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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Converted Korean 'ideological criminals' (a.k.a. independence activists) at 'Yamato Cram School' tearfully apologize for fighting against Imperial Japan and are spellbound as Governor Koiso explains in propaganda speech that the greatest significance of life is hidden in Japanese mythology (1943)

This is my translation and transcription of a news article from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. This has never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge.

This article covers Governor Koiso's inspection visit to Yamato Cram School (대화숙/大和塾), or a brainwashing center to 'convert' Korean 'ideological criminals' (a.k.a. anti-colonial nationalists or independence activists) into Imperial collaborators. The topic of Korean thought crimes and converts (tenkōsha) is relatively well-researched in academia. Thought Crime: Ideology and State Power in Interwar Japan by Max M. Ward is a good book on this topic, and chapter 5 is available online as a free PDF. 

There is also an excellent paper written by Hong Jongwook of Seoul National University entitled "The Thought Control Policy and the Yamato-juku in Colonial Korea", but unfortunately this paper is only available in Japanese.

Japan-colonized Korea could be described as a dictatorship of the Governor-General, who was appointed by the central government in Tokyo, under one party rule by the late 1930's. Within very broad constraints, they had almost unlimited power in Korea to do whatever they wanted. Governor Koiso tended to be more narcissistic than most of his predecessors, and he loved to splash the newspapers with his propaganda speeches and writings, and also articles, including this one, covering his inspection visits and work activities. He is notable for putting young Korean girls into internment camps to turn into 'true Japanese' mothers, with the idea that this would have a multiplier effect as these Korean girls become mothers who raise Japanese children. But immediate wartime needs apparently turned this project into a more practical wartime work force program. 

The sign on the left says "内鮮一體" or 'Japanese-Korean Unification', and the sign on the right says "京城大和塾" or "Gyeongseong Yamato Cram School", with Gyeongseong being the old name for Seoul.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 17, 1943

Live by the Mythology

The Governor-General Visits Yamato Cram School and Delivers a Prolonged Address

At 2:30 p.m. on the afternoon of the 16th, Governor-General Koiso, accompanied by his secretary, Mr. Kobayashi, suddenly appeared at Yamato Cram School in Takezoe-chō (present-day Chungjeong-ro), Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, and walked into the reception room to the amazement of everyone. Upon hearing the news of Governor-General Koiso's visit, Probation Office Director Mr. Nagasaki hastily returned to the school and was asked by the Governor about the general situation at Yamato Cram School. He was particularly interested in the current state of thought of the converts, and when the director described the indignation felt by the converts toward the unconditional surrender of the Italian government under Badoglio and the converts' pledge of loyalty to Imperial Japan, the Governor General's tense expression showed a nod of agreement. Then, Director Nagasaki led them to a classroom where the converts had gathered non-Japanese speakers in the neighborhood from the unemployment job center to teach them Japanese, and then they went to the auditorium. After seeing the art club and returning to the reception room, the Governor- General responded to the students' requests and began to explain the profundity of Japanese studies, which are connected to mythology, by stating that 'learning is what it is because of the state'.

He began his speech by saying, 

"Man must contemplate things from various angles in order to spend his life in a meaningful way, or he will turn to science, philosophy, and religion to answer the cries of his soul. However, even though we live in a world where science is universal, we still feel that we are lacking something profound if we are confined to science alone. Even modern philosophy and religion, which delve deep into the spirit, are not enough as long as they remain within those limits. The place to go is history and tradition. But even here, the cry of the soul cannot be fully satisfied. The last place to go is mythology. It is easy for people to think that the significance of mythology is nothing, but they are mistaken.

It is in this mythology that the greatest and ultimate significance of life is hidden. When I was a division commander in Hiroshima, I once visited the Yamaguchi Boys' Prison. There, I saw a military drill review and was very impressed by the performance that was so magnificent that the specialist soldiers blushed, and I gathered the prisoners together and gave them a lesson. The words in each sentence that I spoke contained a tone of excitement, but there was someone who listened to everything I said with tears in his eyes, and I read his book. However, in order for a person to live, there must be a center. If we analogize this to the shape of a cone, when we look at it from the bottom with the apex at the top, the visible bottom is reality, and the invisible apex is mythology. The vertical line descending from the apex is the so-called center. No matter how many times you cut the sloping surface from the side, you will always reach the center. This center is noble and leads to the path of living the mythology. You are this center. When you live by the mythology, you can live with firm conviction, unmoved by anything". 

As the Governor-General spoke for about 20 minutes, the room was filled with deep emotion.

Mr. Moto Koyama, reflecting the deep emotion of the audience, spoke with tears in his eyes: 'In the past, we were sinners who drew our bows against Imperial Japan. Today, we have awakened to this fact, and we are firmly determined to compensate Imperial Japan using the arms and heads that we used to lay down our bows'. The Governor-General replied with a quiet, warm facial expression, 'Make sure you do it right', and tried to leave. The group apologetically asked, 'May we take a picture with you?' The Governor-General readily agreed, and the group took a picture in a friendly yet solemn atmosphere, and the Governor-General returned to his residence after 4:00 p.m. as the group looked on. (Photo: Governor Koiso leaving the school after being seen off by everyone.)


(End of Translation)


1943年9月17年 京城日報







Monday, May 23, 2022

Imperial Japanese penal officials brag about brainwashing Korean 'ideological criminals' (a.k.a. independence activists) in 'Yamato cram schools' and converting them into enthusiastic collaborators willing to die shouting 'Banzai to the Emperor!' (Seoul 1943)

These are very interesting articles describing Korean 'ideological criminals', many of whom had upper class Yangban backgrounds, and how they were dealt with in the Imperial Japanese penal system in Korea during the colonial period. By 'ideological criminals', I suppose they mean Korean independence activists, who had to operate clandestinely and furtively inside Korea while trying to avoid getting caught by the ubiquitous Kenpeitai secret police. Many lived double lives, perhaps teaching Imperialist ideology as teachers during the day, but secretly supporting the resistance movement when no one was looking (see my previous post, which was entitled 'Japanese teacher in Japan-colonized Korea punished her Korean students for speaking Korean and imposed Imperial Way ideology on them during WWII...'). So, many Koreans were actually able to say the right words and do the right things to satisfy the Imperial Japanese colonial officials who monitored them to convince them that they were 'true Imperial Japanese people', when in fact it was all just an act and they were actually actively resisting the regime.

These articles mention the Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), which functioned as the one and only political party that you could belong to in totalitarian Japan-colonized Korea, spreading the regime's Imperial Way ideology across Korea and reinforcing Imperial rule over Korea.

The second article describes the Seongam Academy, which was an abusive orphanage that was actually kept open through the Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan periods until 1982. 


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 10, 1943

Talking about Judicial Protection

Roundtable discussion organized by the head office of Keijo Nippo newspaper - Part 1

Training begins with the family

Lots of ideological criminals in the Yangban class

Speakers (in no particular order)

  • Mr. Fukuzō Hayata, Director of the Legal Affairs Bureau of the Governor-General's Office
  • Mr. Michiyoshi Masuda, President of Seoul Law School
  • Major Nishida, Director of Seoul Naval War Office
  • Mr. Norimitsu Ohno, Director of the Seoul Court of Inquiry
  • Mr. Yūzō Nagasaki, Director of Seoul Probation Office
  • Mr. Utarō Sakafuji, Administrative Officer of the Legal Affairs Bureau's Criminal Affairs Division
  • Mr. Yasunori Miyazaki, Secretary of the Criminal Affairs Division, Bureau of Justice
  • Mr. Shizuo Kojima, Director, Ideology Division, Korean Federation of National Power
  • Mr. Shōichi Fujii, Seongam Academy
  • Mr. Masataka Ōkubo, Director of Yasaka Youth Dōjō
  • Keijo Nippo: Mr. Akio, Director of Editorial Department, Mine, Director of Social Affairs Department

To carry out the great will of Emperor Meiji who has long said, "If I have sin, reprove me, for the divine people of Amatsu are my own flesh and blood", and with determination not to let a single person fail in our 100 million strong force, a 'judicial protection campaign' has been launched in all of Korea on the 2nd of this month, and a "Judicial Protection Day" will be celebrated on the 13th. In anticipation of this day, the head office of this newspaper held a "Judicial Protection Roundtable Discussion" at the former Dutch consulate in Takezoe-chō (present-day Chungjeong-ro), Seoul on the second day of the month.

If society frowns on someone who has committed a crime in the past but makes a vow to be rehabilitated and re-enter society, what will happen to that person's resolve? That is not good. Let us give them a warm hand and encourage them mentally and materially, guiding and assisting them so that they will not commit crimes again, and they will be able to further progress to become useful members of the nation. We will also secure human resources and stabilize the lives of the people while waging decisive battles. The following is the voice of the leadership, who are deeply involved in the judicial protection project. Photo: Roundtable discussion

Mr. Akio, Director of Editorial Department: On September 13th and 14th, a 'judicial protection campaign' will be held in all of Korea under the auspices of the Korean Federation of National Power and the Korean Association for Judicial Protection. Today, we would like to hear your opinions on this campaign for the protection of justice. We would like to contribute to the advancement of the judicial protection services, which play an important role in strengthening human resources in wartime and ensuring public safety on the home front.

As the war becomes more serious and severe, the public tends to forget about the humble work of judicial protection services. There is an urgent need to increase production, which has human resources as its basic element. The importance of the judicial protection services, which contribute to the enhancement of human resources, is not yet well understood by the general public.

I have heard that the number of released prisoners on the Korean peninsula is increasing year by year. If these people are not accepted by society because they have served sentences, or if they commit crimes again because society gives them a cold treatment, their productivity will be hampered. If these people are warmly embraced, properly guided, rehabilitated, and allowed to fully demonstrate their abilities, we will not only see an upsurge in righteousness, but we will also be able to help strengthen our productive capacity.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: Mr. Akio the Editorial Director just mentioned this, but I would like to ask your opinion on this campaign in terms of so-called human resource development for the judicial protection service, securing public safety, and various other aspects.

Mr. Yūzō Nagasaki, Director of Seoul Probation Office: Human resources are the most fundamental factor in increasing our military strength. It is said that a person must be 18 years old before he can be useful, but most of the people who are eligible for judicial protection are young men who just need to have their crookedness corrected, so I believe that judicial protection is necessary especially in times of war because of its usefulness in terms of human resources.

Secondly, if police officers were to follow each and every ideological criminal during this war to secure public safety, 30,000 police officers would be needed, since there are 30,000 ideologically involved people in all of Korea. I think it would be a great job to judicially protect them and prevent even one of them from being pulled in by the police.

Thirdly, we should use these people for production. Since these ideological criminals (especially Korean ideological criminals) are all talk and no action, we at the probation office, through the Yamato Cram Schools, have been focusing our efforts in the area of supervised work programs, telling them that they should do whatever the state requires, without asking any reasons as to why.

Speaking of the results of putting the ideologically involved people in judicial protection and what the circumstances were like, it was in December 1936 that the probation office was set up. Up to that time, however, 10 to 20 percent of the ideologically involved people were re-offending after being released. But after the probation office was established, not even one out of every 50 people who were taken into custody had re-offended. Whereas previously the released offenders were taking passive stances in agreeing not to engage in ideological movements, now they have taken more active stances in not only agreeing not to engage in ideological movements, but also actively serving the state as Japanese people. I believe this is a victory for judicial protection.

Furthermore, in Korea, they have been promoting the Japanese language through the Yamato Cram Schools as the spearhead of Japanese-Korean unification. I confidently believe that they will surely go on to die shouting "Banzai to the Emperor!"

Keijo Nippo Reporter: So that means the people who are ideologically active are in the young age ranges.

Mr. Nagasaki: Well, from around the third year of junior high school. More than 60% of them are in the 20-years-old to 30-years-old age group.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: The question is how to guide these young people in the right direction, or in other words, how to make them into Imperial people...

Mr. Nagasaki: I think the key is first of all in the training of Korean families. For example, I have researched those who were involved in nationalist movements during their student days in Korea, and found that many of them were children of the old Joseon dynasty's Yangban class coming from substantial family backgrounds. They complain to their families that they could have had happier lives if had lived under the old Joseon dynasty. They hear these complaints and start to engage in these kinds of movements without even realizing it. The reason why the young people are involved in these kinds of movements is that they do not know the past and present of Korea and how they were oppressed by the rulers of the old Joseon dynasty. The other thing is to give hope to these Koreans by showing them what the situation of the world was like back then. Then, in my opinion, those who do well are to be really adored and pulled along. On the other hand, I think that those who do not do well will have to be thoroughly suppressed.

Mr. Satō, Director of Judicial Protection Division: According to the statistics from two to three days ago, the worst offenders in the preventive detention centers in Korea are between 30 and 40 years old, and two-thirds of them are in that age group. I guess that means they are the worst in terms of ideology.

Mr. Hayata, Director of the Legal Affairs Bureau: I recently heard that an offspring of an upper class family in Korea is now in prison for an ideological crime, but that man is actually not so bad. But, according to what he says, he says that he had to become like them because all the people who came in and out of his family home were all ideologically strange. Once you start getting interested in such things, you naturally get led into such a situation. That is why family is so important.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: What kinds of people gather at Yasaka Youth Dōjō?

Mr. Masataka Ōkubo: Recently, we have received about 10 juvenile offenders from the Juvenile Court, and before that, we had about 10 poor children in the Dōjō, but I have decided to give them a thorough patriotic nationalist education. From May, we have especially been encouraging morning visits to the Shinto shrine, and in the evenings, we have them worshiping their ancestors and reading the Heart Sutra, which they are also listening to in translation, and they seem to be getting better. Unfortunately, Korean children are very materialistic compared to Japanese children. There are currently two Japanese children mixed in with the Korean children. The Japanese children simply do their best to do as they are told. On the other hand, the Korean children seem to calculate how much money they can earn if they work outside for how long.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: Are there ideological criminals among them as well?

Mr. Ōkubo: At present, there are none, although they all have such tendencies.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 11, 1943

Talking about Judicial Protection

Roundtable discussion organized by the head office of Keijo Nippo newspaper - Part 2

Give "light" to the way forward!

The age range when ideologies easily develop

Keijo Nippo Reporter: The children Seongam Island are not so much in the ideological phase, but rather in a pre-ideological phase.

Mr. Shōichi Fujii: Those children do not have such a will. They just want to eat as much as they can.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: I think that the operations on Seongam Island demonstrate that even those in the early stages of ideological development would be in trouble if they were left to their own devices.

Mr. Fujii: That's right. There are currently 250 children on Seongam Island. Of these, only about 60 were enrolled in elementary school, and the rest do not attend school. Therefore, since we have recently been working toward the regular use of the Japanese language, around 100 out of the 250 children can now understand the Japanese language, so now anyone who comes and speaks to them can at least be understood. Since they are all vagrant children, the entire staff was anxious and also curious about the nature of the children, but they were surprised to find that the quality of the children was very good. So out of the 250 children, up to 200 were normal children, and they were definitely not abnormal children. We could see that with proper guidance, they would be able to make a certain amount of progress. Most of them are normal children. Since these normal children have become this way because of their environment, we believe that these children will improve considerably if they are educated.

However, as I mentioned earlier, it is necessary to give them a guiding light. The children are anxious about how long they will be kept on the island and where they will be taken when they are taken away, and this may cause them to run away from the island.

Recently, one company has approached me to negotiate for a continuous supply of students. Recently, I have been thinking of continuously sending children to that company. When I told the children about this, they were very happy and said, "Teacher, we won't run away anymore".

Keijo Nippo Reporter: How much of the Greater East Asia War do these children have in their minds?

Mr. Fujii: We put up maps in each dormitory and explain the war using the newspaper almost every morning and evening.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: Mr. Masuda, could you tell us about the issue of teaching young students during their most important period of ideological development?

Mr. Masuda: According to a survey conducted by Mr. Itō, a prosecutor at the Prosecutor's Office, 40% of those with criminal records re-offend in a year. In other words, they are doing it again before six months have passed. Therefore, rather than just putting criminals in judicial protection, it is better to take a closer look at those who have just gotten out of prison. It would be more effective to take a closer look at those who have received probation. Still more effective would be to take a closer look at those who have received suspended indictments. This is what is said in general about those who receive judicial protection, and I think it is true. Speaking of prosecutions and trial sentences, in Korea, I think they should take this one step further and give greater recognition to the importance of judicial protection or public safety.

In the history of our rule over Korea, the Governor-General has always said that public safety comes first, even at meetings of the police chiefs. Recently, it seems to me that the government has gone so far as to put industry first. I think that while public safety and industry are important, I would like to see a little more serious consideration given to education, and they should cooperate with us more in this regard. Society's intellectuals criticize education and disparage educators. However, I would like them to think about the importance of education and be kind to educators.

Recently, all of us principals of specialized schools from Korea attended a meeting of principals of specialized schools in mainland Japan, and it was reported that only about 2% of the students in mainland Japan are Korean. However, the percentage of the total number of ideological criminal incidents in mainland Japan in which Korean students are involved is said to be over 50 percent, even though the number of Korean students in mainland Japan is very small. And when we look at who uses the Korean language, we find that those who have gone to school in mainland Japan tend to use the Korean language more. What we need to consider is that young people are innocent, perceptive, and have a strong sense of justice, and that we might be able to help them with our guidance. Up until now, we have been policing with a public safety first policy, but I think that society in general needs to ensure that education is truly thorough. I also think about the following:

When we were young, the concept of the rise and fall of a nation did not resonate in our minds as strongly as it does today. In this respect, today's youth are blessed. Therefore, I think that it is not good for educators to think in the old-fashioned way, but rather, they must work together with their students, taking one step or even a thousand steps forward, with the intention of leading their students. Training is fine, but I think the most important part of training is education. The more the young people put in the effort when they are young, the more they will become great.

Those who commit ideological crimes among the youth due to ideological problems are rounded up, tried, put in jail, and placed on probation when they get out. The bad ones who are not agreeable are placed in preventive detention centers. This is fine, but why don't we put more effort into educating young people?

Keijo Nippo Reporter: We have just talked about the spirit of determination in battle or enthusiasm of the students and the youth. Mr. Kojima, what are your thoughts about ideological problems in general?

Mr. Kojima, Director, Ideology Division, Korean Federation of National Power: First of all, we believe that the purpose of judicial protection is to prevent the creation of ideological criminals in the first place. Therefore, the national movement focuses on the purification of society or the establishment of a direct and positive national faith. In dealing with ideologies, we have not been able to extend our reach into the realm of morality. Therefore, we must establish a faith that penetrates more deeply into our daily lives, and of course, we must establish a national faith centering on Shinto shrines that is thoroughly grounded in the true meaning of the national identity. The most important way for the national movement to respond to the demands of the times is to direct the so-called joyous power that gushes out from the soul of the individual to the most efficient means of increasing the war potential and, in particular, production.

In this regard, while there is a need to improve the labor system, the fundamental emphasis is on the establishment of a view of Imperial labor. In other words, the current situation is that we are trying to establish our ideology from two aspects: the establishment of national consciousness and the establishment of this view of Imperial labor. We hope to create a better social environment from these two aspects, just as the pure flow of water has the power to purify.


(End of Translation)

Korean-language article about the abuses at Seongam Academy, which apparently continued operating until 1982:

Japanese-language article about the abuses at Seongam Academy:

This center memorializes the victims of Seongam Academy:


京城日報 1943年9月10日


語る人 (順序不同)
  • 総督府法務局長 早田福蔵氏
  • 京城法学専門校長 増田道義氏
  • 京城海軍武官府 西田少佐
  • 京城覆審法院部長 大野憲光氏
  • 京城保護観察所長 長崎祐三氏
  • 法務局行刑課事務官 坂藤宇太郎氏
  • 同刑事課事務官 宮崎保典氏
  • 朝鮮聯盟思想課長 小島倭夫氏
  • 仙甘学園 藤井祥一氏
  • 弥栄青少年道場長 大久保真敬氏
  • 本社側: 秋尾編輯局長 嶺社会部長





















京城日報 1943年9月11日



















Thursday, May 19, 2022

Amid severe wartime food shortages in 1943, propaganda article notes that Korean laborers are not coming to work in the cities due to hunger, but suggests hunger can be a productivity booster if workers get used to it, and full stomachs are not necessary for proper nutrition



Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) July 26, 1943

Discussing Wartime Nutritional Foods

Roundtable discussion hosted by the head office of the newspaper

Full stomachs and proper nutrition are separate things

Alaska pollock in Korea is world-class

Ms. Aiko Sue: Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum and other vegetables have a non-habitual taste when made into a paste. Stems of sweet potato also go well with miso sauce.

Mr. Kawaguchi: Once you plant Jerusalem artichoke, you grow so much that you cannot pick them all, and I am thinking of growing it in places like the hwajeon (traditional slash-and-burn farm fields) in Korea. Nowadays there is no glucose to make injectable solution, so this is used to make injectable solution instead.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: Ms. Ihara, what kinds of wild plants do the people of Korea eat?

Ms. Ihara: I don't remember the names of all of them, but in Korea, it is said that as long as they are eaten before the Iris Festival on May 5, they are not poisonous. However, it is uneconomical for city people to go to the countryside every time to pick wild plants, so you can use pumpkin leaves, bean leaves, sesame leaves, etc., which you have been growing in your small one-tsubo (3.3 square meters) garden plots. A sesame paste of tomato leaves would be a good idea.

Mr. Nishihara: It would be interesting to use not only grass leaves but also leaves of trees, such as leaves of Aralia elata and Acacia trees, in powder form.

Mr. Takagi: There are seven hundred and eight kinds of edible grasses, half of which are actually eaten by the people of Korea. Also, the roots have starch, which is also of nutritional value.

Dr. Hirokawa: We must always be careful in our eating habits, because it is a very dangerous idea to think that a full stomach is enough.

Ms. Mina Inoue: It seems that nowadays, people are trying to find ways to increase the amount of rice imported from outside of Japan. In other words, it seems that increasing the amount of rice is interpreted as meaning that more nutrients can be obtained, but I don't think we can rest easy just because the children's stomachs are full due to the increased weight of the rice that they eat. I think we should show in concrete terms that, if they eat certain kinds of food, they will be well nourished even if they are hungry.

Dr. Hirokawa: That is why we should educate people that the situation now does not amount to a famine.

Mr. Kawaguchi: As a matter of fact, free laborers are not coming to the cities these days because they are hungry.

Dr. Hirokawa: According to an experiment conducted in Kitakyushu, the lack of sufficient food caused a temporary drop in work efficiency, but once the workers became used to the lack of sufficient food, their work performance became much better than before, and no one fell asleep or yawned during work.

Ms. Mina Inoue: I think we should clearly show them the results of such experiments. Then the leaders can make strong policy decisions and the general public will be reassured.

Dr. Hirokawa: The prevailing concept that has been around for thousands of years has been that, if you are hungry, you cannot work.

Mr. Kawaguchi: As a matter of fact, children definitely need snacks. Recently, I have been thinking that it would be better to make some myself. Plant sunflower seeds in a small one-tsubo garden. If you can produce ten stalks of sunflowers, you can get about 2 shō (about 3.6 liters) of sunflower seeds. I think it would be better if we roast the sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds and let the children eat them, instead of leaving them as food for the Chinese. It is impossible not to let the children eat snacks between meals.

Ms. Mina Inoue: There are many vegetables available today, and I would like you to show them not only dried vegetable techniques but also various storage methods in newspapers and other media.

Ms. Fusa Ihara: Dried vegetables are very necessary. But I think now is not the right time. The best time is in the fall. If you carelessly do it now, they will rot and get moldy.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: What kinds of vegetables should be dried?

Ms. Mina Inoue: Spinach, radish, pumpkin, etc. In China, cucumber is also dried.

Mr. Kawaguchi: Pumpkins from Korea would be good to dry out.

Dr. Hirokawa: Bottle gourds are also good to dry out.

Mr. Kawaguchi: Japanese people have been blessed with ample food supplies for a long time, so they have not had to think about such things.

Mr. Nishihara: I think it is important to dry and store vegetables in terms of vitamins. Last year, I examined the vitamin levels of the children at elementary schools, and found that there was an enormous difference in the vitamin deficiency levels between the children in Japan proper and those in Korea. The Korean children had no vitamin C deficiency, whereas the Japanese children had vitamin C deficiency especially in the winter, when there were no vegetables to eat. I think this is because Koreans eat a lot of pickled vegetables even in the winter.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: How are the vitamins when the vegetables are dried out?

Mr. Nishihara: The amount of the vitamins is reduced by half, but it is still better than not taking them at all.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: Speaking of edible animals, other than fish, are there any other novel things that can be dried?

Mr. Takagi: Bee larva is a good example. If you boil them, steam them, dry them in the sun, and add salt, they will always last.

Keijo Nippo Reporter: How about silkworm pupa?

Mr. Takagi: Silkworm pupa have wonderful uses. They are used in a variety of products, including soy sauce, which has amino acids, and Aji-No-Moto. They are really popular. Silkworm pupa are easily cooked in oil and eaten. They have 40 to 50 percent fat content.

Mr. Kawaguchi: If the fish is bad, it is better to dry it. With dried fish, there is no need to worry. According to the results done by Mr. Nishihara, dried Alaska pollock has very good protein.

Mr. Takagi: There is a tendency to consider it to be inferior because of its low price.

Dr. Hirokawa: Dried Alaska pollock is a food that Korea should be proud of showing off to the world.

Mr. Kawaguchi: Recently, it has come to be used in households in Japan proper as well.

Dr. Hirokawa: Alaska pollock has a double advantage in that it can be frozen and then dried.


  • Mr. Abe, Director of the Seoul Public Health Division
  • Mr. Izumi, Professor of Seoul Imperial University
  • Mr. Kawaguchi, Secretary General of the Korean Welfare Association
  • Mr. Takagi, Engineer, Seoul Forestry Experiment Station
  • Mr. Nishihara, Engineer, Seoul Public Health Laboratory
  • Mr. Hirokawa, Professor, Seoul Medical College
  • Ms. Mina Inoue
  • Ms. Kei Ihara
  • Ms. Fusa Ueda
  • Ms. Aiko Su'e

(in Japanese kana order)

Keijo Nippo Head Office

  • Aki [illegible] Editorial Director
  • [illegible] Director of Social Affairs Department


京城日報 1943年7月26日


阿部 本府衛生課長
和泉 京城帝大教授
川口 朝鮮厚生協会幹事長
高木 本府林業試験所技師
西原 本府衛生試験所技手
広川 京城医専教授
井上ミナ 女史
伊原 圭 女史
上田フサ 女史
須江愛子 女史

秋 ? 編輯局長
?   社会部長

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Another part of a propaganda interview of Korean comfort women who returned from a whirlwind 1943 Japan tour visiting wounded Imperial Japanese soldiers, and one of the comfort women retired to "live life without shame as a sister and mother of splendid soldiers of the Korean peninsula"


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 14, 1943

A chorus of sincerity in response to gratitude

Receiving encouragement from the heroes in white

Performing arts comfort team

Roundtable discussion and report following their return

Keijo Nippo reporter: It seems that you went to Tokyo after that. What was your impression of wartime Tokyo?

Gil Song-ja (길송자/吉松子): I was amazed at how well Tokyo regulated its city illumination. On the night we arrived, being country bumpkins, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, and it was so dark that we wouldn't have known if our noses were being pinched. The seriousness of the air-raid drills touched our hearts so much that it made us ashamed of what we were doing. All the girls wore Monpe work pants, which were very different from those worn in Korea and more suitable for practical use. We really felt that we needed to wear them too. They were not the thin, flimsy Monpe work pants that we wear here in Korea, but they were made of simple cut fabric, and we really felt that our work pants had to be like that.

Park Sun-sil (박순실/朴淳實): We were overcome by the greatness of Japan proper and the mental strength of the people of Japan proper, as we were directly confronted by the natural scenery as well as by the men and women who lived there, who were far better people than we were. In Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyushu, we were treated like true sisters. Even the upper-class ladies were full of kindness through their humble words and mannerisms. We felt a beauty that we could never see on the Korean peninsula, and we learned about the strength of the children who grew up there. On the one hand, they are kind, but on the other hand, they are also very strong. We were deeply moved by the training activities of the women's associations and secondary school students, and we were deeply convinced that Japan had to be a strong country if they could do this so well. We strongly felt that Korean women should definitely learn from them.

Keijo Nippo reporter: You must have been deeply moved when you went to many hospitals for comfort visits.

Kim Wol (김월/金月): At every hospital, we would go around to greet seriously injured patients before the performances start. When we finished our greetings at the First Army Hospital, a soldier came to us and encouraged us saying, "I hear that conscription has finally been established on the Korean peninsula. Congratulations! We are relieved to hear that. Please do your best. We're counting on you, we're counting on you..." At that time, we became firmly determined to completely live out our lives strongly as military women.

Kim Jeon-wang (김전왕/金田旺): I believe it was at the Second Army Hospital that the Yomiuri newspaper photography team visited us. As usual, we were visiting patients in the hospital wards, and when we saw one of the patients smiling at us despite the pain of his serious injuries, we were all moved to tears and encouraged by his smile. A patient who could not get up said, "I'm fine, I'm fine," as he turned his head and waved his hand still lying on his back. We met Mr. Ōyama, who was a Korean volunteer soldier, and we were all sincerely happy to see that he was in such good spirits, not at all different from the soldiers of Japan proper. When we greeted Mr. Ōyama saying, "we will serve our nation rising up 25 million strong in the Korean peninsula", Mr. Ōyama's voice and body trembled as he responded with just one phrase, "I'm counting on you".

Yoo San-hong (유산홍/劉山紅): I think that happened at a hospital in Hiroshima. I remember a soldier wearing white who surprised me by suddenly calling out to me, "Sister...." He said to me with the same friendliness that one would show to one's siblings, "Even after you return to Korea, please do your utmost best for the nation. If I go back to the war zone, I will surely tell stories about your heartfelt comfort to my war comrades," whereupon I bowed my head.

Kim Geum-hong (김금홍/金錦紅): At the Red Cross Hospital in Tokyo, there was an isolation room where patients were not allowed to receive comfort during normal hours. The regulations did not allow it, but we were hoping that we could do it here as well for these patients. We asked them if we could give these people comfort visits. When we went to the hospital rooms, we found that all the windows in the hallways had been opened, and there were people lying on bed chairs and in wicker chairs looking out of the windows, and many nurses were lined up behind them.

It was a hot day in the courtyard, but we were about to leave after singing the Arirang chorus and the Patriotic March with all our hearts when we suddenly saw a brave warrior who could not even come to the window sill, borrowing a mirror from a nurse in the room and looking at our reflection. When we saw this, we were deeply moved. We had already said our goodbyes, but we felt that we could not leave just yet, so we asked the branch manager, "Excuse me, but please let us sing one more time", and then we sincerely sang the poem "Outside the city of Jinzhou".

Afterwards, everyone outside also sang the "Baektu Mountain Song" and various other songs before we returned home. We were truly moved by the words of the head nurse who later told the branch manager, "The soldiers are all grateful to you for singing with such sincerity. As we stood by and watched, we could understand why everyone sang so willingly even after the farewell greetings had already been made. I believe that ties between Japan proper and Korea will be strengthened when hard and fast principles are set aside, and our hearts are in contact with one other".

[Photo: The patriotic march sung by the comfort team at the Kokura Army Hospital, censored by the Shimonoseki Fortress Command Headquarters].


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 18, 1943

Here are the patriotic Kisaeng

Beautiful stories about the changes in the members of the performing arts comfort team

Dispatch from Keijo Nippo head office

Impressed by the fighting spirit in Japan proper

At the time, the head office of Keijo Nippo organized a "performing arts comfort team" composed of Korean kisaeng. The group visited army and navy hospitals in various parts of the country, offering heartfelt comfort to the brave warriors in white. One of the members, Ms. Yoshiko Kaneshiro (22), also named Ms. Kim Gang-seok (김강석/金剛石), a kisaeng of the Sanwa Kenban Agency at 107 Hunjeong-dong (훈정동/薫井洞), Jongno-gu, was deeply moved by the divine appearance of the fighting women of Japan proper who were working hard towards finishing the Holy War. She said, "I cannot stand still. I will become a serious woman on the war front and work hard for the sake of the nation". On August 17th, she reported to the Jongno Police Station and surrendered her four-and-a-half-year life as a 'red light' worker.

She submitted a notice of abandonment of the kisaeng trade, saying "Starting today, I will lead a serious life". At the same time, she deposited 100 yen in gold to the head office as consolation money for the Imperial military in commemoration of her giving up the kisaeng trade. She renewed her firm resolve to be an Imperial woman. Ms. Kaneshiro spoke of her joy at the beginning of her new life as follows [Photo: Ms. Kaneshiro].

"I have recently visited the wounded and sick soldiers of the Imperial Military in Japan proper through the arrangement of your company. I was shown the true image of the fighting Imperial Nation, and taught the attitude of an Imperial woman. As a Korean woman, I was able to learn a great deal. In this critical time when we have to eat or be eaten, I continued the trip saddened that we had to live smiling under the 'red light' as kisaeng putting on a face that would have been more appropriate for more normal times, not able to do a thing to help our nation. After returning home to Korea safely, I reconsidered my life and decided to part with my life as a kisaeng and become a respectable family woman, so that I could send out more robust and loyal soldiers of His Majesty from the Korean peninsula, and I have done the necessary paperwork today. From now on, I will keep this inspiration in mind with the determination to live my life without shame as a sister and mother of splendid soldiers of the Korean peninsula. This is a small amount of money, but it is a part of the cost of canceling the reception that was to have been held to commemorate my abandonment of the kisaeng trade, which had been made possible by the generosity of our guests. Please use this money for the sake of the wounded soldiers who were infinitely pleased with our humble Korean performances."


(End Translation)


The above articles are about a "performing arts comfort team" of 14 Korean comfort women, or kisaeng, who went to Japan in July and August 1943 to sing, dance, and "comfort" wounded Imperial Japanese soldiers in Japan. 

Kisaeng were Korean female entertainers who sang, danced, played musical instruments and wrote poems to entertain upper-class men. In earlier times, their work did not necessarily always involve sexual service, but during Japanese colonial rule of Korea, they were more closely associated with sex work. By the 1940s, the vast majority were involved in prostitution. 

I previously posted three other posts on this blog about this comfort team under these titles:

1.    Korean comfort women in a "performing arts comfort team" embarked on whirlwind July-August 1943 Japan tour visiting wounded Imperial Japanese soldiers

2.    Korean comfort women interviewed after whirlwind 1943 Japan tour visiting wounded Imperial Japanese soldiers who 'showed us again and again with their bodies, not with their words, that Japan and Korea were to be unified as one' and 'we were often moved to tears because we did not feel worthy'

3.    1943 editorial calls for Korean language to be wiped out, says Korean comfort women were touched by the noble appearance and hearts of the Imperial Japanese soldiers, and the women offered heartfelt comfort in response as their chests filled with excitement, their sincere hearts touching each other

The August 14th article precedes the August 15th article which I translated earlier under the second previous post. The August 14th article seems like it continues from a previous article, which I have not been able to find so far.

The August 18th article is notable, in that it reveals a slight hint that at least one of the comfort woman was less than happy and even shameful about her line of work, as she announces her intention to retire to "live life without shame as a sister and mother of splendid soldiers of the Korean peninsula". The propaganda articles reveal a tension between the impulse to portray the comfort women's service as patriotic and honorable, and the contradictory impulse to portray the comfort women's work as shameful. The same contradictory impulses can still be seen among Japanese historical revisionists today who deny that comfort women were coerced and even applaud them for their 'service', but at the same time deny their suffering and flippantly dismiss them as willing prostitutes. The 1943 editorial (see above link number 3) attempts to reconcile these contradictory impulses by arguing that the comfort women's service was a sort of initiation rite to turn these comfort women into true Imperial Japanese women, and suggests that this 'initiation rite' could be used more widely to assimilate more Korean women into Imperial Japan.

The First Army Hospital refers to what is now the National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM) in Tokyo.

The Second Army Hospital, where the comfort team met Mr. Ōyama the Korean volunteer soldier, was in Hiroshima, and it was wiped out in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Today, there is a memorial to the former hospital at the landmark: 広島第二陸軍病院跡 (Google map link).

The poem "Outside the city of Jinzhou (金州城外)" (YouTube video of poem recitation: is about the Battle of Nanshan which was fought between Japanese and Russian soldiers on the southern tip of Liaoning peninsula in 1904 during the Russo-Japanese War.

Baektu Mountain Song (白頭山節) (YouTube video of song: refers to a Japanese folk song about Baektu Mountain which may be an adaptation of a Korean folk song. 

Kenban Agency (券番) refers to a management agency which manages the kisaeng and their performance fees. The Kenban agency for Kim Gang-seok was located at 107 Hunjeong-dong and is shown on this map of Seoul from 1933:

Today, the agency is gone, and the former location is now a part of Jongmyo Plaza Park.


京城日報 1943年8月14日
















京城日報 1943年8月18日








Tuesday, May 10, 2022

This Korean father made sure his family and employees exclusively spoke Japanese, he ran a store supplying residences of Imperial Japanese Army officers in Yongsan, said he got triggered seeing 'bold gentleman types speaking to each other enthusiastically in Korean' inside the trains (Seoul 1942)


Photo: Ikeyoshi family: Tokuji (41) and his wife Sachiko (31). L-to-R: daughter Masako (10), sons Fumio (8), Masao (6), Toshio (3).


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) May 20, 1942

Japanese-Korean unification starts with the Japanese language

Store employees also 'speak Japanese exclusively'

No need to call us a 'Japanese-speaking family'

Mr. Tokuji Ikeyoshi tells his story

"Please don't call us regular Japanese speakers - that's such a stuffy phrase. All our store employees are using the Japanese language as you can see here. Ha, ha, ha!"

The word "regular Japanese speaker" sounded especially funny to Mr. Ikeyoshi. Indeed, Mr. Ikeyoshi's use of the Japanese language is literally not only regular, but also exclusive. Mr. Tokuji Ikeyoshi (41) has run his business selling food supplies, miscellaneous goods, rice, grains, firewood, and coal on 11 Hangang-daero for 10 years. Thanks to his persistence in speaking Japanese, he has been able to gain people's trust, and he has been exclusively entrusted with supplying the living quarters of Imperial Japanese Army officers.

He is an "expert in the Japanese language". Even his children speak Japanese at home, and they make a happy family. Mr. Ikeyoshi learned Japanese from the time he was 7 or 8 years old. By the time he was 11, he had already begun a full-fledged life speaking the Japanese language, and he went to work for Shiozawa Shop within the grounds of the Imperial Japanese Army base.

"... so I have been speaking Japanese regularly for the past 30 years", said Mr. Ikeyoshi. The lifestyle of Mr. Ikeyoshi's family does not differ at all from Japanese families. He has four children with his wife Sachiko (31): Masako (10), the eldest daughter, who attends Hyochang National School; Fumio (8), the eldest son, who attends Yongsan National School; Masao (6), the second son; and Toshio (3), the third son. Of course, since their marriage, they have been involved in raising all of their children thoroughly in the Japanese language.

It does not stop with the children. The store employees are not allowed to speak Korean at all, not only when greeting customers, but also in their conversations with each other. That is why it feels very good listening to the store employees when they speak.

The way they speak Japanese so fluently and without hesitation, it is hard to believe that they are Koreans. They are so fluent in Japanese that even the regular customers are inclined to doubt that they are Korean. 

On the other hand, those who speak lots of dialect are shameless wretches. "In the trains, I often see these bold gentleman types speaking to each other enthusiastically in Korean. Every time I see them, I wonder if it is really OK for them to be this way", said Mr. Ikeyoshi, who has become a true Imperial Japanese person, as he tilted his head and looked at the reporter intently. [Photo: Mr. Ikeyoshi's family]

(End of translation)


The Ikeyoshi family ran their business at 11 Hangang-daero (otherwise known as the 11th Area), which was right inside the grounds of the Imperial Japanese Army's military base and very close to the Governor-General's mansion and the command center of the Imperial Army. Today, this area is associated with the Yongsan Garrison of the United States military, as well as the Ministry of National Defense of South Korea, which is near the new office of President Yoon.

Below is a 1933 map of Seoul of 11 Hangang-daero compared to a Google map from today.


京城日報 1942年5月20日











「堂々たる紳士タイプの方が電車の中などで盛んに朝鮮語で話し合っておられるのをよく見かけるんですが、その度に、あれでよいのかと思うのですよー」 心から皇民になり切っている池吉さんは、首を傾けて記者の顔をじっと窺っていた。【写真=池吉さんの一家】

Thursday, May 5, 2022

As food shortages deepened in Korea by 1943, Imperial propagandists encouraged Koreans to eat wild grasses as meat substitutes, which they insisted were nutritionally comparable to meat, and follow food quack Horace Fletcher's advice to chew food 30 times to make up for the lack of food quantity



Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) July 18, 1943

The way to solve the food problem

Wild grasses are also nutritious

They can become a staple food with just a little ingenuity

By Taiji Toyoyama, lecturer at Sookmyung Women's College

To build a life fighting decisive battles, we depend on the ingenuity of the housewife. Even food problems can be solved in a moment by making the most of everything and devising ways to use what we have. Weeds growing in the mountains and fields can be a great substitute for staple foods. What kinds of wild edible weeds are there? What are these wild edible plants like, and how should they be prepared to be eaten? We ask nutritionist and lecturer at Sookmyung Women's College, Mr. Taiji Toyoyama.

We must win the war, no matter how much suffering we must endure, but to win this war, we must also have a strong and indomitable physical strength. There are many things that have the greatest impact on physical strength, but we must first consider the food problem. The general public is saying that food is very scarce today, but is it really? It is true that, from the point of view of the people's stomachs, food seems to be scarce, but I must say that we should be thankful that both the rich and the lower classes are able to eat the same way nowadays due to the rationing system. The mere thought of having less food in the world makes us feel hungry and insecure to a certain extent, which is a selfish thing.

How will this affect our health? We must carefully examine our lives and reflect on what measures we should take to deal with this. In fact, our lives have not yet reached the point where we are ready to fight decisive battles, and we are still living wasteful lives.

First of all, we wash rice too much, and this wastes important nutrients. Many housewives are generally indifferent to this and do not find it strange, and many are still doing it. What is regrettable is that when we cook rice, we sometimes turn up the heat too high, causing us to rinse away the starchy solution and throw away important nutrients by the slightest carelessness.

Chewing is the first step in the digestive process. Chewing is the first stage of digestion, so it is natural that we digest more when we chew well. We usually swallow food after a few chews without chewing enough, but this is not the way to obtain proper nutrition.

Horace Fletcher saved one-fifth of his food by chewing 72 times. We need to chew more than 30 times to make up for the lack of nutrition in quantity. This will solve the problem of quantity with a little attention on our part, but we must also think about the problem of food quality.

Some city dwellers complain about the lack of beef, but 80% of the Korean population lives without eating meat. Most of them are farmers, but if there is anyone complaining about the lack of meat in this emergency, he or she should consider the farmers who are living without eating meat at all. What then, do these farmers eat?

They mainly eat green vegetables. Chestnuts, barley, miso, and greens are their staple foods throughout the year. Among the greens are wild grasses that city dwellers throw away without a second thought. In fact, these wild grasses have become a meat substitute for the farmers. When we look at the nutritional situation of these people, it is at least comparable to that of city dwellers.

City dwellers have conventionally used green vegetables in hot pots, mixed stir-fries, or as main dishes. However, these greens do not necessarily have to be eaten with rice. They can also be used as an appropriate staple food or substitute food due to the shortage of grains.

There are many ways to use wild grasses as a staple food, but I would like to tell the public that "boiled vegetable dumplings" can be eaten as an excellent staple food. With this little ingenuity, wild grasses can be eaten as a staple food at least once a day. Boiled vegetable dumplings can also be found in the cities and suburbs these days.

Edible wild grasses such as Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum, Amaranthus tricolor, Portulaca oleracea, Commelina communis, and Plantago asiatica are gathered, boiled, soaked in water for about 30 minutes, drained, and chopped into small pieces. Mix in an appropriate amount of condiments such as green onions, chili peppers, sesame seeds, salt, pepper, cooking oil, etc. Then, measure out grain flour amounting to one-fifth of the size of the mixture, add half of the flour into the mixture, roll the mixture into small dumplings, then dip the dumplings into the remaining flour and put them into boiling water. Take out the dumplings when they float to the surface in the boiling water. If soy sauce is added to the dumplings, they make fine boiled vegetable dumplings.

Various other wild grasses can be used to make staple and substitute foods, but the most important thing is for housewives to be willing to gather wild grasses, cook them in creative ways, and make them into staple foods.

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) July 18, 1943

Eat wild grasses too

Wild grasses cooking class at Sookmyung Women's College

To encourage housewives to be more creative and creative in their kitchens, the Seoul city government, in cooperation with the Seoul Branch of the Patriotic Women's Association, held a "cooking class for wild edible grasses" at the auditorium of Sookmyung Women's College at 2 p.m. on July 17th. Under the guidance of Mr. Taiji Toyoyama, a lecturer and nutritionist at Sookmyung Women's College, 250 executives of the Patriotic Women's Association cooked wild edible grasses. After everyone enjoyed the dishes that they had prepared by the end of their class, and having become more aware of the future uses of wild grasses, the event ended at 4 p.m.

[Photo: Wild grasses cooking class].

(End of Translation)


On a personal note, as a Japanese person, this article reminded me of my grandparents' experiences in mainland Japan during World War II. They also went through severe food shortages and learned what kinds of wild plants were edible. Later on, I met some Chinese friends who experienced the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, and they showed me their deep knowledge of edible wild plants. I find it sad that North Koreans still forage for edible wild plants to survive.

Although Horace Fletcher was an American, the Imperial Japanese regime adopted his quack chewing ideas as their own and spread them throughout Imperial Japan. Educated in the Imperial Japanese educational system, my grandparents also believed that chewing food long enough would extract more nutrition, so I remember them emphasizing the importance of proper chewing, which my parents also parroted.


京城日報 1943年7月18日

















京城日報 1943年7月18日





Forgotten Korean Suicide Attacker ‘Hero’ celebrated by Imperial Japan: Park Gwan-bin (박관빈, 朴官彬) charged into an Allied machine-gun nest clutching an anti-tank explosive during the Burma Campaign in Dec. 1944

In the annals of forgotten history, few figures exemplify the complex and tragic reality of Korean soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army qu...