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Friday, December 17, 2021

This 1942 stuttering correction seminar for Korean children involves Japanese vowel practice, abdominal training, and "infusing the Japanese spirit deep into the children's hearts"


Gyeongseong Ilbo (Keijo Nippo) August 5, 1942

Go out to the Co-Prosperity Sphere as a Human Resource

Resurrecting Correct Pronunciation

Thirty Stuttering Children Burning with Hope

The battle for the East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere is also a "battle of words". Understanding that even the best of bodies and brains are plagued by stuttering, Mr. Hiroshi Kasama, the president of the Shimonoseki Stuttering Academy, has been holding the "3rd Stuttering Correction Seminar" at the auditorium of Seoul Namsan National School since July 22 with the support of the Korean Education Association. 

"Everyone, it's necessary to practice saying the vowels a-i-u-e-o out loud, but the most important thing is to train your abdomen." He has been teaching stuttering correction for decades, and this precious experience has infused the Japanese spirit deep into the children's hearts. The thirty children mastered "correct pronunciation" with bright eyes. On the fourth, last day of the class, the youngest student on the stage, Im Bujeom, a second-year student at Gangnam National School, finished speaking fluently and was applauded by everyone. He was filled with a sense of joy and embarrassment as he left the stage.

At 1:00 p.m., the closing ceremony was held in the presence of Mr. Bando, Superintendent of the Governor's Office, Mr. Miyano, Director of the School Affairs Division of Seoul, and 100 parents and guardians. There was a progress report, presentation of the members' accomplishments, instructions by Mr. Kasama the lecturer, a congratulatory address by the guest of honor, a reply by Mr. Itano the general representative of the members, self-introductions by the members, talks and dialogues with the elementary school students, and talks and textual discussions with the middle school students. The meeting was closed at 3:00 p.m. after a lively question and answer session with the parents and guardians, including one mother who was moved to tears at the sight of her child's progress saying, "Oh my, that's my child!" Photo: Stuttering Workshop


Reddit Link: This 1942 stuttering correction seminar for Korean children involves Japanese vowel practice, abdominal training, and "infusing the Japanese spirit deep into the children's hearts" : KoreanHistory (

京城日報 昭和十七年八月五日





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