Thursday, August 29, 2024

Colonial regime called for intensified Imperialist training to make Koreans more ‘Japanese’ to address low morale, high turnover rates, and black market activities among Korean forced laborers in 1944 Japan

This 1944 wartime editorial, written by the staff of the Keijo Nippo newspaper, calls for Japanese-Korean unity as it addresses the discriminatory attitudes that Japanese people held against Korean forced laborers in mainland Japan. The article attempts to present a balanced critique, admonishing both Koreans and Japanese for their inability to get along. It scolds Koreans for seeking equality while also chastising Japanese for harboring a superiority complex. However, the overall tone of the article is far from balanced, as it is much more critical of Koreans than of Japanese. That is understandable, given that Keijo Nippo was the propaganda organ of the Imperial Japanese colonial regime which ruled Korea from 1905 to 1945.

As mentioned in this editorial article, Korean forced laborers in Japan apparently had gained a reputation for their involvement in black market activities and high turnover rates in mining camps. The historic Sado gold mine was one of many such mining camps that were notorious for the abusive treatment of forced laborers. These laborers likely resorted to the black market to secure basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter—needs that, by the editorial writers' own admission, were not adequately met.

To modern readers, the obvious solution to these issues would be to improve working conditions and treat the laborers more humanely. However, the editorial staff instead callously called for intensified "Imperial education" as the primary solution. This approach aimed to force Japanese culture and State Shinto religion upon the Koreans, with the belief that making them more "Japanese" would lead to greater morality, harder work, and less involvement in illegal activities. Improvements in dining facilities, housing, and clothing were only mentioned in passing as secondary considerations. In fact, 1944 was the year when the colonial regime intensified its religiosity, forcing Koreans to build thousands of Shinto shrines in the midst of a desperate war, despite severe labor and material shortages.

This editorial is noteworthy because, for an article from 1944 discussing Japanese-Korean relations, it is surprisingly frank about the deep-seated prejudices many Japanese held (and still hold) against Zainichi Koreans, including beliefs that they are prone to criminality and laziness. It highlights the long-standing roots of anti-Korean prejudice among the Japanese, which trace back to the colonial period of Korean history.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 7, 1944


**Strive for Total Harmony Between Japanese and Koreans**

Recently, there have been numerous criticisms concerning the thoughts and actions of Koreans residing in mainland Japan. Director-General Tanaka, who recently returned from attending the assembly, has pointed this out as well. The issue appears to revolve around the frequent engagement of Koreans in black-market dealings and the high mobility rate of workers in industries such as mining, which has drawn criticism by mainland Japanese people. Unfortunately, to a certain extent, these claims are based on facts that cannot be entirely denied. Of course, it is not only Koreans who commit such black-market activities; there are still some mainland Japanese who lack a sense of discipline and engage in these practices as well. However, the problem lies in the disproportionately high number of Koreans involved in these criminal activities.

The fact that many Koreans engage in black-market activities is, in the end, evidence that they generally have a lower level of education compared to mainland Japanese, lack war awareness, and have not fully embraced the concept of the National Body. Therefore, the only solution is the thorough implementation of Imperial education. However, recent circumstances show that the negative feelings and discriminatory attitudes of the mainland Japanese towards Koreans stem from these issues and have led to a tendency where Koreans are viewed with a biased perspective in all matters. It is evident that the Japanese, too, have their share of misunderstandings, and there is a sense of emotional stubbornness that cannot be ignored. In other words, there seems to be a tendency to make hasty judgments based on preconceived notions, leading to a form of prejudice.

The less educated and less understanding the Koreans are, the more the Japanese, who play the role of the elder brother, must approach them with warmth, kindness, and generosity. The Japanese must embrace and guide them with a broader, more tolerant mindset. In short, there is a lack of mutual affection and harmony. This is not only true for the Japanese, but Koreans also need to engage in self-reflection.

The high mobility rate of workers in industries such as mining ultimately boils down to a mental issue within Koreans themselves. At the same time, a significant part of the problem stems from the lack of affection and harmony in the attitudes of the Japanese towards Koreans, which should have been the foundation of their relationship.

However, it should be noted that there is still much room for research and improvement regarding the guidance and management of the Korean population residing in mainland Japan, both at the Government-General of Korea and the relevant institutions in Japan. First and foremost is the training of Koreans. It goes without saying that Imperial training must be carried out at every opportunity in all regions moving forward, and for this purpose, it is essential to enhance the training institutions. Secondly, the improvement of welfare and other management facilities is critical. It is necessary to allow workers who have come without their families to bring them along, and special consideration should be given to improving the dining facilities at workplaces, as well as providing housing, clothing, and other essentials. The relevant authorities should take comprehensive measures in this regard.

Koreans tend to call for equality, while the Japanese tend to harbor feelings of superiority. Both are equally significant shortcomings that require reflection. The Imperial Rule Assistance Association is currently preparing to address this Korean issue and is ready to launch a national movement under the banner of "Total Japanese-Korean Harmony". Some may feel that it is too late to discuss Japanese-Korean harmony now, but total harmony is not only a demand between Japanese and Koreans; it is also a war imperative that must be called for even among the Japanese themselves. In other words, there is no limit to how much we can demand total harmony from the public. We place great expectations on this national movement.


京城日報 1944年4月7日










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