Sunday, January 15, 2023

Governor Koiso likened Korea to a disabled body whose brain (regime) could not talk to the limbs (Korean people), so an 'exclusive use of Japanese' policy was forced on Koreans, starting with Seoul city employees who were labeled 'inferior' and 'weak-willed' if they still spoke Korean at work (1943)

In 1943, Governor-General Koiso kicked off the new year by intensifying his campaign to further restrict the public spaces in which the Korean language can be used. Apparently, there were still employees in the Seoul prefectural government who spoke Korean at work, but this article from Janauary 1943 indicates that the regime started to crack down on them, so that government employees were no longer allowed to speak Korean at all, either at work or at home. The purported reason for this draconian measure was the "reform of general administration and the simplification of administrative work". To paraphrase it in the words of Governor-General Koiso, the brain and the limbs had to speak the same language for the body to move in an orderly fashion. This was all part of the "Japanese-Korean unification" policy that was ruthlessly pursued to suppress Korean language, culture, and ethnic identity in Korea, leaving lasting trauma that is still being felt even to this day.

Group training of Seoul prefectural government employees


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) January 20, 1943

The year of decisive battles, the rush to put things into practice (2) Seoul Edition

Seoul government employees shave their heads and begin to use the Japanese language regularly

Total efforts to simplify administrative work

"The establishment of a Righteous Korea can only be fully realized by training all 24 million people in the various occupational areas to truly adhere to the true meaning of the National Body as Imperial subjects …" were the words of Governor-General Koiso's instructions. Every word of his instructions at the opening ceremony of his administration was a fireball that shot into our ears and strained our hearts. Let's take a look into the "spirit of training" of the Seoul prefectural government employees who are leading the charge on behalf of the 1,000,000 Seoul residents, who have begun the new year full of vigor and determination.

Heroic battles are being fought in the name of the three encouraging principles of the Governor-General that are the key to dealing with the mountain of prefectural administrative work that is piled up before our eyes: "Thorough practice of character-building and training, decisive increase in production capacity, and epoch-making reform of general administration". These are the enlightened ways for government officials to speedily move forward administrative affairs and reform general administration in the midst of decisive battles. Let's look into how these three calls have inspired the top executives and staff of the Seoul government at the very beginning of the new year, and how they have begun to pledge their resolve.

From 3:00 p.m. on January 19th in the Prefectural Governor's room, there was a "Roundtable Discussion on the Rush to Put Things into Practice". In attendance were Prefectural Governor Furuichi, Mr. Chida, Director of General Affairs, Mr. Hoshimura, Director of Finance, Mr. Tanaka, Director of Internal Affairs, Mr. Matsuo, Director of General Affairs, Mr. Inagaki, Director of the Total National Movement, Mr. Egashira, Director of Industry, Mr. Kaneko, Director of Conscription, Mr. Fujioka, Director of Accounting, and Mr. Takera, Director of Auditing. They have forged strong relationships with Seoul residents by interacting with them at service windows. The participants expressed a level of determination that was appropriate for wartime.

Reporter: "How thorough are the character-building and training programs at the Seoul prefectural government?"

Prefectural Governor Furuichi: "We are doing a great deal. However, that is true of all government offices as well, and we are only doing what we should have been doing all along. For example, all employees visit and worship at Shinto shrines on the 20th of every month, and regular character-building lectures are held at Seoul Citizens Hall on the 10th."

Mr. Matsuo, Director of General Affairs: "The Seoul prefectural government was the first among the government offices to implement the visiting and worshiping at Shinto shrines, and we have been doing it for 12 years since 1932, when Mr. Inoue was Prefectural Governor. The Shūyōkai (Character-Building Association) began in 1938 to host lectures delivered by renowned speakers, and it has been very effective thanks to the cooperation of the Buddhist community, banks, universities, and the military."

Prefectural Governor Furuichi: "Last year, a Misogi Training Session was held at the Shūyōdan (character-building) Dōjō for the executives of the government, which was very effective. Most of the participants were from the Department of the Total National Movement. This year, we are planning to extend the training to all employees as soon as the Dōjō is available."

Mr. Hoshimura, Director of Finance: "It was my first time participating in Misogi, and I attended it only out of curiosity. But as I took the lessons, I discovered how great the Japanese spirit was, and now I am looking at it totally differently. I am currently promoting it to Korean youth."

Mr. Chida, Director of General Affairs: "Regarding physical exercise, each department has been conducting warm-up exercises, but this time we have decided to newly adopt some 'Naval-style exercises'. We are currently conducting a four-day training session for the instructors. We hope to spread the exercises to all 4,000 employees in the near future, so that they can acquire the military spirit and improve their health."

Reporter: "I heard that the prefectural government is conducting military training."

Prefectural Governor Furuichi: "We have already conducted military training several times at Kyōnaka Grounds in order to raise awareness of the need for discipline in the workplace, and the results have been very good each time. This year, we would like to make a special effort to conduct group drills in each department, and we will conduct inspections to ensure the thoroughness of the drills."

Reporter: "I heard that the prefectural government is going to focus exclusively on the regular use of the Japanese language this year. Do you have any ingenious ideas about this in your departments?

Mr. Tanaka, Director of Internal Affairs: "There is one language for 100 million people. The unification of the languages is the first priority for both the reform of general administration and the simplification of administrative work. The exclusive regular use of the Japanese language was agreed upon at the meeting of the heads of the departments on the Day of the Imperial Rescript on the 8th."

Mr. Fujioka, Director of Accounting: "In my department, we are so serious about it that we have even written a sworn pledge, and we hang slogan cards on the telephones encouraging the exclusive regular use of the Japanese language."

Mr. Kaneko, Director of Conscription: "I have always been a strict man, and my employees know it, but I have decided that those who do not use the Japanese language regularly are weak-willed and will not receive any promotions or bonuses." (laughter)

Mr. Matsuo, Director of General Affairs: "I held a regular meeting in the department, and everyone made a pledge to speak correct Japanese at home as well, since the home is an extension of the government office."

Reporter: "His Excellency the Governor-General compares the current situation in Korea to defects of the brain and nervous system, and he is apparently changing the situation where the policies and guidelines that he had planned have often been inadequately put into practice."

Prefectural Governor Furuichi: "In order for the four limbs to work in an orderly fashion and with immediate responsiveness under the command of the brain and nervous system, there is no other way but to forcibly put into practice the training of Imperial subjects for everyone, regardless of whether they are government officials or ordinary people. Reform of the general administration is an urgent task at this time."

Mr. Tanaka, Director of Internal Affairs: "I believe that the bad habit of government offices is that they maintain the status quo and lack progress, stretching out one day into ten years. They refuse to acknowledge any room for improvement, and it seems that there is a lot of waste hidden in the current wartime state of affairs."

Mr. Kaneko, Director of Conscription: "Some of the employees may be considered inferior, but I try to set my own inherent disposition as an example. I always admonish my subordinates by reminding them that I have not missed a day of work or taken a vacation day in the 31 years since I arrived in Korea."

Mr. Fujioka, Director of Accounting: "I sometimes hear complaints at the service window, so I try to be as prompt as possible in my work and avoid wasting time with regulations."

Mr. Takera, Director of Auditing: "Above all, we need to reform our personnel. It is no good if they are absent or tardy, or if they take their 20-day vacation as a matter of course."

Mr. Tanaka, Director of Internal Affairs: "We hold a special Jingu Taima exorcism ceremony in front of the department, and hold a morning meeting every morning at 9:00 a.m. Those who are late are not allowed to enter because of the shame that they bring." (laughter) "Thanks to this, we have increased our attendance rate at work."

Mr. Inagaki, Director of the Total National Movement: "This year, I would like to thoroughly enforce the 'shaved head' movement. Unless there are special circumstances, all workers should have their heads shaved."

Mr. Egashira, Director of Industry: "On my part, I have taken the initiative in cutting off most of my hair, and this attitude has been immediately reflected in my work and has had a positive effect. I believe that the increase in production capacity is also a result of a selfless and dedicated attitude toward work in the workplace."

The top leadership of the Seoul Prefectural Office, the capital of the Korean peninsula, is in high spirits. The cry to rush forward to put things into practice will be heard in the hearts of the 1,000,000 residents of Seoul. This year, we will see "Our Governor-General" put great things into practice in a big way. Let's go, Seoul!

[Photo: Group training of Seoul prefectural government employees]



京城日報 1943年1月20日

決戦の年・実践驀進(2) 京城府の巻






























Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Western firms including Shell, Mobil, HSBC, Otis Elevator, Singer were active in colonial Korea, a US firm had a corn starch factory in Pyongyang, until the regime confiscated their assets with the outbreak of war, accused of having a 'Jewish spirit' which 'exploits the entire wealth of mankind'

This is an article from December 1942, and it particularly stands out for its especially antisemitic, anti-American, and anti-British messaging. It is part of a series of articles written to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Pacific War against the United States, which began with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th local time (December 8th Japan time) in 1941. Setting aside the hateful content, this article provides a unique insight into the British and American corporations that were actively operating in Korea before they were confiscated by Imperial Japanese authorities about two months after the outbreak of war.

The article lists 15 British and American corporations actively operating in colonial Korea, including what were apparently joint ventures operating under the names of local companies, like Sakuma Industries, Pyonggang Industries, Unchang Industries, and a U.S. joint venture, Corn Product Refining Company, that apparently ran a corn starch factory in Pyongyang. Shell and Mobil had gas stations throughout Korea. Singer Corporation sold sewing machines to the Korean public under layaway plans. Other surprising appearances include HSBC, Otis Elevators, North British Mercantile Insurance Company, and Commercial Union Insurance Company.

Unlike colonies run by Western countries, Imperial Japan allowed Western companies to come and operate inside Korea from the very beginning, when Korea was annexed in 1910. Western missionaries set up hospitals and schools, and mining operations were started by Western companies. However, leading up to 1941, restrictions against Westerners were gradually escalated. In April 1940, Westerners were no longer allowed to buy land in major cities and within 4 kilometers of railroads. In July 28, 1941, regulations for the control of foreign nations, aimed at U.S. and Philippines residents, were passed, and even stricter regulations were passed after the outbreak of war.

I was able to figure out many of the company names and the above background information thanks to an excellent 2011 Japanese-language academic paper (PDF) entitled "The Management and Disposal of the Westerner's Property in Colonial Korea during the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Pacific War and the Korean Liberation Period, 1937-1948", written by Ahn Jong-cheol (안종철, 安鍾哲).

However, further offline research will be needed to clarify some issues about this list. What company was "Compronpial"? My speculation is, maybe they misread the faded text saying "Compton" as "Complon", and the actual name of the company started with "Compton". There is no online historical information about many of the listed companies, including "Compton", Uo-oto pharmaceuticals, and the local companies, so the historical trail will have to be picked up offline in libraries.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) December 5, 1942

Roots stretched throughout all of Korea

The epitomy of loan sharks,

Totally reborn into a new wing of the war effort

Shut out the United States and Britain!

One year since [the start of the Pacific War on December 8th]

Production Edition

Of our country's total production, the amount of production that the Korean peninsula assumes as a military base of operations is [redacted] billion yen, or about 10% of our country's total production. The clutches of the enemy's capital extended even into this great peninsula's output. Before the war, the amount of the enemy's capital reached a total of [redacted], turning the Korean peninsula into a bastion of American and British capitalism's aggression and exploitation of Greater East Asia by casting an insidious web of financial power.

As soon as the Greater East Asia War broke out, at 10:00 a.m. on December 9 of last year, the Ministry of Finance issued regulations (asset freezes) for the control of foreign nationals. The Ministry of Finance issued a notice to the American and British nationals that all general permission orders would be forfeited. Even in Korea, the Enemy Assets Control Law was immediately enforced on December 12 of that year to actively control assets belonging to the enemy and quasi-enemy nationals. On February 7, the Enemy Assets Control Law was implemented for trading companies, especially commercial corporations belonging to the production sector. Here, the Japanese government confiscated enemy assets, which now play a role in the war aims of the new Japan that prospers as it fights. Active efforts have begun to use the confiscated enemy assets to supply the war effort. The following are some of the major confiscated enemy assets:

Firstly, the U.S. and British oil companies including Standard Vacuum Oil Company (U.S.), Rising Sun Petroleum (U.K.), The Texas Company (China) Limited (U.S.), followed by Singer Corporation (U.S.), Compronpial (U.S.), and Nippon National (U.S.). Japanese grain companies and others include Uo-oto Pharmaceutical Company (U.S.), North British Mercantile Insurance Company (U.K.), Tōyō Otis Elevator (U.S.), Shinkō Cotton (U.K.), Hongkong and Shanghai Bank (U.K.), Commercial Union Insurance Company (U.K.), Sakuma Industries (U.S.), Pyonggang Industries (U.K.), and Unchang Industries (U.K.). The capitalization of these 15 companies amounted to over [redacted] million yen.

The three oil companies alone had invested 450,000,000 yen. They built an oil depot in Busan and expanded their sales channels to all corners of the Korean peninsula, making a strong inroad into Korea's economic world and focusing on invasion and exploitation. They attracted attention by using the symbol of a heavenly horse or a shell-shaped mark on street corners. Gasoline stations and signage were also outlandishly set up in the streets.

Those dens of U.S. and British aggression are still fresh in our memories, but in the first year of the Holy War, the people's determination to destroy the U.S. and Britain, their sworn enemies, successfully swept away the Americans and the British, and the stronghold of aggression that they had built over the past hundred years was replaced by the blade of justice that was aimed at their throats. The taxis, trucks, and buses that sped through the streets have now been replaced by fuel-efficient vehicles, and the triumphant songs of scientific Japan are now played in high spirits. Out of mischief, gas stations previously painted with bright red and yellow paint were reduced to signboards calling for the defeat of the U.S. and Britain.

Yoshikuni Nakatani was newly appointed to become president of the U.S.-affiliated Japan Grain Company, which boasts a vast site and modern facilities on the banks of the Taedong River in Pyongyang with a capital investment of 780 million yen. He has been making strenuous efforts to increase food production for Japan, which is now fighting a new battle every day. In April 1930, the U.S.-affiliated company began manufacturing starch from Korean corn, with an annual production of [redacted] hundred-thousand tons. In the meantime, he paid 200,000 a year to the U.S. government for the use of a U.S. patent, and also manufactured high-grade oil and chemicals as by-products. The company expanded its sales channels not only within Korea and mainland Japan, but also in the Chinese mainland. They were literally enjoying the beautiful juice of exploitation, and they had cast and unleashed their plutocratic financial web. They have always exploited under the guise of "equal opportunity" and the welfare of mankind. It is the Jewish spirit to spread surplus money all over the world and exploit the entire wealth of mankind in all corners of the world. The Greater East Asia War is also a war to drive this Jewish spirit out of the land and skies over Greater East Asia.

Their ingenious and extremely vicious dollar policies ate up nations and insatiably sucked the blood and fat of the world's humanity. The death struggles between Germany and the Soviet Union, the defeat of France, and the downfall of the Netherlands and other small countries were all the results of their schemes. We can all be taken in by their ingenious schemes before we even know it. A good example is the monthly installment sales of Singer sewing machines.

When we think about the fact that most of the people to whom they sold these machines were meager monthly wage earners, and that most of them were using their meager paychecks to support their greed, we still become infuriated at the insatiable inhumanity of it all. The monthly installment system is a vicious business scheme designed by the U.S. to squeeze every last penny out of the world's poor.

One year after the war began, the world's loan sharks, the U.S. and Britain, have been completely defeated, and even here on the Korean peninsula, the triumphal song of victory over the U.S. and Britain has been loudly proclaimed. All enemy facilities have now become activated as important parts of Japan's war efforts, rehabilitated as the driving force for the grand creation of Greater East Asia. The peoples of the Philippines, East Indies, Malaysia were previously deprived of their lands and had their nations destroyed, but they are now growing rapidly under the warm military rule of the Imperial Japanese forces.

The world's loan sharks have been using all kinds of tactics to continue inflicting suffering. They want beds, clothes, hats, and even shoes to be paid for by monthly installments. It is more difficult to provide healthy lives to the people under such a system than it is for a great person to be born from perfectly ordinary parents. Moreover, their usual modus operandi is to hone in on people who are in difficult situations, beat up each and every member of the human race, and then seize their land after first wreaking havoc on the national characters of their nations. [Photo: An abandoned gas station]



京城日報 1942年12月5日

















Saturday, January 7, 2023

Master Imaizumi Teisuke, the spiritual leader of the ruling class of colonial Korea, taught that Japanese-Korean unification should be thought of as a relationship between husband and wife, between a horse and its rider, and between a parent and a child, during his 12-day tour of Korea in 1942

Master Imaizumi Teisuke was a prominent Shinto theologian and spiritual leader of Imperial Japan. By 1942, when he went on a 12-day tour of Korea lecturing on the Imperial Way to the colonial ruling class, he was an 80-year-old man who had personally witnessed the dizzying pace of change that Japan went through from a feudal backwater in the 1860's to a sprawling empire in the course of a human lifetime. He had devoted his whole life to studying Kokugaku, which was a nativist Japanese academic movement which despised foreign thought, including Christianity, Buddhism, and Chinese philosophy, and advocated a return to Japan's ancient Shinto roots. His flowing white beard gave him the look of an ancient sage.

Imaizumi with Commander Itagaki

He was so revered that his words were considered gospel truth by the ruling class of colonial Korea. This is why I am presenting an excerpt of the first article, in which he explains how one should conceptualize Japanese-Korean unification: as a relationship between husband and wife, and as a relationship between a horse and its rider. In the second article, he gives a radio address to the Korean people in a paternalistic manner, as though they were his children, and describes Japanese-Korean unification as a relationship between parent and child. His comments may sound ridiculous, but his teachings were seriously followed by the colonial rulers of Korea, who prominently published his abstruse speeches about Shinto philosophy over many days in the Keijo Nippo newspaper. They serve to provide us with a glimpse into the religious fundamentalist motivations that drove the colonial regime into brutally imposing State Shintoism on the Korean population. The third article is an announcement about Imaizumi which was published ahead of his tour of Korea, in which the colonial regime explains just how important Imaizumi is to their ruling philosophy.

But the strange thing is that this once heralded Imperialist philosopher is no longer celebrated among the Japanese neo-Imperialists today. His books are now out-of-print and largely forgotten, hidden in obscure corners of libraries. Why is that? Perhaps because he politically spoke out against the regime during the war? A Japanese Wikipedia article about him says that he criticized the Imperial Japanese military's political policies during the war, which led to his works being censored. However, I could not find any online primary sources backing up this statement. My long-term project will be to do some off-line research where I can to figure out what he said against the Imperial military.

Imaizumi died on September 11, 1944. However, his obituary in the Keijo Nippo newspaper from September 12, 1944 is too blurred to read. The quality of the scans of the newspapers on Internet archive are often too poor to be legible. Just one of the many illegible newspaper pages that I'm curious about, I'm hoping to one day visit the National Library of Korea in Seoul to examine a hard copy of the newspaper to see how the obituary describes Imaizumi, or wait until the National Library of Korea gets around to releasing high quality scans of all the pages of Keijo Nippo in its archives.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 20, 1942

The True Meaning of the Imperial Way, by Imaizumi Teisuke

Generation and Development in accordance with Hakkō Ichiu

A nation of unity between the Emperor and His subjects


The Imperial Way Leading the World


In particular, the unification of the people of the Korean peninsula and the people of mainland Japan into "one body" has been preached daily for more than 30 years since the annexation of Korea. Although people often talk about "one body" today, the truth of this "one body" seems to be unclear to them. The easiest way to understand the concept of "one body" is to consider the example of a husband and wife. When the couple is seen as a man and a woman, they are counted as two people, but when they are seen as husband and wife, they are counted as "one body".

Therefore, if the husband has done something wrong, the wife is not blameless. If the woman has done something wrong, the man is not said to be without responsibility, because the husband and wife are "one body". The belief that they are two people [and not "one body"] leads to situations happening even to this day, where the husband harbors a secret and thinks that he can solve the problem by simply hiding his mistress from his wife. This is because they do not know the ethical truth of "one body". If the couple believes that they are "one body" and not two people, then there is no way that the man and the woman can keep secrets from each other. This is because it is impossible to keep secrets within "one body".

Making the leap towards becoming "one body"

Where else can one find such a thoroughgoing code of ethics as that of the Japanese people? In any other code of ethics, husband and wife are counted as two people. In the Chinese code of ethics, there is a concept of qin and se, two string instruments that play in perfect marital harmony. Whereas in China, they merely say that the couple are two string instruments that are well matched, in Japan, husband and wife are "one body". In this way, two completely different beings, both in form and spirit, become "one body". It is not a matter of combining one and one to become two. When a husband and wife become "one body", one and one multiply to become five or eight. That is the meaning that I would like you all to consider in the case of Japanese-Korean unification.

Japanese-Korean unification does not mean that one and one come together to form two. True unification into "one body" means that one and one come together to make five or eight. When you are doing some work together with a common purpose, one man and one man combine to become "one body". When two men combine to become "one body", their combined power is not that of two people, but that of five or eight people.

Here, we must carefully consider things. When we describe a master horse rider, we say, "Without someone on the saddle, there is no horse under the saddle," which means that man and horse are in harmony, but this is not a combination of one and one to form two. Neither can a horse jump alone, nor can a person run alone. However, when man and horse are in harmony, the heavenly horse can fly to the sky and travel a thousand miles.

With respect to the process of becoming "one body", similar beings can become "one body", or two completely different beings as a man and a woman can become "one body". Either way is fine, but at any rate, two beings become one. There is no doubt that the power of this union is very great. (Speech stenograph)


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 25, 1942

The "Essence of the National Body" as explained by Master Imaizumi

Master Imaizumi broadcast his message to all of Korea yesterday

After finishing his lecture tour in Pyongyang and Hamhung, Master Imaizumi arrived in Seoul by train at 2:12 p.m. on November 24th. But before he could rest his old body, he broadcast a lecture entitled "The Essence of the National Body" to all of Korea from the Seoul Broadcasting Station at 7:00 p.m. Twenty minutes earlier, he had entered the broadcasting station and sat quietly in the waiting room meditating, not even moving his body so he could practice the draft of his speech. Soon thereafter, his voice came through the microphone as if he were a compassionate father who was patiently teaching his children.

In a voice so bright and clear that it was hard to believe that he was 80 years old, he was now exhorting the 24 million people of the Korean peninsula about the incomparable essence of our national body and the Great Way of Japanese-Korean Unification. Moreover, his voice was gentle as he explained the pure and fervent national body, and each word seemed to penetrate from the ear into the heart. As he proceeded to explain the Way of the gods, that is, the Way of the Emperor, his voice finally grew passionate, and he said the following:

"In our nation, the gods have given us the Three Sacred Treasures as a spiritual gift, and the Ears of Rice as a material gift. We cannot save humanity unless we cultivate both the material and the spiritual. We cannot be saved by merely teaching spiritual salvation, as is done in other countries, because eating is an essential part of human life." He went on to describe how the Japanese way of thinking, which has continued to flow for 2600 years, and the foreign way of thinking, represented by Christianity, differ in many ways.

"The love between parents and children in Japan is unparalleled in other countries. A family cannot exist without sincere contact by both the parents and the children." He explained the superiority of the ancient Japanese family system in terms of the affection between the parents and the children, saying,

"In the Meiji Era, the people of mainland Japan and the people of the Korean peninsula were united into 'one body'. In order for both sides to be truly happy, they must be able to relate to each other with the same love and affection that real parents and their children would have. This is where the Great Way of Japanese-Korean Unification can exist."

After returning to the waiting room, the Master chatted with his attendants and wrote in flowing brush strokes the four Chinese characters "神人感應" (God and man are in harmony) in the calligraphy book provided by the staff. At 8:20 p.m., he returned to his lodgings, braving the cold wind. [Photo: Master Imaizumi during his broadcast]

Imaizumi during his radio broadcast in Korea


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 10, 1942

Igniting the Torch of the Japanese Soul

Master Imaizumi, an authority on Kokugaku

Lecture events evangelizing the Imperial Way are fast approaching

Governor-General Koiso came to office proclaiming the "Penetration into the True Meaning of the National Body" and the "Establishment of Righteous Korea". This was the voice of heaven that cried out loudly to the 24 million people of the Korean peninsula from that day on. Only when we are committed to the true meaning of the national body and live by the Imperial Way can we become true Imperial subjects. From there, total power will be born. We can then expand our productive capacity. Righteous Korea will be brilliantly established. Be penetrated into the true meaning of the national body! Live the Imperial Way!

This must also be the direction of the movement of the newly launched Korean Federation of National Power. To further spur on this surging momentum on the peninsula, Keijo Nippo invited Master Imaizumi Teisuke, the greatest authority on Kokugaku, to give a "Great Lecture Event Evangelizing the Imperial Way" in all the major cities of Korea. The aim is to ignite the fire of the Japanese spirit in the hearts of 24 million people of Korea.

Master Imaizumi will leave Tokyo on the 15th, land in Busan on the 17th, and arrive in Seoul on the same day. He will participate at 3:00 p.m. on the 18th in the main auditorium of the Seoul Citizens Hall in order to establish a Righteous Korea. He will preach the dignity of the Imperial Way to the masses and teach them the way to grasp the Japanese spirit. On the following day on the 19th, he will speak about the Imperial Way to the ruling class as well at the Hasegawa Bank meeting hall. Departing from Seoul on the 20th, he will speak about the Great Way of the Japanese spirit with fiery speeches at Pyongyang Public Hall on the 21st, Hamhung on the 23rd, Daegu on the 25th, and Busan on the 27th.

Imaizumi arrives in Seoul

For 12 days from his landing in Busan to his departure from Korea, this Master who is thoroughly committed to the true meaning of the national body, will travel around the Korea peninsula where the cold weather is intense, despite having an old 80-year-old body, to devote himself to the National Structure Clarification Movement for evangelizing the Imperial Way. This must be an exaltation of his spirit of martyrdom.

He was born in Shiroishi, Miyagi Prefecture, in 1863 as an Imperial subject. He studied Kokugaku at an early age and lived through the Meiji era and the Taishō era. During this time when the vast Western civilization was being praised, he never stopped advocating for the penetration into the true meaning of the national body, and for evangelizing the Imperial Way.

Ceaselessly working to make sure that the study of the national body remained true to its principles, he became absorbed in studying the literature until his eyes became bloodshot. He is not averse to discussing the national body from a scientific standpoint, but he is more concerned with discovering the "soul" that resides in our national body, which is unrivaled by any other nation, from a higher spiritual standpoint. From there, he has been developing a nationwide National Structure Clarification Movement.

The Imperial Way Society, which he presides over, counts among his great followers the Generals Araki Sadao, Hayashi Senjūrō, Yamamoto Eisuke, and Yonai Mitsumasa of the Imperial Army and Navy, Hiranuma Kiichirō and other top military leaders and both Houses of the Diet, as well as Ogura Masatsune, Kurimoto Ryūnosuke, and Tadayoshi Obata, who are leaders in the Japanese business world.

He has recently written "A Collection of Recent Essays on the Imperial Way", and he has devoted himself to evangelizing the Imperial Way and clarifying the National Structure by spending four or five days a month in the Kansai region to lecture on the true meaning of the national body to those in the business world who are said to be from the old regime.



京城日報 1942年11月20日

皇道の本義 今泉定助












この一体化、同じものでも一体になる。男女のような全然変ったものでも一体になる。それはどちらでもよろしいが、兎に角、二つのものが一体になる。その力というものは、非常なものであるということだけは疑う余地がありません。 (講演速記)

京城日報 1942年11月25日









京城日報 1942年11月10日












Monday, January 2, 2023

'Jeon' became 'Takamatsu' and 'Park' became 'Masaki': 1940 profiles of Korean families in Seoul adopting Japanese names to purportedly honor their Korean roots, be accepted by Japanese neighbors, to better interact with the public, to instill a 'spirit befitting Imperial subjects' in their children

This 1940 article profiles two Korean families in Seoul who adopted Japanese names: the Jeon family, which became the Takamatsu family, and the Park family, which became the Masaki family. The father of the Jeon family worked at the Oriental Development Company, which was a national enterprise of Imperial Japan spearheading the colonial exploitation of Korea, and was at one point the largest landlord of Korea. A different Korean employee of the same company was featured in another Model Korean family profile article in 1942. The father of the Park family was a Seoul police officer at the Seodaemun precinct. We can surmise that they adopted Japanese names to curry favor with their employers, who were part of the colonial ruling class which controlled Korea. The fathers are conspicuously absent from the featured family photos for some reason, perhaps as a security precaution since they were hated figures by much of the Korean population.

For this translation, I added Chinese characters throughout the text so that it is possible to appreciate how these families took Chinese characters from their old Korean names and incorporated them into their new Japanese names.

Kimiko Takamatsu (高松喜美子), formerly Shin Sook-hui (신숙희, 申淑嬉), with her children.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 11, 1940

'A last name that is associated with the Goryeo Dynasty'

She is thrilled to be an Imperial Woman

Interview with Kimiko Takamatsu, the wife of Mr. Keiichi Takamatsu, an employee at the Oriental Development Company of Korea)

Listening to joyous stories about adopting Japanese names

My family is very happy to be able to adopt the family name of Takamatsu on this auspicious occasion. My husband's old Korean last name, Jeon, is said to have been derived from the family name of the former King of Goryeo. For our new family name, we decided to take the Chinese character "高" from Goryeo (高麗) and the Chinese character "松" from Songdo (松都), the old name for present-day Kaesong and the former capital of the Goryeo Dynasty, to create our new family name, Takamatsu (高松).

I believe that it is essential for the education of our children to adopt a family name in the Japanese style in order to nurture a spirit befitting Imperial subjects. We are also hurrying to complete the family registration procedures, lest we miss this opportunity and become hated by our descendants for a long time to come.

We are more than happy when we think that our children will be overjoyed at adopting Japanese names, and that from today onward, our neighbors will be able to accept us as fellow Japanese people without feeling ashamed of us.

On this joyous day, we firmly vow to become true Imperial subjects while filled with joy at adopting Japanese names. My husband's old name was Jeon Gyu-hye (전규혜, 全圭恵), and his new name is Keiichi Takamatsu (高松恵一).

Our family was renamed as follows: Shin Sook-hui (신숙희, 申淑嬉) became Kimiko Takamatsu (高松喜美子), Jeon Hye-seok (전혜석, 全恵錫) became Keiko Takamatsu (高松恵子), Jeon Soon-seok (전순석, 全純錫) became Junko Takamatsu (高松純子), Jeon Yeong-ok (전영옥, 全英玉) became Tamako Takamatsu (高松玉子), Jeon Dae-seok (전대석, 全大錫) became Daiichi Takamatsu (高松大一), and Jeon Yeong-ja (전영자, 全英子) became Eiko Takamatsu (高松英子).

[Photo (bottom) = Kimiko Takamatsu and her children]

Yoshiko Masaki (正木吉子), formerly Lee Myeong-gil (이명길, 李明吉), and her daughter Junko

Last name 'Park' was changed to 'Masaki'

Memorable Shinto Wedding Ceremony

Interview with Yoshiko Masaki, the wife of Mr. Hideo Masaki, a police officer at Seodaemun Police Station, Seoul

On this auspicious occasion of the 2,600th anniversary of the founding of the Imperial Japanese nation, we are honored to adopt the family name of Masaki. What can I compare our family's joy with, now that we have been able to fully become Imperial subjects, both physically and mentally?

Three years ago, we were married in front of the Chōsen Shrine, and we were completely moved by the solemnity and grandeur of the wedding ceremony. My husband has called me Yoshiko since that day. I am not sure if the people of Korea would be able to understand our gratitude for the Shinto wedding. When the civil ordinance for the adoption of new Japanese family names was issued, my husband and I had to think for a long time about what kind of name we should choose for our new family name.

My husband said that, since he has to deal with the general public due to his profession, it was very important for him to create a family name in the Japanese style. At last, at this opportune moment, we decided to break off from the Park family and adopt the family name of 'Masaki'. The family name 'Masaki' (正木) is an interpretation of the Chinese character '朴' for Park, and it has no deep meaning. Apparently there is an old Korean custom for couples to remain faithful to their own respective family names even after marriage, but it seems like a rather strange custom to me.

From today onward, as a wife with the family name of Masaki, I would like to live a stronger and purer life as a woman on the home front in these extraordinary times. My husband's name is Hideo Masaki (正木英雄), formerly Park Yeong-do (박영도, 朴英道). My name is Yoshiko Masaki (正木吉子), formerly Lee Myeong-gil (이명길, 李明吉), and our daughter is named Junko.

[Photo (above): Yoshiko Masaki and Junko]



京城日報 1940年2月11日



















Thursday, December 29, 2022

Seoul police busted some British and American residents in early 1942 for trying to buy the book 'Korea of the Japanese' by H.B. Drake, and a deported American was discovered to have sold 'Banzai!' by Parabellum to a Jongno bookstore, allegedly uncovering an 'American conspiracy' to poison Korea

This is an article from December 1942, and it particularly stands out for its especially anti-American and anti-British messaging. It is part of a series of articles written to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Pacific War against the United States, which began with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th local time (December 8th Japan time) in 1941. Setting aside the hateful content, this article actually provides some interesting look into two English books which the colonial authorities considered so threatening, they explicitly warned the entire country about them through this article. Fortunately for us, these two books are available to download for free online, so I've provided the links to the relevant pages at Gutenberg Library and Internet Archive below.

Banzai by Parabellum and Korea of the Japanese by H.B. Drake

The first story is about an American who was deported from Korea in the wake of the outbreak of the Pacific War, but before leaving, they sold off a bunch of books to a bookseller in Jongno, Seoul, including 'Banzai!' by Parabellum.

The second story is about multiple British and American people who were caught by police committing the 'crime' of trying to buy 'Korea of the Japanese' by H. B. Drake at a bookstore in Jongno, Seoul.

I highly recommend reading 'Korea of the Japanese', which provides an interesting glimpse into 1930 Korea from the perspective of a British writer. Be warned, however, that the author comes across as a condescending, entitled English prick ("I became an ardent champion of imperialism, of strong and ruthless Government, of the white man's burden." - book p. 142, PDF p. 193). I struggled to understand why the colonial authorities hated this book, since the author makes many statements which are actually supportive of Imperial Japan's rule over Korea ("Left to themselves the Koreans would rot … No nation, however insignificant, however mean its contribution to mankind, can be allowed to fall into neglect and decay. And this is the essential justification of the Japanese rule in Korea." - book p. 148, PDF p. 199). I'm speculating that, perhaps, it's because the Japanese Emperor was not mentioned reverentially enough when describing the Emperor's portrait (book p. 25, PDF p. 52), perhaps because it has some mild criticisms of colonial Korea's educational system (book p. 136, PDF p. 187) or perhaps because it criticized Eastern thought as backward ("Principles which are commonplaces in the West, but not in the East ... that without order there can be no liberty; that liberty is not the birth of a moment, but of the labour of generations. Commonplaces, I repeat; yet to the Korean mind paradoxes and contradictions."  - book p. 145, PDF p. 196).


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) December 4, 1942

They extended the evil clutches of their conspiracy until the day they left the Korean peninsula

Japanophobic books were found in the city

Shut out the United States and Britain!

One year since [the start of the Pacific War on December 8th]

Culture Edition

The entirety of the so-called culture that the American and British residents of the Korean peninsula were consciously inflicting on Korea was a conspiracy and a trick. Even the everyday language that they used contained a liquid juice that poisoned their victims, as if they were sprinkling a numbing magical fluid from a 35 millimeter film reel. Without American films, there would have been no film industry on the Korean peninsula. British-American culture is a monster of mental aggression, as demonstrated by the fact that those who failed to thoroughly read American and British writings were excluded from the ranks of the intellectuals. War was declared on December 8th when the U.S. and Britain were 'BANG!', hit on the head with a fiery iron hammer, and from that moment on, a truly heroic, constructive song began to be played on the Korean peninsula.

But speaking of an earlier time, on the day the Americans and the British made their departure, they were not leaving their hands idle. All the way up until the day they left, they did not forget to keep planting the roots of their conspiracy into the young Koreans who had soaked in their culture for decades until it had seeped into the marrow of their bones. Here is an example…

On the [redacted] day of the [redacted] month, Mr. Masaki, head teacher of the National School attached to Seoul First Normal School, found a dangerous, explosive book among the many books sold off by the deported Americans at a bookstore in Jongno. It was an English book on which the word "Banzai" was literally printed in Japanese, but its content was a series of provocatively written fanciful stories about a war between Japan and the United States. The author's name was written on the front cover as "Parabellum", and below it was an explanatory note: "This book was written mainly based on German publications from 1909," which was a little eyebrow-raising.

Immediately after the Russo-Japanese War, an American military journalist, frightened by the real strength of the emerging Japanese power and motivated to overthrow Japan as soon as possible, plotted to provoke a war between Japan and the U.S. and isolate Japan by telling the whole world, including all the Asian peoples excluding the Japanese, that "Japan must be feared", which was a Yellow Peril idea. This shows the traces of a conspiracy. It also contains a careful plot to separate Japan from Germany. The book was published by Stanley Paul & Co. of London, England in an attempt to undermine the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of the time. Furthermore, the preface of the book states, "This preface is not intended to provoke the peoples of the two countries. It is nothing more than a preparation for the hope of peace." But from the first page of the main text, the author refers to Japan as a "cursed yellow monkey," a vile insult that could not have been expressed by an Englishman of the time, so the author reveals himself to be an American.

It is an undeniable fact that the entire text of the book was written by an American who regarded Japan as a virtual enemy. It is also clear that the author's name, "Parabellum," is a pseudonym for "parable". Furthermore, what cannot be overlooked is the fact that the publisher of the book was Stanley Paul, a well-known publisher of Christian Bibles, and the book was probably distributed around the world by missionaries along with the Bible, which is a shocking fact. The book starts with the Japanese military occupation of the Philippines, then the Japanese people living in the U.S. all take up arms to start an uprising. The description of what happens until the invasion of the West Coast is written in all-out vulgar and abusive language against Japan. The shape of the font on the last line is changed to incite, "The yellow danger grows ever greater." Interestingly, the author also warns that "Japan will surely take us off guard by attacking us during the holidays," so what does the author think of our Navy's successful surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in the early stages of the Greater East Asia War?

But how many billions of people around the world have misjudged Japan as a result of this book? What will be the result of this terrible poisonous book sold by the American to the bookshop in Jongno as he was leaving the Korean peninsula? They did these things with this goal in mind from the very beginning. Fortunately, the book was purchased by Head Teacher Masaki and was kept deep inside his library since that day, which was a fortunate thing for the Korean peninsula.

This was not the only conspiracy plotted by the deported Americans and British. There is a second story relating to a detestable cultural conspiracy. On the [redacted] day of the [redacted] month, a few days before deportation, the enemy Americans and the British abused the free lifestyle that was allowed even for them by Japan's generous arrangement, and they almost purchased a certain book in Jongno. Their goal was not achieved due to the fact that the scene of the crime was discovered through an astute inspection by the police. That book that they wanted was the Chrysanthemum Edition of "Korea of the Japanese," a 225-page book published by William Clowes and Sons in London in 1930 and written by an Englishman named H. B. Drake. At the time, while the author was on his way to China and Manchuria for a tour, he visited his fellow countryman who lived in Korea. During his stay, he visited all of Korea, observing the situation in various parts of the country. It seems that he wrote the book immediately after he returned home, and he describes the footsteps of his meticulous research into modern Korean culture, customs, topography, mountains, humanity, geography, and so forth.

In addition, the 24 photographs, including the cover photograph, were painstakingly taken to provide evidence of the author's travels around the country, and the author's spying activities were clearly evident even in the clear explanations on the back of this published book.

We do not know when this book infiltrated Seoul, but we cannot help but be horrified by the past infatuation with the U.S. and Britain that was quite prevalent among the people living on the Korean peninsula, when we imagine what was going on inside the minds of some of our enemies who wanted to purchase this book. It was not long before the Americans and British, who had poisoned the Korean peninsula with their voiceless conspiracies, subsequently disappeared from this corner of East Asia, and Righteous Japan passed judgment on a culture that only those conspirators could feel proud of. [Photo: English-language books "Korea of the Japanese," which the enemy Americans and British people tried to carry away in a last ditch effort, and "Banzai," which they left behind to promote their "invincible" conspiracy.]




京城日報 1942年12月4日















Koreans faced up to 10 years in prison and 50,000 yen in fines for not submitting their personal platinum items to the Imperial Navy by Jan. 31, 1945

In the closing months of 1944, the Imperial Japanese Navy escalated its efforts to extract resources from Korea to fuel its war machinery. I...