Thursday, August 8, 2024

Korean forced laborers worked the Gyeongsan cobalt mine under Japanese control from 1940 to 1945, which later became the site of a massacre of political prisoners in 1950 at the onset of the Korean War

This article from 1943 highlights Korean forced laborers in a Japanese-owned cobalt mine located in what is now Gyeongsan City. While recent news coverage has covered the controversy over the Korean forced laborers in the Sado Gold Mine, this article reminds us that, for every prominent mine like Sado Gold Mine, there were probably many other Imperial Japanese mines like it that receive much less public attention, but were also egregious in their use of Korean forced labor.

Female Korean workers descending the mountain of the cobalt mine.

According to the article, the laborers' work environment was heavily militarized like a prison camp. Like in the rest of colonial Korea, everyone was required to perform the mandatory daily 7 am and 12 noon prayers. There were usually loud sirens marking those two times of the day, and you had to immediately stop what you were doing and perform the prayers. The 7 am Kyūjō Yōhai ritual (宮城遥拝) involved deeply bowing several times in the direction of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo while standing, vowing loyalty to the Emperor. The noon prayer was a moment of silence in honor of the Imperial Japanese soldiers.

The laborers had only three rest days each month. These 'weekends' were filled with mandatory indoctrination sessions to enforce State Shinto religious practices and Japanese language classes. In a typical colonial tactic of pitting colonized people against each other, the laborers were divided into 'workplace patriotic groups'. Collaborators were recruited and appointed to control each group on behalf of the colonizers.

These patriotic groups were pitted against each other in competitions to curry favor with their bosses. They competed to be the most productive, efficient, and punctual in the mine. Fierce competition led one group to propose working for free on public holidays and donating their entire day's pay toward the war effort. This obsequious proposal was implemented and enforced across the entire labor force.

Patriotic groups (JP: aikoku-han, KR: aeguk-ban, 愛國班) were established not only in this mine, but also in neighborhoods and companies all over Korea to enforce colonial rule. All patriotic groups belonged to the Korean Federation of National Power (国民総力朝鮮連盟, 국민총력조선연맹), which functioned as the one and only political party of Korea.

After the Korean War, the mine became the site of the Gyeongsan Cobalt Mine Massacre (Namu Wiki article link) of July to September 1950, when the South Korean government brought political prisoners to the mine, beat, shot, and burned them with flame-throwers, and threw down the mine shaft, which was then dynamited to obscure evidence. During the military dictatorships and repressive regimes of President Rhee Syngman, General Chun Doo-hwan, and President Park Chung-hee, these atrocities were kept secret and surviving family members silenced. It was only in the year 2000 under the presidency of Kim Dae-jung that a special law related to the Jeju Uprising, another Korean War massacre site, was passed and all bereaved families members were finally encouraged and invited to register as such.


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 28, 1943

**Visiting the facilities to witness the increased production of special minerals (2)**

*The Noble Drug of the Ore World*

*Increased Production of Cobalt Ore*

**The Story of the Patriotic Mine**

It was January 1940 on a snowy day. A person from mainland Japan, accompanied by a hunting dog setter, was seen near the site of an abandoned gold mine in Amnyang-myeon (압량면, 押梁面) of Gyeongsan County, North Gyeongsang Province, which had long been idle. While casually approaching the abandoned mine with a hunting rifle on his shoulder, the dog, which had been walking ahead, suddenly fell into the shaft of the former mine, which had filled with groundwater to a depth of more than forty feet, turning it into a well. The man hurriedly ran to a nearby village for help and eventually managed to rescue his dog. During this process, he noticed a strange ore among the high piles of waste rock by the roadside. This ore turned out to be cobalt ore, which has since come into the spotlight as a prominent mineral, and the hunter from mainland Japan was none other than Mr. Shūzō Ninomiya, the owner of the current Patriotic Cobalt Mine.

Initially, world production of cobalt was thought to be limited to certain regions: Canada 29%, France 26%, India 12%, and British Rhodesia (in Southern Africa) 33%. Although there were minor yields in Yamaguchi, Hyōgo, and Ehime Prefectures in Japan, and small quantities associated with gold and silver in arsenopyrite in Korea, these were so minimal that they were not economically viable to exploit.

However, cobalt, a precious resource often compared to a noble drug, is crucial for manufacturing scientific weapons under wartime conditions, serving as a special steel raw material with low wear for pistons, shafts, and cylinders. It is also an essential resource as a catalyst for synthetic oil and rubber. Therefore, the discovery of a vein with an estimated grade of [censored]% and an extension of [censored] kilometers was a significant stimulus to the concerned parties.

Thus, in January 1941, the "Patriotic Cobalt Mine" was formally registered. Coincidentally, the beloved dog that had led to the discovery of the mine died suddenly, adding a potential future legendary element to the mine's story.

Regardless, the military took a keen interest in the mine due to the ongoing war situation, and rapid production expansion began in January 1942 with their support.

The journalist was granted special permission to tour the site with Mr. Ninomiya. While the exact production volume, facilities, plans, and labor details cannot be disclosed, it was astonishing to see the development progress achieved in just two years since securing a loan of [censored] million yen.

Out of the current labor force of [censored] people, [censored] are women and girls from the workers' families, and their good attendance record and operating rate of [censored]% reflect their deep commitment as wartime mine workers. This achievement is undoubtedly the result of enthusiastic guidance and constant training, as demonstrated by the military-style command of "Kiwotsuke! (Attention!)" upon the journalist's arrival at the office, followed by the mine owner's acknowledgment with "Keirei! (Salute!)" and the order to "Yasume! (At ease!)" before resuming work.

The daily routine includes a morning worship similar to that at Tatsushiro Mine, with Kyūjō Yōhai (prayers to the Imperial Palace), worshiping the mountain gods, silent contemplation, followed by instructions from the section managers. On the 8th, 18th, and 28th of each month, special training days are held with returning veteran lieutenants as instructors, conducting individual and group training. The managers also rotate through the different sections and conduct lectures on current events. What is particularly noteworthy about this mine are the workplace patriotic groups. These groups are organized by teams at each site with the team leader becoming the patriotic group leader. The groups hold informal Japanese language classes during lunch and meetings to facilitate communication between management and workers.

It goes without saying that all employees and workers wear traditional jika tabi footwear and kyahan leg wraps. However, they also uniformly have shaved heads, a practice initiated by the staff to set an example, which quickly spread throughout the workplace patriotic groups, resulting in everyone having shaved heads.

As an example of upward communication, during the recent collection of donations for the death of Admiral Yamamoto and the heroic defense of Attu Island by General Yamasaki's forces, the workplace patriotic groups originally proposed a plan to contribute a certain percentage of income. However, a decision was made at a meeting of team leaders to work on public holidays without pay with the resolve to "die in battle on any day", donating the entire day's income as a contribution. This resulted in a sacred sum of 1,200 yen being donated.

These efforts reflect the effectiveness of the workplace groups and the manifestation of a total mobilization movement from the ground up, also showing that they recognize the current wartime circumstances.

However, the mountain is still young. With the expansion of production facilities in full swing as the increased production period approaches, material procurement is progressing smoothly, and groundbreaking production facilities are expected to be completed soon. Plans for special bonuses during the increased production period with competitions for rewards for high work efficiency, perfect attendance, and no tardiness are also finalized. As the workers' enthusiasm for the upcoming increased production period reaches a peak, the mine is thriving with activity, unaffected by the baseless rumors circulating in the streets. In the near future, production is expected to double, which aligns with the urgent needs of wartime Japan. (Special Correspondent Watanabe)

*Photo: Female mine workers descending the mountain*


京城日報 1943年8月28日


















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