Tuesday, January 9, 2024

‘Malicious brokers’ and impoverished Koreans fought each other in cutthroat battles to lay claim to empty houses vacated by the Japanese in Seoul in immediate post-war period

Continuing with my ongoing exploration of the old newspaper archives from 1945 Korea that I checked out at the National Library of Korea in September 2023, I found this disturbing November 1945 article about hordes of desperate people who fought it out amongst themselves in cutthroat battles over houses that were vacated by Japanese residents who moved back to Japan in the immediate post-liberation period. In Korean cities under colonial rule, Japanese people tended to settle on prime real estate, especially along main thoroughfares, so the housing battles would have presumably unfolded in those areas. People described as "malicious brokers and money-grubbers" allegedly scooped up these houses as soon as they were vacated. The word "家屋爭奪" (housing battle) is in the middle of the illustration. A smiling man smoking a cigarette is in a house with a sign saying "부러카本部" (broker headquarters), watching with bemusement as people scramble to lay claim to the vacated houses in a desperate scene somewhat reminiscent of Squid Games.

Why is this article from a Korean independence newspaper written in Japanese? Around November 1st, 1945, Korean employees overthrew their Japanese bosses at Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), the colonial era newspaper that had served as the main propaganda newspaper for the whole of colonial Korea from 1909 to 1945. The Korean independence activists subsequently continued the publication of this newspaper in Japanese with an avowed Korean nationalist editorial stance until December 11th, 1945. As the Korean employees of Keijo Nippo explained in their message to the readers, this was a temporary measure, undertaken while Korean typefaces were being prepared for eventual use.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 30, 1945

The "Housing Battles" Are No Laughing Matter

Reflect and Restrain Yourselves! It is a National Disgrace!

Disorder and Violence

On reflection, it is truly heart-wrenching to consider the plight of war victims and conscripted soldiers who, coming from abroad and within the country, heard the news of liberation and returned home, only to find not even a warm futon waiting for them. One would have thought that the houses vacated by the Japanese should naturally be prioritized for these impoverished individuals. However, this is not the case. The houses are being overwhelmingly seized through the tactics of malicious brokers and money-grubbers who have descended upon them like a flood, leaving the struggling nation-builders homeless and wandering the streets in a pitiful state.

While the circumstances of those targeting the empty houses vacated by the Japanese people are not individually examined, most of them are likely suffering from housing difficulties. However, in reality, priority appears to have been given to those who should not have been prioritized.

Look at this hellish scene! The chaotic crowd surrounds the vacant houses left by the Japanese people. Isn't such illegal, disorderly, and disgraceful behavior a shame on our people? Do they think they can lay claim to the houses vacated by the Japanese through illegal and disorderly use of power and violence, when these houses should have become state property?

In various places throughout the city, such disgraceful battles for housing are unfolding to an unsightly extent. Reflect and restrain yourselves! Why don't you understand how shameful this is for our people? (The illustration shows the disgraceful scene of a housing battle.)


京城日報 1945年11月30日








Saturday, January 6, 2024

Nov. 1945 news articles called out Korean ‘national traitors’ who helped Japanese residents liquidate their assets in Korea into cash to take back to Japan, even public shaming one man by name

Continuing with my ongoing exploration of the old newspaper archives from 1945 Korea that I checked out at the National Library of Korea in September 2023, I decided to take a closer look at some more anti-Japanese articles in a Japanese language newspaper that was published after being taken over by a group of Korean independence activists. Around November 1st, 1945, Korean employees overthrew their Japanese bosses at Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), the colonial era newspaper that had served as the main propaganda newspaper for the whole of colonial Korea from 1909 to 1945. The Korean independence activists subsequently continued the publication of this newspaper in Japanese with an avowed Korean nationalist editorial stance until December 11th, 1945. As the Korean employees of Keijo Nippo explained in their message to the readers, this was a temporary measure, undertaken while Korean typefaces were being prepared for eventual use.

These are a few short articles from November 1945 that give you a rough feel of what the attitudes of Koreans towards the Japanese were like back then. There was apparently a feeling that the wealth that the Japanese people amassed during the colonial period was ill-gotten, so the editors looked on with disapproval at any attempt by the Japanese to sell their things for cash to take back to Japan. They even viewed any Korean who helped the Japanese liquify their assets as traitors, naming one individual in particular to publicly shame (Lee Bok-dong), whose name is also written on the signage above the door in the news illustration of Tanaka store. There is also a report about Japanese people who were attempting to illegally travel from Japan into Korea. Next to that story is a short announcement about the release of Park Yeol, a Korean independence activist who was jailed in Japan for attempting to assassinate the Emperor. He is a controversial figure, as his political affiliation changed many times from anarchism, pro-Japanese Imperialist, anti-communism after the war, and then to pro-communism.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 5, 1945

The intellectual class should unite with the populace

Do not buy Japanese property!

Lieutenant General Hodge meets with Song Jin-Woo

Lieutenant General Hodge invited Mr. Song Jin-Woo, leader of the Korean Democratic Party, for a discussion that lasted about an hour. Lieutenant General Hodge addressed the Korean intellectuals as follows:

"Currently, the Korean populace is being misled by ruffians, nihilists, and pro-Japanese factions. You should all strive to enter among the masses and make them understand what nationalism and democracy really mean.

I am convinced that all the people support nationalism and democracy. Nevertheless, it is regrettable that workers are not working due to the interference of ruffians, nihilists, destructionists, and pro-Japanese factions.

From a democratic standpoint, we cannot but allow the sale and purchase of Japanese property. However, if Koreans do not unite to buy it, the Japanese will likely leave the property as it is when they leave. Yet, the pro-Japanese factions are colluding with the Japanese, enriching themselves.

The military government does not permit Japanese people to take more than one thousand yen in cash when returning to their country.

If the Korean intellectual class joins the masses to thoroughly disseminate nationalism and democracy and unites to demonstrate the true power of the Korean people, the issue of the 38th parallel, which is a personal opinion of the Director of the Far Eastern Department of the State Department, will naturally be resolved."

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 10, 1945

"Profile of the Japanese District (3)

'Mr. Lee, please take care of it,' 'Don't worry!'

'What is the relationship between Tanaka Store and Lee Bok-Dong (이복동, 李福童)?' Walking through the Japanese Shopping District, one can hear such conversations in each house. Look at the expression of the greedy old Japanese man guarding the safe in the back room! His heart, insisting on turning every single plate into money before leaving, is the last evil vestige of forty years of exploitation. However, the detestable pests infesting this country are not just these greedy Japanese moneykeepers.

There are also plenty of traitors to the nation who ride along with them, saying, 'I'll take care of your household goods.' And who are those buying up Japanese property? They, too, must be completely driven out. (Illustration: Furniture to be sold off quickly)

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 16, 1945

Illegal Crossings of Japanese to Korea

Travel Ban to be Implemented if Illegal Crossings Increase

While the repatriation transport of Japanese has become significant, conversely, many Japanese are attempting to travel from Japan to Korea. These ordinary Japanese people are being denied landing and detained by the Allied Forces authorities at Busan and other Korean ports.

It goes without saying that Japanese cannot travel freely to Korea. Recalling the times when even we, who were once called Imperial subjects, needed certificates to travel, it is unreasonable for the Japanese to think of Korea as their own territory and attempt to illegally travel for an easier life there because of inconvenient circumstances in their own country. Enduring inconvenience and hardship should be the way for the Japanese to live. On this matter, Colonel Stilwell states that under the current situation, Japanese are fundamentally not permitted to travel to Korea.

Those with unavoidable circumstances must obtain permission from the Allied authorities and possess a permit to travel. If the number of Japanese attempting to travel to Korea increases in the future, a ban on illegal travel in other regions will likely be issued. Once this ban is issued, regardless of the reason, travel for Japanese will become more difficult. Therefore, the Japanese side is urged to fully cooperate with the intentions of the United Nations.

Mr. Park Yeol to be Welcomed

Comrades from Daegu are headed to Tokyo

Twenty-three years ago, during the Great Tokyo Earthquake, Mr. Park Yeol (real name = Park Jun-sik) (47), who was arrested for attempting to assassinate the Emperor of Japan, and since then sentenced to life imprisonment from a death sentence, had been transferred between various prisons. Recently, he was serving his sentence in Akita Prison in Japan. He was released around October 10, following the so-called political prisoner release order by General MacArthur.


京城日報 1945年11月5日










京城日報 1945年11月10日





京城日報 1945年11月16日









Monday, January 1, 2024

Optimistic news coverage of Syngman Rhee meeting with communist leader Park Heon-young in ‘national unity’ talks, nationwide expansion of People’s Republic of Korea, militant opposition to US-Soviet trusteeship (Nov. 2, 1945)

Continuing with my ongoing exploration of the old newspaper archives from 1945 Korea that I checked out at the National Library of Korea in September 2023, I am taking a closer look at the very first edition of a Japanese language newspaper that was published after being taken over by a group of Korean independence activists. Around November 1st, 1945, Korean employees overthrew their Japanese bosses at Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), the colonial era newspaper that had served as the main propaganda newspaper for the whole of colonial Korea from 1909 to 1945. The Korean independence activists subsequently continued the publication of this newspaper in Japanese with an avowed Korean nationalist editorial stance until December 11th, 1945. As the Korean employees of Keijo Nippo explained in their message to the readers, this was a temporary measure, undertaken while Korean typefaces were being prepared for eventual use.

The articles on the front page of the very first edition published by the Korean activists capture the optimistic zeitgeist that pervaded Korea at the time. Syngman Rhee returned to Korea in October 1945, and lived at Donamjang House, where he had a three-hour discussion with communist party leader Park Heon-Young. As this Wilson Center Working Paper shows, Syngman Rhee was initially open to meeting communists:

When Rhee returned to Korea in October 1945 he continued this pragmatism towards communists, at least initially. Only a few days after he arrived in Seoul, he wrote a letter to his wife, Francesca, and supporters expressing surprise that he had been chosen by Korean leftists to head the nascent Korea People’s Republic (KPR). He wrote that in response he had told them that “it is a high honor to be a communist leader, while Moscow condemns me as anti-communist.” While Rhee was hesitant to actually accept the position offered to him by the KPR he was careful not to alienate any potential supporters, be they communist or not. Rhee understood that communist supporters might prove valuable both in attempts to remove the Soviet Union from the peninsula and also to see off political rivals. 

The newspaper also covers the activities of the People's Republic of Korea, which was a short-lived provisional government, proclaimed on September 6, 1945, that was made up of Committees for the Preparation of Korean Independence (조선건국준비위원회) that were clandestinely formed during Imperial Japanese colonial rule. We see that, by early November, the People's Republic of Korea had established a nationwide presence with branches in all twelve provinces of Korea. On December 12, 1945, the U.S. military shut down the People's Republic of Korea, which subsequently splintered into various People's Committees, some of which later evolved into the modern North Korean state in the North. But in the South, the U.S. military cracked down on these People's Committees in the name of anti-communism, and even went so far as to kill thousands during the Jeju Uprising of 1948.

There is also an anti-trusteeship resolution on the front page. The Allied countries had this idea of placing Korea under a joint trusteeship of the Soviet Union, the U.S., and China for a period before granting full independence, but Koreans largely opposed it, fearing a return to another form of colonial rule. This anti-trusteeship resolution is particularly militant, threatening resistance to the Allied Nations if a trusteeship is implemented. However, the inability to reach a consensus on the issue of trusteeship would later lead to the permanent division of Korea. This excellent video from the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History covers this fight over trusteeship very well.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 2, 1945

Political Parties Suddenly Gain Momentum, Pushing for United Front

On the 2nd, Dr. Syngman Rhee Will Make a Significant Statement

As various political parties are taking significant steps toward the creation of a new nation, aiming for the formation of a unified political party, they have established the Independence Promotion Central Council. They have appointed the great leader Dr. Syngman Rhee as the chairman and have been working on concrete plans. Chairman Dr. Syngman Rhee will make an important joint announcement with representatives from various political parties at the Cheondoist Church in Gyeongun-dong, Seoul, at 2 PM on Friday, November 2nd. The details of this announcement are not yet clear, but there are rumors of the return of the head of the provisional government in Chongqing, Mr. Kim Ku. Dr. Rhee's statement is attracting considerable attention, and it is expected to significantly energize the political scene and strengthen the momentum for the formation of a united front.

In Response to the Emergency Situation, More Than Fifty Organizations Convene

Independence Promotion Central Council Centered Around Dr. Rhee

On October 23rd, representatives from over fifty organizations in Seoul gathered at the Chōsen Hotel, centering around Dr. Syngman Rhee. The Independence Promotion Central Council is scheduled to hold a meeting at the Cheondoist Church in Gyeongun-dong on the afternoon of the 2nd. Each organization is to select one representative to attend with a letter of authorization by 1 PM on the same day. Previously, only representatives of the organizations were allowed due to space constraints, but this time, not only the entry of journalists is welcome, but also some observers.

First, National Unity

Important Meeting Between Dr. Rhee and Mr. Park Heon-Young

Dr. Syngman Rhee had a significant meeting with Mr. Park Heon-Young, the leader of the Korean Communist Party, for about three hours at Donamjang House on the afternoon of the 31st. They completely agreed on unifying the entire nation, excluding pro-Japanese factions and sweeping away the remnants of Japanese imperialism, under the principles of progressive democracy.

Formation of the People's Committee Gyeonggi Provincial Branch

While taking a cautious approach to the delicate domestic and international situation, and putting all of its effort into its regional organizations, the Central People's Committee of the People's Republic of Korea has completed the formation of branches in twelve provinces, with keen public attention on Gyeonggi Province. A founding meeting is set to be held at the Jeongno Youth Hall at 11 AM on November 10th. With this, the regional network of the People's Republic is expected to be completed. The solidarity preparatory contact office for the organization is temporarily located in the Mundang Building in Anguk-dong, Seoul, the headquarters of the Seoul Municipal People's Committee.

Opposition to Trusteeship

Korean People Rise in Unison

Opposition Committee Publishes a Resolution

In response to the news of Korea's potential trusteeship, the Korean people have collectively risen in opposition. The Korea Trusteeship Opposition Committee, comprising various political parties and organizations, has passed the following resolutions and will send them to the United Nations and its president:

  1. On behalf of the thirty million Korean people, demand the United Nations and the international conference to completely revoke the resolution on the trusteeship of Korea.
  2. Recognize Korea as a fully independent nation with a history of five thousand years, rapidly establish a democratic nation, and seek cooperation with the Allied Nations and the United Nations for equal international diplomacy.
  3. Urge all countries of the world to maintain unity, eternal freedom, and peace under the Monroe Doctrine.
  4. Express the utmost respect and gratitude to the United States, Britain, China, and the Soviet Union of the United Nations for liberating Korea.
  5. If the above points 1 and 2 are not acknowledged, the thirty million Koreans will resist the Allied Nations and the United Nations to the end of the world, until the last person, for the complete liberation and establishment of an independent state.

This resolution, signed by representatives of various political parties and organizations within Korea, will be proclaimed to the heads of the Allied Nations (United States, United Kingdom, China, and the Soviet Union) and the United Nations.


京城日報 1945年11月2日

















  • 一、朝鮮三千万民族総意を代表して聯合国、国際会議極東政策の朝鮮信託管理統治制決議案を全面的に取り消すこと。
  • 二、この朝鮮は半万年の歴史を有する完全な自主独立国家なることを尊重し、急速に民主主義建国樹立と聯合国及び国際聯盟に協力を求め国際外交を均等にすること。
  • 三、世界各国がモンロー主義の下、統一団結して永遠なる自由と平和を維持すること。
  • 四、朝鮮を解放せる美、英、中、ソの聯合国に対して最大の敬意と謝意を表す。
  • 五、右一及び二を承認せざる時は朝鮮三千万民は世運を以て最後の一人まで自由解放の完全な自文、独立国家を完成するまで世界の終末まで聯合国及び国際聯盟に抗戦することを朝鮮国内各政党、各団体代表署名を以て此の決議文を作成し、関係聯合国美英中ソ主席及び国際聯盟に布告す。

Monday, December 25, 2023

Keijo Nippo editors endorsed the People's Republic of Korea and 'class liberation' in Nov. 3, 1945 commemoration of the 1929 Gwangju Student Movement with calls to 'eradicate the remnants of Japanese imperialism and national traitors'

This is an intriguing article from November 5, 1945, originating from Keijo Nippo, which I found at the National Library of Korea during my trip to Seoul in September 2023. Keijo Nippo (Gyeongseong Ilbo) served as the propaganda organ of the Imperial Japanese colonial regime, which exerted its rule over Korea from 1905 until its liberation in August 1945. However, a significant transformation occurred around November 1st, 1945, when Korean nationalists commandeered Keijo Nippo following liberation, and continued its publication in Japanese with an avowed Korean nationalist editorial stance until December 11th, 1945. As the Korean employees of Keijo Nippo explained in their message to the readers, this was a temporary measure, undertaken while Korean typefaces were being prepared for eventual use.

First part of the article, photo taken at the National Library of Korea

Second part of the article, photo taken at the National Library of Korea

This article enthusiastically covers a public event held on November 3rd, 1945, when a broad spectrum of Koreans from various political and civic groups, including Communists, gathered at the Meijiza Theater in the Myeondong District of Seoul to commemorate the anniversary of the 1929 Gwangju Student Independence Movement, which was a major act of resistance against Japanese colonial rule led by students across all of Korea. During the event, a unified pledge was made to support the People's Republic of Korea (not to be confused with the North Korean state of DPRK), eradicate traces of Japanese Imperialism and pro-Japanese 'national traitors', and promote 'class liberation'.

However, the story takes a turn with the U.S. military's subsequent shutdown of the People's Republic of Korea on December 12, 1945. Intriguingly, the last issue of Keijo Nippo was published just a day before, on December 11, 1945. This coincidence begs the question: Did the U.S. military also target Keijo Nippo for its perceived left-wing editorial stance?

The disbanded People's Republic subsequently splintered into various People's Committees, which would later evolve into the modern North Korean state in the North. But in the South, the U.S. military cracked down on these People's Committees in the name of anti-communism, and even went so far as to kill thousands during the Jeju Uprising of 1948.

Alongside these significant articles, Keijo Nippo also included smaller yet telling pieces, like the opening of a new newspaper, the reopening of the Whashin department store, a political party moving its headquarters, and daily updates on the number of Japanese evacuees, which all capture the mood of the Korean post-liberation period.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 5, 1945

Commemorating the Gwangju Incident: A Day of Unity and Strength for Students

Students Day Solidifies Fervor and Strength

Successful Memorial Ceremony and Lecture

On November 3rd, seventeen years ago from this day, students in Gwangju raised their voices against Imperial Japan, fighting for the freedom of their campus and academic research. This memorial day commemorates their struggle, marked by the blood and fervor of these organized young men and women. Today, with the promised liberation and independence of Korea, the first commemoration of "Students Day" was held with vows to put in their maximum effort. The Gwangju Student Incident Commemoration Struggle Committee, organized by the Korean Student Corps, the Korean Student Soldier Alliance, representatives of Seoul youth organizations (26 groups participating), the Communist Youth Alliance, the Education Reform Alliance, the Nation-Building Alliance, the Nation-Building Women's Alliance [Note: Park Sun-cheon was its vice-chairwoman], and the Gyeongseong Youth Labor Department, held a memorial lecture at Meijiza Theater at 9 a.m. Young men and women from participating groups filled the hall, and the event progressed with youthful energy and strength.

The Gwangju Student Movement was started by students who truly loved this country, and now, in liberated Korea, it is imperative for all citizens to absolutely support the People's Republic of Korea and to strive for the complete construction of a sovereign state. The urgent task is to eradicate the remnants of Japanese imperialism and national traitors. That was our conclusion of the day. Following speeches of encouragement and support from representatives of various sectors and social strata, the meeting wrapped up by sending the following message to the students of Gwangju, where the movement originated, and successfully concluded amid three enthusiastic cheers of 'Long live the People's Republic!'


Representing the will of the youth and student masses, we look back on the historical and social significance of the Gwangju Student Incident that caused a significant social impact and aroused world opinion. We express our heartfelt gratitude to the fighters who were directly or indirectly victimized by the brutal repression of Japanese imperialism. We pay our utmost respect to the brave struggle and the revolutionary youth and student masses who rose up throughout Korea as a result of this incident. Today, having attained freedom and liberation, we take it upon ourselves to rightfully address the political reality where various parties and factions are in a state of disorderly entanglement. It is the culmination of our sincere efforts to develop the youth and student movement in its true and rightful direction. We pledge to actively fight for the complete independence and class liberation of a new Korea, with proper theory and indomitable courage, in response to the youth and student masses developing a heroic plan at the site of the incident.

We are confident that our efforts and courage will contribute to new developments and improvements, not yielding to any adverse conditions, and making use of our valuable past experiences. We sincerely hope that this unanimous will and confidence of the youth and student masses will be widely organized among the general national masses, ensuring the heroic achievements of complete independence and class liberation.

November 3, 1945

Gwangju Student Incident Memorial Planning Committee

Kukmin Sinmun Launch (Bi-Daily)

The Kukmin Sinmun is a newly launched newspaper, primarily targeting Christian believers, and will be published bi-daily with its headquarters at 133 Insa-dong in the city.

Korean Democratic Party Headquarters Relocation

On November 2nd, the Korean Democratic Party moved its headquarters from the Korean Smelting Building on Taihei Road [present-day Sejong Road] to the former Dong-A Ilbo building on Gwanghwamun Road.

Whashin Department Store Reopening

Whashin Department Store, which had been closed since August 15, smoothly reached a compromise after mediation by the Military Government's Labor-Management Mediation Committee. It was scheduled to reopen on November 3, but was postponed for a couple of days due to circumstances.

Total Number of Japanese Repatriating: 246,000

On October 31, 2,683 Japanese military personnel and 10,637 Japanese civilians were evacuated, and 3,289 Koreans returned home on the same day. The total number by that date was 222,134 Japanese military personnel and 114,873 Japanese civilians who have been evacuated, and 191,011 Koreans who have returned.

[Note: I usually translate 京城 (Keijo in Japanese, Gyeongseong in Korean), the colonial era name for Korea's capital city, as Seoul in these articles, but from September 1945 onwards, the Keijo Nippo editors start referring to their city as Seoul (ソウル) in Katakana letters, but they still occasionally refer to their city as Keijo, so in this article, I will use both Seoul and Gyeongseong to refer to the same city, depending on which word is used.]


京城日報 1945年11月5日


















Saturday, December 23, 2023

Kim Ku leads the way towards Korean independence with support of the Korean people (news editorial cartoon in liberated Keijo Nippo, Dec. 2, 1945)

This is an intriguing editorial cartoon from December 2, 1945, originating from Keijo Nippo, which I found at the National Library of Korea during my trip to Seoul in September 2023. Keijo Nippo (Gyeongseong Ilbo) served as the propaganda organ of the Imperial Japanese colonial regime, which exerted its rule over Korea from 1905 until its liberation in August 1945. However, a significant transformation occurred around November 1st, 1945, when Korean nationalists commandeered Keijo Nippo following liberation.

Under its new, liberated incarnation and adopting a Korean nationalist editorial stance, Keijo Nippo continued its publication in Japanese until December 11th, 1945. As the Korean employees of Keijo Nippo explained in their message to the readers, this was a temporary measure, undertaken while Korean typefaces were being prepared for future use.

The cartoon, a vivid depiction of the times, portrays Kim Ku (labeled as 九先生), the Head of State of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, known for his signature glasses. In the illustration, Kim Ku is seen pulling a cart through Independence Gate. The cart, a metaphor for the nation's journey, is laden with boxes labeled "XX Party" and other similar markings, all resting on a base inscribed with "Will of the People (人民総意)". Assisting in this endeavor are two men, pushing the cart from behind. The ground beneath them bears the encouraging words, "Come on, just one more push!(さあーもう一息だ)".

This illustration is not merely a cartoon; it is a reflection of the aspirations and spirit of the Korean nationalists during that era. They placed their hopes in Kim Ku's leadership, viewing him as a pivotal figure in guiding Korea towards true independence. The cartoon also subtly conveys that the path to independence would be strenuous, requiring not just leadership but also the unwavering support and hard work of the Korean people.

Moreover, this editorial cartoon serves as a vital indication of the political allegiance of the Korean employees at Keijo Nippo. Their bold action of overthrowing their Japanese bosses to seize control of the newspaper marks a significant moment in Korean history, representing a shift in power and a reclaiming of their voice.

This piece of history encapsulates the struggle, resilience, and aspirations of a nation on the brink of a new beginning. It is an important reminder of the journey that Korea embarked upon towards its own destiny, driven by the will of its people and the leadership of figures like Kim Ku.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

A look into the foreign films showing in Korean movie theaters in June to Dec. 1943: Ohm Krüger (1941) was heavily promoted to foment anti-British sentiment

This post will be a continuation of my exploration into the kinds of foreign movies that Seoul residents might have watched in 1943, when Imperial Japan was in the middle of a desperate war. To mark exactly 80 years since June to December 1943, I scanned the Keijo Nippo newspapers for any movie ads for foreign films that were showing at movie theaters in Seoul for those months. I identified the movies based on the Japanese titles as well as clues left in the ads themselves, such as the plot lines and the names of the directors and actors. As you can see, in this period, there were 12 foreign films that were screened in Seoul: 6 German films, 4 Italian films, and 2 French films:

Some of these movies are available to watch online in clips or, in some cases, in their entirety on Youtube or Internet Archive, so I will share links below along with the movie ads. I linked to resources on Wikipedia wherever I could.

Ballerine (Italy, 1936) was a drama starring Silviana Jachino (pictured in this ad) and Antonio Centa, whose name is printed here. This film was made into a double feature, where you had to sit in for the domestic Imperial Japanese film (秀子の車掌さん) if you wanted to watch the foreign film. The film only showed from June 18th to the 20th. 

Ballerine (1936) - Keijo Nippo June 18, 1943

Kameraden auf See (Germany, 1938) was a war film starring Theodor Loos and Julius Brandt (pictured in this ad) and Carola Höhn, whose name is printed here. This film was made into a double feature, where you had to sit in for the domestic Imperial Japanese film (わが家の春) if you wanted to watch the foreign film. The film only showed from July 1st to the 4th. 

Kameraden auf See (1938) - Keijo Nippo July 1, 1943

Andalusische Nächte (Germany, 1938) was a musical film directed by Herbert Maisch and starring Imperio Argentina, who is pictured in the ad. The film only showed from July 1st to the 4th. 

Nights in Andalusia (1938) - Keijo Nippo July 1, 1943

L'Antenato (Italy, 1936) was a 1936 comedy starring Antonio Gandusio and Paola Barbara, who are depicted in this ad. This film was also showing in Seoul in April 1943. This film resumed screening on July 10th.

L'Antenato (1936) - Keijo Nippo July 10, 1943

Tango Notturno (Germany, 1937) was a drama film directed by Fritz Kirchhoff and starring Pola Negri who is pictured in this ad. This film only screened on September 6th and 7th. An excerpt of this film is available on Youtube here.

Tango Notturno (1937) - Keijo Nippo September 6, 1943

Varieté (Germany, 1935) was a French-German drama film directed by Nicolas Farkas and starring Annabella who is pictured in this ad. This film screened from September 27th to the 30th.

Varieté (1935) - Keijo Nippo September 26, 1943

Ohm Krüger (Germany, 1941) was a 1941 German biographical film directed by Hans Steinhoff and starring Emil JanningsLucie Höflich, and Werner Hinz. It was one of a series of major propaganda films produced in Nazi Germany attacking the United Kingdom. The film depicts the life of the South African politician Paul Kruger and his eventual defeat by the British during the Boer War. The ads are filled with very intense anti-British and anti-American propaganda messaging like, "This is the true face of Anglo-Saxon brutality!" "Now is the time to gaze upon the bestial British atrocities that will remain in world history!" "Gaze upon the unparalleled atrocities of the brutal U.S. and Britain!" This film was heavily promoted with a whopping six ads in one month, showing from October 14th to the 20th. The full movie is available on YouTube here.

Ohm Krüger (1941) - Keijo Nippo October 13, 15, 16, 17 (x2), 20th, 1943 (left-right, top-bottom)

Luciano Serra pilota (Italy, 1938) was a war drama film directed by Goffredo Alessandrini and starring Amedeo Nazzari and Roberto Villa, whose names are printed here. The ad incorrectly states that Vittorio Mussolini was the director. This film was made into a double feature, where you had to sit in for the domestic Imperial Japanese film if you wanted to watch the foreign film. The film only showed from July 1st to the 4th. The full movie is available on YouTube here.

Luciano Serra, Pilot (1938) - Keijo Nippo October 30, 1943

Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei (Italy, 1926) was a historical silent drama film directed by Carmine Gallone and Amleto Palermi and starring Victor Varconi and María Corda, whose names are printed on this ad. This film was made into a double feature, where you had to sit in for the domestic Imperial Japanese film (快闘・富士の男伊達) if you wanted to watch the foreign film. The film screened from November 12th. A very brief excerpt of this film is available on YouTube here.

Last Days of Pompei (1926) - Keijo Nippo November 12, 1943

Maria Chapdelaine (France, 1934) was a drama film directed by Julien Duvivier and starring Madeleine Renaud and Jean Gabin, whose names are printed in the ad. This film was made into a double feature, where you had to sit in for the domestic Imperial Japanese film (島は夕やけ) if you wanted to watch the foreign film. The film screened from December 9th to the 11th. An excerpt of this film is available on Elephant Cinema Quebec here.

Maria Chapdelaine (1934) - Keijo Nippo December 8th, 1943

Conflit (France, 1938) was a drama film starring Corinne LuchaireAnnie DucauxMarguerite and Raymond Rouleau whose names are printed on the ads. It screened from December 18th to the 21th. A long excerpt of this film is available on YouTube here.

Conflit (1938) - Keijo Nippo December 15, 1943
Conflit (1938) - Keijo Nippo December 18, 1943
Conflit (1938) - Keijo Nippo December 18, 1943

Wunschkonzert (1940) was a German drama propaganda film starring Ilse Werner, who is prominently featured on the ads. This movie was heavily promoted in Keijo Nippo, and it also screened earlier in January and March of 1943. The German brochure for this movie is available on the Internet Archive here. The full movie (no subtitles) is available on the Internet Archive here. A clip of one of the songs is available on YouTube here. It screened from December 18th to the 21st.

Wunschkonzert (1943) - Keijo Nippo December 17, 1943
Wunschkonzert (1943) - Keijo Nippo December 18, 1943

Saturday, December 16, 2023

American soldiers meeting local women and shopping for flowers and dolls in Seoul and Incheon, providing trucks to Patriotic Groups to clean the streets (September 21-22, 1945)

These photos are from pages of the Keijo Nippo newspaper that I stumbled upon during my visit to the National Library of Korea a few months ago. Taken on September 21 and 22, 1945, just days after the U.S. military arrived in Korea on September 8th, they show American soldiers enjoying their free time meeting local women and patronizing local business in the Seoul-Incheon region. The captioning of the American soldiers with local women as "American Soldiers with Children" is rather odd. My theory is that the news editors did this to cleverly get around US military censorship by using euphemisms.

I also translated an adjacent article about a Patriotic Group cleaning the streets around the Hantō Hotel (now Lotte Hotel Seoul) and the former Mitsui & Co. building (now the Seoul Metropolitan Council) across the street from the hotel. The Patriotic Group was a colonial-era neighborhood cell that enforced strict Imperial Japanese regime control over every aspect of the lives of the colonized Korean people as the lowest level governance unit under the direct control of the party, and later the military, but in the post-liberation era, it has become just a regular neighborhood association handling local issues. There was also an interview with the US military government about the freedom of assembly.

The article about the Japanese dolls mentions that a U.S. soldier recognized one of the Gogatsu Ningyō (May festival dolls) as the likeness of Benkei, a medieval warrior monk who was famed for dying while standing as he was riddled with arrows. Benkei would not have been that well known among Americans at this time, so I'm guessing that this particular U.S. soldier must have been quite the rare Japanophile whom we would call a 'weaboo' today.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 21, 1945

American Soldiers with Children and Dolls

Getting Along Together in the Streets

Children and soldiers. Indeed, there are no national borders hindering the flow of such emotions. The friendship seen between American soldiers and children in the streets, or in workplaces where American soldiers are present, transcends language and customs, and brings warmth to our hearts. The innocent gestures of children must be a great comfort to the homesickness of the American soldiers who have come across the sea. They indeed adore children.

The other day, when three American military officers visited the head office of this newspaper on official business, a child was instructed to offer tea to the guests. Worriedly, the child handed a teacup to the officer, who then, taking it, patted the child's head and said "Oh, thank you" in broken Japanese. The child's eyes sparkled with joy, exclaiming, "That uncle said thank you!" and laughed happily.

Near the American military barracks, the smiles of children playing around the American soldiers brighten the autumn sky like flowers. They play games like train and tag, holding hands in a circle, imitating the songs hummed by the American soldiers. When tired, they are lifted onto trucks, playfully pushing the clouds in the sky.

No matter how the winds of reality blow, the world of the children is always cheerful, and the bond between "the children and the soldiers" grows deeper and warmer day by day.

[Incheon] "Oh, what a lovely doll"… An American soldier was enthralled by the Gogatsu Ningyō (May festival dolls), contemplating them as gifts for folks back home. Doll shops in the city, welcoming such guests, are unusually busy with their displays of these May festival dolls. Soldiers walking through the streets with dolls in their arms, talking cheerfully in accented voices about "Geisha girls" and "Benkei", bring smiles to the faces of townspeople. The city brightens with the bustling doll shops. [Photos: Above - American soldiers and the children holding hands and playing, Below - American soldiers buying dolls in the city]

Assemblies and Processions: All Permitted

US Military Landings to be Reported Immediately

On September 20, the US military government responded to supplementary questions from the press corps about the US military's landing and assemblies as follows:

Q: General Hodge recently mentioned the US military's landing at Busan. Will the US military government make any announcements regarding this?

A: The landing will be reported immediately once it actually occurs. This applies to any location within the areas in Korea occupied by the US military.

Q: Are there any additional details about the US military police's orders regarding processions and assemblies? Do these orders apply to assemblies other than political rallies and processions?

A: They apply to all assemblies. The term "public" is emphasized. However, a gathering of two or three friends at home or on the street is, of course, not considered an assembly.

In Cooperation with American Soldiers

Cleaning Effort by the Patriotic Group of 1-Kōgane-machi

On September 19th, every Patriotic Group member in 1-Kōgane-machi Town Association started their cleaning effort at 9:30 AM, collecting rubbish and cleaning both sides of the main road and the open land (the rundown former site of incineration of printed materials) near the Hantō Hotel and the former Mitsui & Co. building, where US soldiers are stationed. The unsightly view was something even the American soldiers turned their faces away from. This cleaning effort, a voluntary service by the town's residents, was also supported in gratitude by the US military, which provided trucks for transportation.

The American soldiers are extremely health-conscious, paying meticulous attention to food and cleanliness. Therefore, residents should make an effort to keep the city clean.

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 22, 1945

Flowers and American Soldiers

"Oh, beautiful"… Like butterflies frolicking among flowers, American soldiers, allowed to tour the city for the first time in a long time since their stationing in the Seoul-Incheon region, spread their wings like birds released from a cage, seeking joy in various places in Seoul. At a florist on Honmachi Street, the charming and fragrant flowers in full bloom brought them much delight. The soldiers holding flowers, flowers, flowers, brought smiles to the faces of passersby, brightening the city. [Photo: American soldiers seeking flowers]


京城日報 1945年9月21日

















黄金町一 愛国班の清掃奉仕



京城日報 1945年9月22日



Koreans faced up to 10 years in prison and 50,000 yen in fines for not submitting their personal platinum items to the Imperial Navy by Jan. 31, 1945

In the closing months of 1944, the Imperial Japanese Navy escalated its efforts to extract resources from Korea to fuel its war machinery. I...