Tuesday, December 12, 2023

U.S. soldiers guard the Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) newspaper office on September 11, 1945, three days after the start of the U.S. military occupation of southern Korea

This photo is from a page in the Keijo Nippo newspaper that I stumbled upon during my visit to the National Library of Korea a few months ago. Taken on September 11, 1945, just days after the U.S. military arrived in Korea on September 8th, it shows U.S. soldiers guarding the entrance to the Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) newspaper office. Keijo Nippo was the propaganda organ of the Imperial Japanese colonial regime which ruled Korea from 1905 to 1945. It is rather ironic that a newspaper that called for the destruction of the U.S. so many times during the war is being guarded by the very forces whose destruction it called for in its publications.

U.S. soldiers standing guard at the Keijo Nippo newspaper office on September 11, 1945.

Today, the Keijo Nippo newspaper building no longer exists, and the Seoul Shinmun building has now taken its place.

In the Keijo Nippo newspaper, the arrival of the U.S. military occupation of southern Korea was marked by the following curfew notice which was issued by the outgoing Japanese colonial governor Ikeda on September 8th, 1945 on behalf of the U.S. military authorities. On September 9th, 1945, the Japanese colonial government issued its last directive before handing over power to the U.S. military occupation: the prohibition of raising the Japanese flag after 4:00 p.m.

September 8, 1945 curfew notice published on September 10, 1945.


Curfew Notice

From 8:00 PM to 5:00 AM

Effective from September 8th onwards, in both the districts of Keijō (Seoul) and Incheon, under the directive of Major General Hodge of the U.S. 24th Army Corps, from the evening of September 8th onwards, in Seoul and Incheon, passage is prohibited for anyone except those listed below from 8:00 PM until 5:00 AM the following day.

Those who violate this will be strictly punished.


  1. Police officers, fire brigade members, civil defense members, and other night watchmen.
  2. Visiting doctors.
  3. Those who need to travel for work during the prohibited hours. In this case, government officials must have a certificate issued by their office, and others must have a certificate stating this fact from their employer and authenticated by the local police station chief.
  4. Persons with an outing permit issued by the U.S. Army authorities.

Dated: September 8, 1945

Gyeonggi Province Governor, Kiyosaburo Ikeda

Prohibition of Raising the Japanese Flag

A directive was issued by the Governor-General of Korea on the evening of September 8th as follows: From 4:00 PM on September 9th, 1945, the national flag of Japan shall not be raised. Any Japanese national flags or symbols that are currently visible to the public should be immediately lowered after the same time. This order is to be strictly enforced and applies to areas south of latitude 38 degrees North.

[Transcription from the September 10th, 1945 issue of Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo)]











京畿道知事 生田清三郎



Shortly thereafter on September 11, 1945, Keijo Nippo published the following pages reproducing Proclamation No. 1 of Commander-in-Chief Douglas MacArthur, along with Proclamations No. 2 and 3, as well as the official surrender document which was signed on September 9, 1945 during the official Surrender Ceremony. The official English copies of Proclamations Nos. 1-3 were published in the second page. The photo of the U.S. soldiers in front of the Keijo Nippo newspaper office was published the following day on September 12, 1945.

September 11, 1945 issue, page 1

September 11, 1945 issue, page 2

September 12, 1945 issue

More historical photos of the Surrender of Imperial Japan in Korea (National Museum of the U.S. Navy): link

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

August 28, 1945: Colonial regime announces a peaceful transition of power to the new incoming Korean government, reopens comfort women services, department stores, cafés in Seoul as popular uprising subsides, plans orderly repatriation of Japanese residents

This is another fascinating historical article that I stumbled upon during my visit to the National Library of Korea a few months ago. This is a news announcement made on August 28, 1945 announcing an orderly, peaceful transition of power just 13 days after Imperial Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945. In the initial few days after August 15th, the military authorities were at the forefront making defiant announcements in the face of a massive Korean popular uprising, but for the first time since Imperial Japan's surrender, a civilian leader, Mr. Konishi Haruo, has come forward to address the nation in a sober, conciliatory address emptied of the usual Imperialist bravado, to provide a blueprint for a peaceful transition of power to the new Korean state and the repatriation of Japanese residents back to Japan.

Mr. Konishi's address, photo taken at the National Library of Korea

Mr. Konishi was a 66-year-old mining executive at Meiji Mining who came from a respectable Samurai family in Fukuoka prefecture. He had a distinguished career at various banks, treasuries, and chambers of commerce in Korea and Manchuria. There had always been tensions between civilian and military authorities in colonial Korea, but it seems that, in this moment, the military people have retreated into the background and the civilian leaders like Mr. Konishi have gained the upper hand.

Konishi calls upon Japanese residents in Korea to act responsibly, contributing positively to both their homeland and the new independent Korean state. He is confident that the rights of Japanese residents will be respected in a new humanitarian and civilized Korean state. He also touches on the practicalities of repatriation, like the handling of properties and belongings by trust companies and warehouses, and the limitations of transport capacity for returning all Japanese residents within the year. Konishi concludes by emphasizing the achievements of Japanese governance in Korea, such as infrastructure and financial systems, and expresses hope for a respectful and responsible transition period.

In the usual fashion, the editors at Keijo Nippo places positive, upbeat news articles adjacent to dark, serious news articles. This time, the 'positive' articles are about the reopening of 'high-end entertainment establishments' like restaurants, cafes, and comfort women services (kisaeng). This may have been a goodwill gesture by the colonial authorities to appease the angry populace and relieve social tensions ahead of the peaceful handover of power. For days after August 15, the civil unrest was apparently so intense that shops couldn't open, but by August 27, the unrest had died down enough for shops to cautiously reopen, but there were still apparently not many shoppers who dared to ventured out to go shopping.

Note: These were challenging articles to decipher because of the poor state of preservation of the newsprint. There was a small section of the text that I just couldn't make out, so I indicated this with ellipses. Sorry that I forgot to take a picture of the accompanying grainy news photo of shoppers gathered around a stall in a department store.


Gyeongseong (Keijo Nippo) August 28, 1945

On the Issue of Repatriation

By Haruo Konishi

August 15th. What is more to say about that day? However, what has been the state of Seoul, the capital of all Korea, in this past week? There are countless things that are truly lamentable. Do not panic! It is extremely important for us, as citizens of a great nation, to maintain our composure. But who were the very first ones to panic? Who were the ones to cause this chaos? Now is not the time to delve into that.

In this grave crisis, the responsibilities of the Governor-General's office are indeed significant. How should they guide the 26 million people of the Korean peninsula? What should be done about the 1.2 million mainland Japanese residents in Korea? Maintaining public order and securing transportation and communication are absolutely crucial. Even if the transfer of power to the newly emerging state and its new government occurs peacefully, things like sorting office documents, clearing desks and shelves, and arranging for the handing over of lodgings are of least importance. The transfer of the city is often talked about in dramatic tales, but the transfer of the Governor-General's rule is not just a matter of formality. There are much bigger issues at hand. I understand that the authorities are making great efforts, but they must not get things backwards.

In the future, it won't be easy to simply dispose of the businesses, homes, and properties that over 1.2 million mainland Japanese residents in Korea have painstakingly developed over the past three to four decades.

On the other hand, what is the situation in our motherland? What about the food and population problem? The unemployment situation? The war victims? What if people from China, Manchuria, Korea, Taiwan, Sakhalin, and the South Pacific all repatriate to mainland Japan at once? There would likely be unimaginable difficulties. In addition to the country's existing hardships…

…the Japanese people were supposed to, under the grand vision of the Emperor, play a key role in peace and contribute to cultural development by expanding overseas. But what should have been a matter of concern was if this, instead, led back to domestic repercussions, inevitably leading to a path of further misery.

In this sense, I believe there are many points we need to learn and adopt broadly. From this perspective, the mainland Japanese residents in Korea should hold their ground to the utmost extent, contributing not only to our motherland but also to the newly emerging state.

Various national policies will be established and implemented in the new state. However, the new state will undoubtedly be a civilized and humanitarian one, adhering to international standards of humanity, and not a barbaric state. Therefore, I firmly believe that there is absolutely no concern that the private rights of mainland Japanese residents in Korea will be unreasonably confiscated, trampled upon, or plundered. With this understanding and insight, I have been advising people around me not to panic, but to calmly observe and handle the transition. A few days ago, I read former Seoul University Professor Yasuda's opinion in the Keijo Nippo newspaper and largely agreed with him, but I hope those in power will guide the people well. The Japanese people of Northern Korea repatriated in a state of confusion because Northern Korea became a battleground due to the Soviet Union's offensive. This is completely different from the situation of the Japanese people in Seoul repatriating to mainland Japan.

The real estate properties of the repatriating people will be taken care of by a certain trust company, and their belongings will be stored in a certain warehouse. This is indeed commendable. However, this sounds to the people like they are being forced to hurry and repatriate. With this view in mind, they should be guided to stay and devote themselves to their livelihoods, showing great ambition and spirit, as it will likely be impossible to complete all repatriations within this year with the current transportation capacity.

Even if the Governor-General's office is abolished, its residual duties must be managed, and some of them will likely be inherited by a future embassy or legation. It goes without saying that financial institutions and transportation and communication facilities must hold their ground until the end, ensuring as smooth as possible a transition of power, not just leaving things to "fate".

There were considerable achievements during the Governor-General's rule in terms of roads, ports, electricity, transportation, water resources, finance, etc. A certain Korean scholar said that it probably would have taken more than 200 years for the Korean people alone to achieve this much. Now is the most crucial time. This autumn is the time for us all to exercise self-restraint. (The writer is the Managing Director of Meiji Mining)

Towards a Brighter, Leisure-Focused Society

Relaxation of Restrictions on High-End Leisure Activities

Aiming for a return to a brighter society and life, the government is currently studying the removal of various restrictions imposed as wartime measures. As an immediate step, the full-scale lifting of the ban on high-end leisure activities, which was part of the "Decisive Battle Emergency Measures" implemented in March last year and further extended for a year this March, has been decided. Consequently, not only the opening of restaurants and cafés but also the employment of female entertainers and kisaeng is now permitted. Furthermore, authorities are also advancing their research on potentially freeing up special leisure sectors such as dance halls and cabarets depending on the situation.

Department Stores Struggle with Decline in Customer Foot Traffic

Reopening Since Yesterday

Since that day, various department stores had been completely closed, but they reopened their doors from August 27th. However, due to a lack of merchandise, the situation is such that, conversely, black markets have emerged in the city offering almost everything at high prices. Consequently, domestic department stores like Mitsukoshi, Chōjiya, and Minakai had fewer customers than expected on their long-awaited reopening, especially in food and textile sections which remained quiet. Only a few Western goods, cosmetics, and general merchandise were being sold to some extent.

Mitsukoshi, for instance, had been holding a swap meet for unnecessary items since the beginning of the month, which was suspended on August 16th, and exchanges were halted. But from August 27th, the retrieval of items resumed. As for the purchases of furniture and household goods of repatriating people by various department stores, which are reportedly to be organized by a certain mainland Japanese welfare association, there is no official word yet, so people are slowly bringing in items.

According to observations from various stores, there might be fewer items for sale now since so many were sold off at once previously, and the situation in the surrounding areas has somewhat stabilized, suggesting that there may not be a need to rush into selling. This could be why there are surprisingly few items up for sale. [Photo = At a certain department store]


京城日報 1945年8月28日





















Sunday, December 3, 2023

Koreans first read of the US/Soviet Division of Korea on Aug. 25th, 1945 in this historic Keijo Nippo news article explicitly announcing for the first time that ‘Korea is to be made free and independent’

This is another fascinating historical article that I stumbled upon during my visit to the National Library of Korea a few months ago. This news article is from August 25th, 1945, which stands out for its historical importance as it explicitly mentions for the first time that Korea was going to be divided into U.S. and Soviet occupation zones, and the impending dissolution of the Imperial Japanese colonial regimes in both Korea and Taiwan. This was just 10 days after Imperial Japan's unconditional surrender on August 15, 1945, which marked the end of World War II. This announcement was likely a reaction to the rapid advancements of the Soviet forces, which had reached Pyongyang by August 24th. Given this context, I speculate that the colonial regime, feeling the pressure of these developments, published this article on the following day in order to acknowledge the reality of Korea's impending shift towards freedom and independence. Note that this announcement makes no mention of the 38th parallel, so it would have left Koreans in the dark as to how the Korean peninsula would be divided.

Photo of the article that I took at the National Library of Korea

This article also marks a dividing line in terms of the tone of the language used in public announcements. The announcements before this date tended to use bombastic, inflated language along the lines of typical Imperialist propaganda, but after this date, it quickly disappears to be replaced by more restrained and conciliatory language. It's a clear indication of the changing tides at the end of World War II. However, the article also assured ethnic Japanese residents in Korea that their properties would remain secure, a promise that was not entirely fulfilled, especially in the Soviet-occupied regions.

Alongside this, I am also including a translation of an adjacent announcement in the same newspaper. This secondary announcement sheds light on the cessation of hostilities in Sakhalin and the logistical challenges the newspaper faced in distributing its issues amidst the unrest following Imperial Japan's surrender on August 15, 1945.

Remarkably, the newspaper apparently managed to keep publishing and circulating its editions throughout Korea, even under the challenging circumstances of U.S. and Soviet occupation, until the newspaper finally closed on December 11, 1945 after 39 years of operation. For all the flaws that this newspaper had, at the end of the day, millions of Koreans still relied on this Japanese-language newspaper to keep informed on the latest current events in Korea and around the world, because it was still the main national newspaper with the largest circulation in Korea.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 25, 1945

Korea Will Be Under US and Soviet Occupation (Mainland Japanese People Will Be Absolutely Safe)

The Potsdam Declaration implements the terms of the Cairo Declaration regarding the disposition of our territories, stating that (1) Manchuria, Taiwan, and the Pescadores Islands are to be returned to the Republic of China, and (2) Korea is to be made free and independent. This marks the end of our overseas control of Korea, which lasted 36 years, and our overseas control of Taiwan, which lasted 51 years.

In the case of Taiwan, it is expected to soon fall under the military administration of Chiang Kai-shek, while Korea is expected to be placed under the divided occupation of the United States and the Soviet Union until an independent government is established there. Currently, about 1.2 million Japanese reside in Korea and about 400,000 Japanese reside in Taiwan. They have established a firm foundation in various fields such as politics, economy, and culture over many years. Rapid repatriation and other measures would only lead to chaos, which is clearly intolerable given the current situation in Korea and Taiwan.

Politically, both local Governor-General's Offices will eventually be dissolved, but the contribution of the Japanese in economic and technical sectors is extremely significant. Furthermore, the private property of these Japanese residents, under international law, is of a nature that will not see any changes. Therefore, there is no need for undue anxiety on this point. Moreover, the authorities emphasize that Japanese residents should continue to utilize the foundations of life that they have cultivated over many years, dealing with the new situation with an open and honest heart under international principles and the spirit of ethnic co-prosperity.

Ceasefire in Karafuto (Sakhalin)

【Stockholm, August 21st (Associated Press)】 Moscow Telegraph - It is said that hostilities on the Karafuto front ceased at noon on August 20th.

Notice from Our Newspaper

Since August 16th, there have been some delivery failures or deliveries lost in transit due to accidents involving delivery personnel entrusted by our company, resulting from transportation issues. We earnestly ask for your understanding of the current situation. Our company is doing our best to ensure delivery by encouraging other entrusted parties, including the management office, but there may still be instances of delivery failures or deliveries lost in transit…


京城日報 1945年8月25日









Note: I'm sorry that the newspaper's notice about the delivery failures is cut off in the photo. I just didn't think to take more pictures of this newspaper page at the time I was at the National Library of Korea. I only wish that I had taken more pictures of the newspapers when I was there, and I hope the library gets around to tracking down the original newspapers and making high quality digital scans of them publicly available.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Imperial Japanese Army finally acknowledges Korea’s imminent independence just over a week after liberation (Aug. 23, 1945) with a jumbled announcement full of desperate denials, threats, and unconvincing reassurances to fend off Korean armed resistance

This is another fascinating historical article that I stumbled upon during my visit to the National Library of Korea a few months ago. This piece is a PSA by the Imperial Japanese military authorities addressing the Korean people on August 23, 1945, just over a week after Imperial Japan's unconditional surrender on August 15, 1945, which marked the end of World War II. This immediate 'lame duck' period after Imperial Japan's surrender was one of uncertainty and transition, as the regime awaited the arrival of Allied forces to assume control. It's worth noting that Soviet forces had already entered Korea by August 14th, but American forces did not arrive until September 8.

Ethnic Japanese residents of Seoul planting turnips in their urban garden.

The regime's radio broadcast on August 18th, just 3 days after surrender, was full of bluster with defiant threats to take military action against protesters, but this PSA one week later seems jumbled and confused despite its best effort to put on a brave face, as if the regime is suddenly unsure of how to address the Korean people. Readers at the time would have surely picked up on this and noticed that something was off, that the regime was not its usual confident, optimistic self. Its string of denials, threats, and reassurances no longer sound so convincing, given the regime's diminished stature. The regime does its best to insist that it is still in charge of Korea, but even it has to acknowledge now that Korea is going to be independent soon. Its desperate denials about expropriations, repatriations, leaflets, and atrocities against ethnic Japanese people only seem to confirm the stark truth of those rumors.

To long-time Japanese readers of Keijo Nippo, reading this PSA would have been jarring and distressing. There are no longer calls to destroy the US and Britain, and there is even a sentence insisting that US and Soviet forces are "certainly not bandits". The admonition that "Koreans should deeply realize that Korea will not become independent through war actions" only reveals to readers that Koreans are still waging an armed uprising against the regime. Their stern warning not to listen to the Committees for the Preparation of Korean Independence (조선건국준비위원회) essentially gives these committees free publicity, telling the entire Korean nation about their existence and only accelerating their political rise. The colonial regime is rapidly unraveling and fading into irrelevance before their very eyes, and a new and unfamiliar reality is suddenly setting in.

I have also included two articles that were placed adjacent this PSA, as if to lighten the mood with some optimism. One article is about the reopening of movie theaters, as if the newspaper is encouraging Koreans to have fun watching movies instead of fighting colonialists. The other article is about ethnic Japanese in Seoul still defiantly planting their urban gardens, even though their repatriation to Japan is in the horizon.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 23, 1945

Be prudent without any anxiety or hesitation!

The Korean Peninsula before the construction (of a new order)

Hearing from Colonel Gotō about the mindset of the people of Korea and Japan

Since August 15th, due to the sudden change in circumstances, there has been some disturbance among the Korean and Japanese people, which is gradually calming down due to strict punishment by the military authorities. The cause of the disturbance was a failure to accurately understand the current situation and being misled by mere rumors. The military authorities and the Governor-General's Office have declared that security is being maintained, and are requesting a calm and composed attitude from the Korean and Japanese people in handling the new situation. The current situation is such that combat operations have ceased in accordance with the Imperial Rescript, and everything will likely be handled smoothly and peacefully according to the formal and rational ceasefire agreement made with the Allied nations. Some people are under the impression that Korea is already able to have an independent government, but Korea is still under Japanese rule, and Japan's sovereignty remains unchanged. The issue of Korean independence will only come up after all negotiations concerning the Empire with the Allied nations are completed. Below, we will hear from Colonel Gotō of the Press Department of the Korean Military Administration about the current situation, and the mindset of the Korean and Japanese people in dealing with it.

Q: Various rumors are circulating, but what is the actual situation now?

A: According to the formal agreement between Japan and the USA, UK, USSR, and China in Manila, detailed agreements will be made for each place based on its local situation. All processes will be carried out based on these agreements.

Q: So Korea remains under Japanese rule until then?

A: Of course. Korea remains a part of Japan until the agreement is concluded, and it is a matter of course that Japan continues governing Korea. Hence, it is unacceptable for outsiders to interfere at this juncture. Some seem to think that Korea will become independent immediately and start governing from that day, which is a grave misunderstanding. Therefore, no orders should be issued by the Independence Preparatory Committees, and absolutely no one is to be involved with any of their social functions.

Q: However, it seems that some have played a part in expropriation mayhem.

A: The recent attempted expropriation incidents are nothing but banditry. There is neither the right nor basis for expropriations yet. Even among belligerent countries, personal properties are not to be touched. Even the US, at the start of the war, froze assets of Japanese residents but did not seize them. We have been abroad several times, and we cannot remember our personal property ever being seized. Of course, temporary occupation may be conducted for military purposes, but this does not apply to the situation in Korea.

Q: B-24 planes came and dropped leaflets the day before yesterday.

A: I do not think the content of the leaflets was particularly inappropriate. However, some of the wording used had a commanding tone, but they do not have the right to give us orders yet. Probably the translation was poor. We are not to take orders directly from them. We only take orders from His Majesty the Emperor. Therefore, they should negotiate with the Japanese government, and we will receive orders from our government.

Q: There were rumors of harm to mainland Japanese people.

A: That is an absurd story. Such perpetrators will be dealt with by the occupying forces, even if Japan does not take action. The world’s morality would not accept it. If such actions are taken, the situation will only become more complicated. The military exists to protect the lives and properties of civilians. There is a reason why the Imperial Rescript to endure the unbearable was issued. It is also the military's mission to strike down such disruptive elements.

Q: What should be the attitude of Korean people at this time?

A: Koreans should deeply realize that Korea will not become independent through war actions and that independence has not yet been established. Currently, there are only talks about granting independence to Korea, but nothing concrete has been decided yet. Therefore, this autumn is a very important time for the people of Korea. They must carefully consider what actions to take. To make an analogy, even opening a small shop cannot be done in just ten or twenty days. Similarly, Korea will require a considerable process and time until independence. Disruptive actions or confrontations with foreign countries during this crucial period of construction may lose the trust of the Allied forces and could even make independence impossible.

Q: Have military families been repatriated?

A: Do not joke about such matters. Not a single person has been repatriated. However, some families of deployed soldiers who had been living in officers' quarters for a long time have been returned home. This has to do with the intended purpose of the officers' quarters.

Q: What should be the mindset of mainland Japanese people?

A: If they understand the above situation, there should be no reason to panic. I think it is questionable to only think about hurriedly repatriating. It is unlikely that Korea will declare war on Japan as soon as it becomes independent. They should demonstrate the composure of citizens of a great nation. Otherwise, they will only be laughed at by the world. There are two main reasons for causing anxiety among mainland Japanese people. One is the rumor that Korean insurgents might harm Japanese people. However, as said earlier, both Japan and the Allied nations are paying utmost attention to maintaining security, so there is no need to worry. If such an unfortunate incident occurs, it will be dealt with severely, either by Japan or by the occupying forces. The other is the fear that the occupying forces might cause harm, but it is unlikely that they would commit violence in front of international monitors, especially after the ceasefire. The US and Soviet forces are certainly not bandits.

Reopening of Movie Theaters

Citywide Simultaneously from August 25th

The permanent movie theaters within Seoul, which had been closed since August 15th, will reopen all at once on August 25th. In mainland Japan too, thanks to the Imperial mandate, entertainment institutions such as movies, plays, and other performances will resume nationwide simultaneously from the 25th, contributing to the brightening of national life.

Since the issuance of the major conscription, the entertainment industry, including movies, theaters, and other performances, voluntarily suspended their shows as part of self-restraint by the operators. Regarding the reopening of these entertainment activities, the Ministry of the Interior has been actively guiding and nurturing the reconstruction of a healthy and bright national life, and had been preparing a concrete plan for the reopening date and procedure. After discussions with the Information Bureau and industry representatives, permission was granted to reopen these entertainment facilities from the 22nd. Instructions to this effect have been sent to all relevant parties nationwide. At the same time, the restriction on performance times has also been temporarily lifted, allowing for evening performances without issue.

Repatriation to Other Places

Sowing Seeds of Hope in One Tsubo Gardens

People are not hurriedly uprooting vegetables from their one-tsubo (about 3.3 square meters) gardens because of rumors about repatriation to mainland Japan. They are harvesting summer radishes that have come into season for tonight's meal and then sowing turnips and Chinese cabbages to eat in the fall. Someone was seen doing this on August 21st in the evacuation ruins of Kōgane-machi [area immediately to the east of present-day Euljiro 1(il)-ga station].

They have lived in the Korean peninsula for thirty years, built their home here, made Korean acquaintances, and have come to think of the growing beauty of the streets of Seoul as their own family's glory. Even today, the streets of Seoul remain their city, and the talk of repatriation to mainland Japan sounds like just some traveler's tale. The reason they dug air-raid shelters together with Koreans during enemy air raids and endured long periods of inconvenient lighting restrictions was all for the love and protection of the beautiful city of Seoul. It is uncertain whether the Governor-General's Office of Korea will yield its political power after three months or six months as part of the ceasefire treaty, but on the day when Korea steps forward under a new order, the hearts of these people who has loved the Korean peninsula for thirty years will not change.

"I do not feel like returning to my homeland even after the reconstruction of the Korean peninsula is complete, but even if I did go back, someone in Korea would eat these vegetables," said the person with the hoe, wiping sweat while sowing turnips in the post-evacuation vegetable garden.


京城日報 1945年8月23日
































Friday, November 24, 2023

A mere 3 days after surrender, liberated Koreans were already attempting to overthrow the colonial regime in Korea, alarming the Imperial Japanese Army who made this radio broadcast on August 18, 1945 to threaten military action against 'individuals harboring evil thoughts'

This is another fascinating historical article that I stumbled upon during my visit to the National Library of Korea a few months ago. This piece is a transcript of a nationally broadcast radio address made by the Imperial Japanese military authorities on August 18, 1945. This date is significant as it's just three days after Imperial Japan's unconditional surrender on August 15, 1945, which marked the end of World War II.

The surrender turned the Imperial Japanese colonial regime, which had ruled Korea from 1905 to 1945, into a 'lame duck' government. This period was one of uncertainty and transition, as the regime awaited the arrival of allied forces to assume control. It's worth noting that Soviet forces had already entered Korea by August 14, but American forces did not arrive until September 8.

Delving into the colonial newspaper Gyeongseong Ilbo from this 'lame duck' era offers a unique and intriguing perspective. It's like watching the implosion of the colonial regime in real-time. The public messaging undergoes a transformation, moving through stages of defiance, denial, minimization, bargaining, and acceptance as the regime grapples with its sudden loss of power.

One of the most striking aspects of this article is its revelation that Korean protesters were already actively attempting to overthrow the colonial regime just three days post-liberation. A key phrase, '鼎の軽重を問わる', plays a crucial role here. It literally translates to 'to disdain the ruler, to destroy him, and to attempt to take over the throne in his place'. For any Korean with advanced knowledge of Japanese, listening to this broadcast or reading this article would have been a clear indication that political control was slipping from the colonial regime's grasp.

Additionally, the article sheds light on the breakdown of public social order, highlighting instances of looting, rioting, and vandalism. The announcer implies that due to this chaos, Koreans could not be entrusted with freedom. This insight offers a rare and candid glimpse into the mindset of the colonial authorities during their final days in power.

I found this to be an incredibly enlightening read, offering a window into a pivotal moment in Korean history. I made the font of the second to the last paragraph very big, in keeping with the original article, which deliberately enlarged the font of those words for emphasis.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 20, 1945

Rash Actions Lead To Great Losses

The Welfare of Asia Depends on the Efforts of Each Nationality

On the evening of August 18th, at 7:20 p.m., Mr. Nagaya, the head of the Press Department of the Korean Military Administration, made the following broadcast:

Twenty-six million Koreans, I am wholeheartedly speaking to you now. With the Imperial edict of ceasefire having been issued, the situation in East Asia is at its most critical, requiring cooperation among all nations and ethnicities. However, looking at the situation in East Asia, what we see are reckless and impulsive actions, committing crimes such as attempting a nationalist overthrow of the government, likely due to the actions of individuals harboring evil thoughts. A military notice has been issued as a warning and reminder to all twenty-six million of you. It is heartening to see that wise and beloved Koreans understand this and are engaging in their occupations with a calm demeanor.

However, there are those driven by immediate ambitions, disrupting social order, seeking any possible way to make a personal profit, exploiting the tragic situation in East Asia to make big fortunes, or attempting to disrupt food supplies and damage or loot transportation and communication equipment, engaging in bandit-like activities. The Imperial Korean Armed Forces remain strong and vigilant. Those who still do not realize their wrongdoing and do not change their ways will inevitably face the use of military force, regardless of time and place, as clearly stated in last month’s military administration bureau announcement.

However, if there are still those who persist in their unprincipled conduct and engage in such evil deeds, it is imperative that the Korean people sternly admonish these actions amongst themselves, striving to ensure that such iniquity does not prevail, as I assert. The welfare of Asia can only be achieved through the efforts of all ethnicities. This is not something that can be concluded in a few days or months.

The concrete negotiations for the ceasefire treaty have not yet begun. Even after the treaty is concluded, all processes will only commence following the stipulated dates and procedures.

A historical union is being maintained between the Imperial Army, with its several hundred thousand Korean soldiers as His Majesty's loyal supporters who have shared an oath to live and die together, and the millions of Korean people in mainland Japan. Any disruption to the internal security of Korea, including any obstruction of transportation and communication, will result in the Korean people inflicting great suffering upon themselves, and there will be much to lose. As a consequence, it is clearer than seeing fire that such an ethnicity cannot be granted freedom. The attitude of the Imperial Korean Armed Forces towards this situation is fair, upright, and sincere, and its love for Korea is deeper and broader than any other army in the world.

This sentiment has not changed from the past to the present and will remain unchanged forever. I earnestly hope that especially every ethnic Japanese and Korean member of the ruling class will perceive this point clearly and bravely take the lead in handling the current situation.

*This was the broadcast of Mr. Nagaya, the head of the Press Department


京城日報 1945年8月20日











Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Annie Ellers Bunker, American missionary who went from personal physician to Empress Myeongseong to thriving philanthropist in Colonial Korea, was praised in this 1938 Keijo Nippo obituary for endorsing the Imperial Japanese Army

This obituary from October 1938, published in Keijo Nippo newspaper, an organ of the Imperial Japanese colonial regime which ruled Korea from 1905 to 1945, features Annie Ellers Bunker, an American Methodist missionary and physician who spent around 50 years in Korea. This article sheds light on her remarkable journey, from being Empress Myeongseong's personal physician to her involvement in colonial Korea's society.

Annie Ellers Bunker

Born on August 31, 1860, and passing away on October 8, 1938 (exactly 43 years after the assassination of the Empress), Annie's life spanned significant historical events. Her role as the personal physician to Empress Myeongseong, especially leading up to the Empress's assassination in October 1895, granted her intimate access to the royal court. After the annexation of Korea by Imperial Japan, she seemed to prosper, raising thousands of yen to support various institutions including the Korean Young Women's Christian Association, Gongju Orphanage, Gongju M&A School, and Dongdaemun Women's Hospital. This indicates her significant influence in colonial Korea.

Interestingly, her last words before her death in 1938 were "I wish the Japanese Army will win soon and bring peace to the East", raising questions about her possible pro-Japanese sentiments, even during her time as the Empress's physician. Given her intimate access to the royal court at the time of the Empress's assassination, her documented pro-Japanese sentiments, and her subsequent successful career as a philanthropist in Korea under Imperial Japanese rule, it naturally raises a delicate question: could she have had any involvement or knowledge regarding the Imperial Japanese conspirators who assassinated the Empress? This is a matter left to historians to ponder, and it is not my intention to accuse Annie Ellers of any wrongdoing but to highlight the complexities and controversies surrounding her life.

Annie's closeness with Empress Myeongseong is further highlighted by an incident where, upon her marriage to Dalzell Bunker, the Empress demanded to see her wedding dress, examining it meticulously.

Annie's impact extended to nursing in Korea, being the first female medical missionary in the country. A Boston University Medical College student, she arrived in Korea in 1886, founded the Chungshin Girl’s School, and became a trailblazer in women's healthcare and education.

Annie Ellers Bunker as a young adult. (from Boston University website)

In 1938, the colonial authorities took over the Chungshin Girl's High School, which she founded, and converted it into a state-controlled school promoting State Shintoism and imposing the Japanese language.

Her first encounter with the Empress is vividly documented in her personal essay published in the Korean Repository, a journal for foreign Christian missionaries published between 1892 and 1899. This account provides a fascinating glimpse into her life and the complexities of her role in Korea. For the sake of improving accessibility, I have transcribed and posted the entire essay below, originally found in a PDF from the Korean Repository which is not OCR enabled.

Annie Ellers Bunker is now buried at the Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery in Seoul, where her grave marker notes her 40 years of service as a missionary in Korea, until 1926.

This story is not just about the life of a missionary or a physician; it's about a woman whose life intersected crucial historical events, raising questions about her beliefs and the impact she had on Korean society.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) October 12, 1938

The Grave of the Blue-Eyed Couple Guarding the Red Earth

  • Fifty Years of Life on the Korean Peninsula
  • Her Last Testament Praises the Imperial Army
  • Pro-Japanese American Mrs. Bunker

The deceased Mrs. L. A. Bunker, who dedicated her life to social work on the Korean peninsula for fifty years, will have her funeral at the Chungdong Methodist Church at 10 am on the 12th at 13 Jeongdong-gil. Her last words, spoken to relatives and friends offering solemn prayers at her peaceful deathbed at 9 am on the 8th, were these: “I feel terribly sorry for the wounded Japanese soldiers on the battlefield. Why isn't the war over yet? I wish the Japanese Army will win soon and bring peace to the East.”

With a trembling hand, Mrs. Bunker took out the remaining hundred yen from her entire fortune, which she had dispersed for charitable causes, and requested it be used as a fund for the Japanese Red Cross. Then, she closed her eyes in peace. The words and actions of this foreign lady on her deathbed are being passed from mouth to mouth among friends, stirring deep emotion among the Japanese, Koreans, and foreigners in Seoul.

But who was Mrs. Bunker? Fifty years ago, she bravely came to Korea from her native America alone for missionary work. Fortunately, being a female doctor, she was warmly welcomed by the Korean government. At that time, there were hardly any Western medical facilities in Korea, so Mrs. Bunker, as a pioneer in Western medicine in Korea, dedicated herself and served for many years in the palace as the personal physician to the deceased Empress Myeongseong. After the annexation of Korea by Japan, she focused on missionary and charitable work for thirty years, contributing thousands of yen to various institutions such as the Korean Young Women's Christian Association, Gongju Orphanage, Gongju M&A School, and Dongdaemun Women's Hospital, dedicating her life to social work in Korea for fifty years. Five years ago, her husband Dr. Bunker died while she was on holiday in America. Her husband was so pro-Japanese that he requested in his will to have his remains moved to Korea. Mrs. Bunker, too, will be buried in the beloved Korean soil alongside her husband. [Photo: Mrs. Bunker]


京城日報 1938年10月12日


  • 半島生活五十年
  • 遺言に讃う皇軍
  • 親日の米人バンカー夫人




Source: https://archive.org/details/kjnp-1938-10-12/page/n9/mode/1up

[The Korean Repository, October 1895, pp. 373-375.]

My First Visit to Her Majesty, The Queen

During the visit of Mrs. H. G. Underwood and myself to Her Majesty on the 14th of September we saw the Queen Dowager and she gave us each a handsome gold-embroidered chumoncy or purse-Our visit to Her Royal Highness was in the same place where some years ago I went to see the Queen. Many changes have come since then and the Queen now lives in a new building, beautifully lighted with electricity, in another part of the grounds.

It is just nine years ago this fall since I was first, in company with Dr. H. N. Allen the King's physician, called to visit, Her Majesty, the Queen. She had been ill for some time and they had sent to Dr. Allen for medicines. As there was no improvement in her condition the Doctor assured them, that, in order to treat Her Majesty properly, she must be examined, and so the writer was called.

It was a lovely autumn day, when in the early afternoon, we started for the Palace in our sedan chairs, with our keysos (soldiers) running ahead and clearing the way. My heart was thumping vigorously and I wondered how I would be received, half fearing the ordeal.

On our arrival at the outer side-gate of the palace wall, we had to get out of our chairs and walk quite a distance, about a quarter of a mile, I should judge, to the Reception Hall. As we neared the place we were met by Prince Min Young Ik whom I had met, and who, having travelled much, knew something of the customs of foreigners.

He showed us some of the beauties of the palace grounds and after our walk around the artificial lake, he escorted us to the waiting-room and there had us served with foreign food, Korean fruit and nuts.

Soon a messenger dressed in court costume came for me and, Prince Min accompanying me, we started for the Audience Hall. We first crossed a large open court, which I noticed had large potted plants around three sides of it but not a spear of grass growing in it anywhere. Ascending a flight of broad stone steps, crossing the narrow verandah and stepping over a high door sill, I found that we were at one end of a long, wide hall, the floors of which were covered with the soft, beautiful, figured Korean matting which is such a fine article and so hard to obtain. At the farther end of the hall, I saw a large number of Koreans, men, women, and young girls. I made my three bows as I advanced and then found myself in front of the company among whom I soon singled out Her Majesty and for the rest of that visit I had eyes for no one but her. In later visits I learned to distinguish the gentlemen from the eunuchs, and also the ladies-in-waiting by their peculiar head-gear and their fine skirts of silk gauze. The immense chignons worn by these ladies are objects of wonder not only as to size but also as to how the intricate windings and braidings of the glossy strands is accomplished. One evening while witnessing some of the delightful and peculiar posture-dancing done by the dancing girls at the palace, I asked one of them if her chignon was not heavy - "Oh, said she, it is very heavy and makes my head ache." These head dressings vary in shape; sometimes they are long and narrow and then again they have large lateral loops.

The Queen, beautifully dressed in silk gauze skirts, with strings of pearls in her raven locks, a lady, short of stature, with white skin black eyes and black hair, greeted me most pleasantly. She had on no enormous head dress but only her own glistening locks twisted in a most becoming know low down on her neck. She wears on the top of her forehead her Korean insignia of rank. All the ladies of the nobility wear a similar decoration but of inferior quality and workmanship. To me the face of the Queen especially when she smiles, is full of beauty. She is a superior woman and she impressed one as having a strong will and great force of character, with much kindliness of heart. I have always received the kindest words and treatment from her and I have much admiration and great respect for her. After first asking if I were well, how old I was, how my parents were, if I had brothers and sisters and how they were, she proceeded to tell me that they had been told by Dr. Allen of my arrival in Korea, that she was much pleased at my coming and hoped I would like the country. All of this conversation was carried on through an interpreter who stood, with his body bent double, back of a door where he could hear but not see.

Prince Min, who had been standing by, now had a chair brought for me and I noticed that back of Her Majesty there was a foreign couch. The Queen telling me to be seated sat down on this couch and then the medical part of the interview began.

I had noticed that two gentlemen had seated themselves when the Queen sat and when I got up to leave, they with Her Majesty rose and returned my bows.

Prince Min conducted me back to the waiting room and there I waited for Dr. Allen who was having an audience with His Majesty. When he returned I learned from him that both the King and Crown Prince had been present during my interview. I was very glad that I had not known who the two gentlemen were, for I fear my composure would not have been even such at it was. After being served with more food and fruit we were each given a certain number of soldiers to accompany us home and also, as it was dark, lantern bearers. The sight of the Korean lantern with its outer covering of red and green silk gauze is very picturesque and as we passed, many a dusky head peeped out through opened doors and windows to see what it all meant. The empty dark streets with the dark low houses on either side, the lantern bearers of the Doctor's chair and of mine with the attendant soldiers, carrying their rifles made a picture at once interesting and unique. In recent visits we are permitted to go through the large front gate into the grounds and right up to the waiting room door. Upon arriving here tea, coffee, and fruit are served and then we are called in to Her Majesty, who receives us in one of the smaller private appartments. The King and Crown Prince are always present. After the interview we are permitted to proceed home immediately.

Annie Ellers Bunker

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Ms. B.F. Starkey, blue-eyed American missionary featured in 1938 Keijo Nippo as a pro-Imperial model foreigner inspired by Japanese-Korean Unification policy to join the Patriotic Women’s Association in Seoul

This 1938 article is a historical account in a colonial propaganda newspaper about Ms. B.F. Starkey, an American missionary in Korea during the Japanese colonial period who devoted decades of her life in Imperial Japan in various charitable activities.

Her decision to cooperate with the colonial regime starkly contrasts with fellow American missionary George McCune's decision in 1935 to refuse to perform State Shinto worship rituals, for which he was forced by the colonial authorities to leave Korea. The fact that Ms. Starkey was able to continue to operate in Korea in 1938 probably means that she decided to go along with performing the State Shinto rituals, including the mandatory 7 am Kyujo Yohai prayers, even though it was against her Christian beliefs. In any case, she probably would not have been able to stay in Korea past 1942, when Americans who still remained in Imperial Japan were detained and deported.

This is the second Keijo Nippo newspaper article that I found featuring a blue-eyed woman. The other one featured a blue-eyed Russian Tatar woman, Shamseinoor Berikova, who was a member of the National Women's Defense Association (NWDA), which was similar but distinct from the Patriotic Women's Association (PWA) to which Ms. Starkey belonged. Historically, the elite wealthy and powerful women tended to join the PWA, while the NWDA had a much closer connection with the Imperial Japanese military and had a broader membership. The two organizations subsequently merged in 1942.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) July 2, 1938

A blue-eyed woman with a Patriotic Women's Association Sash

Courageous words of Ms. Starkey: "I also want to help out Japan on the home front!"

Moved by the spirited march of Koreans working for the war effort under the policy of Japanese-Korean Unification, a blue-eyed foreign woman was inspired and said, 'Please let me join in these duties on the home front.' Recently, she applied to join the Patriotic Women's Association at its third branch in Takezoe-chō (present-day Chungjeong-no), Seoul, delighting the leaders and members of the group who received her unusual membership application for the first time. The heroine of this story, Ms. B.F. Starkey, an American residing at 3-30 Takezoe-chō, Seoul, has now proudly become a member of the Patriotic Women's Association. At 56 years old, she joins Japanese and Korean members in comforting families of conscripts, collecting national defense funds, and impressing the community with her passionate efforts, dressed in the Association's uniform of a white apron and a purple sash.

Twenty-eight years ago, in 1910, Ms. Starkey landed in Nagasaki as a Methodist missionary in Japan, the land of poetry. Immediately struck by Japan's picturesque landscapes and warm people, she decided to dedicate her life to this country. Ever since then, for twenty-eight years, she has continued to live in this land, true to her initial resolve, dedicating her life to missionary work and cultural pursuits out of her love for Japan. She has nurtured young men and women who gathered around her, drawn to her pure character, as if they were her own children. She has earnestly lead English language clubs and student Bible classes every evening at her home without pay, and opened her garden as a playground for local children to give some relief to their families.

Dedicated to cultural advancement and community service, she also runs a female-only 'private convent,' Shion Dormitory, in the second floor of her house. With open arms, she welcomes young unmarried women who left their families as well as young girls in need of guidance who approach her for answers and salvation, continuing to selflessly devote herself in helping them awaken from misguided dreams through a pure lifestyle at the dormitory. Currently, 13 girls enjoy a pleasant life there, and she has already sent many well-cultured women into society as respectable wives.

Ms. Starkey's high regard as a saintly figure and her membership in the Patriotic Women's Association have sparked usual delight among foreigners living in Seoul, and that is expected to inspire a surge of membership among pro-Japanese foreigners. When visited at her home, she humbly commented, 'I am only doing what is natural,' and made only brief remarks without continuing further. [The photo is of blue-eyed Ms. Starkey]


京城日報 1938年7月2日









Source: https://archive.org/details/kjnp-1938-07-02/page/n10/mode/1up

Koreans faced up to 10 years in prison and 50,000 yen in fines for not submitting their personal platinum items to the Imperial Navy by Jan. 31, 1945

In the closing months of 1944, the Imperial Japanese Navy escalated its efforts to extract resources from Korea to fuel its war machinery. I...