Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Editorial says the unity of god and man realized by the Japanese Imperial Way cannot be found anywhere else in the world, so Imperial Japan must 'turn the world into a single realm, let all nations take their places, and let all people rest in peace' starting with the colonization of Korea



Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) March 6, 1943

The True Meaning of National Identity and the Righteous Peninsula

By Kamata Sawaichiro

The Idea of the Formation of the Greater East Asian Nation
Current World Affairs and the Reaffirmation of the Idea

Not only is there is no contradiction in the Japanese spirit and Japanese culture being the guiding principle in the construction of the New World Order, but the remarkable broadening of their universality will surely speed up progress towards their purpose.

Japan is constantly creating itself, and therefore Japan itself is constantly reforming itself and developing itself. What this fact teaches us is this: that Japan-centrism must also transform itself and develop itself along with the creation and development of Japan. In this context, we must make clear the fact that the interpretation of the spirit of Hakko Ichiu is not a narrow nationalism that is concerned only with selfish development.

Rather, it is concerned with forming a true Gemeinschaft (community) inside and outside the country. This philosophy cannot be born from an insular, island nation mentality. If we are narrow-minded and obstinate, we will not be able to realize the historical necessity of the Japanese nation's grand, high-minded, and positive mission in world history, which is to proclaim the cause of righteousness to the whole world, to turn the world into a single realm, to let all nations take their places, and to let all people rest in peace.

Let us consider the issue of the word 'kami' in Japanese. The Chinese character for 'god' (神) is normally applied to the word 'kami', but in fact the Chinese character which should actually be applied to this word should be the one for 'above' (上). That is, the word 'kami' actually refers to ancestors with whom you have a blood connection and who are 'above you', or superior to you in spirit. In other words, the first meaning is to revere your ancestors, and the second meaning is to sublimate your personality into a divine status. You are to see the divine within the human being.

Much has been told regarding human beings who have attained divine status. Look at the amazing fact that even a lowly man in a hut can die and be enshrined as a god of national protection. It is not only those who have died in wars, but also those who have acquired divinity through deeds and practices. Look at Kusunoki Masashige. Look at General Nogi. Look at General Togo. The heroic spirit, the high-minded will, and the beautiful innocence that human beings leave behind in this world like a glow of light are the most concrete examples of the sublimation of personality into the divine. Further, it is a combination of historical ideals that originated from the respect for the gods and veneration of ancestors, which form the essence of Shintoism, the true meaning of national identity. The gods are the actual source of our life. There is no absolute line of separation between the gods and human beings in the organic relationship of life. We, the Japanese people, are the ones who most honestly confirm and realize the unity of the noble gods and man.

I think this kind of phenomenon cannot be seen in any other ethnic group or nation in the world. It is said that individualism and liberalism are based on respect for human beings, but is there anything else that teaches the dignity of human beings as much as the Japanese Imperial Way, which is based on the unity of god and man? Compared to the foreign gods, who are defined metaphysically as ideal gods, abstract gods, or idol gods, this is the purest form of respect for human beings.

Through the true meaning of the Japanese national identity, let us now consider the most serious and urgent of Japan's problems: the ethnic problem.

How to unite and concentrate the many different peoples scattered over the vast area of Greater East Asia, so that they may be at ease and have a place in the world, is the greatest problem that pervades the present and the far future. It is no exaggeration to say that of the two directions of practice, one of war and one of construction, all construction should be concentrated on work with the ethnic groups.

Politics, economy, and culture will be newly generated and reorganized for each ethnic group. This is the liberation and construction of Greater East Asia. At the same time, it is a fool who does not understand the nature of today's long-term war to think that it will be realized only after the war is over. The construction has already begun as the military flag moves forward. Work with the ethnic groups is also on the march. Thus, the formation of a new Greater East Asian Nation has begun. This is the manifestation of Hakko Ichiu in Greater East Asia, which is the only national destiny in Greater East Asia.

We emphasize here anew that the most important thing in the ideology and action of the formation of the Greater East Asian nation is our governance over Korea itself. Amid changes in current world affairs, people must reaffirm that Japan's continental policies and work with the ethnic groups originated in Korea in the first place and are bearing fruit.

Source: 京城日報 1943-03-06 : 京城日報社 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

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京城日報 1943年3月6日














Friday, December 24, 2021

1943 Imperial Japanese editorial declares liberalism collapsed and liberal civilization as incapable of maintaining peace and order, and attacks the "analytical spirit of modernity", "extreme analysis", "abuse of the intellect", and "divisive individualism" while praising fascism and Nazism for building holistic, organic communal societies


The True Meaning of National Identity and the Righteous Peninsula (5)

By Kamata Sawaichiro

The Rise of Internal Cohesionism

Replacing Analytical Spiritualism

The West has brought about an unprecedented revolution in the realm of natural science and technology in human society, shortened distances in space and time throughout the world, and given the world the consciousness that the earth is a unified organism. In this respect, we praise the great achievements of modern Western civilization. The ideas of liberalism and individualism that formed the basis of modern Western civilization dominated society throughout the 19th century and created a history of spectacular progress.

It was the most glorious, most revered, and most progressive era in the history of human civilization to date.

On the other hand, it also contained great invisible weaknesses and shortcomings. In other words, modern civilization has neglected the deep spiritual problems of human existence. It has ignored the fact that there is a kingdom of the spirit outside the realm of natural matter. People thought they were free when they were freed from the laws of God and all the restrictive order of society. This is where the idea of modern freedom, the ferment of individualism, arose.

Thus, liberalism, which emerged as a reaction to medieval civilization, broke through the darkness of that time and made us discover "human beings" in the modern sense, which was thought to be the eternal truth of humanity. When individualism and materialism were taken to the extreme, the point of self-intoxication was reached, and what we now see before us is a state of anarchy in the sphere of life.

The result of subjectivism, rationalism, and positivism is skepticism, materialism, and competition for survival; the result of the Reformation is the loss of tradition and authority, and the anarchy of faith to which the spirit has no return; the result of contract theory and utilitarianism is the tendency toward anarchy in politics; and the result of the economic principle of laissez-faire is economic anarchy, which is the root of modern social unrest.

In short, it then became clear that liberal civilization was incapable of maintaining peace and order in the community of mankind. The mutual interpersonal relationships of trust, and the internal and international relations between ethnic groups had begun to show phenomena full of contradictions as though they were losing their foundations. Then the First Great European War broke out. The general tendency of division, confrontation, struggle, and lack of control was further promoted, and pessimistic criticism of the nature of Western civilization itself became widespread. Oswald Spengler's "The Decline of the West" became a worldwide topic of conversation, as the pessimistic criticism grew by leaps and bounds and was further validated in the Second World War.

At this point, the world turned around and became convinced that there was a spiritual kingdom outside the realm of nature, and that it was time to rise above the extreme analysis, utilitarianism, and vulgarization that were caused by the abuse of the intellect.

There were efforts to rebuild the world by excluding the analytical spirit of modernity, which sees the tree and not the forest; by confirming that there is a rich, holistic, and concrete emotional state, including feelings and motivations, outside of the intellect; and by seeing the whole as an internal cohesion of people.

The rise of fascism in Italy is the first manifestation of this. Fascism was not a reorganization of capitalism as Marx theorists claimed, nor was it merely a conservative reaction to the Russian Revolution. The Italian word "fascio" means "union". In other words, it is a matter of tensing up and bringing under control those things that have been relaxed and divided up to now.

Therefore, fascism, or unificationism, firstly overcomes capitalism, which is based on divisive individualism, and also overcomes communism, which divides society into only two classes (bourgeois and proletarian) and establishes the dictatorship of the proletariat only through class struggle. Fascism builds a communal society which is holistically organic in a novel way. The principle of fascism is clearly a totalitarian philosophical idea.

Mussolini said, "Fascism is not something to be exported. It is a typical Italian phenomenon, but some of its theories are universal, because many countries are suffering from the corruption of their liberal and democratic institutions."

As he said, the fascist movement was unique to Italy, and it emerged in the unique environment of Italy after the European War. Therefore, fascism was not born as an internationally unified theory. However, similar social trends and movements emerged, one after the other, in many countries around the world, thereby opening opportunities.

Although each of these movements and theories is unique in appearance, they are essentially driven by a common tendency, which is why the movements and theories cannot be limited to Italy.

Next came the rise of the Nazis. In 1919, the German National Socialist Workers' Party made its first appearance in Munich and continued to make rapid progress unparalleled in the history of the world, which is continuing to the present-day. However, almost all the scholars, thinkers and critics in Japan adopted the liberal worldview and looked at this movement with a blank eye, and have even described it as a "violent movement with no ideological content".

However, if we look at the spiritual basis of the Nazi movement today, we can see that it emphasizes the ethnic group over the individual, regards the life of the ethnic group as absolute, and establishes a new worldview of ethnic totalitarianism in contrast to the conventional individualistic worldview.

There are many causes for the rise of the Nazis. One of the most important causes was the social situation after the European War. Through the ordeal of the post-war period, people realized that the power of the instinctive feelings of the members of the ethnic society to unite into a common society was far stronger than the international unity of workers as claimed by the socialists.

In addition, the world economy after the war encountered an unprecedented depression, and each country took various emergency measures both domestically and internationally, but these measures had almost no effect. Thus, each country adopted a policy of national control over capitalism for the welfare of the whole nation domestically, and a policy of national empowerment abroad. This tendency could be seen in all countries, but it is not surprising that it was stronger in countries with great national difficulties, such as Germany and Italy.

In Germany, the chaos was particularly severe due to the exhaustion caused by the ravages of war, the payment of reparations, the flood of unemployed people, the corruption of political parties, and the conversion of the military into political parties. The Marxist system of social democracy did not contribute anything other than to guide the German people towards the abyss. The only thing left for Germany to do under those circumstances was to stand up for a profit-driven society, to stop socialism, to form an ethnic-national communal society, to arouse national sentiment, and to begin marching its troops towards a grand reconstruction, starting from the brink of the abyss.

However, we must not overlook the fact that in both Italy and Germany, the collapse of liberalism was the cultural historical cause that formed a major background to these political and social phenomena.

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), February 26, 1943


Reddit Link: 1943 Imperial Japanese editorial declares liberalism as incapable of maintaining peace and order, and attacks the "analytical spirit of modernity", "extreme analysis", "abuse of the intellect", and "divisive individualism" while praising Fascism and Nazism for building holistic communal societies : badphilosophy (

(Transcription into modern Japanese orthography)

京城日報 1943年2月26日
























Sunday, December 12, 2021

1943 Imperial Japanese editorial decries liberalism, individualistic humanism, rationalism, international universalism, and Marxist materialism of the West for corrupting Japan, and calls for a "high-minded Japanese worldview" and reliance on "irrational and mysterious powers" of the Japanese spirit


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), February 24, 1943

The True Meaning of National Identity and the Righteous Peninsula (3)

By Kamata Sawaichiro

Now is the Time to Deny the Past
Toward the Establishment of a High-minded Japanese Worldview

Looking back at the past, since the opening of Japan to the outside world in the Meiji era, Japan has gradually developed the characteristics of early modern liberalism, following the mainstream of thought since the commercial revolution in Western Europe. However, the liberalism of the early modern period in the West was the mechanization of human life, the promise of unlimited material development, and the construction of a luxurious capitalist civilization on top of that.

Thus, the enlightened individualistic humanism that originated in the Renaissance, flourished in the Reformation, and bore fruit in the independence of the United States, the political reforms in France, and the social revolution in Russia, was the natural destination of the modern spirit that denied God. Static, stagnant societies were replaced by noisy, dynamic, progressive societies. Communal societies were replaced by profit-driven societies. Natural societies were replaced by societies of rights and contracts. Societies of faith were replaced by societies of science. The Kingdom of God was buried, and the Kingdom of Knowledge was established.

People have forgotten the demands of the higher soul or divine value, and have come to place the greatest value only on material value and its increase by various technical means. This has become even more blatant in the Marxist view of materialist history, which was developed due to the impasse of liberalism. Japan in particular, which had lagged behind in the development of capitalist civilization in the early modern period due to the isolationist policy of Tokugawa feudal society, was tasked with the challenge of catching up with the standards of Europe and America in every aspect. It had to concentrate on westernizing the lives of its subjects, even to the point of enduring the humiliations of the Meiji Rokumeikan Era.

During the Meiji era, our predecessors fought with their blood to boldly deny the past. They felt attracted to the rationalism and international universalism of early modern Europe, based on Bacon's assertion that "knowledge is power," and strove for the globalization of Japan. We must not deny that fact.

It was only because of this that Japan was able to liberate itself from its insular lifestyle and emerge as one of the leading peoples in world history, and even if there were some excesses in this process, it was an unavoidable part of the inevitable process of history. We cannot deny the fact that our forefathers, despite their excesses, received the baptism of European culture in a pure and humble manner, and that is the reason why Japan today has become an independent leading nation, different from China and India, with a global mission. The history of the Meiji era was not simply a history of errors to be cleared up.

However, this does not lead us to conclude that the period from the end of the Taisho era to the Showa era was the beginning of a new era of construction and improvement that had its impetus in the Meiji era. No matter how generously we look at it, we cannot deny that contradictory aspects of excess and stagnation appeared, accompanied by the corruption of the nation.

The goal of the education of the intellectual class was focused on "how to get away from being Japanese," and it was thought that to be nationalist or ethnic was reactionary and even a disgrace to the cultured person. For a long time, the selection of intellectuals was based on "how Western" their thoughts and lives were.

In such an atmosphere, it was foolish to grasp the spirit of the founding of the Japanese nation. Even the thought of the purity of the Japanese nation's history was destroyed, and all things related to the Japanese spirit were driven into oblivion. At the podiums of the highest academic institutions, the "Emperor's Organization Theory" was lectured on without any hesitation, to the point where no awe or wonder could be felt. Cynical and shallow imitations of American and British culture abounded, and corrupt journalism further incited and fostered such imitations, to the point of knowing no end.

In the midst of this situation arose the Manchurian Incident, followed by the Second Sino-Japanese War, which stimulated, awakened, and elevated the national instincts of the Japanese people. This, together with the global trend of totalitarian ideology, sparked a serious study of Japanese culture and the Japanese spirit, and finally opened the door for the penetration of the true meaning of national identity.

For the Japanese world of ideas, which had been under the weight of European foreign ideas for a long time, the tide of Japan-centrism that broke out with the calls to "return to the spirit of the founding of the Japanese nation" and "reaffirm the Japanese homeland" was a truly spiritual and historical dawn that shone through the dark night for those who sought its growth. After many years of pilgrimages to foreign ideas, we have finally returned to Japan, the homeland of our souls, and the Greater East Asian War broke out on the eve of the explosion of our unavoidable national desire to seek the majesty and grandeur of the Japanese spirit itself.

Our country, with its long historical tradition since the time of the gods, may have been completely westernized on the outside, but its inner essence had not been lost. It resembles an iceberg floating in the northern oceans.

The iceberg may appear in a very small form, but it has infinite latent power. Once an iceberg collides with something, the latent force that has been submerged under the surface of the water suddenly becomes manifest and exerts an irrational and mysterious power. This is exactly how the Manchurian Incident occurred. In addition to the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Greater East Asia War, the power of the great iceberg has continued to be exerted more and more.

However, just as aviation heroes need excellent airplanes, in order to win this great battle, it is not permissible to rely only on irrational and mysterious powers. The time has come for us to establish a high-minded Japanese worldview that is unbeatable and indestructible, to cultivate the fundamentals of the true meaning of national identity, to give courage to the will, joy to the emotions, and insight to the intellect, and to make it the final unifying principle of all our activities.


Reddit Link: 1943 Imperial Japanese editorial decries liberalism, individualistic humanism, rationalism, international universalism, and Marxist materialism of the West for corrupting Japan, and calls for a "high-minded Japanese worldview" and reliance on "irrational and mysterious powers" of the Japanese spirit : badphilosophy (


京城日報 昭和十八年二月二十四日

















Saturday, December 4, 2021

1943 Editorial: nature is an object of love in Japan, while nature is an object of conquest in the West, which is why the early Scientific revolution started in the West


The True Meaning of National Identity and the Righteous Peninsula (4)

The "Way" Penetrating the Reality of History
The Japanese Nation Connected to Blood and Soil

by Sawaichiro Kamata

As I have already mentioned, the creation of the Japanese worldview is the result of a commitment to the true meaning of national identity. In other words, it is a clear way that the reality of national history can show us. Therein lies a great characteristic that is unparalleled in any other worldview. It is something that can be demonstrated through 2,600 years of history, and the reality of the nation state itself is a clear demonstration of this. It is not an abstract spiritual field, but a truth that can be thoroughly grasped through the "Way" that exists in national history.

It is said that the environment dominates man. This is the reason why the issue of "blood and soil" is always mentioned when discussing the worldviews of ethnic groups. If peoples continue to live in the same climatic environment while forming a close community, it is natural that their thoughts will be constrained and their ways of thinking will become similar and embrace similar ideals during the passage of time.

In the course of this contoured and integrated society, a common and shared "spirit" will naturally develop and be typified as a national spirit. This is the basic spirit that inevitably emerges from the living structure of the nation to ensure its independent survival. It is this spirit that permeates each and every member of the nation and manifests its unique worldview.

In this sense, the nature of Shinshu, which has given birth to the excellent history of Japan, the national identity of Japan, and the Japanese worldview, must first of all be the mother of all things. The thought and life of the Japanese people, which have been created and developed in the midst of this great nature, must be the "beginning" of every Japanese spirit and fundamental philosophy.

There emerges a Japanese worldview in which nature and people are not seen as opposites, but as one. This will soon become a characteristic of thinking of all East Asia. The love of nature, the immersion in nature, and the maintenance of life in full embrace with nature are the outstanding virtues of the Japanese climate that nurtured the characteristics of Japanese feelings.

In the Egyptian and Babylonian cultures, which were the roots of Western culture, the continental character of the people meant that they were always under the intimidation of nature, which, unlike the natural environment in Japan, was not only not an object of love, but also something fearful that fought people. This is also evident in the way each group of people gather food to sustain their lives. In Japan, known as the Land of Abundant Reeds, the management of settled agriculture was already established in ancient times, and the five grains were planted and gathered as staple food. In stark contrast, we can see that, in the West, nomadic livestock was raised by searching for water and grass, and their livelihood was based on milk, meat, and skin.

In other words, in order to obtain food from a certain land through settled agriculture, we must first love the soil. To love the soil is to love and appreciate nature as a whole. In contrast to the Japanese way of life, which achieves the goal of a bountiful harvest by loving nature, Westerners go out to the countryside with their livestock or by scaling the steep mountains to seek water and letting them eat the grass, or by moving on to let them eat at the next meadow. By confronting and conquering nature, they have been able to maintain their lives.

The basic organization of the fundamental development of life, which is based on the way of loving and integrating with nature, or based on the way of confronting nature, is the fundamental difference between the ideological lives of Japan and the West, and also between East and West, the East also including China, India, and other countries where the same settled agriculture based on arable land has mainly developed. This fundamental difference has also led East and West to have their respective strengths and weaknesses.

I have to interject with a funny story here. Once, in Europe, our diplomatic mission played host to a Mid-Autumn Moon viewing party.

The Japanese hosts set up a ceremonial altar on the balcony, laid out straw mattresses, arranged soot and grass, offered dumplings, and waited for the guests to arrive, fully adopting the Japanese customs and practices of their home country. However, all the Westerners showed up carrying telescopes in their hands.

In other words, even at the same moon viewing party, there was a significant difference between the Japanese and the Westerners. There is no need to explain that this is the result of the emotional bias of one side and the scientific bias of the other side.

In other words, science is based on the premise of conflict between nature and man. Therefore, this idea was born from the basic direction that life is in conflict with nature. Moon viewing means observing the moon with a telescope. When it comes to climbing a mountain, the Easterner would climb a mountain at a leisurely pace carrying a gourd, burning autumn leaves in the forest and relaxing with a drink of sake in Oriental elegance. In contrast, the Westerner would choose the most treacherous rocky mountain and bask in the pride of conquering it by rock climbing. This difference is the best explanation of this fundamental principle. 

In the East, nature is an object of love, but for them, nature is an object of exploration, analysis, and conquest. Therefore, it is only natural that natural sciences, such as mathematical thought and astronomy, developed from there and gradually led to the establishment of early modern scientific civilization.

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 25, 1943

Translated from source:

Reddit Link: 1943 Editorial from Imperial Japan: nature is an object of love in Japan, while nature is an object of conquest in the West, which is why the early Scientific revolution started in the West : badphilosophy (


京城日報 昭和十八年二月二十五日

















Thursday, December 2, 2021

1943 Editorial: the Imperial Way embraces the "freedom" of democracy, the "unity and authority" of Mussolini's Fascism, and the "ethnic totalitarian world view" of Hitler's Nazism, achieving a "complete and active freedom" by obeying the authority of the Japanese God-Man


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 27, 1943

The True Meaning of National Identity and the Righteous Peninsula (6)

Sawaichiro Kamata
Manifestation of the Great Harmonic Order of the Universe
The Mission of the Japanese People is to Support the Work of Heaven

As I have described previously, under objective circumstances, the Japanese people have come to realize how precious is the land on which they stand. In other words, the struggle against the historical environment that we are currently facing has gradually promoted this awareness.

I have come to realize that by thinking distantly back to the days of the founding of the Imperial State and recalling its majesty and lofty ideals, we as the Japanese people living in this turbulent present world can be inspired with new hope and unyielding courage.

Mussolini's Fascism and Hitler's Nazism share a marked backwardness in the face of our imperial principles and a general sense of "unity" and "integration". Although there are significant commonalities that we share with the two, their fundamental essences are completely different, and I have come to realize that these differences are far more extensive and far greater than previously thought. Indeed, the Nazis have followed Japan's example and made great strides. As Hitler often said, "Japan's national identity and the Japanese spirit" are the object of admiration even among Germans, and Barnes, the author of The Universal Aspects of Fascism, said, "Japan is the ideal country of fascism". The fact that Mussolini envies the purity of the Japanese nation is, I think, a confirmation of this fact.

Whatever they observe, our country is neither a mere ethnic totalitarian state nor a dictatorship. It is an absolute state where the people are united as one, where the moral and biological relationship between parent and child, bound by blood, is deepened and refined, and where the relationship between the Emperor and his subjects is revered to the point of virtue. The Emperor, as the Great Parent, embodies the life of the universe, and wishes to perfect the natural qualities of each of the people, so that they may all attain those qualities. The people of this nation are united in the spirit of a billion trillions, and support the emperor in his empire of heavenly deeds. The heavenly work is to complete our country as a true "family nation," to indoctrinate and guide the people, who are suffering from the afflictions of the weak and the strong, to help them build a "world family" internally, and to manifest the great harmonious order of the universe.

Moreover, the only creed of democracy, "freedom," the "unity and authority" of Fascism, and the "ethnic totalitarian world view" of Nazism are all embraced in our Imperial Way with positive significance. In other words, in the Imperial Way, power and freedom are completely integrated through the Emperor's authority, forming an ideal political form unparalleled in the world. It is a complete and active freedom to return to and obey the authority of His Majesty the Emperor, the God of Man, through loyalty. In addition, we do not need to explain now that a unified national community with a parent-child relationship with the present God is superior to any kind of totalitarianism.

I have already mentioned that the nature of Shinshu is the mother of the Japanese nation, which has been in existence for 3,000 years. We must clearly recognize the true Japanese spirit through the "life" that our ancestors lived in the midst of this great nature. In other words, this worldview is a daily consciousness in direct and immediate relation to one's own living position, and as long as this is the case, the worldview must be defined by the mode of existence of life as its foundation. In other words, the self-reflection and self-awareness of the life of the nation must form the basis of the worldview of the Japanese nation.

In general, the structure of human life is determined by both nature and history, which are given to us. Needless to say, nature is the natural mother that makes human existence possible. Human beings can survive by maintaining a continuous and constant negotiation with it. However, as the natural and climatic conditions vary from one place to another, the structural form of life nurtured therein also changes. The worldview cannot be unrelated to or unaffected by this. This is why it is said that blood and soil are the inevitable constraints on the worldview. However, it is natural that the Germanic peoples have a Germanic worldview and the Japanese peoples have a Japanese worldview. The worldview as an expression of the life of a particular nation must be placed in a close and inseparable relationship with the nation that adheres to it.

The Greek worldview, the Indian worldview, the Chinese worldview, etc., all have their own peculiarities, and their characteristics clearly express and reflect their ethnic and racial characteristics. The Greeks are said to be subjectivist, the Indians meditative and religious, and the Chinese willful and logical. Certain wordviews have been established in accordance with these unique ethnicities. In Greece, an intellectual theoretical character was created; in India, a Buddhism with a meditative character was materialized; and in China, a practical logic with a subjective initiative as represented by Confucianism was presented. In other words, it is an expression of the unique essence of the nation, its spatial definition, and its historical destiny, based on the motivation to live that is the bond between nature and the ethnic nation.

Thus, the Japanese view of the world has also been concretely expressed in various aspects of life, showing the essential connection between blood, soil, and history. And in each of these aspects of life, distinctive demands have been submitted.


Reddit Link: 1943 Editorial from Imperial Japan: the Imperial Way embraces the "freedom" of democracy, the "unity and authority" of Mussolini's Fascism, and the "ethnic totalitarian world view" of Hitler's Nazism, achieving a "complete and active freedom" by obeying the authority of the Japanese God-Man : badphilosophy (


京城日報 昭和十八年二月二十七日












Korean candidate defiantly ran for office in 1943 Seoul elections without official endorsement, only to be forced to drop out and thank Master Imaizumi for soothing his ‘dissatisfaction with the world’

This article details the story of Mr. Kanemitsu (likely originally Mr. Kim) a member of the Seoul prefectural assembly during the Japanese c...