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Friday, February 14, 2025

Imperial Japanese cartoon from 1943 shows how Koreans were forced to bow to the Emperor every morning, speak Japanese, and accept poverty without complaints

This 1943 propaganda cartoon depicts an idealized portrait of life as model Korean subjects under Imperial Japanese rule. It shows a soldier reading a letter from his mother written in Japanese in Katakana, mother and child making their daily mandatory morning bow towards the Imperial palace, a "cheerful village that does not complain", two older Korean women speaking Japanese with joy, and a Korean mother sitting with her son reading a war propaganda story about a fighter pilot.

The translated text is as follows.

Frame 1: 母の手紙はカタカナばかり
Translation: "Mother's letter is written entirely in Katakana."
Context: The scene depicts a young soldier holding a letter and thinking of his mother. The fact that the letter is written only in Katakana suggests that his Korean mother is not fully literate in Japanese. 

Frame 2: 東に向かって朝の遥拝
Translation: "Morning worship facing east."
Context: This frame depicts Koreans performing 宮城遥拝 (Kyūjō Yōhai), the mandatory daily bowing towards the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. This ritual, imposed at 7 AM each morning with loud sirens, was meant to instill loyalty to the Japanese Emperor. It was part of the larger effort to erase Korean identity and enforce subjugation through cultural and religious indoctrination. 

Frame 3: 不平を言わない明るい部落 (平和里入口)
Translation: "A cheerful village that does not complain." (Peaceful Village Entrance)
Context: The “cheerful village” was often, in reality, a buraku—a shantytown where Koreans were often forced to live under poor conditions. By claiming that the village “does not complain,” the cartoon sends an overt message of compliance and submission, discouraging any dissatisfaction with their hardship. The name 平和里 (Peace Village) is deeply ironic, as these settlements were known for their substandard housing, lack of infrastructure, and poverty. The propaganda intent here is clear: to depict forced displacement as harmonious and orderly.

Frame 4: 下手でも国語で話す嬉しさ (あれあれ、あれがねえ~)
Translation: "The joy of speaking Japanese, even if spoken poorly." ("Well, well, that is…")
Context: This frame encourages Koreans to speak Japanese, reinforcing the Imperial policy of 国語常用 (Kokugo Jōyō), or mandatory use of the national language. Speaking Japanese was a requirement in schools, workplaces, and public life, with the use of Korean strongly discouraged or punished. The forced language shift was part of Japan’s broader assimilation campaign.

Frame 5: 本が読めて良いお母さん (荒鷲の勇ましいお話です)
Translation: "A good mother who can read books." ("This is a valiant story about an Arawashi fighter pilot")
Context: This frame glorifies military propaganda, depicting a mother sitting in front of her son and reading a story about 荒鷲 (Arawashi), or Wild Eagle, a reference to Imperial Japan’s fighter planes.  The scene emphasizes the idealized role of a “good mother” as someone who educates her children with militaristic narratives, preparing the next generation to be loyal to Imperial Japan. 

The アイウエオ行進曲 cartoon strip was part of a larger four-page supplement published in the November 18, 1943 issue of Maeil Sinbo (매일신보 / 每日申報), the last remaining Korean-language newspaper during the Imperial Japanese colonial period. By 1940, all other Korean-language publications had been shut down, and Maeil Sinbo, under strict Japanese control as a tool for Imperial propaganda, became the last operational Korean-language newspaper in Korea.

This supplement was written in basic Japanese, primarily using Hiragana and Katakana, to make it accessible to Koreans with limited Japanese literacy. But it was not just a language learning aid - it also doubled as a war propaganda medium.

One of the most telling features of this supplement was its vocabulary column, which defined common Japanese words for Korean readers. This particular edition introduced words that started with い in Japanese, such as ‘house’ (家) and ‘dog’ (犬), making it appear like a simple educational tool. However, the section entitled「復習、国語の近道」(Review: The Shortcut to the Japanese language) reveals the true intent behind the supplement.

At first glance, this section provides simple definitions of Japanese words in Korean, such as:

  • 今月 (kongetsu) - This month
  • 二十日 (hatsuka) - The 20th day

However, when these vocabulary words are strung together in context, they form a war propaganda sentence:

("It seems that even graduates can do it. This year, as much as possible, join the special volunteer soldier system. If you hesitate past the 20th of this month, it will be too late.")

This sentence was a direct push for young Koreans to volunteer for the Imperial Japanese Army, reinforcing the recruitment drive for Korean soldiers under the 特別志願兵制度 (Special Volunteer Soldier System). This “voluntary” system was anything but voluntary—Koreans were heavily pressured, and by 1944, forced conscription was officially enacted.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Lim Jangsu (림장수, 林長守) was a Korean Kamikaze pilot who died in a suicide attack on US navy vessels in the Philippines on Dec. 7, 1944; he was from Yeomju-eup near Sinuiju

These two Imperial propaganda news articles from January 1945 cover an ethnic Korean kamikaze pilot, Lim Jangsu (林長守), who died in a suicide attack on December 7, 1944, during the Battle of Ormoc Bay in the Philippines. His suicidal assault helped destroy either the USS Ward or USS Lamson, but despite his prominent glorification in wartime media, his name has all but disappeared from history. Access to these news articles became possible only recently with the opening up of the digital newspaper archives of the National Library of Korea.

Lim Jangsu

Jangsu and sixteen other kamikaze pilots were plastered across the front page of the Keijo Nippo on January 25, 1945, the largest newspaper in colonial Korea. Imperial Japan was desperately seeking to manipulate and rally the colonized Korean population to cope with imminent military defeat. Their strategy? Elevating a Korean suicide pilot into a martyr. Whereas the spirit of Isoroku Yamamoto was being promoted in 1943, by 1945, the "Jangsu spirit" was being pushed instead.

Lim Jangsu in the center

Jangsu hailed from Namsi-eup, which is now called Yeomju-eup, a small township a few kilometers east of Sinuiju, in present-day North Korea. His family, including his three younger brothers—one of whom was a provincial police officer—was thrust into the spectacle of wartime Imperial Japanese propaganda. One of the articles describes his parents watching their son's final moments immortalized on film in a Sinuiju theater, overcome with tears as they beheld his image on the silver screen.

Yet, for all this propaganda, why is his name nowhere to be found online? His existence is not even mentioned in Wikipedia or Namu Wiki. Indeed, currently on Reddit, one post about Korean Kamikaze pilots says that the first Korean to die in a Kamikaze attack was Park Dong-hun (Okawa Masaaki) on March 29, 1945.

This story forces us to confront unsettling questions about Korea's place in Imperial Japan’s war machine and how colonial subjects were manipulated, used, and then discarded.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) January 15, 1945

Earnest Cry of 'Oh, Jangsu!'

Sergeant Lim's Parents Shed Tears of Joy in a Silver Screen Reunion

[Sinuiju telephone report] The second 'Divine Eagle' born on the peninsula, Sergeant Lim Jangsu (림장수, 林長守), and his strict father, Mr. Lim Chunhui (림춘희, 林春煕), experienced a miraculous reunion on the silver screen. Upon seeing the lifelike image of the 'Divine Eagle,' they gasped, 'Ah, it is Jangsu!' Overcome with tears, the entire family gathered to remember the heroic deeds of their departed son in this touching home-front episode.

The 238th installment of Japan News, featuring the Kamikaze Special Attack Unit’s Imperial loyalty Squadron in action, is currently being shown at the World Theater in the city. Upon hearing from others that their son, Sergeant Lim Jangsu, appeared in the film, his father, Chunhui, along with his mother, Dae-nyeo (대녀, 大女), traveled all the way from their home in Namsi (남시, 南市) to Sinuiju on the night of January 11th, their hearts pounding with hope—'perhaps we will see Jangsu…' With bated breath, the couple fixed their eyes on the screen. The film seamlessly portrayed the warriors of the special attack unit, calm and composed, just before their sortie.

One by one, two, three—'Ah, it is Jangsu!' Sergeant Lim, with his tall stature and strong, well-defined features, dominated the screen. Even his mother, Dae-nyeo, who had not shed a tear upon hearing of her beloved son’s self-sacrificing attack, could not hold back this time, as tears gently fell from her eyes—tears of joy. One after another, the Divine Eagle aircraft of the Imperial Loyalty Squadron plunged into the skies over Leyte in their ultimate act of devotion. The couple remained in their seats, unable to look away, deeply moved by the scene before them.

On January 13th, the film was screened in the provincial government conference room. Among the attendees was Sergeant Lim Jangsu’s younger brother, Lim Dalsu (림달수, 林達守) who was employed at the provincial police department. Thanks to the thoughtful consideration of his superior, he was given the opportunity to watch the film. Overjoyed at the sight of his brother on screen, he was filled with excitement and declared with firm resolve, 'I will surely follow in the footsteps of the Special Attack Unit!' Thus, the Divine Eagle film became a powerful and deeply moving topic on the home front."

[Photo: In the center stands Sergeant Lim Jangsu before his attack]

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) January 25, 1945

Carrying on Jangsu's Spirit in Old Age

Parents of Newly Promoted Second Lieutenant Lim Moved to Tears

[Sinuiju telephone report] With a single aircraft, he brought down an enemy warship—Sergeant Lim Jangsu, the Divine Eagle of the Korean peninsula, achieved a fearless and precise strike ramming attack. His valorous feat, along with the distinguished achievements of the entire Loyalty Squadron, was recognized with a commendation from the highest commander of the Southern Front. Furthermore, word has now arrived that this honor has reached the highest levels of the Imperial court, resulting in his posthumous promotion to Second Lieutenant and the awarding of the Fourth-Class Order of Merit and the Sixth-Class Order of the Rising Sun.

At the family home of the late Second Lieutenant Lim in Namsi, his strict father, Chunhui, was moved to tears by the boundless and immeasurable grace of the Emperor. Overcome with emotion, he declared, 'I must dedicate myself entirely to the spirit of the Special Attack Unit, breaking my body and bones if necessary, to repay even one ten-thousandth of the Imperial favor.'

Overwhelmed by emotion, he continued: "The immense grace of His Majesty is beyond words—I am overwhelmed with both awe and gratitude. There is no greater honor for our family. As I am still capable of working, I will push my aging body to its limits, dedicating myself fully to carrying on Jangsu’s spirit. With whatever strength I have, I will devote myself to home-front service, however small my contribution may be, in the effort to strike down the American and British forces. My only concern is how I can ever repay even one ten-thousandth of the Imperial favor."

Likewise, the late Second Lieutenant Lim’s mother, Dang Daenyeo (당대녀, 堂大女), also tearfully expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the sacred honor, saying: "Fortunately, Jangsu has three younger brothers. We will raise them to be as strong in spirit as their late brother, and we are prepared to dedicate them to the nation as well." [Photo: Second Lieutenant Lim]


京城日報 1945年1月15日








京城日報 1945年1月25日







Source: 키워드 검색 - 신문 검색 - 대한민국 신문 아카이브

Sunday, January 26, 2025

‘Selfless’ Imperial Japanese policeman visits pregnant Korean mother daily and delivers her baby after forcing her husband into Imperial war service: a 1945 ‘heartwarming’ propaganda tale

In the waning days of Japanese colonial rule in January 1945, a propaganda article was published in the Keijo Nippo newspaper in Seoul, Korea retelling what appears on the surface to be a heartwarming story of selfless generosity. A Japanese police officer Korea went above and beyond to help Mrs. Ryōko Hirata, a heavily pregnant Korean mother, after her husband was conscripted into the Imperial war effort. The officer was the one to hand the conscription order to her husband. After the reluctant husband was sent away, the officer reportedly visited Ryōko daily, provided money, arranged for medicine and a midwife, and even helped deliver her baby. It is presented as a tale of compassion and duty.

Original caption: Officer Okamoto with the joyful Hirata family

But was it truly altruism? Or did the officer have ulterior motives? While the article paints a rosy picture, a more critical examination of the narrative suggests that maybe this is not the entire story. The mother is later expected to "work" once she recovers. Why? How exactly was she supposed to "repay" the officer’s kindness? This raises uncomfortable questions: Was the officer creating a sense of indebtedness to manipulate her? If there was a romantic interest involved, his actions could have been aimed at building a more intimate relationship with Ryōko, more akin to grooming behavior.

Another disturbing aspect is from the perspective of Ryōko’s husband. Deployed on mandatory Imperial war service, he may have been deeply uneasy about a Japanese officer becoming so intimate with his wife in his absence. Yet he had no choice but to put on a brave face. In a humiliating show of forced gratitude, he referred to the officer as his family’s "guardian god" in his letters—an acknowledgment likely born of necessity rather than true sentiment.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the role of Imperial police officers during this era. These were influential figures who not only enforced colonial law but also worked closely with the Imperial Army and local patriotic groups (neighborhood cells). Police officers often wielded significant power over local communities, including decisions on conscription. It is entirely plausible that this officer played a role in determining who received conscription orders and may have ensured that Mr. Hirata was drafted—potentially setting the stage for his narrative of "saving" the Hirata family in the husband’s absence.

In Imperial Japan, there were different types of conscription orders differentiated by the color of the paper that they were printed on: red (赤紙, Akagami), white (白紙, Hakushi), blue (青紙, Aogami), and also pink paper (紅紙, Kōgami).

White Paper conscription was used for "educational conscription" and training-related activities, such as "教育召集" (educational conscription), "演習召集" (training mobilization), and "簡閲点呼" (roll-call inspection). Red and pink papers were generally used for calling people into active military service, and blue papers were used for short-term homeland defense, particularly against events like air raids.

Given that Mr. Hirata was a married father with children, he may have been issued a red, pink, or blue paper on this particular occasion. The issuing of these orders was a way to manage the different needs and urgencies of military and homeland activities during the war period.

We can safely assume that the Hirata family was ethnic Korean, as another propaganda article from 1943 featured a model Korean family from the same neighborhood, Sungin-dong, and Ryōko appears to be wearing Hanbok in the news photo. The police officer in question, Officer Okamoto, is described as hailing from Kagoshima Prefecture, so he is ethnic Japanese.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) January 10, 1945

On Days Off, Officers Dedicate Themselves to Welfare Visits

Two Policemen Protect the Families of Conscripted Warriors

"Maintaining public order is not the sole duty of a police officer." This is the story of a policeman who steadfastly supported the family of a conscripted warrior, ensuring that a heavily pregnant wife on the verge of homelessness received proper care, including medicine and medical attention, and safely delivered her child. It is also the story of another policeman who, despite his modest salary, set aside part of his income each month to provide living expenses for conscripted families. These two heartwarming episodes of compassion and unity between police and citizens shine as inspirational examples of humanity and courage to mark a bright and resolute start to the New Year.

Officer Yoshiaki Okamoto, originally from Kagoshima and stationed at the Dongmyo Police Substation under the Dongdaemun Precinct in Seoul, visited the home of Mr. Takemitsu Hirata in Sungin-dong, Dongdaemun District, one bitterly cold evening in December of last year. He carried with him an official conscription deployment order.

Upon receiving the conscription deployment order, Mr. Hirata was taken aback and turned to look at his wife. His wife, Ryōko, was in the final month of her pregnancy and could give birth at any moment, whether that day or the next. Desperate, Mr. Hirata pleaded with Officer Okamoto, asking if there was any way his departure could be postponed until after the child was born. Officer Okamoto was troubled by the request but knew that a supreme national mandate could not be swayed by personal circumstances.

Thus, Mr. Hirata, unable to wait for his child to be born, resolved himself and left for his conscription duty. At that moment, Officer Okamoto firmly vowed in his heart, "Alright, I will take full responsibility for what comes next." From that day forward, he visited the Hirata household daily, attending to various needs. Additionally, he gave her an envelope of money, instructing her to use it for childbirth expenses.

Upon learning of the situation, Mr. Motoki Matsue, the neighborhood leader of the sixth patriotic group, also stepped in. Declaring, "It is the duty of our patriotic group to protect the families of conscripted warriors," he contributed 50 yen. Together with Officer Okamoto, he worked tirelessly, arranging for medicine and a midwife, their efforts marked by heartfelt determination.

Thus, Ryōko, despite feeling the loneliness of a home without her husband, safely delivered her child amidst an outpouring of kindness that brought her to tears. The baby, born healthy, welcomed the New Year in good health.

Officer Okamoto was not only known for his recent acts of kindness. In the past, he had selflessly taken a penniless blind man to Seoul Imperial University Hospital at his own expense, where he arranged ten days of treatment for him. For this compassionate act, he was commended by Chief Ushijima of the Dongdaemun Precinct. When Officer Okamoto received his year-end bonus, he chose not to celebrate solely for himself. Instead, he decided to share the joy of the New Year with thirteen families of conscripted soldiers within his jurisdiction who faced the holiday without their loved ones. To these families, he sent heartfelt year-end gifts filled with warmth and care.

Ryōko Hirata said, "When my husband left, I felt a deep sense of loneliness and wondered how we would manage. However, thanks to Officer Okamoto’s many acts of kindness, my child was born safely. I informed my husband of everything, and he replied, 'Officer Okamoto is a living guardian god for our family. Please express my heartfelt gratitude to him. I will work with all my might to repay this debt of gratitude, but you must not rely too much on his kindness. As soon as you recover, work to repay his generosity as well.' Now that I have recovered, I am ready to take on any work," she said, her voice trembling and filled with tears.

[Photo caption: Officer Okamoto with the joyful Hirata family.]

Similarly, Officer Shigeru Yamaguchi, also stationed at the Dongmyo Substation and originally from Wakayama Prefecture, took it upon himself to assess the living conditions of conscripted warriors’ families. During his visits, he discovered that the wife of Mr. Yoshimichi Niraku, living at 52-7 Sungin-dong in Dongdaemun District, was struggling to support four children in a rented home and could not even afford rice. Moved by their plight, Officer Yamaguchi secretly began sending monthly financial support to the family. On his days off, he made it a point to visit and provide further assistance. Working together with the aforementioned Officer Okamoto, they encouraged each other and alternated visits to the family every two days.

When Precinct Chief Ushijima learned of these acts, he was overjoyed, saying, "You have done a remarkable job. I wholeheartedly commend your efforts and have also given a small monetary reward as an example for others to follow."


京城日報 1945年1月10日












Source: 키워드 검색 - 신문 검색 - 대한민국 신문 아카이브

Monday, January 20, 2025

When all of Korea was forced to bow to Yasukuni Shrine to worship Imperial Japan's war dead as gods: a chilling moment at 9:15 AM on October 23, 1944

On October 23, 1944, during one of the darkest chapters of Imperial Japanese colonial rule over Korea, the entire peninsula was mobilized for a synchronized prayer toward Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine. At precisely 9:15 AM, every Korean was compelled to bow in reverence to Imperial Japan's war dead, who were enshrined as gods. This extraordinary event, designed to demonstrate loyalty to the Empire, marked a departure from the usual rituals of the time.

Original caption: Bereaved families advancing and paying respects before the Gokoku Shrine altar

Under colonial rule, daily life in Korea was punctuated by strict, state-imposed ceremonies. At 7:00 AM each morning, Koreans were required to perform remote worship (宮城遥拝) toward the Imperial Palace. At noon, they observed a moment of silence (正午の黙祷) to honor Japan's war dead. These two times of the day were usually marked by loud sirens. However, this particular nationwide prayer at 9:15 AM was conducted in the absence of sirens to make the act feel more solemn and hallowed. Every Korean was expected to participate, with members of local neighborhood cells (patriotic groups) strictly organized to ensure compliance. Even buses and trains stopped at that moment, forcing passengers to partake.

The night before, on October 22, a "spirit-summoning ritual" (招魂の儀) was held. This sacred ceremony was believed to summon the spirits of Japan's Imperial war dead so they could be worshiped as gods (新祭神) the following day.

The prayer ceremony included Korean royalty such as Yi U and Yi Geon, as well as high-ranking military officials, the Governor-General Abe Nobuyuki, and the families of the deceased.

This forced mass worship was a chilling manifestation of Imperial Japan’s assimilation policies, aimed at erasing Korean identity and replacing it with blind devotion to the Empire. The ritualistic nature, combined with the total control over public and private life, reflects the deep cultural and spiritual subjugation that Koreans endured.

The site of the prayer ceremony, the Gokoku Shrine, no longer exists today. However, the 108 stone steps that were once part of the shrine remain today as part of the Huam-dong neighborhood in the Yongsan District of Seoul, known locally as the 108게단. Visitors can now ride up these stairs using an elevator.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) October 23, 1944

Grateful Worship of Yasukuni Shrine

Today at 9:15 AM

A Time for National Prayer

In conjunction with the temporary grand festival at Yasukuni Shrine, the Korean Federation of National Power, alongside mainland Japan, designated 9:15 AM on October 23rd as a 'Time for National Prayer,' during which the entire Korean peninsula would offer devout prayers. At the specified time, all patriotic group members will conduct one minute of prayer to Yasukuni Shrine at their respective locations. However, no signals such as sirens or whistles are to be used; instead, the prayer time is to be announced via radio. On trains, buses, or in places with large gatherings, it is the responsibility of the person in charge to provide instructions.

At the front of the shrine in Tsuruoka, the pure white torii gate stood tall against the clear autumn sky, exuding an exceptional sense of purity. From the early morning of the 22nd, a continuous stream of people came to pray for the nation's inevitable victory and to honor the loyal spirits who protect the country. Even the black kites soaring above the deep green of the ancient pine trees seemed to eternally praise the achievements of the heroic spirits who laid the foundation for the everlasting prosperity of the empire, burying their bones across Greater East Asia.

At 2:00 PM, eighty-two bereaved families of Yasukuni Shrine were guided by staff to a special bus that stopped in front of the shrine approach. As they gazed up at the torii gate, passed beneath it, and ascended the stone steps, their hearts trembled with profound emotion, overwhelmed by thoughts of their beloved sons and husbands, now deified. They were then escorted to a special pavilion for rest, where they received heartfelt hospitality from the Patriotic Women's Association.

The site for the remote worship ceremony was located on the northwest side of Gokoku Shrine, halfway up a hill, with four large temporary pavilions arranged in a row. Red and white curtains extended cleanly and elegantly from the plaza in front of the shrine, along a newly constructed sand pathway, enclosing the ceremonial area. At the altar, with sacred evergreen branches as the centerpiece, offerings were arranged from various dignitaries who lined up to the right and left of Changdeok Palace. The sand path, meticulously prepared, awaited the participants: Prince Yi U, the family of Prince Yi Geon, as well as the Ministers of the Army and Navy, the Governor-General, and military officers and organizations stationed in Korea.

Soldiers lining the grounds for the spirit summoning ceremony.

Before the main ceremony, a presentation of Imperial gifts bearing the chrysanthemum crest was conducted. In front of the shrine plaza, all the bereaved families assembled in a straight line. The families of the Imperial Army received their gifts from Major General Nakai, while those of the Imperial Navy received theirs from Navy Captain Yamaguchi. Among the bereaved families, there was an elderly Korean father, dressed in traditional Korean durumagi and black leggings. The purple tassels and silver sakura of the bereaved family badge, as well as the green ribbon with the silver sakura of the ceremony participation badge, shone brightly. Hands trembling with emotion, they reverently held the gifts they had received.

Following this, commemorative items and souvenirs were distributed. These gifts, thoughtfully prepared by the Imperial Army and Navy Ministries for the bereaved families, included sacred amulets, small altars, sacred cups and sake, ceremonial sweets, illustrated scrolls of Yasukuni Shrine, postcards, framed photographs, and hardtack from both the Imperial Army and Navy to evoke memories of the front lines. Additional items included furoshiki cloths adorned with Yasukuni Shrine designs, furoshiki cloths from the Military Support Division, a bag of chestnuts from the Red Cross, biscuits from the Korean branch of the Military Support Association, shopping bags from the Seoul sub-branch chairman of the Military Support Association, apples from the Maeil Sinbo newspaper, and household utility bags. These heartfelt gifts were presented to honor the families who had made the noble sacrifice of offering their husbands and sons to the nation.

Bereaved families of war dead receiving Imperial gifts.

At 4:15 PM, participants, beginning with the division commander’s vehicle, arrived one after another. At 4:30 PM, the bereaved families solemnly proceeded to the front of the shrine and underwent purification rites, marking the start of the grand and dignified ceremony.

Photograph: Bereaved families advancing and paying respects before the Gokoku Shrine altar (above). Presentation of Imperial gifts with profound emotion.

A Solemn and Heartfelt 'Broadcast'

The Bereaved Sob During the 'Soul-Summoning Ceremony'

Amid the sacred grounds of Tsuruoka, where scattered autumn leaves adorned the landscape, the sound of rustling pines seemed to weep gently in the wind. The somber atmosphere of the soul-summoning courtyard at the Gokoku Shrine in Seoul was imbued with the devout prayers of 26 million people from the Korean Peninsula, as the spirits of the fallen were now enshrined as gods.

The Yasukuni Shrine ceremony in Korea was conducted with great solemnity, synchronized with the grand festival at the Imperial capital’s Yasukuni Shrine, and began at 5:40 PM on October 22nd with a live broadcast from the ceremonial site. Although the participants’ physical presence could not reach the sacred Yasukuni forest, the 83 bereaved family members in attendance listened intently to the grandeur of the shrine from afar. Swallowing their sobs, they clasped their hands tightly in reverence.

As twilight gently descended upon the sacred grounds, the altar stood opposite the designated gathering spot, where the bereaved families solemnly and devoutly assembled in dense groups. Despite the chill of the autumn breeze, they felt an inexplicable sense of comfort as they awaited this holy moment.

At 5:40 PM, through the microphone, the reverent voice of Chief Priest Suzuki delivered an imposing and extended eulogy, praising the achievements of the heroic spirits. A young widow, mourning her late husband and his younger brother, adjusted her short bob hairstyle and straightened her collar with quiet determination. In the purified space, the sudden and resonant sound of a ground-shaking cry of salutation filled the air. For a brief moment, the lights of the ceremonial site were extinguished, and everything in the sacred grounds was enveloped in jet-black darkness.

The faint and divine sound of reeds being rustled emerged, accompanied by solemn military music emanating from the distant Yasukuni forest. The melody reached the ears of the bereaved families on the Korean peninsula, gradually intensifying in emotional power. Throughout the site, restrained sobs broke free from those unable to hold back their feelings.

The heroic spirits of the warriors who soared through the skies and sailed across the seas now rest peacefully and serenely in the sacred shrine that protects the nation.’ At these words, spoken with a trembling voice by the announcer, elderly mothers and fathers pressed white handkerchiefs to their tear-streaked faces. As parents of sons, as wives of husbands, who among them could not think of their loved ones? These cherished individuals have now returned as gods who protect the nation. In that moment, what greater honor, what greater joy, could there be? The tears streaming down the cheeks of the bereaved are pure and noble, tears that only the Japanese people can truly understand.

The solemn and sacred ceremony of transferring the divine spirit, enshrined on the revered sacred carriage, was meticulously broadcast. The bereaved families, receiving it with the eyes and ears of their hearts, were unable to hold back their tears, momentarily surrendering to overwhelming emotion. The attendees, too, straightened their collars in reverence.

Thus, at 7:15 PM, the spirits of the heroic souls were permanently enshrined in the main hall, with the divine presence deeply instilled in Yasukuni Shrine. Following this, the bereaved families and attendees offered their final respectful worship. The ceremonial site was then brightly illuminated, and the families, who had successfully enshrined the souls of their loved ones as gods across the distant mountains and rivers of the peninsula, bore expressions of profound relief and a renewed determination to carry on the legacy of the heroic spirits with unwavering resolve.

Afterward, addresses were given by the Ministers of the Army and Navy (read by the Seoul Division Commander) and by Colonel Koya, a member of the ceremony committee. With these, the Yasukuni Shrine Korean Regional Ceremony concluded without incident. The sixty-five bereaved families associated with the enshrined spirits from the peninsula, deeply moved, retired to their lodgings with a sense of peace and fulfillment in their hearts.


京城日報 1944年10月23日



















Source: 키워드 검색 - 신문 검색 - 대한민국 신문 아카이브

Monday, January 13, 2025

How Imperial Japan used the Shinto holy book ‘Nihon Shoki’ to justify colonizing Korea: a look at Koiso’s 1944 anti-Chinese, anti-American, anti-Communist youth rally

In the following January 1944 speech to Korean conscripts, Governor-General Kuniaki Koiso advanced his theory that Koreans and Japanese shared the same ancestry and roots, drawing on passages from the Nihon Shoki to assert that Koreans’ ancestors were Japanese. Koiso framed his mission as one of awakening Koreans to their "true identity" as part of the Japanese nation, which he believed had been obscured by centuries of Confucian influence during the Joseon dynasty and by foreign ideologies like Anglo-American Christianity and Communism. He emphasized the need for Koreans to embrace Shinto practices and study Japan’s divine history to reconnect with their supposed origins and align themselves with Japan’s imperial vision. Koiso presented conscription and training not only as a means of contributing to Japan’s war effort but as a path for Koreans to fulfill their "destiny" by becoming spiritually and culturally integrated with the Japanese people.

Original caption: Governor-General giving a speech to the drafted students

During his reign as Governor-General of Korea from 1942 to 1944, Koiso, a man marked by vanity and a messianic belief in his own vision, sought to do what he believed no other Governor-General before him could achieve: persuade Koreans to abandon their identity and fully embrace being "Japanese." But Koiso’s approach was unlike his predecessors’. While others sought to forcibly assimilate Koreans by turning them into Japanese, Koiso’s so-called insight was far more insidious—he declared that Koreans were already Japanese and simply didn’t realize it yet. His self-appointed mission? To awaken the "Japanese person" within every Korean.

Koiso’s strategy centered on a mix of religious revival, forced education, and the enforcement of Shinto religious practices. He believed that Koreans would rediscover their "true selves" by observing Shinto rituals and studying Japanese scriptures, particularly the Nihon Shoki. According to Koiso, Koreans’ ancient ancestors were Japanese, and reconnecting with these roots would allow them to transcend their current identity and unify with the Japanese nation. This twisted vision was what he referred to as "being penetrated in the essence of the National Body (国体本義の透徹)," an idea propagated by Koiso's favorite Kokugaku scholar and Shinto spiritual leader Master Imaizumi (see related 1942 articles about Imaizumi).

To achieve this, with the help of Director Takeuchi (see related Feb. 1943 article about Takeuchi), Koiso established a vast network of training centers aimed at indoctrinating Koreans with Japanese ideology and customs. He also oversaw the construction of Shinto shrines across Korea, often built using forced labor (see related April 1944 article). These shrines were intended to enforce the worship of Japanese deities as a way of spiritually binding Koreans to Japan. After Korea’s independence, these shrines—symbols of cultural oppression—were burned to the ground.

About a month after delivering this January 1944 speech, Koiso would deliver a speech in February 1944 (see related Feb. 1944 article) pointing to a passage in the Nihon Shoki that he claimed proved Koreans’ ancestral ties to Japan. He fixated on the story of Susanoo, the younger brother of Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess, who was said to have descended upon a place called Soshimori. Koiso declared this as evidence that Koreans were part of the divine lineage of Japan. The Keijo Nippo newspaper, acting as a propaganda tool, amplified his speech, highlighting key phrases for emphasis. These bolded sections were drilled into Koreans by teachers, patriotic groups, and employers, forcing them to internalize Koiso’s distorted narrative.

Koiso’s vision was not just a form of cultural erasure—it was a deeply arrogant and delusional project to rewrite history itself. His attempt to impose Shinto worship and a fabricated Japanese identity on Koreans was not just oppressive; it was a direct attack on the dignity and spirit of the Korean people.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) January 16, 1944

Japanese and Koreans Share the Same Ancestry and Roots

The Origins of Korean History are Found in the Nihon Shoki

Governor-General Speaks to Drafted Students for the Third Time

On January 13th, Governor-General Koiso delivered a lecture to the principals of private middle schools who were attending the Leadership Training Institute of the Yongsan Governor-General’s Office. On January 14th, he addressed the elementary school principals who were attending the Educational Research Institute in Samcheong-dong. Accompanied by Secretary Kobayashi and Training Section Chief Takeuchi, Koiso traveled a considerable distance to arrive at the First Volunteer Soldier Training Center in Nohae-myeon (노해면, 蘆海面), Yangju County, at 3:30 PM on January 15th.

There, he once again addressed the second group of drafted students, who had enthusiastically responded to the conscription summons. With a familiar and gentle demeanor, he elaborated on the theory of 'Japanese and Koreans sharing the same ancestry and roots,' drawing upon classical texts, and emphasized that they needed to be penetrated by the essence of the National Body. As the third year of the decisive war began, the Governor-General’s continuous efforts over these three days to convey a grand vision and underscore the need to be penetrated by the essence of the national body demonstrated nothing less than his profound determination to stand at the forefront of enlightening the 25 million people of the Korean Peninsula. [Photo = The Governor-General giving a speech to the drafted students]

"The volunteer students have now taken their first step through the gates of this facility. However, reflecting on the fact that some of you did not initially choose to volunteer, I must admit that there were shortcomings on my part. Volunteering, by its nature, allows for freedom of choice in theory. Yet, in the context of this Holy War, which seeks to liberate Asia from Anglo-American exploitation and enable each nation to find its rightful place, there is no room for theoretical reasoning or abstract arguments. We must drive the Anglo-American forces out of Asia entirely! It is with this conviction that I used strong words to inspire you to rise to the occasion," Koiso stated.

Koiso went on, ‘While various circumstances may have contributed to the presence of those who did not volunteer, I feel that, as someone entrusted with the governance of Korea, my leadership and example have been insufficient. For young men, especially, strong and vigorous training is necessary, as is an environment filled with warmth and camaraderie. It was with this in mind that I brought you here to this training facility. Once your training is complete, your peers will be striving to navigate these difficult times, and I believe it is an act of kindness on my part, from my position, to guide you toward fulfilling the vital responsibilities of war. This conscription is not just for your benefit but also to take the lead in Korea's industrial development. By stepping forward as industrial warriors, I hope you will proudly and confidently pave the way for the nation’s progress. Here I will share with you some of my sentiments that I believe you will need."

With these words, he framed the discussion of Korea's governance policies, explaining the trajectory of the administration of Korea up to the present day. Each sentence of the Governor-General’s remarks calmed and steadied the spirits of the students, who had just concluded their entrance ceremony. He first highlighted the emergence of a fervent spirit of patriotism that had begun to rise across the peninsula around the end of last year.

It was stated that the governance of the Korean Peninsula up to the present day had been hindered by Chinese thought, Anglo-American thought, and finally, Communism. "Chinese thought replaced the corrupt Buddhism of the Goryeo era when the Joseon dynasty adopted Confucianism as its primary ideology. In their excessive admiration for all Chinese ideas, they obstructed Japanese governance. Next came Anglo-American thought in the form of Christianity, which was nothing more than an attempt to impose Anglo-American concepts of logic and morality. Behind it lay ambitions for exploitation, which found Japan's principle of universal equality distasteful. Following this was Communism," he explained.

He asserted that, while people in areas such as mainland Japan, Manchuria, and Northern China criticize the Korean people, their criticism does not do justice to the true essence of the Korean people. Rather, such criticisms stem from the lifestyle shaped over the 500 years of the Joseon dynasty. The true essence of the Korean people must be sought far back, tracing the origins of the Korean ethnic group, and this origin, it was clearly pointed out, is found in the Nihon Shoki. Before the students who listened intently, the theory of 'Japan and Korea sharing the same ancestry and roots' was presented with a powerful argument.

"If anyone were to oppose this view, they would be opposing what is clearly and explicitly written in the Nihon Shoki. Upon examining the true essence of the Korean people, it is evident that Japanese and Koreans share the same ancestry and roots. Although we have had to use the term 'Japanese-Korean Unification' lately, this was due to a lack of thorough investigation. We must strive to understand the culture brought forth by this shared heritage and grasp the essence of the National Body.

In doing so, we must consider what kind of spiritual and cultural framework our shared ancestors possessed. To truly understand the essence of the National Body, we must remember and reflect upon the principles laid out in the Three Divine Instructions: the Clarification of the National Body (Kokutai Meichō), the Sacred Mirror and Sacred Rice Ear (Saikyō Saiho), and the Divine Mirror and Eternal Boundary (Shinkyō Bankyō)."

The Governor-General proceeded to explain the profound philosophy of the Three Divine Instructions in a way that was easy to understand. The listening students, now in a state of serene attentiveness, etched each word deeply into their minds. He then continued, expounding on the spiritual principles contained within the philosophy of the Eight Deities' Shrine and encouraging the students to thoroughly study the Three Divine Instructions. He gently advised them, saying, "By fully mastering these teachings, you will be able to purge the harmful influences of the five centuries of Confucianism propagated during the Joseon dynasty, which have taken root in your spirits."

The Governor-General remarked, "If I had been able to convey these thoughts more earnestly and clearly a little earlier, I believe I could have guided you to an even happier state today." For this reason, on the previous night, and the night before that, he worked late into the night, passionately addressing those involved in education. He called for a thorough penetration by the essence of the National Body, which is rooted in the grand spiritual and cultural framework woven since the age of the gods, and fervently advocated for the establishment of a Righteous Korea.

Finally, he stated, "Let us set aside all past matters and face the present. Born as men, we must clearly grasp the ideals of the spirit. To live a life of indulgence without purpose is to render one’s existence meaningless. The meaning of life lies in fully being penetrated in the essence of the National Body and uniting with the ancestors who bequeathed this magnificent philosophy."

He added, "If the opportunity arises, I hope to visit you once again during your training and engage with you further. I believe you understand the aspirations I have for you—do you?" With a warm smile, he asked this of the students, to which they responded with a powerful "Yes!" Their enthusiastic reply resounded, marking the end of the Governor-General's two-hour-long address, after which he shared a meal with the trainees and departed the training facility at 6 PM.


京城日報 1944年1月16日













Source: 키워드 검색 - 신문 검색 - 대한민국 신문 아카이브

Monday, January 6, 2025

Koreans faced up to 10 years in prison and 50,000 yen in fines for not submitting their personal platinum items to the Imperial Navy by Jan. 31, 1945

In the closing months of 1944, the Imperial Japanese Navy escalated its efforts to extract resources from Korea to fuel its war machinery. Initially, they encouraged Koreans to donate or sell their platinum items to support the production of warplanes. However, as the war situation became more desperate, the messaging shifted from voluntary contributions to mandatory requisitions backed by severe penalties, as evidenced in the following December 29, 1944 article from Keijo Nippo, the propaganda newspaper of the Imperial Japanese colonial regime which ruled Korea at the time.

13-year-old Yūko Yamagishi who was praised for donating her mother's platinum diamond ring to the Imperial Navy.

The government offered compensation of 90 yen for 1 monme (approximately 3.75 grams) of platinum, which would be roughly $2,000 USD in today's money. Yet, this apparent generosity is questionable. In the same breath, the article threatens up to 10 years of imprisonment and fines up to 50,000 yen (close to one million USD today) for anyone who fails to comply by the January 31, 1945 deadline. Such exorbitant fines cast doubt on whether the promised compensation was ever genuinely intended.

This stark shift contrasts sharply with previous campaigns, like the 1943 brass donation drive, where the emphasis was on selfless contribution without expectation of compensation. The propaganda newspaper Keijo Nippo were replete with stories glorifying private donations, embodying the spirit of sacrifice expected from all citizens in Korea at the time.

A poignant example is the October 13, 1944 article about 13-year-old Yūko Yamagishi, who innocently donates her mother's platinum diamond ring to the Imperial Navy. Portrayed endearingly, her actions were meant to model the ideal behavior the colonial regime sought from Koreans: to give freely to the military without expecting anything in return.

This tactic of using children in propaganda was a recurring theme in Imperial Japanese media. By highlighting such stories, the regime aimed to tug at the heartstrings of the populace, fostering a culture of unquestioning support and sacrifice to help Japan in its war against the US and Britain during WWII.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) October 13, 1944

She found the "Ring to Destroy the Enemy"!

"Please use it quickly," she said eagerly, as she donated it

A child's pure patriotism offering platinum

"One gram of platinum can sink an enemy battleship." This priceless resource was being mobilized entirely, without leaving a single speck behind, to destroy the ever-approaching enemy forces growing arrogant in their numbers. The platinum contribution campaign has accelerated, reaching the point of mandatory buybacks. However, there was one girl who provided a major impetus to those who were reluctant to part with their "last precious items" or dismissing their own contributions as "too small." She demonstrated her sincerity in supporting the production of spirit-imbued weaponry by offering up without hesitation a platinum diamond ring (worth 200 yen) that she had kept in a safe place. Stirred with a youthful fighting spirit, she reasoned, "If platinum is so essential for increasing aircraft production, I'm going to donate it instead of selling it!"

This patriotic young girl lived in Takezoe-chō (present-day Chungjeong-no), Seodaemun District, Seoul. Her name was Yūko Yamagishi (13 years old), the eldest daughter of Sadayoshi Yamagishi. She is currently a sixth-grader at Seodaemun Elementary School. Every time Yūko read the newspaper, she learned how crucial platinum was and how indispensable it was for increasing aircraft production. She thought, "Isn't there more platinum out there? Why won't the people who have platinum not offer it up sooner?" Then, she remembered that she had safely kept a small, beautiful platinum ring with a diamond that her mother had given her, saying, "You can wear this when you grow up."

Unable to remain still any longer, Yūko searched through the drawers of her cabinet, found the ring, and excitedly consulted her mother, Taka, saying, "Please let me donate this instead of selling it." Taka was deeply moved by her daughter's noble feelings and encouraged her, saying, "Thank you for saying that. Please donate it with your own hands."

Yūko wrote a letter of donation addressed to Colonel Matsumoto of the Naval Military Office, saying, "This ring may be small, but please accept it along with my heartfelt sincerity." She visited the head office of this newspaper on the 12th and entrusted her ring to the donation desk. [Photo: Yūko donating her platinum]

**Yūko's Letter to Colonel Matsumoto (unedited)**

Dear Colonel Matsumoto,

Through newspapers, I have learned that the decisive battle in the air, which will determine the fate of the Imperial Nation, is fast approaching. I also understood how important platinum is for increasing aircraft production. Then, I remembered the platinum diamond ring that my mother had given me. She told me, "Wear this when you grow up."

When I think of Tarawa, Makin, and Saipan Island, I can no longer remain idle. I want to donate this ring as quickly as possible to help in any way I can. When I told my mother about this, she wholeheartedly agreed. I wanted to bring it immediately, but I needed to go to school next Sunday, so I couldn't go myself. Instead, I have asked this one man that I know to deliver it on my behalf.

Please use this precious ring, which I have cherished, to build as many fine aircraft as possible and defeat the hated British and Americans. I earnestly pray for your success.

Banzai to the Japanese Air Force!


Yūko Yamagishi,

Sixth-grader at Seodaemun Public School, Seoul

**Statement from Yūko's mother Taka**

"I brought this ring with me when I got married, but I gave it to my daughter when she said that she wanted it, and I had forgotten about it. Yesterday, she created a great fuss, rummaging through her desk and drawers, and when she finally found the ring, she shouted 'Platinum, platinum!' with joy. When I asked her what she was doing, she replied, 'I am going to donate this to make airplanes!' That was when I understood her intentions and felt overjoyed. Though it is such a small item, I hope my daughter's sentiments will contribute to the creation of great weaponry."

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) December 29, 1944

Platinum: Now Subject to Mandatory Purchase

Refusal May Lead to Imprisonment of Up to Ten Years

The voluntary purchase of platinum by the Navy Purchasing Agency and the Material Management Agency concluded successfully on November 30. However, in response to the current war situation, a new Governor-General's ordinance issued on December 5 mandates the compulsory acquisition of platinum. The important Material Management Agency has been designated as the purchasing authority to enforce this measure. We request that platinum submission be made through the Seoul city government, the Korean Federation of National Power (Seoul Branch), Patriotic Women's Association (Seoul Branch), and the Material Management Agency.

The platinum subject to compulsory acquisition includes privately owned platinum and platinum alloys, such as jewelry, ornaments, personal accessories, stationery, fixtures, or even scrap materials. Exceptions apply to items classified as national treasures or those personally granted by the Emperor, provided the recipient has obtained permission from the Governor to retain them.

The procedure for submission requires individuals to fill out appropriate forms or postcards with their address, name, item descriptions, and quantities, and send them to the Material Management Agency. Alternatively, collective submissions through patriotic groups, labor unions, or other organizations are permitted.

The acquisition period ends on January 31. Applications and submission of items must be completed by this date, except for certain items requiring substitutes. The standard price is set at 90 yen per monme (3.75 grams), while government-owned items are priced at 61 yen, 2 sen, and 5 rin.

Severe penalties are imposed for violations, including reselling or deliberately destroying platinum products, failing to submit an application by January 31, or refusing requests for collection by the agency. Such actions may result in imprisonment of up to ten years or a fine of up to 50,000 yen.


京城日報 1944年10月13日








京城日報 1944年12月29日








Source: National Library of Korea Digital Archive

Forgotten Korean Suicide Attacker ‘Hero’ celebrated by Imperial Japan: Park Gwan-bin (박관빈, 朴官彬) charged into an Allied machine-gun nest clutching an anti-tank explosive during the Burma Campaign in Dec. 1944

In the annals of forgotten history, few figures exemplify the complex and tragic reality of Korean soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army qu...