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Friday, December 31, 2021

Korean residents of Seoul once spoke their own unique dialect of Japanese called "Keijō-kotoba", which included phrases like doshitanne ('what's the matter?') and 조건chōdai ('give me the conditions'), and Imperial Japanese authorities tried to eradicate it in schools


During Japanese colonization, Korean residents of Seoul apparently spoke their own unique dialect of Japanese called "Keijō-kotoba", which included phrases like doshitanne ('what's the matter?') and 조건chōdai ('give me the conditions').

In a previous post, I explored how Koreans who spoke Japanese during this period often mixed in Korean words like 아이고 ('gosh') and 나쁜 ('bad') and grammatical influences from western Japanese dialects, but this article adds additional insight by revealing that Korean residents of Seoul actually spoke a Koreanized Japanese dialect that was distinct and consistent enough to be given its own name. 

Keijō-kotoba appears to be based on a western dialect of Japanese, as the greeting 'doshitanne' sounds similar to the 'doshitan' or 'dōshitan' used in the Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, and northern Kyushu dialects. Indeed, most of the Japanese settlers who colonized Korea came from western regions of Japan like Yamaguchi and Nagasaki, especially in the early days of colonization. It is reminiscent to how Mexican Spanish developed from the Western Andalusian dialect spoken by the Spanish settlers, and incorporated lots of Nahuatl vocabulary from the native Aztec residents.

The Korean girls in this article sang 'Mitamiware' (Youtube link:, which is an old Japanese 8th century poem set to modern music reciting  御民我、生ける験あり、天地の栄ゆる時に、遇えらく念えば, roughly translating to "As Imperial subjects, we have a reason to live in this glorious age when both the heavens and the earth prosper under you." 

(My translation)

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), February 8, 1942

Let's stop saying "Doshitanne"

Japanese Language Regular Meeting of Maizuru (Muhak) Girls' High School

The fifth monthly meeting of the Japanese Language Regular Meeting of Maizuru Girls' High School was held at the school auditorium from 1:20 p.m. on February 7 to make a pledge to "use the Japanese language correctly and proceed with the correct mind" to eradicate nasty phrases of Keijō-kotoba like "doshitanne" and "chokkon-chōdai".

This time, Mr. Shimada, Chief of the Editing Section of the Seoul government, who has a close relationship with the founder of the school, attended the meeting and watched the proceedings with great interest. He bowed his head, his heart deeply moved as he listened to the students sing "Mitamiware". Like older sisters caring about their cute younger sisters, the older students were concerned that the newly admitted students in the first year class might possibly introduce bad words into the school. Therefore, this month's regular meeting, which was to be held on the 10th of the month, was moved up to the 7th instead as an emergency measure to address these concerns in the meeting agenda. It was a big regular meeting with 300 regular members, plus the teachers.

The meeting was called to order by a senior student, and a dialogue began between the first and second year classes. The students reported the bad words that they had picked up on the street or at home, and corrected each other saying "You shouldn't say such words" or "We should get rid of such Japanese phrases".

After this enthusiastic question and answer session was over, the next lecture was given. The leader of the small group of students innocently asked for Mr. Shimada to speak next, and suddenly the teacher, Mr. Shimada, casually stood up and went to the podium and said the following:

"Well everyone, I was actually the one who named the school Maizuru (Muhak). At first, I was going to name it Jōtō Girls' School because it was in the same neighborhood as Jōtō (Sungdong) Junior High School, but someone said it would cause trouble to have both schools named Jōtō, so I decided to name the school Maizuru instead".

Mr. Shimada, who was completely in control of the situation, delighted the students with his jokes. He then gave a 30-minute lecture on Korean women and the spread of the Japanese language in an easy-to-understand manner, before concluding at 4:00 p.m. with an exhortation to the women: "Everyone, become good mothers!". (Photo: Japanese Language Regular Meeting)

Big lecture on current events at the Yonggang-dong Neighborhood Security Center

At the Yonggang-dong Neighborhood Security Center, in order to make the people more aware of current events as people at war, a big lecture on current events will be held at 2:00 p.m. on the 10th in the center's auditorium, with many leaders of the dong federation, ward leaders, and group leaders gathered. The two topics of the day will be "Warriors of the Greater East Asian War and the Duty of the People" by Seo Chun and "Neighborly Security and Mutual Aid" by Sin Jeong-eon.


Reddit Link: Korean residents of Seoul once spoke their own unique dialect of Japanese called "Keijō-kotoba", which included phrases like doshitanne ('what's the matter?') and 조건chōdai ('give me the conditions'), and Imperial Japanese authorities tried to eradicate it in schools : korea (

(My transcription)

京城日報 1942年2月8日











Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Korean modern dancer Choi Seung-hee featured in 1944 promotional poster in Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo)


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) April 20, 1944

Choi Seung-hee

Artistic Dance Performance

World Dance

Comfort for Warriors

Promotion of the Warrior Spirit

Donations for Helping the Soldiers

Organized by: Korean Headquarters of the Women's Association of Greater Japan

Supported by: Korean Military Press Department, Information Division of the Governor-General's Office

Korean Federation of People's Power

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), Mainichi Shimbun

May 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Every evening at 7:00 p.m.

Only on the 7th: two performances (one in the afternoon, one in the evening), 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon

All reserved seats (tax free), 3 yen per seat

One admission ticket includes one war savings bond

Advance purchase: Mitsukoshi, Washin

At Fumin-kan

京城日報 1944年4月20日
















於 府民館


Reddit Link: Korean modern dancer Choi Seung-hee 최승희 (1911-1969) performed in Japan, Japan-colonized Korea and Taiwan, USA, Latin America, Europe, and for the Imperial Japanese military during WWII; after WWII, she taught dance in China, USSR, and North Korea, where she reportedly died in a concentration camp : korea (

Korean modern dancer Choi Seung-hee featured in 1936 Taiwan promotional poster


June 1, 1936

Taiwan Geijutsu Shimpo

Vol. 2, No. 6

Dance Princess of the Peninsula: Choi Seung-hee

Grand Performance in Early July

Unprecedented on the Main Island
A Great Success


Dance of the King: accompanied by gong

Sacrifice: by Bloch

Three Poems: music by Crane

  • A: Dramatic Poem
  • B: Lyric Poem
  • C: Antique Poem

Rhapsody: Beethoven piece

Korean Style Duet: Korean Folklore Piece

Tristesse: Chopin piece

Maiden's Dance: Korean Classical Music

Study No. 3: No Music Accompaniment

Dance of the Mask: Percussion Accompaniment

Youth: Pablo de Sarasate

Three Korean Melodies: Korean Music

  • A:
  • B: Folk Song Style
  • C:

The Red and the Black: Piano and gong accompaniment

Honihoro Shi: music by Nishikiyo Kadono

Dance of the Golden Fingers: music by Grier

Flow of the Heart: Tchaikovsky piece

Excerpts from reviews of Choi Seung-hee

Baku Ishii: Choi Seung-hee's body is indeed unusually fine for a Japanese in terms of its proportions. Her every move can be twice as effective as that of a normal human being. When it comes to something like "Going to the Wilderness," the word "powerful" is certainly needed. Reprinted from "Gendai".

Yasunari Kawabata: Without any hesitation, I answered that Choi Seung-hee was the best in Japan. And there was no doubt in my mind that Choi Seung-hee had what it took to make me agree. It is easier to say that Choi Seung-hee is the best in Japan than to say that anyone else is the best in Japan. First of all, she has a magnificent physique. The size of her dance. Her power. In addition, she is in the prime of her dancing years. She also has a distinctly ethnic flair. Reprinted from "Bungei"

Hiroshi Eguchi: What I feel when I see Choi Seung-hee's dance is the beauty of incompleteness. But that does not mean that it is a wild art. Although it has been polished in many ways, there is an unfinished, and therefore unique, character to it. Reprinted from "Music World"

?ta Ryu?: There are many women in the dance world, but there are not many artists who have a spirit of thought in their dance. In an age when most of the dancers are immature and flashy, it is a powerful thing to have a woman like Choi Seung-hee. Reprinted from "Homeline".

Tomoyoshi Murayama: It was a great surprise to encounter the dance of Choi Seung-hee. She has revived the old Joseon dance on the basis of her physical prowess and long years of basic training in modern dance. This is a privilege that only a great artist can achieve, or in other words, a "critical reception of heritage". We were able to feel a maternal stirring through her. Reprinted from the "pamphlet"

Performance Schedule

  • Keelung: 1 day
  • Taipei: 3 days
  • Taichung: 2 days
  • Chiayi: 1 day
  • Tainan: 2 days
  • Kaohsiung: 2 days
  • Pingtung: 1 day





  • A: ドラマティック・ポエム
  • B: リリック・ポエム
  • C: アンティク・ポエム
  • A:
  • B:民謡調
  • C:






  • 基隆 一日間
  • 台北 三日間
  • 台中 二日間
  • 嘉義 一日間
  • 台南 二日間
  • 高雄 二日間
  • 屏東 一日間

Sunday, December 26, 2021

In 1938, an Imperial Japanese ideologue took over Chungshin Girls' High School in Seoul and replaced prayers with moments of silence for the Imperial military, replaced bible readings with Imperial vows, and scrubbed foreigners from school portraits

Chungshin (정신) Girls' High School is a private school in Seoul that was founded by Dr. Horace Underwood, an American missionary who also founded Yeonhui College, the predecessor of Yonsei University. In 1938, the American principal of the school was removed and replaced with an Imperial Japanese ideologue, who proceeded to dechristianize the school, replacing morning prayers with moments of silence for the Imperial Japanese military, and replacing bible readings with Imperial Japanese vows. In 1942, he also removed the American principals and teachers from the school portraits.

The Imperial Japanese vow (皇国臣民ノ誓詞), which the high school girls were forced to recite instead of the usual bible readings, was promulgated throughout Korea on October 2, 1937. It was actually drafted by a Korean collaborator named Lee Gag-jong (李覺鐘), and then finalized by then Governor of occupied Korea, Minami Jiro. The vow is as follows. 

  • 私共は、大日本帝国の臣民であります。
  • 私共は、心を合わせて天皇陛下に忠義を尽します。
  • 私共は、忍苦鍛錬して立派な強い国民となります。
  • 我等は皇国臣民なり、忠誠以て君国に報ぜん。
  • 我等皇国臣民は互に信愛協力し、以て団結を固くせん。
  • 我等皇国臣民は忍苦鍛錬力を養い以て皇道を宣揚せん。
  • We are subjects of the Great Empire of Japan.
  • We are united in our hearts in our loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor.
  • We will persevere and train ourselves to become a fine and strong people.
  • We are subjects of the Imperial State, and we will repay the sovereign nation with loyalty.
  • We, the subjects of the Imperial State, shall love and cooperate with each other, and thus solidify our unity.
  • We, the subjects of the Imperial State, shall cultivate the power of endurance and discipline, and thereby proclaim the Imperial Way.

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 5, 1942

Changing bible readings into Imperial Japanese vows

Seoul Chungshin Girls' School to remove US influences

Principal Igaki says "Focus on education for Imperial Japanese subjects"

Seoul Chungshin Girls' School in Hyehwa-dong, which used to be an American school having a history of 54 years since being established in the peninsula, had become a tool of the vicious Anglo-American religious invasion into East Asia, feeding off of the young people of the peninsula for many years as a girls' school founded by the American missionary Underwood, the protagonist whose statue has already been removed from the garden of Yeonhui Specialized School.
This had been the concern of the school's principal, Mr. Igaki Hao, ever since he followed in the footsteps of the previous principal, M.L. Smith, in 1938. The removal of the foreign teachers in the commemorative photos of the graduates displayed in the school is now finally underway.
In order to change the heavy religious atmosphere of the school which he encountered upon taking office, Principal Igaki replaced the morning prayers with moments of silence for the Imperial Japanese Military, and changed the bible readings into vows of Imperial Japanese subjects, so that Christianity could be deprived of its place, and so that he could reboot the school and switch all educational methods into those for raising up Imperial Japanese subjects. 
For four years since then, he has been steadily building up on his accomplishments. As one of his last remaining tasks, Principal Igaki said that, given the current school culture, it would not be interesting to leave the arrogant appearance of the former principal Smith and other foreign teachers in the commemorative photos of the school's graduates, as if they were a testament to the power of the past. With the progress of the Greater East Asia War and the spectacular fall of Singapore just around the corner, he decided to remove them from the commemorative photos.
In regards to this, the school principal acknowledged that, when graduates visited the school not so long ago, the fact that their former teachers had disappeared from their dear commemorative photos did not fail to evoke a certain sense of sentimentality among them. However, he emphasized that the US and Britain were now the great enemies of East Asia, and even though the teachers were once their benefactors, they were already people to be considered their enemies. For three days, with love and compassion and tears in his eyes, he called upon all of the graduates to deeply reflect upon the fact that these former teachers were no longer mentally necessary for them. He asked them to set aside the past in its entirety and understand the true meaning of their alma mater, which is based on the education of the Imperial Japanese people, and that he hopes that they will work together to guide younger generations of students.

(Transcription into modern Japanese orthography)

京城日報 1942年2月5日





Friday, December 24, 2021

1943 Imperial Japanese editorial declares liberalism collapsed and liberal civilization as incapable of maintaining peace and order, and attacks the "analytical spirit of modernity", "extreme analysis", "abuse of the intellect", and "divisive individualism" while praising fascism and Nazism for building holistic, organic communal societies


The True Meaning of National Identity and the Righteous Peninsula (5)

By Kamata Sawaichiro

The Rise of Internal Cohesionism

Replacing Analytical Spiritualism

The West has brought about an unprecedented revolution in the realm of natural science and technology in human society, shortened distances in space and time throughout the world, and given the world the consciousness that the earth is a unified organism. In this respect, we praise the great achievements of modern Western civilization. The ideas of liberalism and individualism that formed the basis of modern Western civilization dominated society throughout the 19th century and created a history of spectacular progress.

It was the most glorious, most revered, and most progressive era in the history of human civilization to date.

On the other hand, it also contained great invisible weaknesses and shortcomings. In other words, modern civilization has neglected the deep spiritual problems of human existence. It has ignored the fact that there is a kingdom of the spirit outside the realm of natural matter. People thought they were free when they were freed from the laws of God and all the restrictive order of society. This is where the idea of modern freedom, the ferment of individualism, arose.

Thus, liberalism, which emerged as a reaction to medieval civilization, broke through the darkness of that time and made us discover "human beings" in the modern sense, which was thought to be the eternal truth of humanity. When individualism and materialism were taken to the extreme, the point of self-intoxication was reached, and what we now see before us is a state of anarchy in the sphere of life.

The result of subjectivism, rationalism, and positivism is skepticism, materialism, and competition for survival; the result of the Reformation is the loss of tradition and authority, and the anarchy of faith to which the spirit has no return; the result of contract theory and utilitarianism is the tendency toward anarchy in politics; and the result of the economic principle of laissez-faire is economic anarchy, which is the root of modern social unrest.

In short, it then became clear that liberal civilization was incapable of maintaining peace and order in the community of mankind. The mutual interpersonal relationships of trust, and the internal and international relations between ethnic groups had begun to show phenomena full of contradictions as though they were losing their foundations. Then the First Great European War broke out. The general tendency of division, confrontation, struggle, and lack of control was further promoted, and pessimistic criticism of the nature of Western civilization itself became widespread. Oswald Spengler's "The Decline of the West" became a worldwide topic of conversation, as the pessimistic criticism grew by leaps and bounds and was further validated in the Second World War.

At this point, the world turned around and became convinced that there was a spiritual kingdom outside the realm of nature, and that it was time to rise above the extreme analysis, utilitarianism, and vulgarization that were caused by the abuse of the intellect.

There were efforts to rebuild the world by excluding the analytical spirit of modernity, which sees the tree and not the forest; by confirming that there is a rich, holistic, and concrete emotional state, including feelings and motivations, outside of the intellect; and by seeing the whole as an internal cohesion of people.

The rise of fascism in Italy is the first manifestation of this. Fascism was not a reorganization of capitalism as Marx theorists claimed, nor was it merely a conservative reaction to the Russian Revolution. The Italian word "fascio" means "union". In other words, it is a matter of tensing up and bringing under control those things that have been relaxed and divided up to now.

Therefore, fascism, or unificationism, firstly overcomes capitalism, which is based on divisive individualism, and also overcomes communism, which divides society into only two classes (bourgeois and proletarian) and establishes the dictatorship of the proletariat only through class struggle. Fascism builds a communal society which is holistically organic in a novel way. The principle of fascism is clearly a totalitarian philosophical idea.

Mussolini said, "Fascism is not something to be exported. It is a typical Italian phenomenon, but some of its theories are universal, because many countries are suffering from the corruption of their liberal and democratic institutions."

As he said, the fascist movement was unique to Italy, and it emerged in the unique environment of Italy after the European War. Therefore, fascism was not born as an internationally unified theory. However, similar social trends and movements emerged, one after the other, in many countries around the world, thereby opening opportunities.

Although each of these movements and theories is unique in appearance, they are essentially driven by a common tendency, which is why the movements and theories cannot be limited to Italy.

Next came the rise of the Nazis. In 1919, the German National Socialist Workers' Party made its first appearance in Munich and continued to make rapid progress unparalleled in the history of the world, which is continuing to the present-day. However, almost all the scholars, thinkers and critics in Japan adopted the liberal worldview and looked at this movement with a blank eye, and have even described it as a "violent movement with no ideological content".

However, if we look at the spiritual basis of the Nazi movement today, we can see that it emphasizes the ethnic group over the individual, regards the life of the ethnic group as absolute, and establishes a new worldview of ethnic totalitarianism in contrast to the conventional individualistic worldview.

There are many causes for the rise of the Nazis. One of the most important causes was the social situation after the European War. Through the ordeal of the post-war period, people realized that the power of the instinctive feelings of the members of the ethnic society to unite into a common society was far stronger than the international unity of workers as claimed by the socialists.

In addition, the world economy after the war encountered an unprecedented depression, and each country took various emergency measures both domestically and internationally, but these measures had almost no effect. Thus, each country adopted a policy of national control over capitalism for the welfare of the whole nation domestically, and a policy of national empowerment abroad. This tendency could be seen in all countries, but it is not surprising that it was stronger in countries with great national difficulties, such as Germany and Italy.

In Germany, the chaos was particularly severe due to the exhaustion caused by the ravages of war, the payment of reparations, the flood of unemployed people, the corruption of political parties, and the conversion of the military into political parties. The Marxist system of social democracy did not contribute anything other than to guide the German people towards the abyss. The only thing left for Germany to do under those circumstances was to stand up for a profit-driven society, to stop socialism, to form an ethnic-national communal society, to arouse national sentiment, and to begin marching its troops towards a grand reconstruction, starting from the brink of the abyss.

However, we must not overlook the fact that in both Italy and Germany, the collapse of liberalism was the cultural historical cause that formed a major background to these political and social phenomena.

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), February 26, 1943


Reddit Link: 1943 Imperial Japanese editorial declares liberalism as incapable of maintaining peace and order, and attacks the "analytical spirit of modernity", "extreme analysis", "abuse of the intellect", and "divisive individualism" while praising Fascism and Nazism for building holistic communal societies : badphilosophy (

(Transcription into modern Japanese orthography)

京城日報 1943年2月26日
























Sunday, December 19, 2021

Korean high school student uses anonymous tip box to rat out fellow student who spoke Korean at school (Dongduk Girls' High School in Seoul, June 1942)


Notes: In 1942, students at Dongduk Girls' High School in Seoul were using an anonymous tip box to rat out fellow students who were speaking Korean in school. According to this Japanese language academic paper, as of May 1943, there were 711 Korean students and 25 teachers at Dongduk Girls' High School. Of the 25 teachers, 21 were ethnic Korean (11 men, 10 women), and 4 were ethnic Japanese (2 men, 2 women). (see

(My translation)

Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), June 3, 1942, page 4

A "treasure box" to encourage the use of the Japanese language / Dongduk High School girls implement a strange idea

Those whose name tags are placed in this box will be disgraced as unworthy of being subjects of the Imperial State. ・・・・ The "Hogoku Box" at Dongduk Girls' High School in Changsin-dong, which has been in operation since the start of the Greater East Asian War, has been steadily showing its effectiveness as a treasure box of reflection for throwing in the names of students who have mistakenly used the Korean language. On the first day of opening the box, no first, second, or third-year students, and only two fourth-year students were found to have mistakenly used the Korean language, which was a good result. The school's principal, Hayashikawa Toshoku, who conceived the idea, said the following: (Photo: Hogoku Box)

"I thought it would be better to cultivate students' awareness of the importance of using the Japanese language rather than forcing them to do so, so I encouraged each class to make a "Hogoku Box" under the supervision of the teacher at the regular morning meeting. In this box, the name of the student who mistakenly used Korean was thrown in, and the box was to be opened every Monday, with the students supervising each other. This method will gradually be extended to outside the school and even to the students' homes. Since students are not supposed to respond to anyone who speaks to them in Korean outside of the school, we would like to ask for the cooperation of the general public."


Reddit Link: Korean high school student uses anonymous tip box to rat out fellow student who spoke Korean at school (Dongduk Girls' High School in Seoul, June 1942) : korea (

(Transcription into modern Japanese orthography)





Friday, December 17, 2021

This 1942 stuttering correction seminar for Korean children involves Japanese vowel practice, abdominal training, and "infusing the Japanese spirit deep into the children's hearts"


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 5, 1942

Go out to the Co-Prosperity Sphere as a Human Resource

Resurrecting Correct Pronunciation

Thirty Stuttering Children Burning with Hope

The battle for the East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere is also a "battle of words". Understanding that even the best of bodies and brains are plagued by stuttering, Mr. Hiroshi Kasama, the president of the Shimonoseki Stuttering Academy, has been holding the "3rd Stuttering Correction Seminar" at the auditorium of Seoul Namsan National School since July 22 with the support of the Korean Education Association. 

"Everyone, it's necessary to practice saying the vowels a-i-u-e-o out loud, but the most important thing is to train your abdomen." He has been teaching stuttering correction for decades, and this precious experience has infused the Japanese spirit deep into the children's hearts. The thirty children mastered "correct pronunciation" with bright eyes. On the fourth, last day of the class, the youngest student on the stage, Im Bujeom, a second-year student at Gangnam National School, finished speaking fluently and was applauded by everyone. He was filled with a sense of joy and embarrassment as he left the stage.

At 1:00 p.m., the closing ceremony was held in the presence of Mr. Bando, Superintendent of the Governor's Office, Mr. Miyano, Director of the School Affairs Division of Seoul, and 100 parents and guardians. There was a progress report, presentation of the members' accomplishments, instructions by Mr. Kasama the lecturer, a congratulatory address by the guest of honor, a reply by Mr. Itano the general representative of the members, self-introductions by the members, talks and dialogues with the elementary school students, and talks and textual discussions with the middle school students. The meeting was closed at 3:00 p.m. after a lively question and answer session with the parents and guardians, including one mother who was moved to tears at the sight of her child's progress saying, "Oh my, that's my child!" Photo: Stuttering Workshop


Reddit Link: This 1942 stuttering correction seminar for Korean children involves Japanese vowel practice, abdominal training, and "infusing the Japanese spirit deep into the children's hearts" : KoreanHistory (

京城日報 昭和十七年八月五日





Thursday, December 16, 2021

In Japan-occupied Korea, Koreans often spoke Japanese using phrases and grammar from regional Japanese dialects that they picked up from colonial settlers - mandatory language classes made them unlearn these "vulgar colloquialisms" and speak standard Japanese


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), June 27, 1942

Shunning the adding of "shi" at the ends of sentences

The Eighth Regular Japanese Language Meeting of Maizuru Girls' High School

Showing off their bowl haircuts, the girls at Maizuru Girls' High School have been holding a regular meeting in public on the Japanese language since November last year in order to find an ethical solution to the suppression of their bad dialectal speech patterns. These suppression efforts have been showing effectiveness with the passing of each meeting and have suddenly become the focus of attention by the educational world in recent days. At the eighth regular meeting of the Japanese language held at 1:00 p.m. on the 25th, more than 80 people, including principals and staff members from public and private girls' schools in Seoul, as well as from Suwon, Kaesong, and Incheon public and private girls' schools, visited the meeting and listened carefully to the proceedings. The meeting was selected as a valuable research resource for the determination of the best future policy for teaching the Japanese language in the Korean peninsula.

As usual, the regular meeting was presided over by one of the school's top students, and with five student stenographers in attendance, the following 450 students gathered in the auditorium to report on the bad words that they had picked up from each other over the past month and to correct them, with the emphasis on "let's correctly use the Japanese language". In particular, they were deeply concerned about vulgar colloquialisms that originated from dialects, and sought to shed light on the belief that the imperialization of the peninsula could only be achieved by starting with a correct Japanese language, which would hasten the foundation of reconciliation between Korea and Japan. Completely attacked were dialectal phrases from certain regions of Japan proper, including the addition of "shi" at the ends of sentences such as "sugoi-shi" (It's great) and "namaikida-shi" (He/she is insolent).

Even the teachers were impressed by the girls' valiant efforts in the Japanese language, which they had never seen before. Once the meeting ended at 4:00 pm, the guests once again shared their excitement about the regular meeting, and leaving with a lasting impression, the attendees dispersed at 5:00 pm. Photo: Japanese Language Roundtable Discussion


Reddit Link: In Japan-occupied Korea, Koreans often spoke Japanese using phrases and grammar from regional Japanese dialects that they picked up from colonial settlers - mandatory language classes made them unlearn these "vulgar colloquialisms" and speak standard Japanese : korea (


京城日報 昭和十七年六月二十七日




Tuesday, December 14, 2021

February 1943, Seoul high school girls perform group calisthenics to prepare to become mothers of strong Imperial Japanese soldiers


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) February 6, 1943

Behold our training!

Gallantly doing group calisthenics

Seoul No. 1 High School girls aiming to be mothers of healthy soldiers

As the clock struck eleven in the morning, the loudspeaker above the entrance to the school building played a heroic marching song that echoed loudly throughout the school grounds. All the girls, dressed in their dignified Monpe work pants, gathered in the schoolyard at once.

It only took three minutes, but the strict training of Seoul No. 1 Girls' High School began with the electrifying assembly. The girls' calisthenics exercises were carried out with the blood of the maidens boiling and overflowing in the line of fire. 

The girls' calisthenics exercises, which create a strong power and a robust spirit for striving to become mothers of healthy soldiers, become a ball of fire and cultivate a solid unity that overcomes any difficulties and pushes forward.

Stretch your arms out as far as you can. Stomp your feet. Once you say it's boring, you're out. But with a single command, they can move their own bodies freely. The limbs of one thousand one hundred maidens move in unison. The unrestrained extension of their bodies is controlled by a single will. It may be painful. But when you think that the people in front of you and behind you are doing the same thing, you feel a different kind of power surging through you.

The self that blends into the group. The group! The group! The self moves the group by fully fulfilling its own responsibilities. When you feel this, the joy that rises up in you arouses a new power. This power will not die even when you are alone. It is quick, unyielding, and bold. This is how the bodies and minds of the girls are forged through strong exercises worthy of "mothers of healthy soldiers".

A mere twenty minutes of group calisthenics have such power. If these were just exercises to merely shake their arms and legs, they would not be training or health exercises. In this school, girls' school calisthenics have been carried out for eight years without a day off, even on days of severe cold and heat, and have borne fruit in terms of training. (Photo: Group calisthenics)

Remarks by the leader, School Principal Kajiwara

"Training should not be conducted like fireworks. The effects of the training can only be achieved through constant and unbending practice. In addition to calisthenics, I am going to have the students do dry towel rubdown therapy or cold water friction therapy at home every morning when they wake up. This is also a form of training."


Reddit Link: February 1943, Seoul high school girls perform group calisthenics to prepare to become mothers of strong Imperial Japanese soldiers : KoreanHistory (


京城日報 昭和十八年二月六日










指導者の弁 梶原校長談


Monday, December 13, 2021

In Japan-occupied Korea, Koreans often mixed their spoken Japanese with Korean words like 아이고 ('gosh') and 나쁜 ('bad') and English words like 'slogan' and 'service' - in 1942, one Seoul police station cracked down on this by fining employees every time they uttered a Korean or English word


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), July 8, 1942

Saying "Aigo" also results in punishment

Seodaemun Police Officer Suggests a New Idea for Regular Use of Japanese Language

At the Seodaemun Police Station, Chief Yoshioka had been encouraging his staff to use the Japanese language in public and private life. On June 26, Detective Sergeant Hirayama came up with an ingenious idea and put it into practice as a model for others to follow, achieving very good results ahead of the other police stations in Seoul.

In short, it was decided that if anyone unintentionally used Korean or English while working in the station, even if it was just a word, they would be charged 10 sen each time.

Korean and Japanese employees used to exchange unpleasant words such as "aigo" and "nappeun" in Korean and "service" and "slogan" in English. But since then, these impure words have been cleanly eradicated as a result. The accumulated fines will be used as donations for the National Defense Fund.


Reddit Link: In Japan-occupied Korea, Koreans often mixed their spoken Japanese with Korean words like 아이고 ('gosh') and 나쁜 ('bad') and English words like 'slogan' and 'service' - in 1942, one Seoul police station cracked down on this by fining employees every time they uttered a Korean or English word : korea (

京城日報 昭和十七年七月八日






Sunday, December 12, 2021

1943 Imperial Japanese editorial decries liberalism, individualistic humanism, rationalism, international universalism, and Marxist materialism of the West for corrupting Japan, and calls for a "high-minded Japanese worldview" and reliance on "irrational and mysterious powers" of the Japanese spirit


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo), February 24, 1943

The True Meaning of National Identity and the Righteous Peninsula (3)

By Kamata Sawaichiro

Now is the Time to Deny the Past
Toward the Establishment of a High-minded Japanese Worldview

Looking back at the past, since the opening of Japan to the outside world in the Meiji era, Japan has gradually developed the characteristics of early modern liberalism, following the mainstream of thought since the commercial revolution in Western Europe. However, the liberalism of the early modern period in the West was the mechanization of human life, the promise of unlimited material development, and the construction of a luxurious capitalist civilization on top of that.

Thus, the enlightened individualistic humanism that originated in the Renaissance, flourished in the Reformation, and bore fruit in the independence of the United States, the political reforms in France, and the social revolution in Russia, was the natural destination of the modern spirit that denied God. Static, stagnant societies were replaced by noisy, dynamic, progressive societies. Communal societies were replaced by profit-driven societies. Natural societies were replaced by societies of rights and contracts. Societies of faith were replaced by societies of science. The Kingdom of God was buried, and the Kingdom of Knowledge was established.

People have forgotten the demands of the higher soul or divine value, and have come to place the greatest value only on material value and its increase by various technical means. This has become even more blatant in the Marxist view of materialist history, which was developed due to the impasse of liberalism. Japan in particular, which had lagged behind in the development of capitalist civilization in the early modern period due to the isolationist policy of Tokugawa feudal society, was tasked with the challenge of catching up with the standards of Europe and America in every aspect. It had to concentrate on westernizing the lives of its subjects, even to the point of enduring the humiliations of the Meiji Rokumeikan Era.

During the Meiji era, our predecessors fought with their blood to boldly deny the past. They felt attracted to the rationalism and international universalism of early modern Europe, based on Bacon's assertion that "knowledge is power," and strove for the globalization of Japan. We must not deny that fact.

It was only because of this that Japan was able to liberate itself from its insular lifestyle and emerge as one of the leading peoples in world history, and even if there were some excesses in this process, it was an unavoidable part of the inevitable process of history. We cannot deny the fact that our forefathers, despite their excesses, received the baptism of European culture in a pure and humble manner, and that is the reason why Japan today has become an independent leading nation, different from China and India, with a global mission. The history of the Meiji era was not simply a history of errors to be cleared up.

However, this does not lead us to conclude that the period from the end of the Taisho era to the Showa era was the beginning of a new era of construction and improvement that had its impetus in the Meiji era. No matter how generously we look at it, we cannot deny that contradictory aspects of excess and stagnation appeared, accompanied by the corruption of the nation.

The goal of the education of the intellectual class was focused on "how to get away from being Japanese," and it was thought that to be nationalist or ethnic was reactionary and even a disgrace to the cultured person. For a long time, the selection of intellectuals was based on "how Western" their thoughts and lives were.

In such an atmosphere, it was foolish to grasp the spirit of the founding of the Japanese nation. Even the thought of the purity of the Japanese nation's history was destroyed, and all things related to the Japanese spirit were driven into oblivion. At the podiums of the highest academic institutions, the "Emperor's Organization Theory" was lectured on without any hesitation, to the point where no awe or wonder could be felt. Cynical and shallow imitations of American and British culture abounded, and corrupt journalism further incited and fostered such imitations, to the point of knowing no end.

In the midst of this situation arose the Manchurian Incident, followed by the Second Sino-Japanese War, which stimulated, awakened, and elevated the national instincts of the Japanese people. This, together with the global trend of totalitarian ideology, sparked a serious study of Japanese culture and the Japanese spirit, and finally opened the door for the penetration of the true meaning of national identity.

For the Japanese world of ideas, which had been under the weight of European foreign ideas for a long time, the tide of Japan-centrism that broke out with the calls to "return to the spirit of the founding of the Japanese nation" and "reaffirm the Japanese homeland" was a truly spiritual and historical dawn that shone through the dark night for those who sought its growth. After many years of pilgrimages to foreign ideas, we have finally returned to Japan, the homeland of our souls, and the Greater East Asian War broke out on the eve of the explosion of our unavoidable national desire to seek the majesty and grandeur of the Japanese spirit itself.

Our country, with its long historical tradition since the time of the gods, may have been completely westernized on the outside, but its inner essence had not been lost. It resembles an iceberg floating in the northern oceans.

The iceberg may appear in a very small form, but it has infinite latent power. Once an iceberg collides with something, the latent force that has been submerged under the surface of the water suddenly becomes manifest and exerts an irrational and mysterious power. This is exactly how the Manchurian Incident occurred. In addition to the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Greater East Asia War, the power of the great iceberg has continued to be exerted more and more.

However, just as aviation heroes need excellent airplanes, in order to win this great battle, it is not permissible to rely only on irrational and mysterious powers. The time has come for us to establish a high-minded Japanese worldview that is unbeatable and indestructible, to cultivate the fundamentals of the true meaning of national identity, to give courage to the will, joy to the emotions, and insight to the intellect, and to make it the final unifying principle of all our activities.


Reddit Link: 1943 Imperial Japanese editorial decries liberalism, individualistic humanism, rationalism, international universalism, and Marxist materialism of the West for corrupting Japan, and calls for a "high-minded Japanese worldview" and reliance on "irrational and mysterious powers" of the Japanese spirit : badphilosophy (


京城日報 昭和十八年二月二十四日

















Saturday, December 11, 2021

In 1942 Busan, Korean pastors and foreign residents (Russian Tatar family, English woman, Chinese consul) praise Imperial Japan as British POWs captured in Malaysia start arriving in the city


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) September 24, 1942

People on the ground asked about the captured prisoners of war landing on the peninsula

By Oyama (Korean surname: 'In') and Suyama, correspondents at Busan

Prisoners of war are coming, prisoners of war are coming! Prisoners of war who were captured in Malaysia have come to Korea in big ships. The British soldiers were once seen together in the midst of war, but on the 24th, [redacted] prisoners of war are to land in Busan, vividly showing the war achievements of the Imperial Military. Hearing the announcement of the Korean army, the 24 million people on the peninsula were filled with gratitude and excitement that they had been born in the Imperial Kingdom on this day and at this time. We would like to ask each of the 280,000 residents of Busan Prefecture, who are now looking at the crumbling remains of the British Empire with their own eyes, striving to complete the Greater East Asia War and learn wisdom from the follies of others, to give thanks for the announcement made today.

"Don't be arrogant after victory"

Shin'ichi Yamashita, Prefectural Governor of Busan

We have to win the war. The British prisoners of war who were defeated in the war also took up their swords for the sake of their country, but in the end they spared their own lives and exposed their own shame. The final decision and attitude of a person, not just a warrior, is important. I felt deeply that the saying in Hagakure's Analects, "A warrior must find it in himself to die," was true in all cases. It is only natural that they should be punished for their selfishness and injustice in East Asia before the war. No matter what kind of nation you are, you should never get carried away. Winning and not being arrogant about it is the essence of the Japanese spirit. Japan, as a victorious nation, must not make the same mistake that Britain, the home country of these prisoners of war, made. Photo: Yamashita, Prefectural Governor of Busan

The Joy of Living in Japan

A pro-Japanese White Russian family

By correspondent Takahashi

Mr. Baigudin Gusman (45), who has lived in Japan for 21 years and now runs a clothing business in Okura-machi 3-chome, Busan, has a very pro-Japanese family. He is a Turkish Tatar with the same red blood of the Orient running through his veins as ours. Mr. Gusman praised the greatness of Japan as follows.

"I think it is a natural judgment of God that the U.S. and Britain, which did not realize Japan's fundamental strength and underestimated its economic power, were defeated without a moment's hesitation and came ashore as pitiful prisoners of war. We are observing the one month Muslim fast since the eleventh day of this month in order to express our gratitude for the happiness of living peacefully and without inconvenience as residents under the grateful patronage of Japan. During this period, we will pray to God for the completion of the Greater East Asia War. On the day the fast ends, we will donate the living expenses we have saved during this period to the National Defense Fund and offer a small token of our gratitude". Photo: Mr. Gusman and his family

Mr. Bunkichi Sakata, a member of the Gyeongnam Provincial Council

The destruction of the Anglo-Saxon race is a self-inflicted wound. In contrast to their misjudgment of Japan's capabilities before the war, our country is well aware of the other side and is steadily making giant strides in building a new world order. We the gun-toting people must strengthen our determination to work together and be ready for tomorrow.

Comments by Reverend Minister Elder Yang 

"In all my dealings with the British and the Americans over the past few decades, they have never expressed their own faults or regretted them. I think it is because of their greed and contempt for East Asians. That is why they pretend to be sheep on the surface, but when you look deeper, you see that they are always two sides of the same coin. Although they are people who believe in Jehovah God, they have been using the natural resources and man-made treasures given to them by God for the purpose of exploiting East Asia, hiding behind the name of religion. In the Bible, it is said that 'God opposes the proud'. The fact that they were defeated by the righteous advance of the Imperial Army and are now prisoners of war who have arrived in Korea, I believe that God has taken away their blessings".

Heaven's Punishment

Comments by Elder Seo

"It is a great joy to be able to use the British and American prisoners of war from the Greater East Asia War for the construction of East Asia in Korea. Of course, they should be defeated if they extend the evil hand of aggression in the name of religion. That is the punishment that Heaven has sent down. I can remember when I was in church and they were preaching the way of God with their mouths, but their attitude was always one of contempt. I have no doubt that we, the people of East Asia, should strive for the construction of Greater East Asia with a Japanized Christianity". (Photo: Elder Seo)

Now I know the sins of my ancestral country

Englishwoman Maria's Story of Repentance

By correspondents Suyama and Aoki

Maria Yarmouth Debritt (21), also known as Keiko Suzuki, whose parents are both British, has been living in Japan for over 20 years and is now making her own living running a coffee shop in Busan, in order to live strongly in accordance with her strange fate. When it was announced that the prisoners of war would arrive in Korea on the 24th, she told her defeated ancestral country about her joy of living in Japan.

"I was born in Kobe and grew up in Japan, and I imagined my ancestral country as though it was an illusion to me. But now, with this reality in front of my own eyes, I know East Asia more clearly, and I have come to know Japan as a country with a strong sense of justice. The sins of my ancestral country over the past several hundred years have been thrown off the face of the earth, along with their mask hiding their aggression in East Asia. I am determined to live my whole life in Japan, offering my gratitude for this great unfolding history, in which a brighter world will be built together with Japan". (Photo: Keiko speaking)

Very moved to contribute to this country

Consul Zhou of the Republic of China

"By welcoming the British prisoners of war, we can clearly understand how bravely our friends of the Japanese military fought for the construction of Greater East Asia. Witnessing the capture of the British prisoners of war has become a splendid teaching tool for those who have little awareness of war, teaching them that 'the war is something that should be won'. All the peoples of East Asia must cooperate with each other as much as the heroes on the front lines, and push forward to complete the objectives of the war with all the strength of our alliance. I am pleased to have the honor of expressing my feelings today in the same spirit as the Japanese people, who are my friends". (Photo: Mr. Zhou Jiren)

Industrialization of Logistics in the South Pacific

The peninsula is the best place

Remarks by Mr. Hoshihiyoshi Konishi on his visit to Seoul

Naval Captain Hoshihiyoshi Konishi (51), a former researcher at the Planning Institute and managing director of the South Pacific Economic Research Institute, a foundation famous for its research on the South Pacific, came to Seoul on the 21st as a member of the Colonial Management Committee.

He visited Governor Koiso, and held various discussions on the issue of corporatization of South Pacific resources on the peninsula. On the 23rd, he visited his nephew Ukita at his lodgings in 46 Kitayonekura-cho, and we asked him about his visit to Korea. (Photo: Mr. Konishi speaking)

"I have a deep connection with Korea. Around the time of the Sino-Japanese War in 1894, my father came to Korea to advocate for the spread of the Imperial Way, and his relatives have lived here since then. That's why this place is very nostalgic for me. I had visited here when I was in the naval academy and last June, but this time I wanted to do a field survey on the economic partnership between the peninsula and the South Pacific.

First of all, I think that the goods that Korea needs from the South Pacific are wood, rubber and iron. In particular, Korea has made great progress in the rubber industry, which is ideal. We should bring both wood and iron and industrialize them on a large scale. Also, I think it is urgent to send more and more settlers from Korea to the South Pacific, especially to Mindanao and New Guinea".

Reporting about the situation on the ground

Association President Hada

To the Imperial Cooperation Conference

How is the total power movement in Japan proper becoming more active? How should the general movement in Korea make great strides in the future? With such aspirations for the management of the Association in mind, Lieutenant General Hada left Seoul at 14:40 on the 23rd on the Akatsuki train accompanied by Mr. Akita, Chief of the General Affairs Division, to attend the Central Cooperation Conference of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association and the Third Liaison Conference for the Imperial Supporters' Movement for Japan and the Colonies to be held in Tokyo from the 26th to the 29th as a representative of Korea. Before his departure, the President said that he would bring back many gifts and that he had the following aspirations for his trip.

"The Central Cooperation Conference, which includes the principals of national schools and even the principals of girls' schools, is truly a general meeting of the people. For this reason, Japan proper is a step ahead of Korea in terms of the total power movement reporting the situation on the ground to the higher-ups, and there is much to be heard.

Fortunately, I will be there as a representative of Korea, but I would like to listen to this conference from a Korea-centered standpoint, asking myself 'How should I apply this?' I am sure I will bring back many gifts. Representatives from Taiwan, the South Seas, Sakhalin Island, Kwantung Leased Territory, and other areas will gather at the liaison conference on October 1, and three representatives from Korea are scheduled to attend. The liaison conference has not yet reached the point where the various regions can come up with a comprehensive agenda and make it a movement at once".

The president is scheduled to return to his post on October 5.

All the above photos have been censored and the articles have been approved by the Korean Army.


Reddit Link: In 1942 Busan, Korean pastors and foreign residents (Russian Tatar family, English woman, Chinese consul) praise Imperial Japan as British POWs captured in Malaysia start arriving in the city : korea (


京城日報 昭和十七年九月二十四日





釜山府尹 山下真一







慶南道会議員 坂田文吉氏談


長老 粱聖奉氏談



























Forgotten Korean Suicide Attacker ‘Hero’ celebrated by Imperial Japan: Park Gwan-bin (박관빈, 朴官彬) charged into an Allied machine-gun nest clutching an anti-tank explosive during the Burma Campaign in Dec. 1944

In the annals of forgotten history, few figures exemplify the complex and tragic reality of Korean soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army qu...