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Sunday, July 31, 2022

Propaganda 'feel good story' praises Korean grandfather for finally accepting his grandson's voluntary enlistment in the Imperial Japanese air force, as it was 'not easy to persuade' him due to his 'having lived through half a century of complicated historical changes' (Dongdaemun Seoul, 1943)

This is my translation and transcription of a news article from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. This has never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge.

This is a propaganda story of a Korean grandfather who finally approves of his grandson voluntarily enlisting in the Imperial Japanese air force. The aviator's family members in this story all appear to have Japanese names except his mother Aji. We could surmise that their Korean surname was Kim, as their Japanese surname Kaneda contains the Hanja for Kim. 

As we have seen in other articles, this story plays on the stereotype that Koreans have excessive filial piety, often described as 'Korean Confucianism', which supposedly prevents them from serving in the armed forces for the good of the whole country.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 18, 1943

His grandfather is now a big supporter

Kaneda's parents cheer on their aviator child

The family was waiting for Mr. Kaneda Mitsunaga, who was flying in, embraced by his two shining wings, on a sunny visit to his hometown at 72-132 Sungin-dong, Dongdaemun District. His father Kichihei (48), his mother Aji (아지/阿只) (47), his older brother Morinaga (25), his older sister Masako (married off), and aunt Masuko imagined Mitsunaga magnificently appearing in the clear autumn sky as they shouted, 'My son! My brother!' Talking to each other about this joyous day, they were gathered at the edge of the yard around his nephew Nobutake (4), who was holding a model airplane in his hand and excitedly shouting "Airplane! Airplane!"

The Kaneda family gathered around four-year-old Nobutake who is holding a model airplane.

Just three months after Mitsunaga left Kyungbock Middle School having attended only three years, and shrugging off the reluctance of some of his relatives, he was in his military uniform with his military cap and collar insignia of a youth airman, calling out "Follow me, junior soldiers". This sunny flight for a hometown visit was a dream come true.

It was not easy to persuade Mitsunaga's grandfather about his voluntary enlistment, since his grandfather had lived through half a century of complicated historical changes. Mitsunaga said that he would atone for his temporary lack of filial piety to his grandfather by making up for it with his determination and loyalty to his ancestral land in a time of crisis.

I believe that it was ultimately his mother's words of understanding that gave strong encouragement to her son's passion for the sky. When his grandfather beheld Mitsunaga's dignified and energetic appearance during his visit this summer, his grandfather gave his full approval. The family was very happy to welcome Mitsunaga on board the plane. [Photo: Mr. Kaneda's joyous family at his home]

Airplane Donation Campaign

Aviation Memorial Day

Launched at Shimonoseki

[Shimonoseki Telephone Report] On the 20th, for Aviation Memorial Day, lecture meetings were held at five Soldier Training Centers in Shimonoseki starting at 7:00 p.m. Amid a series of extremely harsh air battles, we hardened our resolve to send as many airplanes and people as possible to the front line and take to the skies to fight decisive battles, and an explosive movement was launched for the donation of airplanes.



京城日報 1943年9月18日











Saturday, July 23, 2022

Colonial authorities discussed how to reduce prenatal/infant mortality rates in the midst of severe 1943 wartime food shortages, declaring that the Korean children belong to Imperial Japan and not to the mother, who must raise them into future soldiers and leaders of the Co-prosperity Sphere

This is my translation and transcription of three news articles from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. They have never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge. They provide a revealing glimpse into the desperate suffering of the nursing babies, infants, and mothers of Korea amid the tremendous stresses of World War II.

Over three days (three parts) in May 1943, the newspaper gathered together a panel of experts from the medical field, schools, social welfare departments, and the colonial government to discuss how to reduce prenatal and infant mortality rates. 

In the first part, they discussed ways to increase the population of Imperial Japan by reducing miscarriages, throwing around ideas like lowering the marriage age, prioritizing food rations for pregnant women, instituting maternal leave, promoting delivery in hospitals, and controlling tuberculosis.

In the second part, they discussed mothers and children suffering from food shortages (baby formula, eggs, dairy milk, fish, tofu, etc.), and prioritizing food rationing to expectant and nursing mothers with doctor's certificates, promoting breast milk, and teaching dental hygiene using salt or toothpaste to brush teeth, concluding with a declaration that infants are the property of the nation.

In the third part, more politically charged than the previous two parts, they discussed 'proper' child rearing practices and children's spiritual education, emphasizing that the mother should adopt a faithful devotion to all household as a form of devotion to the Emperor, that the 'previously prevailing individualistic and liberal attitude on children's education must be abandoned', and children must worship at the kamidana (small Shinto altar) every morning.

I have not done a thorough fact check of all the medical advice in these old articles, but needless to say that they should all be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism, as several pieces of advice already look pretty suspect first glance, especially their tips on raising children. 


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) May 1, 1943

Child Protection Roundtable Discussion (Sponsored by the newspaper head office) (Part 1 of 3)

Give birth to 100 million more people!

Pregnant women are not comfortable with queuing up to buy things


  • Dr. Hata (Department of Gynecology, Seoul University)
  • Dr. Amano (Department of Law and Literature, Seoul University)
  • Dr. Hironaka (Department of Pediatrics, Seoul Medical Center)
  • Dr. Yao (Seoul Dental College)
  • Ms. Su'e Aiko (Green Banner League)
  • Ms. Yajima Seiko (Seoul Friends Association)
  • Ms. Kim Jin-jeong (김진정/金珎禎) (Patriotic Women's Association, Korea Headquarters)
  • Ms. Dr. Tomura Kimiko (Medical doctor)
  • Ms. Choi Yang-yo (최양요/崔良窯) (Gyeonggi Girls' High School)
  • Mr. Nagai (Director of Social Affairs Division, Governor-General's Office)
  • Mr. Iwasa (Social Affairs Division, Governor-General's Office)
  • Mr. Ōtsuka (Director of the Korean Social Work Association)
  • Mr. Kojima (Director, Welfare Department, Korean Federation of National Power)
  • Mr. Jeong (Director of the Editorial Bureau for Mainichi Shimbun)
  • Mr. Hong (Director of Social Affairs Department of Mainichi Shimbun)
  • Mr. Mine (Director of Social Affairs Department, Keijo Nippo Head Office), Mr. Suzuki, (Director of Business Department, Keijo Nippo Head Office), and Mr. Kagawa (Reporter, Keijo Nippo Head Office)

This year, too, from the 1st to the 10th, the People's Health Campaign will be held simultaneously in all of Korea. The Korean Social Work Association, in cooperation with the Korean Federation of National Power and the Social Work Associations of the provinces, will launch the "Child Protection Campaign". To spearhead the campaign, the Keijo Nippo head office held a "Child Protection Roundtable Discussion" as follows, inviting authoritative figures from various fields on the issues of nursing babies, infants, and women.

Mr. Nagai: For ten days from May 1, the Healthy People Movement will be conducted through various organizations, and the results of the Healthy People/Healthy Troops Movement have been spectacularly achieved with the collective consensus of 100 million people fighting a decisive battle. This month, we would like to hear your opinions from all of you about protecting children. The moderator is Dr. Amano. Dr. Amano, your thoughts?

Dr. Amano: The situation of the Greater East Asia War is becoming increasingly serious, and we need to think more deeply about childbirth and child rearing. The first and foremost issue is to give birth to many strong children. Since this is the only way, I believe that providing guidance on how to protect pregnant and nursing mothers is the first issue to be considered when discussing wartime life. Let's start with Dr. Hata.

Dr. Hata: During the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Greater East Asia War, a large number of people were mobilized to the front lines, and in order to replenish this number, it is necessary to greatly increase the number of people behind the front lines. The reason why ancient Greece and Egypt were in such a state in the past is because of their excessive culture and misplaced population growth. What about the people of Japan? Japan is surrounded by the following countries. Across the Pacific Ocean is the United States with a population of 130 million. To the west is the Soviet Union, with a population of 170 million and the world's highest population growth rate. China has 400 million people. In order to establish an East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere in the midst of such a situation, Japan must further increase its population.

In January 1941, the government established the Outline for the Establishment of Population Policy, which stated that Japan must produce 100 million people by 1960, and that each family should have at least five children. In Japan, however, the birth rate was 36.2 per 1,000 in 1920, 30.6 per 1,000 in 1937, and 26.7 per 1,000 in 1938, but as a result of the cooperation of the government, doctors, and others, the rate has gradually improved. The situation has been improved by the people's awareness and the improvement of various institutions to prevent deaths, increase births, and prevent the transmission of tuberculosis to nursing babies and infants.

The age of marriage is being advanced to three years earlier within the next ten years, and in mainland Japan, the lending of marriage and childbirth funds is being discussed, and various facilities are being established to ensure healthy childbirths. According to an announcement by the Japan Gynecological Society in 1940, a survey of fetal deaths, assuming that the total number of conceptions in a year was 2 million, showed that there were 86,000 spontaneous abortions in the third month of pregnancy, which is four times the total number of births in Kyoto in a year, and over 50,000 stillbirths in the tenth month of pregnancy, which is the total number of births in Kyoto and Nagoya in a year. That means that 280,000 people are being lost between the first and tenth months of pregnancy, which is quite astonishing.

The high number of premature births, especially before delivery, is especially thought-provoking. We should use our efforts to prevent premature births, educate mothers about motherhood, and ensure the mental and physical health of mothers. In a nutshell, there is no other way to feed pregnant and nursing mothers than to prioritize them over healthier people by giving them more food rations.

Miscarriages can be caused by excessive labor, sexually transmitted diseases, endometritis, or a deficiency of progestin or vitamins, so it is essential to seek professional medical care at an early stage. Early treatment is essential to avoid miscarriage and to ensure a safe delivery.

Dr. Amano: Now that we have discussed the issue of overwork among women, I would like to hear your thoughts about this.

Dr. Hata: Statistics show that more than 50% of working women have irregular menstruation, and this is particularly high in printing factories, where 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriages. Of the 70% of pregnancies which end in delivery, 20% of the babies die due to weakness, which is a very serious problem, and it is necessary to protect working women and professional women. In mainland Japan, there are mandatory resting periods to provide adequate rest, and I think this is something that should be considered in the near future in Korea as well.

Dr. Amano: I guess shopping queues are not good for pregnant women these days.

Dr. Hata: They are not good at all. In mainland Japan, it seems that pregnant women are given priority in the distribution of food rations, and people are willing to give up their rights to each other in the queue.

Dr. Amano: Is it because of the lack of manpower? Something must be done about this. 

Dr. Hata: The winter months are worse than the summer months, and there have been cases of miscarriages due to the passage of several hours.

Dr. Amano: If women are in the workforce for a long period of time as the war drags on, they will enter a wider range of men's professions. If employers do not pay enough attention to their health in consideration of their employment, they may miscarry after pregnancy, or die soon after birth. What is the situation in mainland Japan?

Dr. Hata: As a result of the January 1941 regulations, mandatory rest and dormitory facilities seem to be going relatively well.

Dr. Tomura: At any rate, housewives nowadays bear an excessive burden in terms of air defense, patriotic organization events, and other household chores. There is a lot to consider about pregnancy and child rearing after delivery. I believe there is room for further investigation into the relationship between food and nutrition.

Ms. Kim: I always think about professional women. Some of them have miscarriages because they push themselves too hard before giving birth, and some of them fall into unexpected serious conditions due to lack of medical care after childbirth, partly because they cannot receive adequate treatment at hospitals. Because the family's finances do not allow it, these failures are repeated, and precious human resources are lost.

Dr. Amano: In case of air raids, there is also the problem of how to treat pregnant women. How would you deal with such limitations?

Dr. Hata: I believe that it is better to evacuate the pregnant women until the seventh month, but not after that. The high rate of deliveries that take place at home instead of in hospitals is also a problem that should be given considerable thought. The number of deaths due to unexpected accidents and abnormal pregnancies during childbirth is over 100,000. At hospitals, the fetal death rate due to unexpected accidents is 0.6%, whereas it is 1.2% at home. At hospitals, the rate of breech births is 15%, whereas it is 30% at home. The rate of death is high due to inadequate treatment for neonatal asphyxia. Therefore, it is important that abnormal pregnancies be handled in hospitals and maternity hospitals as much as possible, from the standpoint of increasing the population. For this purpose, we need to build more maternity hospitals and other facilities that allow hospitalization at low cost. Otherwise, we will not be able to fully achieve our goal. 

[Photo: Roundtable discussion]


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) May 2, 1943

Child Protection Roundtable Discussion (Sponsored by the newspaper head office) (Part 2 of 3)

Strong children come from healthy mothers

Weaning indigestion is frightening

Dr. Amano: What are your opinions on the protection of nursing babies and infants? What about artificial nutrition? What about the current food supply? Dr. Hironaka, your thoughts on this?

Dr. Hironaka: The infant mortality rate is high, especially for newborns. The death rate is particularly high for infants who are weak at birth, have weak vitality, or are born prematurely, so this has a close relationship with obstetrics and gynecology. As mentioned earlier, the nutritional condition of the pregnant woman is closely connected to vitamins and hormones, as well as genetics. You can say that, if the mother is strong, the child is also strong. Various postnatal disorders can be prevented to a great extent by the mother being attentive.

The main factor in preventing illness in infants is how to feed them, and formula feeding has a higher morbidity rate than breast milk. The first step is to feed the mother's milk. However, recently the use of formula feeding has increased dramatically. I don't know if it's because of the shortage of the mother's milk, but the use of powdered and blended milk substitutes has increased. Moreover, there is a shortage of these substitutes these days, which is a serious problem from a national perspective, and infants' food should be given more consideration than that of adults.

In addition, there seems to be a shortage of pacifiers, which also needs to be considered. Secondly, there is a high mortality rate among infants during the weaning period after they grow bigger. This is due to the way food is fed, and should be considered more seriously than the problem of artificial nutrition. Eating at this age is truly difficult. They easily have diarrhea. In addition, mothers are suffering from the lack of eggs, small fish, tofu, and other foods. If babies overdo it and suffer from indigestion, they can hardly survive these days. Even if they do survive, the effects will be felt later on when they are older. I would like you to consider this and give sufficient thought to the distribution of food rations.

Dr. Amano: It is very difficult to raise children these days, isn't it?

Mr. Nagai: It seems that there are no eggs or tofu. Milk, curd, and powdered milk are also limited these days because of the shortage, but we issue tickets in the cities, towns, and townships to those who need them who have a doctor's certificate, so please apply for them without delay. In addition, cotton cloths for expectant and nursing mothers are also preferentially distributed to those with a doctor's certificate.

Ms. Su'e: Speaking of breast milk, when my first child was born, I had a lot of breast milk, but with my second child, I was a little emotionally upset, so I had no breast milk at all. Perhaps there is a relationship with food and emotions?

Dr. Hata: At least half of the time, it has a great deal to do with mental effects. Also, when there is a shortage of breast milk, we try to give them dairy milk, but even then there may only be three gō (0.54 liters) or five gō (0.90 liters) of dairy milk to give them, the milk shipment may only come at 9 or 10, around 4 in the afternoon, or never. We are troubled by this, but we would like to get this done right somehow. There is also no bread, potato starch, etc. I would like to make a loud appeal on these points from the standpoint of child protection.

Dr. Amano: How is the growth of the fetus affected by meals?

Dr. Hata: According to last year's statistics, there does not seem to be much of a relationship. Even if you look at the pregnant women in the lower classes, there is no significant effect on the fetus.

Dr. Amano: Insufficient nutrition of the mother and fetus and inadequate food for the infant cause many difficulties, but what about the teeth of the mother and child? Dr. Yao, please go ahead.

Dr. Yao: In Germany, children born after the last World War had bad teeth due to the extreme shortage of food supplies, and this is a problem that we have to think carefully about. Since tooth decay causes various diseases and causes a high mortality rate, if the distribution system is not smooth like nowadays, this result will appear in a few years, even if this problem does not appear now. Then this would mean that Japan will be following in the footsteps of Germany, and we will need to conduct good research into how these problems will manifest themselves in the future. Baby teeth grow from six months to two years of age, and permanent teeth grow from six to eight years of age. Many people think that it does not matter how many decayed baby teeth there are, but this is a serious mistake. When baby teeth have cavities, the permanent teeth that come in later are weakened, causing irregular dentition. This can also lead to the inability to take in sufficient nutrition in the future. Therefore, in order to have healthy permanent teeth, it is important to take good care of the baby teeth.

Pregnant women should also take care to nourish their children and ensure that they have healthy teeth. As Dr. Hironaka mentioned earlier, breastfeeding is better than artificial nutrition, and this is also true from the standpoint of dentistry. This is why rubber nipples for artificial feeding are not a good idea. When a nursing baby feeds on breast milk, it makes a sweaty effort and the mouth and neck become filled with blood, which stimulates the development of the cervical bone, and the baby grows smoothly. In this sense, breastfeeding is the best.

Dr. Amano: I see. That means that baby teeth are not to be treated as a trivial matter.

Dr. Yao: That's right. There is no better way to treat cavities in baby teeth than to treat them as soon as possible. If it is in the early stages of decay, it can be filled with cement, and the cost will be lower. As for the cost, as I mentioned earlier, there are many cases where the costs for pregnant and nursing mothers do not go so well due to hospitalization. The other day, I went back to my hometown (Okayama) for a short while, and there, the prefectural government provides health insurance and hospitalization at a very low cost. For example, when my father was hospitalized, the hospitalization fee was 50 yen and the food cost was 1.20 yen, so the hospital services were much appreciated and used by the villagers. I would like to see this expanded in Korea as well. Next to the basic prevention of cavities, if you follow the second preventive method of using a toothbrush to remove food debris, you can be sure that you will never get a cavity. However, it is necessary to use the toothbrush in the correct way. You must use the brush in the "vertical" position. It is a big mistake to say that you should brush in the morning but not at night, because doing it at night before going to bed is the most effective way to prevent cavities.

Dr. Tomura: What is the difference between using salt and using toothpaste?

Dr. Yao: There is not much of a difference.

Dr. Amano: What about the education of young children at Seoul Friends Association?

Ms. Yajima: Yes, we have a group called "Friends Association" for children who will go to the National School (elementary school) next year (Tuesday group) and those who will be 5 or 6 years old (Wednesday group). The children attend once a week at Mr. Kojima's home. We also put a lot of effort into teaching them how to brush their teeth. At five or six years of age, children like to show themselves off to other people, so we take advantage of this psychology to have them do things together, so that it becomes a great encouragement for them. 

Dr. Amano: Ms. Choi, you seem to have raised many excellent children in spite of your busy schedule. Do you have any special methods to share?

Ms. Choi: In spite of my busy work at school (as a teacher), all three of my children have grown up to be strong and healthy. I am very careful when raising babies, but I think the most important thing is to feed them milk at the right time from the very beginning. Since it would inconvenience me at work when they sleep during the day and remain awake during the night, I asked my nanny to not let them sleep during the day as much as possible, to enforce the habit of sleeping well at night. I think that a well-regulated lifestyle is the special method for preventing illness.

Dr. Hironaka: That is a very good story.

Dr. Amano: So-called well-educated women do not always raise strong, good children, and there are a few examples of women who are not so well-educated but have done a great job of raising good children to bear the fruit of child protection. What kind of mother is considered a good mother? Dr. Hironaka, your thoughts?

Dr. Hironaka: In other words, children grow up well because they are raised well, and there are many women who do not understand this point very well. [laughter]

Mr. Nagai: There are also women who are self-centered in the way they soothe their babies. [laughter]

Ms. Kim: Since the mortality rate is high in Korea, I wish there were more nursing baby and infant care centers. I would like to see university hospitals and medical centers, including Asahi Medical Center, Japan Red Cross Hospital, and other hospitals, provide facilities for nursing babies and infants for thorough prevention and treatment, as well as attached maternity hospitals. The rise and fall of a nation depend on its infants, and even if they are born from the mother's bosom, they are not the property of the individual, but rather they are the property of the nation.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) May 3, 1943

Child Protection Roundtable Discussion (Sponsored by the newspaper head office) (Part 3 of 3)

Mothers, be strict with your children

Children should not be shy or timid

Mr. Iwasa: The Governor-General's Office has been distributing a child-rearing calendar since January of this year. It is extremely detailed so that even first-time mothers can understand tips for pregnant women, childbirth and child-rearing methods by month, early treatment for illness, etc.

Ms. Su'e: Every Tuesday, the Green Banner League holds a nursing baby and infant counseling session at Chōjiya Japanese restaurant, and it has been a success every time. As of December, a total of 554 children have been examined. The number of consultations was 306: 110 consultations on breastfeeding, 18 consultations on artificial nutrition, and 177 consultations on weaning. In addition to distributing this infant calendar, we are researching how to prepare food for weaning, how to use clothes, how to make underwear, and so on, since there are supply shortages.

Ms. Yajima: How to spend the winter season is also a major issue, and we are collecting statistics among our members on whether it is better to use a warm ondol room or a stove because of the fuel shortages. Among active measures, infant exercises are also good, and I think it is also good for mothers to help their children do these exercises.

Mr. Ōtsuka: Last year we held a "Mother and Child Exhibition" for one week and it was packed, and this year we will hold it again with different content at the Ikueikai Educational Society. This year, we will hold a new lecture on childcare, and on the 7th, there will be a lecture by Dr. Izumi from Seoul University, and a movie night at the Seoul Citizens Hall.

Dr. Amano: Now I would like to turn to the issue of spiritual education for children.

Mr. Mine (Director of Social Affairs Department): Today, the issue of nursing babies and infants must be considered not only from the perspective of humanity, but also from the perspective of the nation - that is, the nation as a whole. Children up to the age of six should not be spoiled, selfish, shy, or depressed. The child demanded by the nation must be a strong, cheerful child who is able to grow and develop. I believe that there is such a thing as a small child with beautiful behavior and a lovely heart. If not, it is the mother's fault. It can be said that the environment around them made them that way. For example, a child who breaks a shōji (paper sliding door) is a result of the mother's slovenliness. A child who is shy around others is also not healthy.

Dr. Amano: As you just said, a mother's attitude is certainly important. They are the children of the nation, so they need to be trained.

Ms. Su'e: A mother's faithful devotion to all household chores, from morning to night, means that she is dedicated to His Majesty. I believe that the Japanese way of discipline is to bow down to His Majesty's side.

Dr. Amano: I believe that there is a certain way to discipline children who are shy or timid, who will be of no use as the future leaders of the co-prosperity sphere. How do you deal with this at Seoul Friends Association?

Ms. Yajima: At Seoul Friends Association, we are often told that we do not scold our children enough, but our principle is that we want the children to notice us.

Dr. Amano: I believe that the previously prevailing individualistic and liberal attitude on children's education must be abandoned in favor of a more holistic and nationalistic approach. What kinds of opinions do Korean people have on this?

Ms. Kim: I have heard from women's groups from the provinces that, ever since the announcement of the conscription order, the basic ideas held by Korean children have completely changed, they have discovered a sense of purpose that they can become great soldiers of the Imperial Japanese military, and they are very happy about it. I would like to see the children thoroughly imbued with a sense of mission at this time.

Dr. Amano: Then there is the problem of children's toys. Due to the scarcity of materials, we seem to be seeing some very poor quality toys. What kind of toys do you recommend, Dr. Hironaka?

Dr. Hironaka: First of all, they should be injury-proof. Poor quality paint is also dangerous. Educational toys are also important.

Ms. Su'e: As for how to give toys to children, I think that if you give toys to children on a day of national significance, such as the Tenchō's Festival (the Emperor's Birthday) or New Year's Day, they will be more inclined to cherish the toys. There is a custom of giving toys as mere souvenirs, but I think this is the worst thing you can do.

Mr. Hong: I would like to see some kind of control over this practice, because inferior toys are made by merchants for their own profit. They cost two or three yen and break immediately. The psychological impact on a child's mind is so serious that I have decided not to buy such toys for the past several years.

Mr. Mine: I am glad to see that there is more ingenuity and structure in the world of children, as the little ones at my place have been cleverly combining building blocks and the Chinese Checkers board to play games consistent with the times, such as pretending to sink U.S. warships.

Ms. Yajima: If you put colored paper on an empty box or a honeycomb box, it can be used as a doll house or as a train, and it is very useful.

Ms. Choi: Recently at my house, we have stopped using dolls, and my children are holding pillows and calling them their babies. [laughter]

Ms. Kim: I hope there will be an institute for research and guidance on child psychology. There have been many cases where children have become delinquents because they were not given proper guidance. I hope that the Governor-General's Office will consider setting up an institute for this kind of psychological guidance in addition to the awards for excellent children.

Dr. Amano: In order to raise children to be physically strong and mentally strong, I think we should put more soul into their spiritual education. What is the best way to infuse strong spirituality into children?

How should we deal with children not only in national school education, but also at home? For example, we should lead a disciplined life by worshiping at the kamidana altar every morning, or we should naturally reflect this into our children by showing the strict attitude of parents who do not allow their spirit to be disturbed. If parents themselves maintain a winning attitude and strong spirit, their children will naturally follow them. According to the conventional school survey statistics in Japan, children from families that are financially very well off do not perform that well in school, while those from middle-class or lower-class families are actually more likely to produce upright individuals. I believe this is the result of parents who were not able to live up to their own expectations in their own lives, so they reflect a strict mentality onto their own children, wanting their children to live up to the parents' own expectations, and this propels their children forward. I think we have run out of time, so we will close this discussion.  =End=



京城日報 1943年5月1日

児童愛護座談会 本社主催 (上)








































京城日報 1943年5月2日

児童愛護座談会 本社後援 (中)





























京城日報 1943年5月3日

児童愛護座談会 本社後援 (下)

























Sunday, July 17, 2022

Young Korean men were 'beaten into shape' at militaristic farmers' dōjō (Imperial Japanese training indoctrination camp) to cultivate the next generation of rural Korean leaders who would spread the Imperial Way of farming throughout the Korean countryside (Daejeon, 1943)

This is my translation and transcription of a news article from Keijo Nippo, a propaganda newspaper and mouthpiece of the government of Japan-colonized Korea. It has never been republished or translated before, to the best of my knowledge.

I have to acknowledge historian Jeong Jae-jeong (정재정/鄭在貞) for writing an excellent paper about Imperial Japanese indoctrination camps in Korea, including farmers' dōjōs, in his 2005 paper, '日帝下朝鮮における国家総力戦体制と朝鮮人の生活' ('The National Total War System in Korea under Imperial Japanese rule and the lives of the Korean people'), which he wrote in Korean and Japanese as part of a project of the Japan-Korea Cultural Foundation (Japanese language PDF link, Korean language PDF link). Unfortunately, this article is not available in English. 

As Jeong explains in his papers, colonial authorities set up training camps and centers for students, laborers, farmers, young women, and even government officials to indoctrinate Koreans in Imperial Japanese ways. The Yuseong Farmers' Dōjō was one training camp that was originally set up more as a normal vocational center for local men to learn the latest modern farming techniques, but later taken over by Imperial Way fanatics to become more like a religious cult indoctrination center. There was apparently also a parallel Yuseong Women's Training Center for young women to learn farming techniques, child rearing, and house chores, which Jeong mentions in his paper.

This article describes inmates singing songs by Ninomiya Sontoku (alternatively named Ninomiya Ginjiro), whose teachings South Korean dictator Park Chung-hee adopted in his New Community Movement, which was a campaign to modernize rural South Korea incorporating ideas from traditional Korean communalism and didactic techniques that were commonly used in Imperial Japan. Quoting a passage from The New Community Movement: Park Chung Hee and the Making of State Populism in Korea by Han Seung-mi:

Nevertheless, the New Community Movement met with genuine response from the countryside. Its key methodology was spiritual training. It was enforced under guidelines set by Park himself, and "non-economic" mental/social issues were addressed in order for the economy to prosper. Park was influenced by Japanese-style mental training, as were his high-ranking officials and policy advisors, who also believed in a Weberian emphasis on work ethics. "The Swiss had the Puritans, and the Japanese have Ninomiya Ginjiro" (interview, April 1999). Interesting, this comment by a former NCM policy maker at the Blue House was echoed by an elderly farmer in the countryside: "I knew instantly what the president was getting across. It was Ninoyama Ginjiro! He was in our 6th grade textbook!" (Interview with a farmer in his seventies, Yeoju County, Kyunggi Province, May 1999). In fact, it assumed an urban bias to assume that the culture of poverty—laziness, despair, and intemperance—was behind the slow economic growth in the countryside. Farmers in general had not given up on life before the NCM was introduced, as the slogans suggested. Rather, the problem was structural in nature. 


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) May 3, 1943 (Monday Special Edition)

Increase Production in Harmony with the Earth

Valiant Training Without Any Sundays Off

Young People Leading Tomorrow's Farming Communities

In order to win the Greater East Asia War, it is necessary to increase production in all areas of production, and the Korean peninsula is currently continuing its daring battle toward increasing its military strength. In particular, Korea, which is called the 'granary peninsula,' is in a position of having to fulfill its duty given to it to increase food production. However, the emphasis on increasing food production is not limited to the conventional increase in crop yields. Indeed, Governor-General Koiso stresses the need to turn the farmers of the Korean peninsula into farmers of the Imperial Way at every opportunity, and explains the necessity of spiritual training. To this end, each province is committed to training the young men who are to become the central figures in the rural villages, and they are constantly training day and night at their respective farmers' dōjōs.

How are the young farmers being trained? How are they creating the core group of young farming men who will carry the future of the Korean peninsula's farming villages on their shoulders? This newspaper visited the Yuseong Farmers' dōjō in Chungnam, the oldest farmers' dōjō in Korea and a model for other provinces, to report with a pen and camera on the reality of "farmers being trained". [Correspondent Kimura]

The sign says 忠清南道儒城農民道場, or Chungcheongnam-do Yuseong Farmers' Dōjō.

How the dōjō is organized

The first farmers' dōjō was established in Korea not long ago, during the reign of Governor-General Ugaki, as one of the measures to realize the policy of rural development, and was established in each rural village to train a core group of young men to become self-sufficient farmers. The Yuseong Farmers' dōjō, established in June 1934, was the spearhead of this project. Since then, this facility has been recognized by each province as being very useful for training farmers, especially for creating core groups of young men in each village, and now there are no provinces without a farmers' dōjō. At first, the goal was to establish self-sufficient farming through self-rehabilitation, but after the war, under the great mission to secure food for the Co-prosperity Sphere under the Greater East Asia War, there will be a strong demand to practice farming the Imperial Way, not simply to expand the area of arable land and rationally use fertilizers. They are being trained to "love the soil, live with the soil, and die with the soil" just as they do in mainland Japan, to practice Korean farming carried forth by spiritual training. For this reason, the Yuseong Farmers' dōjō, which serves as a model for all of Korea, has increased its capacity from 60 to 100 inmates this year to accelerate the Imperialization of Korean farmers.

Photo: A panoramic view of the Yuseong Farmers' dōjō in Chungnam.

This dōjō is located 12 kilometers from Daejeon, or a 30-minute walk from the Yuseong Hot Springs. The dōjō is surrounded by pine forests on one side and farm fields on three sides. It has a blessed environment with a view of orchards run by mainland Japanese operators in the far distance. The dōjō students currently undergoing training here are 60 men selected from the six counties of Daedeok, Yeongi, Gongju, Nonsan, Asan, and Cheonan. They live together in independent farmhouses in groups of five and undergo training without taking time off on Sundays.

The farmhouses were given names such as "rehabilitation," "promotion," "self-reliance," "service," "community," "thrift," "wise farming," "benevolent farming," "diligent farming," "respectful farming," "encouraging farming," "loving farming," and so on. For each farmhouse, whoever had the most outstanding academic background or agricultural ability was chosen to be the house leader, and he was placed in charge of the four remaining housemates. There are 12 farmhouses, six each on the east and west sides of the dōjō, with five people living in the same room, forming a completely independent farmhouse. There is a pigpen, a chicken coop, a compost shed, a cow shed, and so on. While they are cramped, they are equipped with the most ideal facilities for Korean farmers. The 12 farmhouses are of the same standard design and currently accommodate five people each. But since the dōjō is being planned to accommodate another 40 people in the near future, each farmhouse will eventually accommodate seven people each. There are plans to build two additional farmhouses. The dōjō owns arable land including rice paddies (4 chō + 1 se + 6 bu = 4.0 hectares or 9.8 acres), farm fields (5 chō + 4 tan + 6 se = 5.4 hectares or 13.4 acres), muddy fields (9 tan + 8 se + 5 bu = 1.0 hectare or 2.4 acres), forestland (6 chō + 8 tan + 6 bu = 6.7 hectares or 16.7 acres), 12 cows, 60 chickens, 18 sheep, and 12 rabbits, and is self-sufficient in everything except miso and soy sauce. On top of that, since annual revenues are 4,800 yen with vegetables alone, it means that highly intensive farming is being practiced compared to farmers overall. Since the number of inmates is increased by 40 while the amount of cultivated land remains the same, this means that we will have to put extra effort into intensive farming going forward.

In addition to the house leader, all four members of the farmhouse are assigned to the following tasks in an organized manner: rice cultivation, vegetables, animal husbandry, and facility management. In addition to the work assignments for each house, the dōjō as a whole is assigned a public morals officer, a power facility officer, a sales officer, a purchasing officer, and a cooking officer. All the harvested produce is submitted to the sales officer, and proceeds are transferred to the savings accounts of each farmhouse.

Beat them into shape to stop their "reliance on others"

Dōjō Life

The life of the dōjō students here is the same as that of the Navy: Monday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Friday, and the daily routine is repeated day in and day out with total discipline. In the morning, they wake up at 5:00 a.m., clean up the area around the farmhouse, tidy up the house, and wash up by 5:35 a.m. Then they gather in front of the Ōkura Worship Hall in the pine forest for the morning assembly, during which roll call is held, and then participants reverently bow towards the Worship Hall performing two claps, two bows, and then one clap, followed by Kyūjō Yōhai worship bowing in the direction of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo and then the Ise Jingū Yōhai worship bowing in the direction of Ise Shrine. Then the dōjō leader or instructor gives a speech, followed by national calisthenics exercises. From then until seven o'clock is the first working hour, during which they are assigned to work on such tasks as manure collection, weeding, straw work, farming, and livestock management, and in some cases, they are gathered in the auditorium for lectures.

Breakfast time is from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. To instill a sense of gratitude for food, they are required to say the pre-meal and post-meal vows three times. For breakfast, the inmate would stand in front of a bowl of miso soup, takuan picked radishes, and a heaping pile of rice, with his palms pressed together, chopsticks between his thumb and forefinger, and say,

"I am deeply grateful to the gods and Buddha for their blessings and the labor of so many people that went into the food being served to us. I will not be averse to eating this food because it tastes bad, nor will I be greedy because it tastes good. Let's eat."

After making this vow, he takes his chopsticks, and finishing breakfast, he is full of strength in body and mind, and now he will strive hard to perform the morning's work. The same vow is made at lunch, but they make the following vow after dinner:

"Now that dinner is over, we are full of strength, so let us reflect on today's work and prepare for tomorrow."

In addition, from February until the end of the training period in December, the students are required to memorize six Chinese characters a day, two at a time after each meal, in order to reach the goal of learning 2,000 Chinese characters. Although the dōjō students are usually graduates of national schools (elementary schools), they cannot actually write letters in their everyday language, so this training in Chinese characters is based on their parents' wishes that, after they return to their villages, they will be able to read the correspondence from the local myeon (township) office and explain the contents to fellow villagers, or at least be able to write letters on their parents' behalf.

After breakfast and learning Chinese characters, the second work period lasts until 12:50 in the afternoon, and the third work period lasts from 2:00 p.m. to sundown at 7:00 p.m. These are meant to be thorough "training periods" for the dōjō students to become farmers of the Imperial Nation. This daily routine is a time to seek a rethinking of the farming practices which they had been doing at home under the orders of their parents. It is a time to beat them into shape to rethink older farming practices involving reliance on others, which include sowing seasonal seeds according to the calendar, applying fertilizer when they sprout, giving up when it does not rain, and relying on others for help when there is drought. We teach them, if it doesn't rain, dig a well. If insects appear, take them out. If there is not enough fertilizer, make more compost.

In fact, the farmers in this area only add 100 kan (375 kg) or at most 200 kan (750 kg) of compost per tan (0.1 hectare, or about 1/4 acre), but at this dōjō, they make it an absolute requirement to add 2,000 kan (7500 kg) of compost per tan. At 8:00 p.m., after the hard daytime agricultural training is over and dinner and after-dinner events are finished, lectures, diary entries, and round-table discussions are held as needed. At 9:00 p.m., the night assembly, roll call, night greetings, and greetings to the hometowns are held, and at the sound of the bell at 9:30 p.m., all 12 farmhouses turn off the lights and go to bed at once.

Competence is better than talk

All training is done in the military style, reward good work and punish bad work

Training of dōjō students

Dōjō students are selected among young men between 17 and 25 years of age. From the time they enter the dōjō in February until the busy farming season in April, they are exclusively trained to become accustomed to group life. This year's dōjō students have completely picked up military-style training after only two months. One ring of the bell under the worship hall will prompt them to immediately gather at the same time, each farmhouse reporting nothing unusual among the five housemates, and all sixty of them instantly line up.

When the inmates first entered the dōjō, they were all different from each other. The children of poor farmers were accustomed to work, but their behavior was rough, and the worst ones did not even know how to use the toilet. The sons of independent farmers were frail and useless, and the best way to train them all at the same time was to train them military style. Next, it is important for the instructors to blend in with the dōjō students and be with them. Per long-standing practice, head instructors wake up before the students, ring the bell to wake them up, and eat the same meals together with the students. We also strictly enforce the "reward and punishment" policy, profusely praising students for good behavior and readily scolding them for bad behavior, and within two months they somehow become full-fledged dōjō students, just like in the military during the first inspection period.

The dining/lecture hall is crude with desks like chopping blocks, but all around hang the nameplates of students who completed the first through the ninth terms, and in front of them hangs a portrait of Yamazaki Nobuyoshi, a distinguished agricultural expert who is lauded as the 'father of the Korean farmers'. Written on the portrait are the words, "Ideals are more important than appearances, beliefs are more important than titles, and competence is more important than talk". The students strive to cultivate their spirit by singing the songs of Ninomiya Sontoku, following the lead of their instructors, so that these words are deeply engraved in the minds of the students.

Open Your Eyes

Characteristics of the dōjō

"Open your eyes! The eyes are not only for seeing what is on the surface. Look at the difference in the growth of the barley here and the barley next to it, and look for what is causing this difference. Opening your eyes means to look and to think." When managing and sowing the barley, or practicing any work task, they are told to pay attention to the way they look at things. Just because you have sown the seeds and a crop is produced, it does not necessarily mean that you have 'made' the crop. Rather, the accomplishment comes when you work hard to take care of the soil, when there is not a single weed in the rice paddy, and the crop has been pleasantly produced. That's the first time you can say that you have 'made' the crop. The dōjō's approach to crops is aimed at instilling the concept of breathing in harmony with the soil, breaking away from the plundering mentality of agriculture that Korean farmers tend to fall into. 

In order to take advantage of the creativity and ingenuity of the dōjō students, the students are allowed to build their own livestock barns, compost sheds, and fences to accompany the 12 farmhouses, designing the structures in accordance with their own ideas. The dōjō is unique in that each farmhouse is led by a house leader, and each cow shed is built according to the students' own ideas, and each chicken coop is built in a different way.

The production amount for fiscal year 1943 is projected to be 14,434 yen, and the farmers are instructed to reduce the amount land that they have been using to cultivate vegetables from 1 chō + 2 tan (2.9 acres or 1.2 hectares) last year to just 6 tan + 1 bu (1.5 acres or 0.6 hectares) this year, which is half the amount of land used last year, and still generate the same income as last year of 4,800 yen. In order not to reduce the amount of income by cutting back on cultivated land, cultivation cannot be done arbitrarily. Therefore, the farmers are taught accelerated cultivation under the guidance of the staff, and depending on their techniques, they are taught that they can increase their income. In fact, a paper greenhouse has been built on part of the farmland for early cultivation of cucumbers and eggplants, and some of the cucumbers have already been shipped out on April 10th.

A day at the farmers' dōjō: (1) Morning assembly in front of the Ōkura Worship Hall, (2) Vows before meals, (3) Transporting fertilizers, (4) Cattle duty, (5) Cucumbers grown quickly in a paper greenhouse, (6) Sowing cotton between rows of barley in the field = at the Yuseong Farmers' dōjō in Chungnam [Photo by Harada].



京城日報 1943年5月3日 (月曜特輯)


































Monday, July 11, 2022

Book review of Anti-Japan Tribalism (반일종족주의, 反日種族主義), co-author Lee Woo-yeon (이우연) of the fringe 'End Comfort Women Fraud' group - a hit piece written by far-right Korean conservatives to attack anti-Japanese attitudes of their political opponents, distorts the historical narrative for this purpose

As some of you may know, in late June, a small fringe group of 3 Korean far-right activists Joo Ok-soon (주옥순), Lee Woo-yeon (이우연), and Kim Byeong-heon (김병헌) flew all the way from South Korea to Germany just to protest against the Comfort Woman statue in Berlin. Earlier, I explored their political and financial connections with Korean and Japanese conservative groups and their loyal online support base among the far-right Japanese community

I recently bought and read the official Japanese translation of Anti-Japan Tribalism (반일종족주의, 反日種族主義), which Lee Woo-yeon wrote as one of the six main authors, because I was curious as to what Lee Woo-yeon and his colleagues had to say about the troubling aspects of Imperial Japanese colonial rule over Korea that I have covered so far in the old news articles that I translated and shared online. 

TL;DR: This book is more of a hit piece against the authors' political opponents, and it plays down or omits negative aspects of Imperial Japanese colonial rule as a way to paint anti-Japanese attitudes in South Korea as irrational and unreasonable. Don't read if you are looking for a balanced treatment of the history of Japan-colonized Korea. 

Lee Woo-yeon is described as a founding member and co-chair of End Comfort Women Fraud, senior researcher at Nakseongdae Institute for Economic Research.

In the preface, it is revealed that this book is a compilation of discussions that were broadcast on Youtube by the Syngman Rhee Academy. As if to anticipate questions as to why such a pro-Japanese book would be released by an academy named after a Korean leader who had a reputation for being so anti-Japanese, the authors explain that, while they revere Syngman Rhee and his embrace of liberal democratic ideas, they strive to overcome the 'negative aspects' of his legacy, including his anti-Japanese attitudes. They claim to respect academic integrity, correcting mistakes in their work as soon as they are recognized. But as I explain below, I have many reasons to doubt the academic integrity of this book.

The prologue is entitled "a country of lies", where they paint a dark picture of present-day South Korea as a country where truth doesn't matter and groupthink rules the day, especially in the courts, the schools, and in political life. The epilogue is even darker, describing how, in 2017, South Korean historians began to call for the word 'liberal' in 'liberal democracy' to be struck out from the constitution. This 'awakened' the author and made him realize that his fellow South Korean citizens were 'aliens' or 'heretics' who were allegedly planning to overturn true democracy and unify South Korea with North Korea under the North's false democracy. The authors see it as their life mission to combat anti-Japan tribalism in South Korea to prevent this from ever happening.

As I read the first few chapters, I began to realize that the authors wrote this book more as a vehicle to attack their political opponents in South Korea. Everything else in this book is subordinate to this overarching goal of this book to make their political opponents look bad. It seems to me that the authors were not that interested in providing a critical perspective into the colonial period of Korean history. Rather, they appear to be trying to counter what they see as the excessively anti-Japanese attitudes of South Koreans, by bathing them with glowingly positive narratives of Imperial Japanese history, while deliberately de-emphasizing the negative aspects of Imperial Japan. A good illustration of this approach is to be found in Chapter 9, which covers the issue of reparations:

"I would like to begin by stating that there is nothing in particular that Korea can claim from Japan. In the past, if Korea had been able to claim compensation for colonial damage during the negotiation of claims, it could have claimed a large sum of money. For example, during the March 1st Independence Movement, many Koreans were killed in the arson attack at the Jeamni Church. Korean language scholars were unjustly detained and tortured in the Korean Language Institute incident at the end of the colonial period. They were also forced to give up rice during the war, and the Conscription Order and Draft Order were also invoked. Thus, there were more than one or two unjust damages under colonial rule. If compensation were to be paid for these damages, it would be an enormous amount. However, there is no such thing as reparations for the damage caused by colonial rule in international law or international relations. Even if Korea had tried to receive reparations, it could not have done so. That is because of the postwar settlement treaty of the Pacific War, namely the San Francisco Treaty, a peace treaty between the Allied Powers and Japan signed in September 1951."

A footnote to the same paragraph says the following:

"A case in which 33 members of the Korean Language Society, who had been working on a proposal for the unification of Hangul orthography, an assessment of a standard Korean language, and the compilation of a Korean dictionary, were arrested and imprisoned from 1942 to 1943 on charges of violating the Public Security Law. The reason for the arrests was that the study of the Korean language was an attempt to resist Imperialization policy and to uplift the Korean ethnic spirit and independence movement. Some of those arrested died in prison."

Imperialization refers to the forced assimilation of Koreans into 'true Japanese people'. This is as close as this book gets to acknowledging anything negative about the colonial regime. Indeed, the omissions of this book are glaring. Searches for key terms like 皇道 (Imperial Way), 錬成 (a commonly used word in the colonial period to refer to the 'training' of Koreans to become Japanese), 思想犯 (ideological criminals), 愛国班 (patriotic cells, or the neighborhood cells which executed the directives of the ruling party at the grass roots local level), or even the names of key Governors-General like Koiso (小磯) yield no results. There are no mentions of the Shinto worship rituals that Koreans were forced to perform regularly, mandatory Japanese language instruction that went so far as to have government officials entering Koreans' homes sticking bilingual labels on everyday objects, or young girls rounded up and placed into internment camps to be Japanized and married off to Imperial soldiers. These topics receive no coverage in this book, because the purpose of this book is not an honest inquiry into the root causes of the anti-Japanese attitudes of Koreans, but rather a deliberate attempt to delegitimize them as irrational and unreasonable.

To illustrate the ridiculousness of these omissions, imagine a book about anti-German sentiment in Europe and Nazi-German rule that has no mention whatsoever of Hitler, the National Socialist ideology, the Nazi Party, or the persecution of dissidents. Such a book could not be taken seriously as a serious work on the history of Nazi Germany.

The first three chapters of the book are an exercise in denial, filled with 'this never happened, that never happened' arguments. The first chapter covers the 12-volume novel Arirang by Jo Jung-rae, and points out its alleged historical inaccuracies, including massacres which allegedly never happened. The second chapter covers colonial land seizures, which allegedly never happened. Instead, the harmless, mundane land surveying activities of the Imperial Japanese surveyors were purportedly misunderstood by superstitious Korean peasants to be something nefarious.

In contrast, this mainstream Japanese academic paper confirms that land seizures did indeed happen, as this was how Japanese landlords were able to amass large tracts of land in Korea in the first place.  (

The third chapter covers rice seizures, which were allegedly not seizures, but just exports. Korean rice farmers were left eating chestnuts after exporting their rice to mainland Japan, but the authors insist that this didn't mean that their standard of living had decreased. The authors blame the persistent poverty of the Korean rice farmers on their low agricultural productivity and the concentration of the profits among the most productive farmers, who happened to be the large landholders. I didn't find this argument to be convincing, since colonial systems all over the world have been known to export grains to their home countries while impoverishing the small farmers, and Japan-colonized Korea was no different.

The fourth chapter explains that Imperial Japan pursued a policy of assimilation by integrating its currency, markets, and legal system with mainland Japan. It has graphs painting a rosy picture: the upward trajectory of gross national income and number of companies in Korea, the share of forestry and agriculture in the Korean economy steadily declining in a downward trajectory, and the service sector steadily expanding from 1910 to 2014. This chapter includes a passage includes a mildly negative comment about Imperial Japan, but quickly corrects itself to wage a defense of the colonial system:

"Japan forcibly took away the sovereignty of the former government of the Yi Dynasty, and ruled it as a colony. It can be said that Japan literally 'robbed' a country of its sovereignty. The Japanese Imperialists are to be criticized in this very respect, and we do not think they can be absolved of responsibility. However, the textbooks describe it as if the Japanese Imperialists had violated the property rights of individuals and 'robbed' Koreans of their land and food at random, which is not true. In real life at the time, there were probably countless times when the Japanese discriminated against Koreans, but they did not systematically formalize discrimination between ethnic groups. The Korean economy at that time was basically a market system of free trade, and the Civil Code and other laws were enforced to protect individual property rights without distinction between Koreans and Japanese. If 'deprivation' had been routine and 'discrimination' had been formalized, then colonial rule itself would have been impossible due to the opposition of the Korean people."

I beg to disagree. Discrimination against Koreans was real. As one example, unlike Japanese people in mainland Japan, Koreans in Korea were required to perform the 7 a.m. Kyūjō Yōhai ritual (宮城遥拝), which involved bowing several times in the direction of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo while standing. They were required to perform a noon prayer, a moment of silence in honor of Imperial Japanese soldiers. If Koreans weren't robbed of their land, how were the big Japanese landowners able to amass their vast land properties? The Korean economy at the time was not a market system of free trade, but rather a colonial market system which was rigged to enrich the home country.

The sixth chapter about higher death rates among Korean miners than among Japanese miners rationalized it by attributing it not to ethnic discrimination, but to the dynamics of labor demand and labor supply. The seventh chapter about the wage gap between Koreans and Japanese simply rationalizes it by attributing it to things like differences in education and training, being single versus having families to support, and savings rates.

This claim can be rebutted by looking into two statistical yearbooks published by the government of Japan-occupied Korea, one for 1940 and another for 1942. You can google 朝鮮総督府統計年表 and the first two search results will link to the digital scans of the yearbooks. There are sections showing the wages and salaries of workers broken down by ethnicity, and for every single occupation in every city, the wages for Japanese workers are higher than the wages for Korean workers. A Japanese teacher in Daegu related that her Korean colleagues who were at the school longer had lower salaries than she did.

Over three chapters of the book are devoted to the topic of comfort women, adding nothing new to the discussion other than old talking points that are commonly used by far-right historical denialists. They also question the oral testimony of the comfort women, albeit in a tone that is slightly more deferential than the more insulting tone that is commonly used online on far-right Japanese forums:

"Historians learned that memories cannot remain consistent as interviews are repeated. Because it was so long ago, memories can fade, sequences of events can be confused, and in the meantime, new memories can be created. Above all, it is important to keep in mind that the act of memory itself can be politicized through interaction with those who hear the memories.

Many such issues were exposed in the testimonies of former comfort women. One woman testified that she was caught by the Japanese military in front of a railroad and taken to China, and that there were many women and soldiers on the train. However, the first testimony this woman gave was different from that story. She said that her stepfather had sold her and that she hated him more than the Japanese military. It is not difficult to explain why her testimony changed. When she said that her stepfather sold her, her listeners were not very interested or even advised her not to tell such a story. When this happens, the political treatment can vary greatly."

I still don't understand how one can leap from alleging inconsistencies in a sex abuse victim's testimony to denying outright that the sex abuse ever happened, and that she was just making it up for political purposes or personal gain, given all that we scientifically know about what trauma does to people.

To summarize, this book is not to be read as a factual book about history. Rather, it should read more as a propaganda hit piece written by far-right Korean conservatives to attack their political opponents. As an outsider, I personally found this book to be a fascinating glimpse into the mind of the far-right Korean conservative, since I had never read anything like this before. I was intrigued and shocked by the viciousness of the authors' attitudes toward fellow Koreans. I was reminded of the intensely political divisions in the US, where Trump supporters are known to have used inflammatory language like, 'liberals are sick demons who love killing babies with abortion, covid vaccines, and baby formula shortages'. Indeed, many Trump supporters are so filled with hate against their 'liberal' fellow Americans, that they are willing to collaborate with the Russian government and President Putin. Seriously, is South Korea also this politically divided? Are South Korean conservatives so filled with hate against South Korean liberals, that they are willing to collaborate with far-right Japanese politicians?

Note: I personally prepared the English translations of the book excerpts from the official Japanese translation of the original Korean text, as there is no English translation of this book yet. 

Forgotten Korean Suicide Attacker ‘Hero’ celebrated by Imperial Japan: Park Gwan-bin (박관빈, 朴官彬) charged into an Allied machine-gun nest clutching an anti-tank explosive during the Burma Campaign in Dec. 1944

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