britain! [Photos: the top photo shows an active type of Monpe work pants; the bottom photo shows old-style clothes of a non-active type]


Credit to むかしの装い



京城日報 1943年9月22日







































京城日報 1943年8月31日




京城日報 1943年10月17日






Sunday, November 6, 2022

Imperial Japanese PSA ordering residents to avoid movie theaters in the daytime, using a fictional skit contrasting Yōko, the 'good Korean girl' in simple work pants practicing air raid drills, against Hoshiko, the 'bad Korean girl' dressed up 'flamboyantly' going to the movies (Seoul, 1944)

This article is just one of many from the ‘Yōko versus Hoshiko’ column, a Keijo Nippo newspaper serial featuring fictional educational dialogues pitting Yōko, the ‘good’ Korean woman who is selfless, considerate, and cares for others, against Hoshiko, the ‘bad’ Korean woman who is selfish, greedy, and only cares about herself, as they argue about the correct way to live their daily lives in wartime Seoul. It’s a very interesting glimpse into how Koreans lived their lives in 1944 Seoul.

Here are some other ‘Yōko versus Hoshiko’ articles that I have shared in an earlier post.

Yōko Higashi and Hoshiko Nishino are allegorical names. The Yō in Yōko is the Chinese character 陽 (the sun), or the yang in the Chinese yin-yang concept. Higashi literally means “East”, so her name could be translated as Sunny East, representing the Japanese Rising Sun and the goodness of East Asia. In contrast, the Hoshi in Hoshiko literally means “Star”, and Nishino literally means “West field” in Japanese, so her name could be translated as Star Westfield, representing the night sky, or darkness, and also alignment with the ‘evil’ West.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 15, 1944

Going to the movie theater in the daytime?

Think twice about it, lazy girl!

Hoshiko: “Yōko, why don’t we go see a movie? It’s so boring to stay at home when it’s so warm…’

Yōko: “No, no… watching a movie in the daytime is not appropriate in these times. What if there is an air raid? There would surely be many deaths and injuries due to overcrowding. Besides, it is unbecoming to see young men and women entering a movie theater in the daytime without wearing monpe work pants or kyahan cloth leggings …”

Hoshiko: “But [Hoshiko, in her bad habit, always counter-attacks by saying ‘but’ or ‘umm’], I think that air battle films and national films are very informative, and news films are a must-see for the national people.”

Yōko: “That’s why we need to give up our seats to industrial warriors and organized groups. Besides, today is light bulb training day.”

While Hoshiko was making a flamboyant appearance at the ticket window of the movie theater out of self-centered selfishness, Yōko was diligently taking out shielding curtains and dimmed light bulbs in preparation for an unknown enemy attack today, and was ready for tonight’s light bulb training. Why don’t we watch movies only at night when we are not in organized groups? The sight of muscular young men and dressed up women entering movie theaters in broad daylight goes against the spirit of 100 million warriors who are called up for military service, and it is absolutely despicable. The emergency measures for decisive battles call for lazy people to be attacked and denounced, and demand sharp reflection by moviegoers.

Hoshiko at the movie theater ticket window
Yōko shielding light bulbs during air raid drills



京城日報 1944年4月15日








Thursday, November 3, 2022

The modern Seoul police force has cultural continuity with the Imperial Japanese police force of the colonial period because the US occupation decided to staff the police leadership with Japanese-trained officers – here are two propaganda articles describing Seoul police culture in 1943 and 1944

The modern Seoul police as an organization descends directly from the Imperial Japanese colonial police forces which policed the Korean population during the colonial period. In recent days, we have seen some things about the modern Seoul police which may possibly be attributable to this institutional legacy, such as its strong conservative political orientation (to the point of acting to shield the Yoon government from responsibility for the Itaewon Halloween crowd crush), and its prioritization of monitoring crime over crowd control.

Indeed, it could be argued that institutional continuity with Imperial Japanese institutions ensures that some cultural attributes from Imperial Japan are difficult to erase from the police force, despite years democratic liberalization and reform. To explore this further, I'm sharing two articles, one from 1943 and another from 1944, which give us a glimpse into what Seoul police culture was like during the colonial period.

But before I delve into the articles, here is a passage from p. 38 of The Korean War by Max Hastings to provide additional context:

The suspicions of many Korean Nationalists about the conduct of the American military government were redoubled by the fashion in which the National Police, the most detested instrument of Japanese tyranny, was not merely retained but strengthened. It was the American official historians of the occupation who wrote that "the Japanese police in Korea possessed a breadth of function and an extent of power equalled in few countries in the modern world." The 12,000 Japanese in their ranks were sent home. But the 8,000 Koreans who remained—the loyal servants of a brutal tyranny in which torture and judicial murder had been basic instruments of government—found themselves promoted to fill the higher ranks, while total police strength in South Korea doubled. Equipped with American arms, jeeps, and radio communications, the police became the major enforcement arm of American military government and its chief source of political intelligence. A man like Yi Ku-bom, one of the most notorious police officers of the Japanese regime, who feared for his life in August 1945, was a year later chief of a major ward station in Seoul. A long roll call of prominent torturers and anti-Nationalist fighters under the colonial power found themselves in positions of unprecedented authority. In 1948, 53 percent of officers and 25 percent of rank-and-file police were Japanese-trained. By a supreme irony, when the development began of a Constabulary force, from which the South Korean Army would grow, the Americans specifically excluded any recruit who had been imprisoned by the Japanese—and thus any member of the anti-Japanese resistance. The first chief of staff of the South Korean Army in 1947 was a former colonel in the Japanese Army.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 13, 1943

Vowing to unite the people and the police

Patriotic group leaders hold roundtable discussion

"Recently, the leaders of the town council have not been well educated. We would like to have more qualified people on board". "It's a little too much to ask a female patriotic group member to work a night patrol position". These were the first words uttered by the people at the "Urban Police Roundtable Discussion" organized by the Jongno Police Station, which was held to listen to the honest opinions of the fighting people of Seoul, to promote the unity of the police and the people, and to stabilize the lives of the people. The police station held the round-table discussion to listen to the voices of the fighting people at Whimoon National School in Anguk-dong, Jongno-gu from 2:00 p.m. on August 12, inviting more than 50 leaders from the patriotic groups and town councils in the area.


Following the national State Shinto ceremonies, Director Sano gave the following admonition: "We cannot win the Greater East Asia War unless the police who serve as the eyes and ears, and the people who serve as the hands and feet, completely fuse together and raise up all their strength". The High Police Commissioner Okamura issued a warning regarding counterintelligence, irresponsible rumors, and fabricated lies. After this, they moved on to the round-table discussion session, where they frankly exchanged opinions on an open and friendly basis.

The people's voices exploded incessantly trying to clearly express their feelings, with many people sharing their candid opinions, such as "The police officers do not show enough humanity towards the people as things are now," and "We want more sincerity from our leaders". The meeting was adjourned after 4:00 p.m., with the participants firmly pledging to work together as one for a concerted effort on the home front.

The roundtable discussion meetings will be held in each district (gu) until the end of September, and from now on, the Urban Police Roundtable Discussions will be held every Thursday and Saturday in order to listen to the voices of the people and to strengthen home front security.

Photo: at the round-table discussion



Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 25, 1944

Reinforcing the principle of "trust, reward, and punishment"

Police Chief Oka: "Still Not Enough Self-Restraint by the People of Seoul"

The regular press conference with Police Chief Oka was held at 11:00 a.m. on April 24 in his office. Oka gave examples of recent police administration, self-restraint and public morals at entertainment venues, urban defense measures, and urban evacuation plans in response to questions from the press. First, he praised Sergeant Otani's "pure heart," citing the example of a man from the underworld who tried unsuccessfully to bribe the police in the cotton cloth case, and then said, "Recently, the police administration has been strengthening the principle of trust, reward, and punishment."

Police Chief Oka

◇...To produce good police officers, training is need. At the dōjō (military-style training center) in Aobachō, about 80 people are trained at a time for four days. Six hundred have already completed the training, but we will continue until all of them have participated. We are also planning to have the executive level officers of each police station participate in the training, and to extend the training to all local police stations. We can say that the effectiveness of the training is close to 100%, judging from the feedback that we have received from the participants.

◇... Enforcing self-restraint is a very difficult problem. The first-class restaurants were reduced in size by one-third to become smaller counter-style restaurants, but this has not been going well. We are working on a solution to the problem of 'carrying women'. The problem of the public morals with respect to laid-off and unemployed kisaeng and female waitresses cannot be ignored. The number of "women of the underworld" in the back streets of certain districts is said to be increasing dramatically, but before blaming the women, we would like to urge the public to reflect on this issue as well.

◇...The number of visitors to Changgyeonggung on Sunday was said to have reached 60,000, so we cannot say that the people of Seoul are restrained. Of course, these leisure seekers may be representing only a small portion of the population, but I would like the public to reflect on this issue more.

The police are determined to thoroughly crack down not only on women at entertainment venues, but also on offenses against public morals in general. After this admonition, Police Chief Oka spoke about urban defense measures and urban evacuation plans, and the press conference ended shortly after 1:00 p.m.



Patriotic Groups (JP: aikoku-han, KR: aeguk-ban, 愛國班) were neighborhood cells which functioned as the local arm of the Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), the single ruling party of colonial Korea. Every Korean living in Korea belonged to a Patriotic Group. It typically consisted of a few households, led by a Patriotic Group leader, who normally acted as a mini-tyrant micromanaging the lives of everyone within the Patriotic Group. That included things like rationing food and goods, enforcing mandatory State Shinto prayer times and shrine visits, ‘volunteering’ laborers upon the colonial government’s request, arranging marriages, holding mandatory Japanese language classes, spying on ‘ideological criminals’, etc.

See also: The Korean War by Max Hastings, available on the Internet Archive.


京城日報 1943年8月13日









京城日報 1944年4月25日









Saturday, October 29, 2022

Everyone in Korea was required to immediately stop exactly at 7 am for the Kyūjō Yōhai prayer vowing loyalty to the Emperor and at noon for the moment of silence honoring Imperial soldiers, even cars and trains had to immediately stop in the middle of traffic at the same time for prayers (Aug. 1943)

In Japan-colonized Korea, everyone was required to perform the daily 7 am and 12 noon prayers. These 7 am and 12 noon prayers were mandatory in Korea, but not so in mainland Japan. There were usually loud sirens marking those two times of the day, and you had to immediately stop what you were doing and perform the prayers. As the following articles indicate, starting on August 12, 1943, even if you were driving a car or operating a train, you were required to immediately stop in the middle of the road or the tracks at 7 am and 12 noon sharp to perform the prayers.

The 7 am Kyūjō Yōhai ritual (宮城遥拝) involved deeply bowing several times in the direction of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo while standing, vowing loyalty to the Emperor. The noon prayer was a moment of silence in honor of the Imperial Japanese soldiers.

Enforcement of this rule was performed by the Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), which functioned as the one and only political party of Korea, the patriotic groups (JP: aikoku-han, KR: aeguk-ban, 愛國班), which were the local level neighborhood cells of the political party, and the police.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 12, 1943

All vehicles must be stopped for the morning prayer and for the moment of silence at noon, effective today

Effective today, August 12, all vehicles must be stopped for the morning prayer and for the moment of silence at noon. At a regular press conference on August 11, Governor-General Koiso said, "Neither cars nor trains are stopping, even though they may have heard the sirens at noon," and called for the transportation authorities to look into this. The Governor-General's words were heard by the Gyeonggi Provincial Police Department, and he immediately ordered all trains, cars, rickshaws, and other vehicles to always stop for the Kyūjō Yōhai morning prayer and for the moment of silence at noon, just as ordinary pedestrians do, and he also instructed all police stations to ensure that drivers and others offer respectful prayers and moments of silence, so that his orders would be definitely executed.

Until now, government officials, merchants, farmers, and everyone else, whether at home or on foot, have always offered prayers and moments of silence. Once visitors set foot on the Korean peninsula, they voice their admiration seeing such a beautiful scene of people offering their prayers. Nevertheless, trains, cars, carts, and other vehicles have not stopped, but instead have sped along in clouds of dust past people offering their moments of silence. This unpleasant phenomenon was also lamented by the collective voices of the Korean Federation of National Power. On August 10th, the "Iron Rules for Life Fighting Decisive Battles" was issued by the Seoul Branch of the Korean Federation of National Power as a set of practical measures for the patriotic groups to follow, calling for all vehicles to be stopped to perform the morning prayer and the moment of silence. Starting today, all vehicles must stop immediately for the morning prayer and the moment of silence.

It is not too late!

Don't cause traffic accidents

Message from Mr. Isaka, Chief of the Provincial Safety Division

The chief of the Gyeonggi Provincial Security Division, Mr. Isaka, urged all drivers to be careful when stopping their vehicles for the morning prayer and for the moment of silence at noon:

All vehicles should have already stopped to observe the morning prayer and moment of silence by now. However, it is not too late if we do it thoroughly even today. It was unpleasant to see just the cars not stopping while everyone else was stopping for prayers.

We will strictly admonish drivers who do not do this in the future. Cars, trains, and other vehicles must pay attention to their surroundings when stopping in order to prevent traffic accidents if the vehicles all stop at the same time.

For example, if five or six cars are traveling in a row when the car in front stops suddenly, and the car behind carelessly forgets to stop at the same time, there is a possibility of a rear-end collision. All vehicles should pay attention to these points to avoid traffic accidents.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 13, 1943

Moment of Silence in the Train

The train conductor will remind you when the train is stopped

From August 12, all trains, cars, carts, and other vehicles are to stop for the Kyūjō Yōhai morning prayers and at noon for moment of silence, just as ordinary pedestrians do, and drivers are to offer morning prayers and moments of silence to pray for military victory and for the long life of the Imperial Japanese Military, as well as to encourage the spirit of respect for the gods and the ancestors. The director of the Transportation Department, Mr. Sakamoto, who is in charge of transportation for the one million inhabitants of Seoul, was asked about what measures he has taken for stopping the trains in Seoul.

"We immediately gathered all the employees together and urged them to thoroughly enforce the stopping of the trains. I believe that it is a necessary act for the national people on the home front to stop their cars for the morning prayer and for the moment of silence at noon to offer heartfelt thanksgiving. However, for various reasons, it is impossible for trains to stop exactly on time with the sirens, and there is also the fear that a sudden stop could result in a traffic accident. Therefore, when the sirens sound, we stop the train as soon as possible, and the train conductor informs the passengers that it is time for the morning prayer or the moment of silence. This is technically difficult, but I believe things will gradually improve through training."



京城日報 1943年8月12日












京城日報 1943年8月13日






Koreans faced up to 10 years in prison and 50,000 yen in fines for not submitting their personal platinum items to the Imperial Navy by Jan. 31, 1945

In the closing months of 1944, the Imperial Japanese Navy escalated its efforts to extract resources from Korea to fuel its war machinery. I...