Thursday, July 7, 2022

Governor Koiso told Korean conscripts in Imperial Army in 1944 address that the onus was on them to reduce anti-Korean discrimination by 'cleansing away' the 'vestiges of the Yi Dynasty within themselves' to become less dishonest, and be 'penetrated in the true meaning of national identity'

The following address is a remarkable admission by the Governor-General of Korea that Korean conscripts had filed complaints about being discriminated against. However, the Governor-General dismissed these complaints and reasoned that, if there was anti-Korean prejudice everywhere, then that must mean that the Koreans themselves were mostly responsible for the discrimination that they experienced. Sadly, this talking point is still widely used among the far-right in Japan today. 

However, what is definitely not embraced by the far-right in Japan today are the contrived talking points about the common origins of Japanese and Korean mythology which appear in this article, along with the rest of the propaganda lines about Japanese-Korean unity, unification, and common ancestry which the far-right in Japan would rather conveniently forget about.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 23, 1944

Take the initiative and set a good example

The Governor-General's instruction to the conscripted students

The third batch of conscripted students, who had undergone rigorous training for two weeks at the Army's First Volunteer Training Center and completed their training on February 17, returned home from mainland Japan under the special warm hospitality of Governor-General Koiso. Kneeling before the knees of their parents, they immediately pledged their firm determination to serve as industrial warriors, and they returned to the training center on the 22nd.

Governor-General Koiso addressing the Korean conscripts at their training center.

Shortly after 1:30 p.m. on the same day, Governor-General Koiso arrived at the training center accompanied by Secretary Kobayashi to give encouragement to the conscripted students. Director Kaida and his staff welcomed the Governor-General to the small auditorium, where he was bathed by the warm sunlight that shone brilliantly through the windows. He quietly took the podium in front of the students, all of whom were determined to be on the front lines of production warfare, with their faces tensed from the rigorous training they had undergone even during that short period of time. The Governor-General stared into each student's face with the warmth of a loving father. This was the third time that he had addressed the conscripts. Governor-General Koiso has fiercely instructed and encouraged the first, second, and third batches of students, one after the other, who left their nest like young sweetfish. The Governor-General suddenly spoke up.

"It is truly a joy to see the students who are about to rise to the forefront of increasing their war potential this autumn, in the face of an intense war situation, when we must establish a posture of victory and undefeatability that must definitely prevail. I would like to express my personal opinion to those students who are advancing to the forefront of society, as well as to those who should lead the front line of production reinforcement as bold individuals," he began.

"The current administration of Korea has been governed by successive Governors-General who have ruled with the same great benevolent spirit in accordance with the imperial decree given at the time of the annexation of Korea in 1910. Compared to those days, Korea has made remarkable progress and development. Furthermore, there are no traces of the past Goryeo and Yi dynasties. Now, even in mainland Japan, there are few people who have not developed their national spirit. Japan, having awakened from its dream of national isolation, rapidly adopted a material culture in response to the global situation.

If Japan had grasped its spiritual tone along with this development, it would have become even more robust. Regrettably, however, there were Japanese who preferred Western culture over their own, and there were many Westerners who wore masks pretending to be Japanese. We should not follow the example of these misguided Japanese. Human beings are the spiritual heads of all things. Humanity does not live within laws and regulations. Laws and regulations are things that were created by human beings, and human beings must live with inspiration.

However, there are some of you who boast that they have studied at a higher education institution, but this is wrong. There are some mainland Japanese people who mistakenly believe that Korea is a colony, but what about the colonial policies of Britain and the United States? They set up financial institutions in Burma, India, the Dutch East Indies, French Indochina, the Philippines, and even in China, which is not a colony, and the funds in these institutions did not come from the home countries.

The funds were extracted from the people of China. With this money, they built factories and companies in China and put coolies to work. All the profits were brought back to their home countries. The home countries exploit other peoples for their own pleasure. This is their colonial policy. If we follow such countries, the development of East Asia will be hindered.

Just as the East Asian peoples were about to wipe out these colonial policies and build a unified East Asian nation, an obstacle stood in their way. It was Confucianism. Confucianism in Korea is an admirable existence. However, the fault lies in the fact that the Koreans were enthralled by the superficial ideas of China and did not grasp the true essence of Confucianism.

Then Christianity entered the picture. The person calling himself a priest or an evangelist would hold the cross of love in his right hand. But behind the scenes, he would try to overturn the basis for the annexation of Korea because Britain's colonial policy would be doomed to failure if Korea were governed successfully under the great benevolent spirit."

Here, the Governor-General revealed the true nature of Dangun Joseon and Gija Joseon based on their histories, and asserted that Dangun was Susanoo-no-Mikoto or his son Isotakeru-no-Mikoto, and that there was no doubt that the Japanese and the Koreans have the same ancestors and roots. He then went on to say with increased emphasis that Japanese-Korean unity is so obvious that it is needless to mention it.

"History and tradition cannot be ignored. I feel sorry for the people of the Goryeo and Yi Dynasties. The traditional spirit that was nurtured in those times has not been successfully removed from Korea. You must have felt discriminated against when you went to mainland Japan. This is due to the lack of education among mainland Japanese people in the first place, but I have heard people in Manchuria and Northern China say that they are troubled by Koreans. They say that Koreans have no sense of responsibility, tell lies, have no patience, and so on. I partly agree with them, but I wonder who gave the Koreans such a spirit. It was ultimately due to the evil governance of the Yi Dynasty. In other words, it was due to the exploitative governance of the Yi Dynasty.

But that is not the true essence of the Korean people. In order to grasp the true essence, the Koreans must be thoroughly penetrated in the true meaning of national identity. Some people laughed at me when I first arrived at my post, saying that I was possessed by the gods, but it seems that they have now understood. You will understand why I, the Governor-General, call on our 24 million Korean compatriots to be thoroughly penetrated in the true meaning of national identity at every opportunity."

The Governor General's words were sharp and piercing. He promised the students, "Since we do not have time to discuss the true meaning of national identity here and now, I will give you an assignment to read carefully what I, the Governor-General, said in my speeches, which were published in Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) from the 16th."

He continued, "Some of you did not volunteer to become volunteer soldiers because I did not give you enough guidance. It is not your fault. I must again, give guidance to such people. That is why I made you stand on the front line of increasing the war potential. Life in the training camp holds a clue to grasping the true essence.

If any of you think that conscription is a punishment, then the spirit of the Yi Dynasty still remains within you. Some of you still have wrong ideas, as shown in your writings. That is not the way to go. Such an attitude will not allow you to succeed in any task that you undertake." The Governor-General's tone was fervent and intense as he repeatedly admonished them as if they were his own children who took the wrong path.

"The responsibility for this lies solely with me," he blamed himself. Finally, he lowered his tone and said,

"You are about to take the initiative as industrial warriors, and your words and actions must be a model for others. You must strive to remake yourselves as human beings. Do it in a manly manner, with a pure heart, as if you were mirrors to each other. We must cleanse away anyone who harbors vestiges of the Yi Dynasty within them. All of you must take the initiative in striving to reach a place where there is no discrimination between Koreans and Japanese, both mentally and materially. I want you all to take the initiative in taking the lead in this effort with the virtue of humility and with an awareness of the true essence of yourselves as spiritual beings, without being boastful about being graduates of higher education institutions."

He then looked around at everyone and said, "How about it? Will you work with us in that spirit? I'm counting on you". He then turned to Director Kaida and asked him with concern, "Are there any sick people here?" All the participants bowed to him, and he concluded his talk with some cheerful words, "Have a good day. Take care of yourselves." Then he left at 3:30 p.m.

[Photo: Governor-General Koiso giving his instructions to the conscripted students.]



京城日報 1944年2月23日






















Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Educational supervisor declares that 'old ways of thought of the Korean women must first be corrected', and mocks Korean mothers for being worried for their conscripted sons' lives while they aren't afraid of death when it comes to shopping

This 1943 article describes 200 Korean women packed in an auditorium as Mr. Kondo the colonial educational supervisor delivers a speech full of insults calling them cowards and hypocrites who aren't afraid of death when it comes to shopping. He accuses them of putting the welfare of their own families (excessive filial piety) over loyalty to their nation. The goal of this speech was to convince them to persuade their sons to volunteer to serve in the Imperial Japanese military, but the tenor of the speech was so demeaning and condescending that it might have hurt morale instead. These criticisms of 'Korean Confucianism' and excessive filial piety are echoed in the round-table conference of party officials of November 8, 1943, who discuss how to re-educate the Korean people into loyal Imperial subjects.

On October 20, 1943, the government of Japan-occupied Korea selected certain groups of male students in Korea, like liberal arts college students, to be targets of recruitment into the Japanese military, and it gave these students one month to voluntarily enlist. One day before the deadline, 30% of those students still had not voluntarily enlisted, so an edict was subsequently published on November 19, 1943, to push the remaining students to enlist, threatening them with "special training" under punitive conscription, and spewing death cult propaganda calling on them not to want life and not to fear death, and to obey and martyr themselves for the Emperor. In September 1944, Japanese government did follow through on their threat to implement punitive conscription, but the war ended before these punitive conscripts had a chance to enter the battlefield.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) November 10, 1943

Mothers of the Korean Peninsula are also rising up supporting their beloved children

Strongly advance!

In view of the understanding that the first step in getting the students into the battle lines is to change the minds of their mothers, an executive round-table meeting of the Seoul branch of the Patriotic Women's Association was held at 2:00 p.m. on November 9th in the small auditorium of the Seoul Citizens Hall with Mr. Kuramo, Secretary General of the Patriotic Women's Association, Mr. Kondo, educational supervisor of the Ministry of Education, and Colonel Kawasaki in attendance, along with 200 Korean women.

Mr. Kondo the educational supervisor giving a speech to 200 Korean women.

Mr. Kuramo, Secretary General of the Patriotic Women's Association, gave an opening talk about the national State Shinto ceremonies, and then Mr. Kondo the educational supervisor took the podium:

"In order to make all the special volunteer soldiers rise up, the old ways of thought of the Korean women must first be corrected. For example, they need to eliminate the false belief that you will die if you go to war. You will not necessarily die if you go to the battlefield. Colonel Kawasaki stands here as proof of this. If you are afraid of dying, what is the matter with you that you all walk around shopping without a care, even though enemy planes might attack you right now at any moment?

On the Korean peninsula, Confucianism has placed too much emphasis on the path of 'filial piety'. In contrast, mainland Japanese women are devoted to 'loyalty' at all costs, so they are happy to dedicate their children to their country. If the Korean students do not rise up immediately, it will not only be a shame for their schools, but also a great disgrace and a matter of dishonor for the whole of Korea. If they do not rise up now, my 15 years of life dedicated to Korean education will lose all meaning, and I will only apologize for my crime by committing suicide by seppuku.

There are only ten days left until the deadline. Not even half of the Korean students have volunteered as of now, but I ask for the cooperation of Korean women at home to rise up so that all Korean students will volunteer to serve".

Colonel Kawasaki of the Military Press Department followed up with a prolonged explanation of the great value of a healthy military and a healthy people, saying, "If the mothers are strong, then the nation is strong," and gave encouragement saying "All Korean women, now is the time to rise up!" to start the round-table meeting, conduct a lively question-and-answer session, and end the meeting at 5:00 p.m.

[Photo: The round-table meeting of the Seoul Branch of the Patriotic Women's Association.]



京城日報 1943年11月10日










Sunday, July 3, 2022

Governor-General Koiso blamed excessive chili peppers for ‘stimulating’ Koreans and making them ‘mentally foggy’, and ordered Koreans to ‘improve’ their diets by eating more salt and less chili peppers in his desperate 1944 push to revitalize the war effort

This is my translation and transcription of a news article from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. This has never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge.

It is February 1944, over two years into total war against the United States and Britain, and it was not going so well for Imperial Japan. There were severe food shortages, and everyone in Korea was asked to consume less in general, but Governor-General Koiso apparently singled out chili peppers to disparage in this speech. Governor-General Koiso was the most powerful man in Korea at the time with near dictatorial powers, so his pronouncements would not have boded well for the average Korean's access to chili peppers in their food rations.

As a Japanese person, this article uncomfortably reawakened a childhood memory of mine, reminding me of the time my grandmother told me that Koreans were crazy or stupid from eating too much chili peppers. I was immediately skeptical, because my Korean classmate at the time was an overachiever, and my sister was receiving violin lessons from his father, who was a world-renowned violin prodigy from South Korea, so I pointed all of this out to her. My grandmother was 19 years old at the time this 1944 article was written, so unfortunately, she probably absorbed the propaganda of the Imperial Japanese government at the time as an impressionable young woman.

This article mentions the Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), which functioned as the one and only political party that you could belong to in totalitarian Japan-colonized Korea, spreading the regime's Imperial Way ideology across Korea and reinforcing Imperial rule over Korea.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 23, 1944

Immediate improvement of eating habits

The Korean Peninsula rallies to strengthen the war effort

Governor-General Koiso announced the following at a meeting of the bureau chiefs on the 22nd:

1. Intention to permeate the administrative apparatus at the lowest levels

2. Intention to improve civilian life

3. Intention to raise the will to fight decisive battles

In the face of the unprecedented urgency of the war situation, he emphasized the extremely important things that the 25 million hearts and souls of the people of the Korean peninsula should be immediately focused on in order to strengthen the war effort.

The permeation of the administrative apparatus at the lowest levels and the heightening of the war spirit are things that Governor Koiso has always emphasized at every opportunity. Among them, the focus on the improvement of civilian life encourages the Korean peninsula to live fighting decisive battles and stand up revitalized.

In other words, the diets of the Korean people do not contain enough salt, and they eat a lot of chili peppers. If they eat chili peppers indiscriminately, they are stimulated and become mentally foggy. The British, as part of a conspiratorial policy, forced black pepper on the Indians and did not provide them with salt. Even looking at this "black pepper policy" involving stimulants, it is clear as day that chili peppers dampen the activity of the human body. In order to live fighting decisive battles, we must immediately improve our diets first.

On the other hand, we should provide healthy recreation to the farming villages to reward their willingness to increase agricultural production.

When the walnut trees along the roadsides and on vacant lots are increased, the nuts become food and the wood can be used as gunstocks.

Next, we focus on the structures of homes. Ventilation and lighting will be studied and improved with simple plans. This is to create a healthy spirit in brightly lit homes. In the villages, shrines should be built to serve as centers of faith, and a forest should be established around the shrine to serve as a meeting place and the center of the farmers' faith.

In order to raise the war spirit, youth volunteer corps should be formed in each settlement, and they should be the leaders and motivating force of the farming villages and settlements. In addition, we need to rally the people to increase production with a spirit of renewal and daring. Furthermore, we need to establish and activate military labor support programs, and also encourage and comfort civilian industrial warriors. These decisive practices to increase the war potential, which the Governor-General had conceived even in minor details for the sake of victory and the 25 million people in the Korean peninsula, are to be put into action immediately by the Governor-General in conjunction with the Korean Federation of National Power. In response, all the people will be placed in battle positions.



京城日報 1944年2月23日














Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Propaganda article contrasting the 'Bad Korean Retailer' who is greedy, mean, dishonest, and lawless with the 'Good Korean Retailer' who is selfless, kind, honest, law-abiding, and committed to Japanese-Korean unification (Seoul, 1942)

This is my translation and transcription of a news article from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. This has never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge.

This is a sort of 'Good Korean versus Bad Korean' kind of propaganda article, in which the stereotypically bad Korean (greedy, mean, dishonest, lawless) is contrasted with the stereotypically good, pro-Imperial Japan Korean (selfless, kind, honest, law-abiding). To make this point, the reporters go out of their way to smear Mr. Park Soo-bok, one Korean small business owner, on a newspaper read by the entire country.

But I believe there must be more to this story. Mr. Park ran his business at 1-135 Hangang-daero. 1 Hangang-daero corresponds to the First Area (漢江通一番地), which was closely associated with the Imperial Japanese military. My guess is that Mr. Park must have once collaborated closely with the Imperial Japanese military to have run a business inside a military area, but there must have been some sort of falling out in the relationship which led to this smear campaign against him.

The 'Good Korean' was Mr. Kim Dal-soo, who worked at the Kitagawa Grocery Store in the Yongsan neighborhood. As shown on the map, he was a close neighbor of Mr. Kaneko, a similarly pro-Imperial-Japan Korean sushi chef who ran Sakura Sushi restaurant, whom I introduced earlier in a previous post. Perhaps Mr. Kim Dal-soo provided Mr. Kaneko with the food supplies for his restaurant?

Below are annotated maps contrasting the locations of Kitagawa Grocery Store and Sakura Sushi Restaurant in Seoul between 1933 and today. The 1933 map of Seoul is available here.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) July 10, 1942

A bright store of Japanese-Korean unification

Practicing the New Way of Business with kindness and honesty

There is nothing more frightening in the world than a merchant who is blinded by greed. In this day and age, merchants and customers alike must unite as one in a powerful unity, working together to complete the Holy War, throwing everything they have into the effort. If merchants lacking self-awareness handle all the necessities of life for the people only to aim for profit, then they must truly be one of the enemies who have the blood of Chiang Kai-shek in their veins, but there are many merchants entrenched in Seoul who have this kind of greed. Let us take a look at the behavior of a typical greedy merchant.

Park Soo-bok (박수복/朴守福) (48), a fruit and vegetable merchant at 1-135 Hangang-daero, was cited four times this spring by the Yongsan Police Department's Economic Affairs Section and punished for hoarding, not showing prices, and racketeering, etc. Each time, he said "I'm sorry, sir, but I will never do it again, so please forgive me..." He would sob with tears of repentance. However, once he was released, he would immediately do the same thing again with impunity. When the detective who had taken him in confronted him and said, "You did it again," he replied, "I don't mind being locked up, as long as I make a profit...." He said it like it was nothing. The officers in charge of the interrogation were always amazed at him.

But bad deeds do not last. Prices were high, the staff was unfriendly, and customers recently stopped coming due to behavior that went against the times and caused trouble with the police. This is a true testament to the fact that a merchant must be honest and kind to his customers in order to survive. We wonder if there are any other stores that are approaching the same fate as this one. We should reconsider the proverb, "bring a walking stick before you fall" [in English, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"].

On the other hand, there is a story of a reliable and cheerful merchant. The Kitagawa Shigekichi grocery store located in the Motomachi 2-chōme Public Market is an impressive store which has been practicing Japanese-Korean unification for ten years now. The owner, Shigekichi Kitagawa (62), who lives in 8 Ōshima-chō and owns the aforementioned store, hired a ruddy-faced boy named Kim Dal-soo (김달수/金達壽) (26) twelve years ago. Kim treats his bosses, Mr. and Mrs. Kitagawa, with the same respect as he shows towards his parents, and is very affectionate toward his customers.

Even when dealing with customers for as little as one sen [roughly 20-25 cents in USD today], Kim treats them with the utmost courtesy. In no time, Kitagawa Grocery Store became well known in the neighborhood. The customers were honest. Business was booming with crowds of customers elbow-to-elbow. Impressed by this, Mr. Kitagawa entrusted his entire current store to Kim. If the owner trusted him, Kim would be even more careful and would not make a single mistake even to a single sen or rin [10 rin = 1 sen] as he managed the store for the owners.

After the Incident, rationing of foodstuffs was implemented. However, Kim's merchant spirit, as solid as iron and as pure as a mirror, which he had developed over the past 12 years, shone even brighter. His customers were so amicably supplied with the scarce supply of products that it seemed that it was only for this day that he insisted on putting kindness and honesty first. His customers praised him saying 'What an admirable store!', and the Yongsan Police Department's Economic Affairs Section has also given its approval. As long as the merchants show kindness, darkness will never take hold.

Photo: Mr. Kitagawa, the owner of the "Bright Store", giving a warm welcome to customers.



京城日報 1942年7月10日










Saturday, June 25, 2022

Five Korean singers, including future pop stars of postwar South Korea, performed at a 1943 Imperial Japanese Army music party and sang a newly released song with lyrics 'the spirit of the Empire, which is a burning fire, we're at the Emperor's command, we're in awe, we of Japan harden our resolve'

This is my translation and transcription of a news article from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. This has never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge.

In October 1943, there was a music performance held in what is now the Former National Assembly Building in Seoul, in which the following five popular Korean singers at the time controversially sang an Imperial Japanese military song to commemorate the implementation of the conscription system in Korea (Kim Hae-song is not included among the four singers explicitly listed in the article, so it is unclear whether he actually sang the song, or merely present in another role).

  • Kim Hae-song 金海松/김해송 (1911-1950)
  • Park Hyang-rim 朴響林/박향림 (1921-1946)
  • Nam In-soo 南仁樹/남인수 (1918-1962)
  • Lee Nan-young 李蘭影/이난영 (1916-1965)
  • Choi Byung-ho 崔丙浩/최병호 (1916-1994)

The lyrics of the Imperial Japanese military song that they performed were as follows.

Song of Healthy Soldiers in Training

We carry the honor of Japan

We, the young men of training

The spirit of the Empire, which is a burning fire

We carry it, we carry it, we must fulfill our mission

Our sincere hearts are like the scent of cherry blossoms

We are at the Emperor's command

We have been summoned, the Peninsula hardens its resolve

We are in awe, we are in awe, we are just in awe

Under the banner of Your Majesty's great authority

We are the brave warriors of the iron wall

We of Japan harden our resolve

We will show our military prowess ahead of others















Not surprisingly, this has led to allegations that the five Korean artists were traitors. Looking up their names on the Encyclopedia of Pro-Japanese Collaborationists in Korea (친일인명사전) using the Android version with OCR software and machine translation, I found that only Kim Hae-song and Nam In-soo were listed. I'm sharing their Korean language entries at the bottom of this post.

The ones who survived went on to have thriving music careers in postwar South Korea. The five Korean singers still have a loyal online fanbase today. You can easily listen to their old recorded music if you search their names in Hanja or Hangul on Youtube. Kim Hae-song and Lee Nan-young were the parents of the Kim Sisters, arguably the first global Hallyu stars and the precursors of today's BTS. 


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) October 14, 1943

Go forward! Praise the conscription system!

A song launch party to be held October 17th for 'Song of Healthy Soldiers in Training'

Go forward! The entire people of the Patriotic Peninsula are playing a valiant training song with excitement about the implementation of the conscription system, and they are energized with the blood of martyrdom, saying, "We will go to the front as members of the Imperial Army!" To further inspire and encourage this energetic movement, the head office of this newspaper held a competition to perform a preliminary selection of qualifying songs, out of which Nobutsuna Sasaki, Hiroshi Kikuchi, Zenmaro Toki, Shirō Ozaki, and other prominent figures in the literary world carefully selected the winning song, "Song of Healthy Soldiers in Training", lyrics composed by Kōsei Kawahara. The head office of this newspaper immediately entrusted the music composition to the Army Toyama School. Although Mr. Tarō Tōkairin sang in the vinyl recording, the head office of this newspaper further decided to hold a special presentation of the "Song of Healthy Soldiers in Training" at 7:00 p.m. on October 17th in the Great Auditorium of the Seoul Citizens Hall to commemorate the implementation of the conscription system in Korea, featuring special performances by exclusive artists at Teichiku Records.

Admission on the night of the party will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The program will feature the winning song "Song of Healthy Soldiers in Training", which will be performed by Korean artists from Teichiku Records and sung at the top of their lungs by four exclusive singers at Okeh Records: Nam In-soo, Lee Nan-young, Park Hyang-rim, and Choi Byung-ho.

Songs: "The Excitement of Twenty-Five Million", "Choi Byung-ho's Popular Song Collection", "Park Hyang-rim's Popular Song Collection", "Nam In-soo's Popular Song Collection", and "Lee Nan-young's Popular Song Collection".

Orchestral Music: "Folk Songs" (lyrics by Ryōma Bin), "Send off the Brave Warriors of the Peninsula" (arranged by Kim Hae-song)

Orchestral Music: "Songs of Healthy Soldiers in Training" (accompanied by the Teichiku Records Orchestra)

Photo: From right to left: Kim Hae-song, Park Hyang-rim, Nam In-soo, Lee Nan-young, Choi Byung-ho



京城日報 1943年10月14日









(Encyclopedia entry for Kim Hae-song)









(Encyclopedia entry for Nam In-soo)









Monday, June 20, 2022

Propaganda editorials about Shinto shrines built in every township in Korea so Koreans don't feel so 'lonely and empty in their hearts' and Korea can become a 'paradise truly in accordance with the Imperial Way' where every Korean is required to perform the Jingu Taima exorcism ceremony at home

This is my translation and transcription of two news editorials from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. These have never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge.

It is April 1944, over two years into total war against the United States and Britain, and it is not going so well for Imperial Japan. Here, Governor-General Koiso's office announces plans to build Shinto shrines all over Korea in every eup (town) and myeon (township) that does not yet have one, and make every town leader and township leader compel the residents to worship their birth deities, all in spite of severe wartime material and labor shortages. It sounds crazy on many levels, but perhaps the superstitious war leaders thought that currying favor with the gods would somehow turn the tide in Imperial Japan's favor.

The issue of Shinto shrines is a particularly sensitive topic that can still evoke strong emotional reactions among both Japanese and Korean people. Many Japanese are still angry at the fact that the 1000+ Shinto shrines that were built in colonial Korea were all destroyed following the end of the war, starting with the Pyongyang shrine which was set on fire on August 15, 1945, the day Imperial Japan surrendered. Today, the only vestiges of the shrines in Korea are found in their ancillary structures, like the stairs. A statue of Kim Il-sung now stands on the former site of Pyongyang shrine.

However, it is also important to understand the context as to why this destruction occurred, and why the shrines were so universally hated all over Korea. We have to understand that, in Japan-colonized Korea, the Shinto religion (State Shintoism) was weaponized as a tool of oppression against the Korean people, starting with the administration of Governor-General Minami in 1937 and continuing under subsequent Governors, including Governor-General Koiso, who was a narcissist notable for putting young Korean girls into internment camps to turn into 'true Japanese' mothers, with the idea that this would have a multiplier effect as these Korean girls become mothers who raise Japanese children. But immediate wartime needs apparently turned this project into a more practical wartime work force program. 

There were loud sirens at 7 am and noon to perform Shinto prayers. The 7 am Kyūjō Yōhai ritual (宮城遥拝) involved bowing several times in the direction of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo while standing, almost reminiscent of the Muslim salah prayer in the qibla direction of Mecca. The noon prayer was a moment of silence in honor of the Imperial Japanese soldiers.

Koreans were also forced to attend compulsory worship services in person at Shinto shrines. Those who refused to attend would not receive their food rations. They were also forced to keep miniature Shinto shrines (kamidana) in their homes and perform a special Jingu Taima exorcism ceremony in front of them. 

Every Korean belonged to a patriotic neighborhood cell (aikoku-han or aeguk-ban, 愛国班) of the Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), the single ruling party of Japan-colonized Korea. In 1943, the Secretary General was a Japanese named Mr. Hada, but by 1944 he had apparently been replaced by a Korean named Mr. Han. The cell system worked much like the present system in Cuba and North Korea, where each cell leader would make sure that all the cell members followed the rules, even to the point of prying into their private lives. Neighbors would report each other for infractions, perhaps for breaking rules like speaking Korean in public, sleeping in and not performing the 7 am prayers, or not looking reverent enough during worship services. Saying the wrong things, like wishing for independence, would have branded you 'an ideological criminal' and landed you in a reeducation center.

Understandably, such a prolonged stressful, oppressive experience must have inflicted a lasting psychic trauma on the Korean people, which is still straining relations between the Korean and Japanese people to this day.

In postwar Japan, the State Shintoism apparatus is officially dismantled, but Yasukuni shrine survives as the last remaining active State Shinto shrine. Even though Yasukuni is officially a nongovernmental religious entity with no official affiliations with the Japanese government, far-right Japanese politicians still visit and pay their respects to the war criminals enshrined as gods there as if it were a de facto state shrine, a sad reminder that the Imperial Way ideology of the past still lives on in the present Japanese government.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 11, 1944

Editorial: Life in Decisive Battle and the Way of Respect for the Gods

Since his appointment, Governor-General Koiso has been administering the affairs of the country with a reverent attitude as if he were entrusted with the baby of His Majesty the Emperor, and in the management of politics, he has been mindful to follow the will of the gods. All of us in the government, not to mention the 25 million people of Korea, are deeply moved to follow the cause of the Emperor and win the Greater East Asia War with a heart of respect for the gods and the forefathers, and to make the Korean peninsula a paradise truly in accordance with the Imperial Way. As one manifestation of this, every household in all of Korea has held a Jingu Taima exorcism ceremony without exceptions, and this time, reflecting the consensus of 25 million people, the construction of one shrine in each province, eup, and myeon has become a concrete reality as intended by the Governor-General. The fact that, on the 10th, Mr. Tanaka, Commissioner-General for Political Affairs, notified the governors of the provinces of the guidelines for implementation is, as the authorities say, the most opportune and most gratifying way to "establish the spiritual center of the people in the countryside and to make clear what the people's minds should be based on".

In mainland Japan, a village or a town is formed around a clan deity, a birth deity, or a guardian deity, and even when the village or town develops into a metropolis such as Tokyo, it does not lose its beauty. Everyday life itself is under the watchful gaze of the gods. The prosperity of the fatherland, and even the prosperity of the family, is due to divine will. The dignity of this divine nation has never been violated, because the gods are directly served in person. Ever since the foundation of our nation, our land has never been violated by foreign enemies, and we are now in the midst of an opportunity to manifest the great spirit of Hakko Ichiu to the whole world, and to make the great authority of the sovereign nation shine forth.

At this time, looking back at our Korean peninsula, it is regrettable that there are 1,392 eups and myeons that still do not have shrines onto which all the people of the region could rest their hearts, even though each household is performing the Jingu Taima exorcism ceremony, as I have mentioned before. The realization of the construction of the shrines should be regarded as an epoch-making event, and it should also be seen as the first step toward realizing eternal peace and harmony regardless of the fact that our Korean peninsula is at war.

Ever since the outbreak of the Greater East Asia War, the feeling of reverence towards the gods on the Korean peninsula has been growing strong, as is clearly shown by the fact that the number of worshipers to the Chosun Shrine has been increasing day by day and month by month. Thus, it is only fitting that the local people should overcome the current material difficulties, newly erect shrines in 1,392 eups and myeons, and dedicate them to the spirits of the gods. It is clear that the people of these localities are determined to create a pure and noble life of gratitude and divine unity between god and man. They believe that it is through the blessings of the gods that human nature is good from the start, that life is preserved, that families enjoy peace and harmony, that children prosper, and that a good harvest is always blessed. When houses are built, they are prayed to, when seeds are sown and rice paddies planted, they are prayed to, and after the harvest, a festival of thanksgiving is held.

Therefore, it can be imagined that the people of the myeons and eups who do not have shrines to perform these events must feel lonely and empty in their hearts. I have no doubt that the mere fact that these shrines were provided to them today will have a great effect in making them pledge their support to Governor-General Koiso.

However, starting with the eup and myeon leaders, the peoples of the eups and myeons of the localities who serve at the shrines must fully understand that we have not completed our entire objective just because the shrines have been erected. We have seen the dedication of Shinto shrines at county offices and at eup and myeon offices all over Korea, but this did not extend beyond mere formalities, which is not only against the will of the gods, but also against the will of Governor-General Koiso, who is a pious man of respect. Unless the eup and myeon leaders take the lead in paying respect and serving the shrines, the attitude of the people will also end up not extending beyond mere formalities. To put it more directly, if the people at the periphery of the administrative apparatus try to lead the people to the faith without understanding the true intentions of the Governor-General, they may just readily follow whatever he says and try to achieve results without much effort. If they take advantage of the shrine policy in this way, then this will be something that must be strictly prohibited.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 11, 1944

Establish shrines in all areas

Establish spiritual centers for the local people

The implementation of the conscription system and other epoch-making measures of the Korean Government have triggered a rising demand for the establishment of shrines in every region of the Korean peninsula as spiritual centers for the 25 million people of the Korean peninsula, but there are still 1,392 eups and myeons where no shrine has yet been established. The Governor-General has decided on a policy of one shrine in each province, eup, and myeon. In response to the general demand, shrines are to be established in all areas despite the shortage of materials, and those existing miniature shrines that meet certain standards are to be classified as full-fledged shrines to deepen respect for the gods and ancestors, to increase faith in the birth deities, and to solidify their spiritual homes. On the 10th, the Director of the Regional Division of the Governor-General's Office, the Deputy Director of the Korean Headquarters of the Greater Japan Shinto Priesthood Association, and the General Secretary of the Korean Federation of National Power issued the following statements on this matter.

Mr. Ōkubo, Director of the Regional Division of the Governor-General's Office:

At the Governor-General's Office, we have long since decided on the policy of one shrine in each province, eup, and myeon, which we have been making efforts to realize. Due to various reasons, there are still 1,392 eups and myeons where shrines have not yet been established. However, the development of the general administrative apparatus on the Korean peninsula has been remarkable. Now, in view of the current situation on the Korean peninsula, we feel that it is imperative to take revolutionary measures akin to the introduction of the conscription system, such as establishing the spiritual centers of the local people, clarifying where the people's hearts should be based, embodying the spiritual place of gratitude along with a paradise of divine unity between god and man, and solidifying the spiritual home of the people by shifting their faith into their Japanese-style birth deities. In spite of the current shortage of materials, we have decided to fully establish miniature Shinto shrines, and those existing miniature Shinto shrines that meet certain standards will be classified as full-fledged Shinto shrines in order to promote the growth of this way of life. These implementation guidelines have been sent in a letter by the Political Affairs Director General to the governors of each province. I am sure that these measures will be implemented as soon as possible, and I hope that all of you government officials will understand the intention of the Governor-General's Office to carry out these measures, especially in this time of emergency, and I hope that you will actively and vigorously support and cooperate with us towards the realization of these measures.

Mr. Han, Secretary General of the Korean Federation of National Power:

In the autumn of last year, we saw the implementation of landmark measures such as the implementation of the conscription system and compulsory education system. Korean compatriots are already going to battle in the name of the celebrated gods who founded Japan, and the number of people who offer morning and evening prayers to the gods of heaven and earth at shrines is increasing every month. There is a growing demand for the establishment of miniature kamidana Shinto altars in the homes and full-fledged Shinto shrines in the countryside. In view of the urgent need to cultivate faith in the Emperor and the reverence for the gods on a peninsula that lacks faith in loyalty and unity, the Governor-General's Office announced policies and measures with the goal of one shrine in each province, eup, and myeon. It is truly a timely and groundbreaking plan, and we cannot help but rejoice at its rapid realization. 

With the realization of the establishment of the shrines, the training of shrine priests is currently being prepared under the supervision of the Federation. These priests must not only perform their duties, but must also play a leading and enlightening role for the people of the localities, and they must be consistent in their attitudes toward life by focusing on the deities in all their daily activities in the four seasons from birth to death.

Chief Priest Nukaga, Deputy Director of the Korean Headquarters of the Greater Japan Shinto Priesthood Association:

As a divine nation, Japan's spiritual strength is unique in the world. Needless to say, this is because we have had an Imperial family for ten thousand generations, and because we always closely worship and live our lives under the authority of the divine spirits of our gods and ancestors. Now that Korea is about to implement conscription and compulsory education, it is very discouraging that there are only sixty-nine shrines to protect our 25 million compatriots, and that the total number of miniature shrines that should become full-fledged shrines is still only about 900. In order to enjoy the favor of the gods and to uphold the spirit of sincere Imperial people, we cannot be satisfied with the current state of affairs. Therefore, first of all, the Governor-General's policy this time is to establish divine facilities, so that the spirit of the national people can receive the authority of the noble gods. That is, one shrine is to be established for each myeon. The fact that they have decided to take this step forward so quickly is especially significant in these times of extreme emergency.

Until today, our Korean compatriots have been unhappy, unable to understand the true meaning of the divine blessings that they have received. When we consider that they will soon be able to walk in step with the spirit of Imperial nation through the shrines of their birth deities, and make a grand start as supporters of Japan's rapid progress, we the priesthood truly believe that we are not the only ones who are pleased with these divine facilities.



1944年4月11日 京城日報








1944年4月11日 京城日報












Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Small community of ~100 Russian Tatars in Seoul featured in 1942-1944 propaganda articles: a young 19-year-old Tatar girl is praised for filling out immigration forms for her neighbors, a Tatar woman is commended for scolding her friends with red fingernails for wearing 'British-American' cosmetics

This is my translation and transcription of four news articles from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. These have never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge.

The following articles, spanning the period from 1942 to 1944, are about a very tiny (~100 member) Russian Tatar community which existed in Seoul during World War II. The Russian Tatars were refugees from the Russian Revolution who fled persecution in Russia. Many of the Russian Tatar refugees who arrived in Imperial Japan settled in mainland Japan, most notably in Kobe where the first mosque in Japan was built in 1935 (Kobe Masjid), but a few also settled in places like Japan-colonized Manchuria and Korea. The community in Seoul apparently engaged in trading mostly in clothing and miscellaneous goods in the Honmachi area, which is now the area just south of Myeongdong Cathedral. In 1943, about a block away from present-day Seoul City Hall on Mugyo-ro, they built their own elementary school called the Nugman Academy, where their children could learn the Tatar language and culture, including Islamic doctrine. 

Imperial Japan had a very complicated policy towards Muslims, as shown in this excellent academic article, but to ordinary Koreans who knew nothing about this, it must have seemed very unfair that this small community was given special privileges not given to the Koreans, who made up 97% of the population of Korea but were largely not allowed to teach their children Korean language and culture in schools by the 1942-1944 period.

Sorry if I have butchered some of the transcriptions of the Russian Tatar names, since Japanese kana transcriptions of foreign names confuse l and r, b and v, s and sh, etc. To those readers who are more familiar with Russian Tatar names, please let me know if you can suggest any corrections.

Martiya, the 19-year-old Tatar girl who helped fill out immigration forms for her neighbors, belonged to a local cell of the Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), the single ruling party of Japan-colonized Korea. The local neighborhood cells were known as 愛国班 (aikoku-han or aeguk-ban), which roughly translates to 'patriotic organization'. Members of the cells would report each other for infractions, perhaps for breaking rules like speaking Korean in public. They would organize 'patriotic' activities like defacing effigies of Roosevelt and Churchill, and also distribute food rations and other assistance. Similar local cell organizations still exist in countries like Cuba and North Korea.

See also the Russian Tatar family in Busan featured in this 1942 article:


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 28, 1942 

Thanksgiving Dedication to Victorious Japan

Refined Turkic Tatar Daughter

The Central Cultural Association of the Turkic Tatar Nation in Seoul, whose members number more than one hundred and are definitely ethnic Asians despite differences in appearances, are united in their gratitude for living in Japan during the Greater East Asia War. The temporary travel control regulations for foreigners came into effect on December 10 of last year, and all foreigners residing in Seoul were required to submit a notification form in the new format all at once. More than one hundred Tatar city residents prepared to complete the form, but filling out a two-page application form for each person proved to be a difficult task for those who were not literate in Japanese.

The one who took on the task of filling out the forms on behalf of the Tatar residents was Martiya (19), the second daughter of Mr. Waliullah Ibrahim of the Noor Trading Company at 20 Honmachi 3-chōme, Seoul. Knowing the confusion of her compatriots, she said, "Please let me do it. It is the greatest joy to be allowed to live in Victorious Japan as a member of the Asian race, and it is my duty to protect the homefront as one of the Imperial people." Every night, she would diligently write on behalf of her compatriots, and she has completed nearly three hundred pages of forms without delay.

As a member of local patriotic organization living the 'neighborhood cell' spirit, Martiya's actions were highly praised by Mr. Shimada, chief of foreign affairs at the Honmachi Police Station, who accepted the documents. On February 27th, he recounted the following about Martiya's actions:

"Martiya is the second daughter of Mr. Waliullah Ibrahim, the vice president of the Tatar Cultural Association. She is a warm and kind girl who graduated from Naniwa High School in Fengtian (present-day Shenyang). She alone worked at home taking care of the paperwork of more than a hundred people from the same ethnic group as their representative when the regulations came into effect and foreigners had to file notifications. Her recognition of the current situation and her initiative in cooperating with the authorities is admirable." [Photo: Martiya, the subject of this beautiful story]


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 9, 1943 

Japanese Language School

Established by Turkic people in Seoul

The Holy War to establish the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere continues with extreme intensity to the south and the north, and all Asians in the Co-prosperity Sphere rose up in the autumn to "stand with Japan". The Turkic Tatar group living in Seoul was grateful for the Imperial Army's struggle and wished to establish an educational institution for their own people to become a fully Asian people. On the Day of the Imperial Rescript on September 8th, a new private school, "Nugman Academy," was established to provide Japanese-style education. There are currently 72 Turkic Tatars in 21 households in Seoul, mainly centered in the Honmachi precinct, who are engaged in the clothing and ready-made goods trade. All of them came to Japan after the Russian Revolution and are spending their days living comfortably in Japan, but they have not been blessed with educational institutions. With the donation of 50,000 yen from Ms. Shamshinoor Nugmanov (45), who lives at 366 Sindang-dong in Seoul, a two-story building was purchased for 39,000 yen at 31 Mugyo-ro in Seoul, and the "Nugman Academy" was established. The founder, Mr. Kabdullah Hakimov (52), who lives at 3-28 Namdaemun Avenue in Seoul, applied for approval from the Seoul Provincial General. The school is to open at the beginning of October, and the first class of 20 boys and girls is to be admitted. The school is to emphasize the Japanese character of the school by teaching the Tatar language, Islamic doctrine, and National Education mainly in Japanese. [Photo: Ms. Shamshinoor Nugmanov]


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 2, 1944

Consoling the Heroes in White with the Tatar Dance

The billion people of the Co-prosperity Sphere stood together in solidarity and vowed to unite as Asian peoples holding each other's hands. A group of Turkic Tatars living in Seoul could not contain their emotions: "Let us offer our sincere thanks to the heroes of the Imperial Army," said 12 lovely students of Nugman Elementary School in Mugyo-ro, Central District, whose school had recently opened. They will hold a performance to comfort the heroes in white at the Army Hospital on the occasion of the auspicious occasion of the Anniversary of the Founding of Japan. The 19th performance of the classical "Tatar Dance" by Saniya and three other children will be a flower bouquet of consolation filled with sincerity, and is expected to be applauded by the heroes. [Photo: Tatar Dance]


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 20, 1944 

"No Red Fingernails!", scolded the Turkic woman

On February 11th, during the festival of the Founding of Japan, Erestan Tarpishov and 12 other lovely Turkic Tatar children from Nugman Elementary School in Mugyo-ro, Seoul held a performance to comfort the heroes in white, and they had a thrilling day. One of the ladies who accompanied the children, Salima, saw that many of her friends had painted their fingernails red. The comfort visit ended as Salima asked the young women, "What is the matter with you inappropriately showing red fingernails to the Japanese soldiers? Let's put a stop to all these British-American cosmetics..." This extraordinary act by Ms. Salima Battersen was brought to the attention of Mr. Masaoka, Director of Gyeonggi Provincial High School, who recently visited the provincial government office and praised her for her Japanese spirit. [Photo: Ms. Salima Battersen]



1942年2月28日 京城日報







1943年9月9日 京城日報




1944年2月2日 京城日報




1944年2月20日 京城日報




Koreans faced up to 10 years in prison and 50,000 yen in fines for not submitting their personal platinum items to the Imperial Navy by Jan. 31, 1945

In the closing months of 1944, the Imperial Japanese Navy escalated its efforts to extract resources from Korea to fuel its war machinery. I...